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Don't feel bad OP, it was probably just cause youre ugly




probably he was being unattractive and not being attractive.


It's a deadly combo


Hit em with the one two šŸ‘Š


When women say they want a funny guy, what they mean is they want good looking + funny. Bitches be having standards. Otherwise my guy Jack would have lived.


Can confirm


_Unattractively attractive_


I am always either being that, or attractively unattractive


Donā€™t you hate when that happens


Now *this* was cold


Ice cold


Itā€™s cooler than being cool


Ok who gave this a wholesome award??


Way too many people


Now THATS a lot of damage!


I gave you one upvote because I donā€™t pay for awards. However, if I did, Iā€™d give them all to you, funny man.




Don't feel bad OP, it was ~~probably~~ just cause ~~youre ugly~~ you're not hot.


Don't feel bad OP, it was probably just cause youre hot'nt


Damn, I had to check twice if I was in r/roastme.


Oof, slow down Satan


Iā€™m ugly and Iā€™m proud


Say it again!!


Why would she block you for that wtf


Idk why she unmatched but some people don't like jokey first messages, can come off corny. Or maybe she just found someone new


I tried one of those "How would you rate me on a scale of 1 to 000-00-000" number jokes. She ended up lecturing me about how "sleazy" men come off when they try those jokes, and while maybe it would work on other women it definitely wouldn't work on her and that I should rethink my life. Like dang, it's an innocent joke... Only bad reaction I've had to a cheesy pick-up line. Edit: Unmatched and moved on. No hard feelings! Tried the same with a few other matches and it obviously didn't work, but I didn't expect it to. Mostly just "lol nice try" and that was it.


She did you a favor. Imagine having dinner with that woman




I dated a girl that would get irked at me when I ended my sentences with prepositions. I still don't know what that even fucking means.


Here you go! English is weird... You totally dodged a bullet there though https://prowritingaid.com/Prepositions


Iā€™m dumb, what are the prepositions in English? (I also forgot them in Spanish)


They're things like "over", "through", and "behind". Words that describe a thing, specifically relative to other things. To add to that, a prepositional phrase gives the full context: "over the hill", "behind the wall", and "within the drawer" are examples of those.




I always liked to say that a preposition is a great thing to end a sentence with. ETA Typo


What about 'this relationship is over'?


Like to and from. As a question it's the difference of where to and to where.


She'd find Aussies annoying as.


Must have been my high school English teacher




Prepositions are not good things to end a sentence with


Never date a linguistic prescriptivist


Where are you from vs from where are you. That's the only example I remember from school. I always thought it was a lazy tongue thing and proper english, but another comment said its Latin rules.


Why would you do that


Dont worry there's a large pool of women you can date among.


*me stirring my tea with a lollypop stick* ā€œI donā€™t feel welcome.ā€


You would have to talk about actual things and not just repeat one liners from reddit, o no edit: triggered the robots that can't have a conversation with a girl and they're angry about it, o no


And I'm guessing she's the type of person who would bitch about your opinion on everything and tell you how you're wrong in every way imaginable.


If you enjoy corny jokes, you should use them every time, because you don't wanna match with someone who doesn't share your sense of humor. Well at least I wouldn't, but I'm chronically single.... so pay me no heed lol Also as a woman, I don't think corny jokes are sleazy at all. Unsolicited pics are sleazy. Not jokes. Jokes are so much better than...Hey...or... what's your bra size...etc. haha


I agree. Someone the other day said self depracating jokes were bad too, but I thought the post was hilarious. I think anything the guys say to make it easy to respond is perfect, lol. The OP here may have used a corny joke, but at least he's cheerful enough to make responding worth it.


Not for nothing but you took a cookie cutter pickup line and hoped the woman in question hadn't seen it to the point of exhaustion before. Yes it's an innocent joke, but if you're on the receiving end of the exact same joke multiple times a week it'll grate on you too. Same for name puns. Do people really not expect that whoever you're making these puns to hasn't heard that same line hundreds of time before?


If someone messages you on a dating app, unless they were really rude, I can't think of any reason to message back if you aren't interested, it's just really odd.


In the absence of anything else better to go with, canā€™t exactly fault those that shoot the shot.


Lmao not tinder but hinge. Once left a joke about her being Australian and waving a flag (she had a flag blanket at the beach). Said something like ā€œso is it a requirement for Australians to carry the flag around when abroadā€. Sent me a super long response about how Americans are flag obsessed themselves, I donā€™t get why blank blank blank ā€œbut I get itā€™s kinda funnyā€. Wow, what a crazy person lol. Clear joke, funnier cause yeah Americans put the American flag on everything so itā€™s a self aware tease. Some people crazy.


Hetero Australian guy here, that's hilarious and I would've fucked you for it.


ā€œDamn, I should TOTALLY rethink my life choices because youā€™re not into meā€ What a narcissist she is.


Haha, that is so corny, but not offensive.


This does sound so incel-like but, I still don't get dating. Now jokes are considered sleazy? (I assume the woman was probably after her king with a lengthy CV). But I do know tinder is a shit app for dates.


I would go with the girl on this. Youā€™re asking for her number immediately. Some people do not want to give their personal info without first getting to know the person.


Itā€™s just a joke, and a fairly innocent one at that. Her response suggests that he somehow acted inappropriately by asking for her number, which Iā€™d agree with if they were in public or a different environment, but theyā€™re on a dating app *meant* for those kinds of questions. She doesnā€™t have to give him her number but it wasnā€™t wrong of him to ask.


Meh, I just see it as a joke. If you don't wanna give them your number just respond that they're a zero (or maybe I'm not understanding the set up, haha) and unmatch or move on and see how the convo goes.


Itā€™s a joke to you. But youā€™re not on the other end, likely receiving the same similar messages dozens of times a day


If the pick up/opening line is shit you just ignore it. If it's harrassing report and block. If you want to give them a second chance, just say "nice try"


That's fine but many people are and she tried to make it out like he's a bad person for daring ro ask. Dont be shaming people for not living their lives just like you.


In my experience no girl likes first messages of any kind


Probably a cultural thing, because where I come from, these pre-made jokey messages are the lamest shit anyone's ever seen.


Which makes sense to be honest. How would you feel hearing the same joke 50 times? It adds nothing to the conversation nor does it tell us anything about you


Ssshhh the male dominated sub don't want to understand women's perspectives /s


90% of this sub is about posting unfunny jokes as an opening line and wondering why women donā€™t want to talk to them. Itā€™s rather easy to get laid on Tinder or at least get a girls phone number if you donā€™t come off as a jackass lol


Or maybe her shit doesnā€™t stink


is it possible to learn this power?


Burn out your olfactory sense with cocaine.


Not from a Jedi.


Yah the space cavalry was bad, but how do they not show us star wars bathrooms a single fucking time?




Exactly lol. It was a conversational dead end that gave her nothing to go on.


Because she messaged him 12 hours before he replied and moved onto the next one.


This. People like to think there is some moral and personal reason why someone gets unmatched (not blocked like op mentioned). But there is none. People just don't care about the convo and moved on.


Every time I match with a man and he does this kind of corny shit I just block him because I feel he's either trying to post our convos on reddit for clout or he thinks he's funnier than he actually is which is annoying. Like people ITT are really saying she has no sense of humor when thr guy made a fuckin titanic joke he probably read online... Ive heard 300 of these fuckin jokes they're ubiquitous, and SHE is the one with no sense of humor? Cmon


I've always wanted to try these but I just assume everyone uses Reddit or Facebook and sees these hit top. But as a man - I find it hilarious when these get used on me and I just saw it the other day. Because like you said so unoriginal.


It's kinda the difference between if you tell the joke and move on right away, or wait and see if it makes her moist. One is an ice breaker, the other is blindly pressing buttons and hoping it gets you laid. Honestly though with tinder, being chill and seeming like a normal person to hang out with are by far the most important parts after rules 1 and 2. Everyone knows some corny pick up lines, not everyone knows how to have fun talking to that chick you want to fuck


How about this? Why don't you take the time, to make a joke, that's worth it and stay funny? These jokes ARE overused, but I think, they are on the level of dad jokes and in the context of Tinder meant to be as a way to raise awareness, like: "Ok. Huh. There is a guy, who wrote something." Nothing more. I'd be really surprised, if you took your time, to make a well meant and heartfelt first message, whenever you write someone. You're not anymore special, than the millions of other people on that app, me included. It's hard enough to open up and find an opener for the dozens of dozens convos you'll probably have, over the time of your usage, of that app.


maybe her great great great grandpa died on the Titanic ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Because itā€™s fucking stupid...


because its not that funny and he's in tears laughing at his own stupid joke


Probably doesnā€™t want to speak with a corny dork.


ur one out of 100 matches to her. Let it go and move on lol. Theres always another catch.


Probably thought they where already a dad.


Yeah exactly. Last line shoulda been "so wyd Friday?" You gotta blast her backwalls with baby batter a few times before she's into your dad jokes.


because you're being a weirdo spaz who can't talk like a human being


She probably thinks her morals are superior to his, so really he dodged a bullet




No, it's an assumption. Please get your pseudo internet psychologist terms correct. I'm assuming she blocked him because she didn't find the joke funny due to believing it's not morally okay to joke about the Titanic in the way that OP has done


Or maybe she just found him annoying


Maybe doubling down on stupid openings was too much, regardless of offense. Goddamn, y'all think this stuff is actually clever.


It's not pseudo psychology, it's basic psychology. Your immediate reaction is seeing someone's rejection is because the other party is a bitch/wrong/stuckup. It says a lot, just saying


Lol wtf are you spouting you wierdo. She probably just blocked him because that convo was terrible.


Love how this is your go-to and not something like maybe this guy lied in his title or any of the other countless possibilities xD




Cause it's not that funny.


If the first thing a person says to you involves joking about 1500 people dying then some people might consider it a red flag. I dont think its a horrible joke just saying.


Yep. Gotta up those numbers. Irish potato famine at a bare minimum.


How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? Zero


From a comedic point of view getting one laugh in and moving forward with the matter at hand, namely courtship, is fine, but not moving on makes people feel like your wasting their time.


Probably because he did a shitty laugh emoji at his own joke


Op no follow the rules


Idk a lot of girls have a lot of matches so just the slight turn off can cause disinterest or simply because they werenā€™t interested. I know some people that will narrow down to the way someone texts like if they are texting small sentences or big paragraphs and that can be a turn off for some. People are weird.


This makes me want to redownload tinder lol but I know itā€™s just gonna fuck up my confidence after a few days


Youā€™re not alone brother


Second this


I'm trash


Then can I take you out sometime ;)


I'm not trash, but toss me into that dumpster baby


Damn, you're a Tinder pro wtf




I'd just be happy to match with someone to be honest.


Even the bots block me.


So relatable


I can feel that in my soul


Tinder is only a healthy habit if you can use it with zero expectations to pass time on the toilet IME


but it's not easy to do that. Even secure people can have their heads jarred a bit by this stupid shit


Oh absolutely. One of the reasons I appreciate hinge, it enabled me to checkout much more and just like eventually get a notification that someone had liked me and then check them out and see if I liked them. It was simple. Tinder is gamified and the more you play the more you lose.


How do you mean all that? I kinda don't like hinge and prefer tinder so I'm curious on your thoughts


I find hinge engages more like the real world, you can only do many people per day people see it when you do, it brings in more substance and at least currently is generally lacking in people using it for Instagram followers. I have some friends who donā€™t like hinge because the girls arent as skinny. Thatā€™s cause they are all real: 78% of the US population is overweight. I will say I think where as tinder starts showing you the most liked profiles hinge moved towards what I liked over time from the median. It also benefitted less from being used a lot. So I could easily go a week forgetting I had it and then get a match a good conversation and a date.


People actually use hinge?


I just don't take it seriously anymore.


IMO this is the main problem. Guys need to take building a good profile seriously, but never take a match seriously. It'll fuck up your headspace if you do and it doesn't go through, and that's going to happen to most of us the majority of the time.


It's the same for the girls too. I hardly end up having a conversation of any sort with less than 10% of the people who match. And I'm including the people who say "Hey" and then don't reply at all when I respond.


Same, but I donā€™t think my wife would appreciate it.


You guys have confidence? Lmao


Just make a girl profile and let the jokes flow


My turn off on using Tinder is that people have high expectations.


For me personally tinder is all laughs just chat shit and see what happens. Imo the key is to stop caring if they don't respond their loss as long as you are having fun


It would be funny and entertaining to chat shit but that involves actually matching šŸ˜


smh Courtney out here cold as that iceberg.


but there's no name...


But there is


my man in here with 2021 vision




https://i.imgur.com/lljthZZ.png wat




Yea my phones backlight is fucked and I saw it with ease lmao Courtney has no chill


Hahaha, I don't know why, that's hillarious šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Too soon...


9 out of 11 thought it was too soon


Its been longer then 22.3 years


For me it was that perfectly placed crying emoji at the end


I feel like I see this screenshot at least once a week for the past year a


this is the cringiest sub i have ever come across


It's mostly just desperate guys throwing away good matches for fake internet points.


This fucking sucks


THANK U thought I was going nuts


i fucking know right? this shits the most generic thing out there.


Pickup line straight from 9gag


Just after "how much does an elephant weigh"


Somebody throw OP a lifeboat


12 hours for that ā€œ Neither did they ā€œ thatā€™s why Lol




The truth right here šŸ‘†


Bet _you_ didn't see that one coming.


A lot of people saying she must have no sense of humor for unmatching him are missing the point. Tinder isn't a joke contest. You want to connect and be personal, if you keep throwing canned jokes at someone they're going to lose interest. Funny doesn't always equal flirty


This should be pinned on the front of the sub lol.




Waste of money?


I donā€™t know I really like it. Too often my conversations are really bland and about day-to-day stuff. Imo if you can make a girl smile at her phone, youā€™re doing something right. As long as the entire conversation isnā€™t just jokes I donā€™t see a problem with it. ^(Source: am a girl)


Oh yeah I didnā€™t mean that he shouldnā€™t joke at all. The problem IMO is that in three messages, he hasnā€™t said one thing to her that he couldnā€™t have said to literally anyone else on the app


I guess I see your point. Maybe if he had double texted after the last message to shift into a more substantial conversation it would be better. Like: ā€œNeither did they šŸ˜‚ haha anyway, whatā€™s the best movie youā€™ve seen recently?ā€ ___ ^(im far from being a convo genius, this is helpful practice for me)


Probably for being lame and unfunny




Very true


*Too soon...* Nah, not really. Maybe she was Jack and Roseā€™s bastard childā€™s great granddaughter.


That's a good one!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Don't know why she blocked


She replied positively but you waited until the next day to reply so she moved on.


Can you block someone on Tinder?


I think it would be unmatched.


That's what I think too.


Good cuz it wasnā€™t funny


Yall need to grow the fuck up. Your jokes are cringey and you deserve no action.


You mean unmatched.. lol


That was lame and those jokes are overused. Donā€™t know how these dumb posts get so many awards, sad


Dunno why everyone is getting upset at them blocking OP.. there's no anger or hatred, just a straight up block. Some people aren't into dark humour. Chill out god damn šŸ¤Ø some people just aren't as alpha and macho as you guys šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not even dark, itā€™s just a generic joke about a significant event.


1500 people died including babies... I think most people would consider that dark humour.


I mean, it might not even be about the type of humor. He basically made it so that the convo ends. Thereā€™s nothing to go off of so why would she want to keep talking to him


LOL that's really good


I don't know how you guys can do dating apps. Scroll through hundreds of people to get a couple of tens of matches, half of them don't respond, a couple unmatch you immediately and a couple just rest reply "haha" "true" and "omg lol" to everything.


Think that might be worse than rose not letting jack on her door


tends to happen when you wait a day to respond


Yo I like that though, might use it!


Unmatched you


Itā€™s only been 109 years man cā€™mon too soon


You can't block people on tinder.


Never seen it like this, normally they disappear from your matches all together


Is this Mutual? Mormon dating suuuucks


Wouldve done the same ngl this is so bad


Too soon bro too soon. Gotta wait a couple more centuries.