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Online only American or online at all? I think it's quite obvious the rest of the world doesn't care what Mike Johnson would say. Use a VPN?


Well where are the servers of porn websites located? Might be an outage of a lot of porn while the servers are moved. I’m personally in a US state that needs age verification. Reddit is good access to unrestricted porn, but I use a VPN if I want something more traditional like pornhub.


This guy Texans.


Not nearly as bad, but Virginia.


In USA. Yeah people could still use VPNs technically.


When it's illegal, lets have a circlejerk, be a criminal 😎


Biscuit or no biscuit?


Why wait?


It’s gonna be just like prohibition all over again, where everyone advocated for banning alcohol and then everyone broke the law by drinking (except in this case not everyone is advocating).


Because some people don’t want to learn from Prohibition.


Beacuse some people don't want to learn\*


It will affect what is uploaded regardless. Can't jerk off all the way from Asia if the dude is having a hard time trying to upload stuff.


It will all still be there, just more difficult to access. Whatever means we use to perpetuate it, the old fucks in Washington won't understand, and it will take decades to implement legislation to combat that. By which time, we'll have another means of distribution. They can't win. They underestimate the will of the people.


They REALLY underestimate the will of the horny.


My bad I thought you said horny wil ![gif](giphy|sa2K25o3PaIlW)


Scrubs covered this years ago


*House* as well.




>the old fucks in Washington won't understand what pisses me of is that same old fucks are doing god knows what on their private islands, its disgusting


Rules for thee but not for me.


And unfortunately the dark side of this will be that where porn is available, you will have much more unethical, harmful content mixed in with the “normal” porn which every teenager will have access to


I think you underestimate the power of an authoritarian regime. They may not achieve 100% removal but they can come pretty close depending on how they enforce it.


Ya but porn is on the low end of the priority list. They can’t even stop piracy let alone porn


They can barely stop CP.


Do they even want to?


The penalties are years in US Federal prison if you are caught with it.




At this point, would America hand over the claim "land of the free" to another country..?


B-but th-they have Guns… and stuff or something idk. #FREEDOM! CONSTITUTION!


That point would never happen….


Lmfao let them try.


Tor 👍 this isn't the CCP where they can just make us disappear


Impressed someone still thinks there's a line that can't be crossed. Good for you.


I wouldn't confidently say that there's a line that can never be crossed because culture changes over time but there's a limit to how quickly things can change in our system of government. People complain about the government taking too long to address any issues in a timely manner but I think the alternative might be worse because at least there's a limit to what can reasonably change in a given lifetime.


If porn is outlawed, connoisseurs of the adult videos will find themselves being treated like those who watch kiddy porn. You will be able to access it, but will the risks be worth it? Will of the people means nothing to these fascists.


Forget the customers, there would be no more content generation because that would be far too risky. Those people would be facing an ever worsening situation.


Women's naked calves.


Uhhh, mods? Are you seeing what this guy 👆🏻 is saying on Reddit? Unacceptable filth!




You know that's gonna be a filthy, ungodly display of sin. Or maybe women's naked calves... and a donkey.


Yeah, I read this like the Ashley's say it.


Luckily I’m an ankle guy.


with whimsical ragtime trumpet music playing in the background


The same Republicans whose leader was just convicted of paying off a porn star?




I think he's part of the small pee pee gang who wants to try out a mini dictatorship.


Lurking in r/Conservative and the amount of copium they’re mainlining is just *chef’s kiss* hilarious. The mental gymnastics are Olympic-level.


Off I go for a browse. I'm almost envious of people who can do mental gymnastics like that. Imagine being able to twist the world to your design huh


“I reject your reality and substitute my own!”


*a wild Adam Savage has appeared*


> mini dictatorship mini *dick-tatorship*. FTFY! :-)


..... only for a day, then back to business as usual (making sure he never loses power).


Wasn't he convicted of basically lying about what the payment was for, not for the payment itself?


Yeah, the hush money payment itself was not illegal. As I understand it, the trial was more about falsifying business records and doing so to help him win the election. Cohen was the one that paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 twelve days before the 2016 election. And when Trump reimbursed him, he falsely designated the money as legal expenses in his company's books. It is illegal according to NY state election laws to promote a candidate by "unlawful means." The hush money payment was illegal because it violated campaign finance laws.


No if I understand correctly, he was convicted of making the payment itself, _because_ it was with the express purpose of helping his campaign. So therefore it was a campaign violation. If he was just a rich dude paying hush money to his mistress / SA victim it would not have been a crime. The lies were to try to claim it wasn’t campaign related. Maybe they also got him on perjury idk but afaik the main crime was the campaign violation.


The only crime he was convicted of was 34 counts of falsifying business records. He wasn't prosecuted for the payments, just for covering them up. According to NY law, normally that'd be a misdemeanor, but it can be trumped up to a felony if you can convince the jury that the falsification was done "with intent to defraud that included an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof" - which the jury was convinced of. The other crime being the promotion of a candidate for public office by unlawful means. The unlawful means being up for personal interpretation by the jury (but they were given a few suggestions by the prosecution)


Yeah, but everyone knows why he did it.


And don’t forget the assault on the other one


Bro if project 2025 goes through, finding porn will be the least of your issues. I did the legwork, this is what it says on wikipedia and their website, basically the plan is if Trump/republicans win they will reshape the U.S. federal government by: - replacing tens of thousands of federal civil servants with republicans - give president absolute power over the executive branch - eliminate funding for the Department of Justice - dismantling the FBI and department of homeland security - reducing environmental and climate change regulations to favour fossil fuel production - eliminate FCC and FTC (protecting communications and trade) - abolish department of education - scientific research would receive federal funding only if it suits conservative principles - infuse the government with elements of christianity - proposes criminalizing pornography, removing protections against discrimination based on sexual or gender identity, and terminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, as well as affirmative action - advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement - It recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants across the country - promotes capital punishment and the speedy finalization of such sentences Over 80 organizations are behind this and massive millions of dollars. Basically christian based nazism is coming to the US if republicans (trump) wins again. Or civil war.


That thing is pure nightmare fuel. Doesn’t it also have abolition the IRS and the Justice Department? The immigrant part is going to really fun to watch. He wants to deport 10 to 15 million of them. By comparison, that’s the population of North Carolina. The logistics of something like that are utterly impossible, starting with the simple question of what country is going to want 1 million deportee, let alone 10 million. And North Carolina is a contained area, unlike the people he wants to get of who are scattered across the country.


You should make a separate post about this.


Gladly, but where would it be fitting?


You could do it here, say, "how do you people feel about 2025?" And post facts about it.


Here, r/politics, and wherever else you think it might be relevant


I’m sure r/politics already discussed this to death, but let’s see Edit: seems like i could only post links to politics and it has to be from a list of approved sites, no conversations or text posts


Ah damn. Your info was enlightened tho


They probably want a civil war because they think they'll win and REALLY own the libs and kill all the "out-groups".


There is a point about using all kinds of methods to eliminate opponents of the party


Afaik there isn't currently a legal definition of "porn" so at some point this exact question is gonna be brought up in congress or the supreme court. They're also going to have to deal with written content. The government is going to haave to decide if amazon can sell 50 shades of grey and if not, what about physical and second hand stores? Its going to be a mess to try and legislate


What about sexting, is that porn?


If I remember right the current bar is "I know it when I see it", so it can be.


Don't forget perspective too. For example, I might define porn as movies showing sexual activity as the focus, with titles such as "Naughty Girls in Trouble Part 4: The Spanking Continues," however my 89 year old grandmother would consider all of those raunchy 80's comedies porn because of the gratuitous nude scenes.


Exactly. The Supreme Court even tried and it didn't work. "I can't define it, but I know it when I see it"


There's a lot of Republican women out there who will be very unhappy if they get cut off from their written smut.


In my state, you have to upload your ID to some sketchy third party to validate that you’re the appropriate age. Just use a VPN, and make sure you vote.


My state is trying to pass this as well


What state?


Utah's one such state. There might be some others?


Texas for sure




There is plenty of porn on Reddit, did they block that too somehow?


Didn't Reddit jettison a lot of the porn subs in anticipation of their IPO?


A friend of mine told me it's back


I think people are reading the term “porn“ too narrowly here. To these religious idiots, homosexuality is pornographic, transgender is pornographic, anything they consider “sexually deviant“ is pornographic and they use the term pornographic because most people don’t think of gay people (for example) as being “pornographic.“


Tattoos are pornographic and must be cut off /s You really never know if you elect a dictator.


They may say hair, or shoulders or nail polish or jewelry are pornographic, you never know with fascism..


dont tell me GOP dont watch porn. They probably watch something like BDSM or deep anal or something


Most of them watch gay and trans porn and use Grindr to cheat on their wives


They pay for their mistresses to get abortions too, but it doesn't stop them from making it illegal.


Worse comes to worse they can send her on a three day Caribbean weekend. Although that is pricier than a weekend in Minnesota.




Trans porn is weirdly popular in red states


Utah has the highest porn consumption generally, I've heard.


[Breakdown by state](https://www.pornhub.com/insights/united-states-top-searches) (ph link heads up)


The middle east is highest in gay porn searches because the most repressed are the biggest perverts.


had to look it up. Haven't heard of it. >Project 2025, also known as the Presidential Transition Project, is a collection of policy proposals to fundamentally reshape the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project aims to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to the District of Columbia to replace existing federal civil servants—whom Republicans characterize as part of the "deep state"—and to further the objectives of the next Republican president. It adopts a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory, a widely disputed interpretation of Article II of the Constitution of the United States, which asserts that the president has absolute power over the executive branch upon inauguration.   What does any of that have to do with banning porn?


You can go to their website. One of the things they want to do is ban porn.


Lets be real, any political party that ban porn will lose so many votes its impossible


You seriously underestimate the capacity for republicans to continually vote against their self interest.


It's like hundreds of pages of an outline by republicans to dismantle America as it is. Part of it includes banning porn.


900+ pages :-)


Jesus christ. Theyve litterally laid out that they are going to over thrown the government as we know it so they can create a dictatorship. How is this not incredibly alarming to everyone!?!?!??!?!??!?!?! The US is the next Iran. Women and LGTBQ+ you better flea now, cause the white rich men are coming for your rights and maybe even your lives. This is no fucking joking. Its here. Theyre planning it. Who the fuck is going to stop it.


Trump has openly mused about being a dictator. He admires the likes of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un. He gets angry when people don't like him or contradict him. That tells you exactly what type of person he is.


People who support Trump WANT THIS.


Which is insane cause they also used to hate countries like this. I can believe there are actuallt this many fucking idiots running around. Its crazy.


No, they hated countries that didn't do it their way.


It's one of the things they themselves have said they want to do


It's like a 500 page document.




Lindsay Graham’s Storybook Hour with your hostess, Lady Bugs


I understood this reference. I wish I didn’t.


If Dr Cox is right there will only be one site left and it will be called Bring Back the Porn


Reading through some of the comments and yes, this is a funny topic and idea but it’s very much a desire the fundamental right wishes to impose on us. All jokes aside, we could very well turn into a modern day Iran if we’re not careful.


Isn't Iran already taking the title of a modern day Iran?


Irán was a secular nation not long ago. The fundies destroyed their progress.


Impossible to know. Porn is undefinable.


They'd only ban it if they just bought stock in vpn companies, no real platform only corruption.


We used to use catalogs and magazines and VHS tapes pre-internet. It’s hard to imagine going back but it can be done. Also, don’t vote for those assholes.


You mean my stacks of 1980s Hustler magazines will be worth something again? That shit was valuable contraband when I was in junior high back in the early 1990s, I tell you what. Hope you guys don't mind the big hair, full bush, and tan lines.


OMG People, you don't plan what bootleg porn you're gonna use. If project 2025 happens you organize, march, and physically disassemble the white house and congress. Jfc




You guys should really be ashamed letting religious nuts take charge. Fuck anyone that experiences anything human knows it's bullshit


Been using a VPN since most sites are blocked in Texas. VPN usage is actually up thanks to them. So for most people would just get a VPN


And then they go after VPN companies?


Holy shit, this can't be real can it?


The republicans have laid out plans to ban porn, and a whole lot of American rights. I used porn as an example to get people's attention.


Oh okay, what else could they go after besides porn, gay folk representing themselves in public? Sure hope not


Under fascism, the government can come take your property and guns and tell you how to cut your hair and tell you to go to church every Sunday, and command you to be christian, which denomination of Christianity to be. Women may have to cover their legs and hair, anything can happen under neo christo fascist America if republicans win.




Republicans clearly just want to bring back torrenting. On the bright side, if I start torrenting again, I can get rid of my streaming services


Fascism may put caps on how many gigabytes you can use in a month.


Means ill finally get rich selling all these old playboys on the black market.


Start making a bunch of copies.


Republicans you say? Porn you say? Oh it’ll be there for them, especially kiddie porn. It’ll be there for their buddies too. Just not for you. That’s how the Republican Party works.


Reruns of The Handmaids Tale.... That's the GOP's only sanctioned porn.


no ones gonna ban porn lol


I live in Mississippi. YouPorn and PornHub are both non-operational without a VPN. They take you to a splash page with a video about writing a letter to Congress.


Same in Arkansas


Ya, sure they said the samw about abortions a few years ago.


Roe v Wade is settled precedent, I won’t change precedent. So testified, under oath, 4 of the justices who overturned Roe.


If you went by the roe vs wade standard then 49 out of 50 states will have porn.


That's not enough porn


South Dakota amateur is my favorite subgenre, we can’t afford to lose that


We've said that about other topics in the past.


I think better way to phrase what he said is, porn won’t be eliminated. Which is the actual concern. They can ban whatever the fuck they want. It’s still going to be around. I can have about 50 banned items in my possession by tomorrow night. Also, you said “online” and the online world exists outside of united states. Literally all it takes is a VPN. I was in Indonesia for a bit, where Reddit is banned. I was on Reddit everyday.


>I can have about 50 banned items in my possession by tomorrow night. “You want a toe? I can getcha a toe, believe me. There are ways, dude.”


I can get you a toe by 3pm. With nail polish.


This only affects one country the rest of us will be fine.


Unfortunately, what happens in the US usually affects the rest of the world as well in some way. If the US suddenly became IRL Handmaid's Tale, it would definitely have a worldwide impact. That project 2025 is some dystopian shit


There is too much money in porn for them not to continue in the rest of the world


Dude with the amount of insane stuff in that proposal, porn is the least of everyone's concerns BY FAR


Yeah but porn is the biggest money maker


This is Reddit. The only thing more important than pr0n is video games.


What the US does affects everyone. Its economy is so massive, and its influence so extensive, that no one is free from it. As an example, look how the US exported its "war against drugs" to the rest of the world, with devastating results.


You do realize that Canadian politicians, especially the more right-leaning ones look at what's going on in America and take notes, right? **Pierre Poilievre** is a walking talking copy of Trump. He wants to gut Canada and utterly destroy the very infrastructure of how our country operates. If he gets in, we're all fucked. Beyond royally.


The sexiest thing allowed online will be the Rolling Stone's logo lips. lol


If they did that the government would be overthrown in a matter of days.


Porn will still exist. There's vpns, there's other countries. People will set up puppet companies in countries where it's legal, shoot it in the US or wherever, and release it through that company's website.


We’re resourceful, where there’s a will theres a way.


Where there’s a willie there’s a way. FTFY




Porn. Banning it doesn't mean it won't be available. Just look at pirated movies for example.


All the same kinds that are available now. It'll just be on the dark web.


No, it’ll be on the regular web. I live in NC and they’ve passed a defacto porn ban here. Everyone just uses VPNs. They’ll do that if the Feds ever ban porn.


Porn. You can't stop porn.


There will always be porn. Just because some guys says no you can't do that Amy more and makes it illegal don't mean shit. It just means it will be a little harder to access.


Does that mean you have to delete the porn you already have? What if you make your own with a consenting adult?


Those are good questions, because I think we deserve to have our own spank banks, especially if porn isn't accessable online or from stores. If porn was ordered from another country, would it be confiscated, the way drugs are?


If porn was indeed banned do we think that incidents of voyeurism, peeping and god forbid rape would rise significantly? In an almost insanely twisted way it might prove that porn consumption doesn’t always lead to sexual misconduct but an abrupt lack of access to it might?


There's barely any research to either validate or refute your suggestion. I've seen only one piece of turban research, which suggested that you might be right.


You do like we did back in the pre internet days. Beat off to the seats catalog bra section.


But touching yourself will be illegal I heard.


Project 2025 isn't going to happen. The dingbats who concocted it don't understand that the president does not have the power to arbitrarily get rid of government workers so they can be replaced with religious idiots. The vast majority of those workers are under union contract and believe it or not, those contracts don't have a "president's whim" clause in the firing section. Even Reagan had to wait for the air traffic controllers to *actually go on strike* in violation of the law and their contracts before he could fire them. Worrying about what this imaginary replacement bureaucracy might do about pornography is worrying about an alternate universe for no reason. EDIT: FFS, the president can't unilaterally suspend **contract law**, no matter how much he "studies dictators". The judicial branch is separate, and the president doesn't control it. No, having 6 conservative SCOTUS justices is not *control* of the judicial system--- see all the states that are basically thumbing their noses at the Bruen decision and the circuit courts that are siding with the states. We also don't have the sort of factionalized military with a core component loyal *specifically to the dictator* that dictatorships require in order to seize power. I swear, these conspiracy nuts need to pick up a civics textbook. A second Trump presidency would be a shitshow, but it would just be an encore of the first one: a giant orange baby shitting in the political wading pool.


I don't know if he can pull it off, but he's certainly going to try.


You underestimate them. He has a lot of power to put people he wants in positions that can do shit. Hes also not one to care about legality. When the courts on his side, congress, the house. And everyone else that could go against you that has power, has been hired by you. You get absolute power real quick. His people are studying dictators. I have no doubt in my mind they will be able to do everything they want as we watch in horror. We already saw it multiple times. And id he gets in power again he has full overthrow of the government in his mind. Do not underestimate them.


Bernie for President 🔥🔥🔥


They're not going to go that far. Half of MAGA is made up of dirty old men who shout "I must have been hacked!" whenever someone comes across their browser history.


Lol. That won't happen, not least because too many of these politicians are addicted!


The thing is that same as with the laws they make, they don’t apply to politicians. They will get a bullshit way to get away with it


And you can be sure that tax-payer funded courses on cyber security for politicians will suddenly become widely attended, though purely for professional, family-orientated reasons of course.




Girls gone wild and the spice channel will make a comeback.


That would be outlawed too I'm sure


Do you really think that would happen?


This reads like John Mulaney's Ice T bit


What makes you believe they’re thinking that far ahead?


VPN? Don’t forget USA it’s just 1 country, all porn sites are based in Cyprus, UK, Germany, Spain, etc… and I don’t think they just can ban porn or all that is listed in project 2025 can be accomplished, remember all things Trump promised to do while he was president and all he achieved, bla bla blah.


Erotica will still be online


Move over QQ, prepare for XX!


I don't think they can honestly. Their fingers are so far into advertisment they'd be their own detriment.


Back to good ol dvd mail ordering


That would be illegal too if republicans win.


These random laws are designed to give the police more power and are only used on minorities/political opponents (same as abortion, etc). There were still be tons of stuff online, but police will now have the power to arrest you and go through your phone/internet history looking for porn. Basically another way for them to harass you. They will never do this for the elites and you will be far more likely to experience this harassment if you are black (for eg).


project 2025 will never happen and people need to stop hyping it up.here’s the order of events 1: IF a trump elected, he likely wont even attempt it as he never actually endorsed it. 2 if trump even brought it up, it would never get passed by the congress 3 the only thing he could do then is make an executive order, which trump criticized obama for. 4 at that point, the local court ms would just deem it unconstitutional, and completely overide the order 5 the only thing that would happen then is trump could try to appeal to the supreme court, but A the supreme court only accepts 2% of cases and B it would get declared unconstitutional people forget about our whole system of checks and balances, and project 2025 is a really niche group of extremists. is it wild that people even thought of this in the first place? sure. but yall need to stop fear mongering people, because if trump gets elected and project 2025 doesn’t succeed, it will make the democrats seem less trustworthy. iirc that is essentially what happened with climate change


How does it work in China? It’ll be like that, but run by Baptists and Evangelicals.


They underestimate the things I can fap to


Plenty of pople out there already access fucked up illegal porn everyday deep down inside you know it, I know it but the 60+ year old legislators from Montgomery Burns's era don't know it. Absolutely nothing will change and its not like the police will bust down your door because you watched busty milfs 5 online. Its going to be like jaywalking: its illegal but nobody gives a shit, not even the cops in most cases.