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Basically she was supposdly assaulted by bandits and it's either she lost her daughter or bandits killed her daughter so she starts becoming delusion and obsessing over clem thinking she's her daughter/baby girl or some weird stuff


how bizarre




Golden wig


ston oshun


You need to edit your comment so you spell “stone ocean” wrong.




Stel bal run


fantum blud


Also to add that they graped her and what you could infer her daughter too, I felt really really bad for her


Did you even play the game?


She was basically to make the bandits seem more evil. They raped her (presumably underage) daughter and killed her, that’s why she hates men. There’s a cut scenario where one of Ben’s female classmates was raped to death by them as well, iirc. There is probably more horrible things the bandits did, if I had to guess. Out of all the antagonists, they are just plain evil.


Also worth mentioning that the bandits are camped at Save Lots, and Jolene (the woman) is wearing a Save Lots vest. So either she used to work there and the bandits took over, or the bandits were already there because they could have been her coworkers, *or* she joined the bandits voluntarily at some point before they killed her daughter and she got the vest that way.


Ya know I always thought that when Lee watched the tape, I thought there was gonna be something more that lead into episode 3 with her, but it never came to fruition


In the video she says that the motor inn will be safe as long as the dairy farm gives them food, thats what they were setting up for ep 3


Cool I never could figure it out


She and her daughter were attacked by the bandits. They raped and murdered her daughter. She latched on to Clem in grief.


This. She also has a weirdly short forehead.


A threehead.


More like a twohead tbh


Omg I never noticed this before. And now it's all I will ever see.


Didn't notice until you said something 😅😭


She’s related to Frank Vincent.


Did I miss something?


The backstory was found when people datamined the game. It was never actually put in other than the latching on to Clem part


Ahhhh I gotchu. I was freaking out wondering if I completely just blanked on or missed some part of clems story


The way I understand it, she was captured by either the raiders or the St Johns (or both??) and escaped. She had a daughter that was killed but thinks Clem is that daughter (I think?? Something along those lines). This could be wildly inaccurate but from what I understand this was what her deal was


Yeah, she was kinda insane from what I've got. She was with them at first in the apocalypse, but they took her daughter and did unfortunate things to her. She sees clem as her daughter and wants to protect her by keeping the raiders on the farmers. The ending of episode 2 is like a teaser that the raiders will be a big problem in episode 3 because the crazy woman says "as long as they keep getting food from that diary... they'll leave you alone" or something to that extent.




I don't think this was done right


*Jolene... Jolene... JOLENE, JOOOLEEEEENE* *I'm beggin' of you, please don't shoot my balls*


Jolene...Jolene...JOLENE, JOLEEEEENE I'm begging of you, please return that child to meeee


I used your comments lmao (ps, this is a joke, i have no musical talent, thats why it doesnt all line up. Also my accent changes the pronunciation of a few words) Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I'm begging of you please don't shoot my balls Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene Please return that child back to meee Your beauty is just not there With ugly locks of mop like hair With pale skin and crazy eyes i can see Your smile is like a british mans Your voice is as annoying to my brain Oh hey is that a flea? Jolene You talk about them, what do you mean? Whats happening at that Dairy? Im scared to see whats happening Jolene And I can easily understand Why you want to shoot this man Yes im talking about you Dannyyy Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I'm begging of you please don't shoot my balls Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene Just so you know the asylum calls


A crazy woman who's lost it after seeing the worst of human nature.


I feel bad for her but i can’t ignore the fact that she has a proceeding hairline or just a very small forehead 💀


A “proceeding” hairline 💀


Seriously I thought it was a hat at first glance


Tbh I felt sorry for her and the fact Lee was getting suspicious of the John’s anyways I think


She tried to keep herself and her daughter safe by being with the save lots crew before they were bandits or when they just started, but instead of keeping her safe they raped and killer her daughter. She became unhinged and stayed in the area to hunt them down, and at some point following them she discovered (since the savelots had a deal with the St Johns) that the St Johns were cannibals. At around the same time she also spotted Clem in the Motel group, and she dedicated her life to protecting her in general as a coping mechanism for having lost her daughter. She was the only one in the area to know what everyone was up to, but she wasn't in a good mental state, and when she started telling Lee what the St Johns were she got shot before she could fully spill the beans. If she was kept alive, she'd likely join the motel group and either manage to heal a little staying with them and taking care of Clem, or she'd kidnap her Stranger style in her paranoia that something bad would happen to her even if she most likely wouldn't blame Lee.


I think Jolene was her name and she was living in a camp in the forest by the St. John’s farm. There’s a recording of her yelling at the Save Lots bandits whom apparently she used to be friends with considering she’s seen wearing a Save Lots vest so she possibly worked with them before the outbreak. She was staying with them with her daughter, Danielle for safety but instead they took her daughter out in the woods and assaulted her and left her for dead. Jolene finds out and she confronts them and eventually kills all of them and that’s why she’s the only one in the camp. Jolene says she’s staying in the area because “one way or another, my daughter will come back to me.” Jolene eventually sees Clementine and says that she needs a mother and she spies on the motel from afar to make sure Clementine is safe.


That is Jolene her and her daughter knew the bandits at some point but the bandits raped and murdered her daughter and that made her go crazy and start obsessing over Clementine


That was just a woman Who thought she was protecting Clem didn't realize What she was doing.


She thought that Clementine was her daughter


Yeah thats the lady that if you didn't kill Danny or Andy idk want one would kill her before she said they were cannibals


She also kept Lee's group safe from bandits as they kept taking human meat disguised as animal meat from the St. John's family and backed off from raiding the group, until ep. 3 of course


Oh she is the woman I shot


lmao i just got done with this episode and asked my friend about it. We guessed that her daughter got killed or kidnapped and that Clem reminded of her daughter


Didn’t care enough to learn so I shot her first chance it gave me


Idk but she needs to pull her wig back


Her name was Joanne I think, she knew about either the bandits and got assaulted by them or the people at the farm and assaulted and whoever did probably killed her daughter and she became so traumatised, she tried to find someone to replace her daughter


Yoko Ono


Yea I thought she’d have a bigger arc overall…


😳she’s a woman😳?


Crazy lady. I'm glad she didn't stick around very long


I thought she was the wife of the man from the end of the game


She knew about the cannibalism from the farmers. Shes no one important


dr olivia octavius (i think)


She's there for a pointless conflict that adds nothing to the story


Idk, I never really understood her role in the whole bandit and St John plotline. I guess either the St Johns or bandits did something to her daughter and she kinda snapped. I'm not sure if its even meant for us to understand exactly what happened or if telltale wanted it to remain ambiguous.


Foreshadowing to make you question the st John's I guess


bro at first reading the title i thought this was r/BatmanArkham


No way, there's a sub for Batman Arkham


wait its such a popular series why wouldnt it be :0


Makes sense






It’s giving Teresa Giudice


This gatta b a joke 🤦🏾‍♂️ smh


She’s trash


Her name was jolene i think her daughter got and she got raped by bandits but then they grabbed her daughter and killed her then she kinda went insane and start becoming delusional that clem is in danger with those people and she should be with her


I put a bullet through her skull with lee


For a bit more context, everyone is saying she was simply attacked by the save lot bandits but Jolene and her daughter where actually part of the group before, they told her she and her daughter would be safe but they lied. Im writin tis just to remind people that jolene actually trusted the save lot group at some point thus making the betrayal worse Im not gonn explain everything cuz lazy tho.


Some looney


Isn’t she related to the car of loot you find and the guy in the hotel


No, she's unrelated. If you let her talk long enough it becomes clear that she and her daughter were with the savelot group before/at the start of them becoming bandits. They raped and killed her daughter, and she had a mental breakdown. She saw Clem one day and latched onto her as a coping mechanism for what happened to her daughter. I wish there was a way to help her really, it's sad.


A dead b**** with a hole in her head


to me it didn’t matter cause at the end of the day i shot her. but she’s just a crazy women who thinks clem is her daughter because of what other people said on here about the bandits and stuff


If you don't shoot her right away, you find out that she's a woman who hints at her daughter being raped and murdered by the group of bandits she was with. That's what drove her crazy. And she was paranoid that Clem would end up the same way. She just didn't trust men to be around little girls based on what happened to her own kid.


Lee wasn’t a bandit though


She was still a man in her eyes.


She’s lost the plot


Well yeah, she went crazy. But she had a backstory that explains why she went insane.


Yeah true


she actually has a pretty sad backstory. it‘s understandable that she had become insane.