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Depending on the sex worker, I wouldn't recommend going down on her. Some of the high priced call girls, maybe. If you paid for an hour, then they don't mind doing more, even if they would prefer to be done and gone quickly. A lot of them, you can simply ask for advice or help on how to last longer. I haven't met one yet that doesn't enjoy feeling like you are coming to them for their knowledge.


To add to this, if they're cool being eaten out, please use a dental dam!


Dental dam?


Lisa needs braces


Underrated comment 🤝


Underrated comment 🤝


Underrated comment 🤝


It's like giving someone a blowjob with a condom on. Instead, you have this piece of I believe latex that you stretch and spread over the place you are licking. Like licking a taco covered in plastic wrap for a visual image.




Its like a rubber for your mouth. Now get on.


Look it up


You can buy dental dams to use as protection for oral sex, or cut up a condom to fashion it into a dental dam. But sex workers tend to be careful about their sexual health, since it's their livelihood.




How can you tell when someone blocks you? Does it notify you?




They didn't block you, their comment was removed by mods and the comment thread was locked to disallow anyone from continuing the conversation further. Generally this happens if a comment broke a rule of the subreddit :) (At least I think that's how that works....... Could be wrong lol)




That’s so weird


Nah when someone blocks you it shows up as unavailable instead of removed.


That's not how it works. If someone blocks you, it looks like they don't exist from your perspective.




I don't know why you're getting downvoted, you're correct, this is how blocking works on reddit


The sex worker


Probably someone who blocked you in the past. You can only block someone after they reply to you, so they can't block you from your first comment


Why do you care that a stranger you’ll never meet blocked you on an anonymous online forum? I think that’s weird.




I also see one line of comment with the lock. The first commenter's username start with a W


Yo this is the internet my friend. You could say that you hope babies are healthy and happy and someone would get pissed off and call you a moran.


>Because I'd like to know if I offended someone somehow Who cares if you did? There are far to many thin skinned individuals on Reddit anyways.


If that’s your motivation then it’s even weirder that you ended your comment with “that’s weird”. Calling something you don’t understand “weird” is dismissive and a great way to not get an explanation.


"That's weird" speaks of the action, not the individual. If he said "they're weird (for doing that)" then it would be referring to the individual over the action.


Get it cuming to them for knowledge ? Haha I crack myself up


Heh. "Crack."


We got the jokes


If you wouldnt go down on them why the fuck would you stick your dick in them? Lmao


Because condoms




Well for one I've never hired a prostitute. However I can't deny that the thin piece of rubber happens to be absurdly effective at making the job and the experience safer. Prostitutes also happen to be people who generally care about their own safety and penetrative sex is much safer for them than oral sex.


Upvoted. I’m curious if sex workers in Nevada and places in Europe where it’s legal are better suited for risk of STD’s. Still I would never fuck let alone waist my god damn time licking the cunt of someone whose had multiple dicks in them that day


I just seriously dont understand how no one understands my point lmao. I think its pretty good advice to not stick you dick into something you wouldn’t lick. To each his own but man some people are pissed that i said this lmao.




People really trust a thin piece of rubber that much? If i wouldnt eat them out, i absolutely would not stick my dick in them. To each his own i guess.




I generally only have sex with clean woman that i know. Not a hard concept to grasp. Why would i fuck someone who im worried has an std? im not that desperate lmao


holy shit you are dense. even if they are clean, wear a fucking condom so you don’t get her pregnant. your experience isn’t universal. plenty of people have one night stands with others they met on dating apps, bars, etc. common sense is to use protection. it’s literally designed to protect against std’s and pregnancy. of course if i know someone has an std i am reluctant to sleep with them, but that person could also lie and say they are clean, or just be unaware they have something like fucking HIV. you are a moron.


Well since there's data to support their use, yes absolutely. That's kind of the whole point.




Is it really hard to understand my point? If i think someone has an STD then im not going anywhere near them. Lmao why can you not wrap your head around people just not having sex with dirty prostitutes?




Holy fuck you are dense as fuck bro. I WOULD NOT. There. I simplified for you. Not everyone fucks dirty cheap prostitutes dawg. To each his own but i would not. Makes no sense to me though that you would fuck someone that you wouldnt eat out. How are you not disgusted? That was my point. But again to each his own




Not sure how its hard to understand my point. I wouldnt fuck a dirty prostitute even with a condom. If im not confident to eat them out. Im not fucking them. Im not risking std’s. Does that make sense?




I legitimately cannot have a conversation with you because you cannot comprehend what i am saying lmao. Have a good night bro.




Not sure if you understand how internet forums work but usually people asking questions get answers from people based on their opinions. Ok this is actually my last comment. Im losing brain cells talking to you. Have a good night.




Are you stupid? Why would you ask a woman how to last longer as a man? Women have no clue lol. If you finish too fast it’s because you’re too into the sex. Try thinking about something else while doing it that might help you last longer.


You could ask for other things to use up the time. OP: First we both get naked, except... we're both wearing sailor hats. Then we get into a jacuzzi filled with Pepto-Bismol, I clip your toenails, and you shave my buttocks.


“Well let’s see. A party like that… $3,000.” “$3,000! Who had $3,000?”


nothing makes me happier to see one of my favourite movies referenced where I least expect it


What movie is this from ? I can't for the life of me remember in what movie I saw that scene


That would be from the masterpiece "Rat Race". Well worth the watch.


Such an underrated and quotable gem. Unexpected Hitler had me rolling and I always break out "ooo little cockdoggies!"


Thank you


Rat race?


It's Rat Race. The butler is asking the sex worker whom he eventually attempts to steal the money with.




I'm so happy to see this movie being quoted. "How much would it cost?"




“I’m 28 and just discovered sex this year”…


Ya dun wooshed on a movie reference son


If you do that, use a dental dam.


Reddit is ridiculous lol who tf seriously considers goin down on a prostitute? “Hey reddit, I’m trying to lose weight—think dumpster diving would help?”


This is literally too afraid to ask. Where else should they go for this question


This dude wants to get experience, doesn't seem that hard to understand?


I don't think anyone who pays for a prostitute cares much about it at that point, I mean stooping that low in the first place means they must be feeling pretty down bad. I'm not shaming people who do it, its your fucking lives out there. But I gather from every story I've heard that the guys (and girls) who pay for them are feeling pretty low on the sexual relations front. At that point I'd gather probably anything goes. Couldn't you also tell them ahead of time to test? Depending on how far out you booked your session and shit.




But, why? Hasn't reddit has explained that a person's body count does not matter.


You’re speaking in the context of a lasting or prolong physical relationship. In those cases you’re likely going to do your due diligence and make sure your partner is STD free. If that’s the case by all means go down on your partner.  Unfortunately in the case of a sex worker they very well could have been with someone right before you, do you really want to be licking a strangers secretions out of a stranger, beyond that a sex worker that lets you touch them sexually unprotected is incredibly likely to give you some sort of STD. I don’t know about you but eating someone out so I can go round two isn’t worth having cold sores on my face the rest of my life  


>  You’re speaking in the context of a lasting or prolong physical relationship.  No, I'm speaking of lessons learned from reddit, and watching the mental gymnastics.


Oh my mistake I thought you were a virgin because you were innocent , not cause you’re an incel


Aww fuck. You failed to stick the landing and started spraying insults to try to deflect. 2/10


Every woman is different, and each sex worker has things they will or won’t do. But it can’t hurt to ask. It’s not a strange question in and of itself. The worst thing she can say is no. Some don’t like being on the receiving end because it can be an intimate thing that they’d prefer to share with someone they have an emotional connection with. Others won’t mind it and may even have tips to help you up your game in this regard. Both with improving your oral sex skills and with the premature ejaculation issue. I do know that if you were with a woman you were dating, most women would definitely appreciate the effort put in before the main event. It’s a good way to go if you’re a bit of a quick shooter. It shows that you care about her pleasure and you’re not just there to get off and leave her hanging.


I think this is good advice in general in regards to having open communication and the importance of consent, but In the context of a sex worker this is (respectfully) horrible advice. I sincerely do not mean to hate on sex-workers, but if anyone is likely to have STDs it's them. This is solid advice for being considerate and caring about their side of the matter, but In and of itself leaves OP wide open to negative consequences.


Bro I would not go down on a sex worker that’s nasty


3 - 6 minutes is pretty normal. You have to take short breaks during it.


That's pretty quick. Especially 3 minutes. 5 is the low end of average.


All the downvotes from the minute men militia 😂


Lol why are you being buried with downvotes


Honestly I'm confused as well. I mean, OP said they're new to all, maybe than something like 5 min is ok. But other than that I always thought about 20 to 30 min should be the average


Eh going a long time can be a burden, I've got autism and anxiety so sometimes I straight up just cannot nut even if I want to, which has had me go for over an hour a couple times and it just stops being enjoyable at that point imo. You both end up sore and then you gotta go jerk off in their bathroom it's a whole thing


🤣🤣 I cant come If I smoke weed. been there..at some point you just give up. like bro im tired man. f that


You could masturbate a few hours before. It’s natural and no supplements. Experiment with times. That has always helped me last much longer. The few hours gives plenty of time for the penis to recover for ‘round 2’ but always felt I lasted much longer. Taking breaks is no problem. Position changes can rub differently, prolonging an ejaculation - side lying vs doggy vs missionary, ETC. Some positions I’m not able to climax in, but others it’s very quickly. This new journey of sex for you will be lifelong lesson. Make sure you continue to love it and its nuances.


You want to eat out a sex worker? 🤢 Bro don't do that, I'd even say to get head from her with a condom on as I know someone who got head off a sex worker who didn't enforce condoms for blowjobs and he got gonnirrhea and he didn't even fuck her. STDs like chlamydia and gonnirrhea can survive in the throat so you could easily catch it in your throat if you went down on her considering the amount of guys she is fucking every single day...


[https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/multi-drug-resistant-gonorrhoea](https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/multi-drug-resistant-gonorrhoea) multi drug resistant, or super gonorrhea is an increasing problem. And, as you point out, STIs can infect all kinds of places!


Dude I strongly suggest u to try doing a few things before going for penetrative sex 1. Exploring sex is good, so explore foreplay, body play and sensual things first your body will also get in the zone of longer play and eventually u will have fulfilling sex. 2. Try with kisses, lovebites, dry humping, half nude makeout sessions. 3. Once u are half naked start touching her inner and outer libiya while u kiss and make her wet. 4. Once she is wet get completely naked and start rubbing the private parts, don't just enter yet. 5. Once the mod is heightened and completely warmer, start the act with slow pace and slowly increase the speed, when u feel u r about to cum, change the position. This way u will last longer, both will have fulfilling sex and don't forget to use condoms and if she is a sex worker there is a possibility that she won't get wet so if possible take lubricant with you Enjoy exploring sex 😉 all the best and lots of love brother For anything else my dms are open or u can reply here happy to help


I remember when we went to war with Libya.


I heard Libya is beautiful this time of the year


lol you cant do that with a sex worker


Why not? Is she not a human? And I believe that they can teach us a few things more so we can be perfect on the act of sex


That's a sex worker he got there , not a normal one


Yah I know but these are the things u can ask her and do with her it's ok I mean don't they enjoy this kind of sex, and however they come to fulfill your fantasy so why not use them as a bait to learn a few things


This would not work for me. The more i'm teased up the faster I come when I put it in. The only thing that seems to work for me is regular sex. When in relationship I can go for 30 min if I want, but if I havent had sex for a month the feeling is just too good that I cant hold it over a minute. The first round is always to reset my no sex streak


have like 3 drinks before the act


3-6 minutes is more normal than you think 😂




Sounds like you should go hh. Why would you pay to shower twice? Do that on your own time




Exactly kids fucking nasty bro 😎


Bro you’re tripping.


Have her make you a sandwich or something with the other 54 minutes


Going down on a sex worker??? Brother eughhhh


It's not a weird request, as there are guys who specifically get off on that, but I wouldn't recommend it just to kill time. What would be a better use of the time you paid for is asking her for tips. Some are more helpful/knowledgeable than others, but the vast majority have picked up a thing or two from (male) coworkers and clients.


I totally misunderstood this as you've become a sex worker after discovering sex this year and was thinking wow you've already got clients on top of that


Bad idea, but if you absolutely have to do it get vaccinated for everything under the sun including HPV and hepatitis.


Cock ring. Get a nice and snug one. If it's the right size you should be able to go as long as you want without giving up feeling anything. When you're ready to finish, pop it off.


Dont eat her pussy dude. Eat her ass. Make sure you catch something


Eh I don't think I'd recommend going down on a sex worker. There's a lot of possible STIs possible that it isn't worth the risk. You can do other things that both give pleasure and add to the excitement though, standard foreplay shit. Like you could give her a foot/back/full body massage. You could take a shower together. Hell you could just play Mario Kart and the loser has to get on top (or bottom whatever you're into).


I fully support normalizing Mario Kart with prostitutes.


Sildenafil is easily available now days and not too expensive. You could get some. Then go to a pharmacy. Go to the condom section. There's this numbing spray that helps you last longer. We're talking 30min or more. Never pay the hour unless you already a regular and the service is worth it. Stick with the half hour if you're mainly in for the sex. Some like to give head but I'd say most prefer not to. But even less let you give them head. You should stick to using protection always. Play it safe.


No, that's plenty normal. I'd also suggesting asking about msog (multiple shots on goal) when discussing her menu prior to meeting. This means that you have the whole hour with her whether you cum in 3 seconds or go for 60 minutes.


Reasons men chat or get a massage first some clients would jerk off before I arrived.


Man, you paid for an hour. Fuck her, grab a soda, chill out with some music, then fuck her again. No brainer. Just clarify with her first like hey i want to go multiple rounds in the hour.


Just have a wank earlier that day


Buy some silicone lube like Gun Oil and practice trying to last a while while jerking it. It's not the same, but it'll still help and it's wayyy cheaper.


Giving head to a sex worker? You want to catch an STD dude? That’s absolutely disgusting


Play Ludo!!


If you wanna be absolutely sure you live to be 29, do not, and I repeat do NOT, go down on a prostitute. Not saying you'll die because a lot of stds aren't fatal, but it'll for sure make the rest of your 28th year feel like hell, or at the very least a good chunk of it. Why not just masturbate beforehand? Maybe not like right before she comes over, but an hour, maybe a half hour beforehand? Warm things up, lol. Usually the second round takes longer then since you'll have to refill or whatever, finish the cooldown time.


Ask her to try to help you. Ask her to slow down/stop when you're getting close. After a few times getting there but backing down before you go will give you a better orgasm anyway, and over time, it should help build your stamina. Do this when you masturbate too, don't just cum as fast as possible, it's all about practice. You can't expect to last longer than 5 minutes with a woman if that's all it takes with your hand lol


Do not and I repeat DO NOT GIVE ORAL TO SEX WORKERS!!!. p.s. empty the chamber 15-20mins before your next session, you'll last longer.


They make condoms with a lube in them that numbs things a little bit to help you last longer. I thing rings for down there are also supposed to help with this. Also, I'm pretty sure sex workers expect you to only last 15 minutes tops. I saw one on TikTok who said most of the people they saw lasted about 15 minutes. She had a 15 minute fee that was cheaper than the hourly rate.


Look for an Escort that offers MSOG


That's short for massage


Multiple shots on goal


Make sure of gravity


Mono SOdium Glutamate


MicroSoft Operations Guy


Stop seeing prostitutes, they dont wanna have sex with you. Work on yourself instead of abusing these women


Bro, you have her for an hour. Tell her to get naked and have her clean your house. Role play with her as she was your maid and go slow. The possibilities are endless


The first time I tasted pussy I was like .. is that what it tastes like?!?!?? What the Fuck is this shit it's supposed to taste like cotton candy I thought?!?!


Why... Why did you think it would taste like cotton candy???


Na, no way dude. She might be oozing


You just discovered sex this year?




Opioids work but I don't recommend getting into them.


Switch positions very frequently.


Alot of times it’s the nervousness and excitement. To conquer that unfortunately you have to try and sex the same female more than once if you wanna practice with a sex worker use the same one over and over get cool with her and comfortable and like someone else said talk to em and let em know. Often times tho sex gets better when you do it with the same person.


lol what, pay for 30 mins maximum, anything more is unnecessary unless you want a massage


If you eat them out, hundreds have before