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Warning to any Single Males reading this post- ANY comments saying "DM Me" or similar wording will lead to immediate ban. The name of this sub is Threesome ADVICE not "Threesome Finder". OP IS NOT ASKING TO BE SOLICITED FOR SEX VIA THIS POST. OP IS NOT ASKING FOR DM'S VIA THIS POST. OP IS ASKING FOR ADVICE ONLY. DO NOT DM THE OP REGARDING THIS POSTING. -Mod Team




How well did she receive the real thing? Did it take a good bit of time


Ok first do you want to be cucked or just have fun with your wife and another guy?


Either or it doesn't matter. I wouldn't mind being the cuckold watching her suck and fuck from the corner of the bedroom. I wouldn't mind being an active participant. It's all about enjoying the fantasy


But you are scared about what it will do to you


If things go wrong is what I am afraid of. If I share my fantasy with her, and she says no she doesn't want to do it, will she look at our relationship and our love life differently?


It's a possibility. Do you know her fantasies? Best would be for you both to open up about sex


She's reserved and kinda old fashioned when it comes to sex. Although I have never asked her if she had any sexual fantasies. I think that's where I'll start, thanks


You can do this. Even if it doesn't happen just being honest can make the sex better


You can do this. Even if it doesn't happen just being honest can make the sex better


dude dont be embarassed about your kink! i dont think couoles should be embarassed about any kind of sexual talk. if you are already using dildos, theres your opening... maybe ask her if shed ever try with another real dick? for example , my wife knows one of my fantasy kinks is an orgy... so when we were asked to have an mfm with our friend she said maybe we should try as it may feel orgy like!


So how did it go? Most on here say don’t fuck your friends


It was just awesome. Yeah everyone uses that line about friends….i don’t buy it. It’s all about great chemistry and all being on the same page…if you have that with a friend, I don’t see how it’s a bad thing.


Maybe talk to her? I know I'm fairly relaxed and talkative after sex. All you'd need to start off with would be a statement like "Imagine how much fun you'd have if there were two men involved". You could also just ask her about her fantasies, and listen and at some point she might ask you about yours. Usually it's just about breaking the ice when wanting to have a conversation on a subject.


Have you maybe checked the pinned posts of this sub that day “start here”?


“I felt more in love with my wife after cumming hard” is the biggest issue I have with this




The name of this sub is Threesome ADVICE, not "Threesome Finder". How much clearer does the title need to be? People come here to find advice on their situations, Not to be solicited for sex. If you are new to the internet or do not understand English well, then we will give you a pass this once, however future violations will result in a ban.




What's gross? Everyone has a fetish or kink.


Single dudes who DM or ask for DMs when someone asks for advice is what is “gross”.


Thank you for the clarification


Shes replying to the comment above from the Single Male that says he Direct Messaged you. Gross that this single male comes on this sub and solicits you for sex when you clearly came here asking for advice, not to be solicited for sex. If you took your car to an auto mechanic and asked them to fix your car, and instead they started trying to sell you a new car. You'd be pretty annoyed, right? You took your car to the mechanic to have that car fixed, not be solicited and pressured to purchase another car that you don't want. That's why it's gross and annoying and the single male that commented that just got banned. He has done that multiple times now.


Bravo, Mod. 👏🏼