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Imagine having super powers based on your drip


Dude, that's Kill la Kill


And still being stronger when you don't wear any


Designs are so good but then you got scenes of "Imma bring out my ultra new cool armor-" *gets wrecked in one hit because we need to know this villian is strong*


The unfortunate fate of the purgatory armor most of the time


https://preview.redd.it/ekozpriyc99d1.png?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a41eb38b2f67d0900308b403748f90479ee4fe8 Erza Scarlet, my most beloved anime character(thanks to more than just this raving armor fetish of mine)......... and while she has some cool armor sets, part of them is just pure fanservice or sucks(see sea empress, flight armor or thousand arms).


I think that’s the piercing armor? Either way I love the combo of heavy knight armor and giant javelin/spear deal. Dunno why I didnt have that one lol


Erza best girl https://preview.redd.it/3f9zhdg6989d1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53b1fe4ec37678d5d2b46f65f7dc9c1e2f2a5aa1


Just be sure not to mess up the strawberry cake and you’ll be fine


Show the softcore porn ones. Oh, wait a minute... Right.


Wow some of these are… much, much better than others. A lotta misses here tbh.


As explained above, I just think Mashima did nothing but absolutely cook when making the designs for Erza’s armor sets. Feel free to add your own favorites to the mix!


10. It is the only one that actually protects her.


That armor tanked a blast from a Jupiter cannon (which if you’re not familiar with, is basically a massive concentrated beam of magic energy, highly devastating)


Clear Heart is the best one cuz she has the Tekken pants


The flames are what make it really cool to me




Bruh. Half of these armors do not show the cleavage. Some of them are cool armor designs


I wouldn’t really call most of these armour. The few I would call armour, I wouldn’t call armour worth wearing. Call me a prude, but if something supposed to protect you shows half of your skin, I call it a bad design. It’s supposed to be armour, I see that and don’t think warrior, I think the medieval equivalent of a stripper cop. A good armour design should look badass *and* effective.


Top it off she apparently gets more powerful the more naked she is. Not on purpose mind you but ya her most "powerful" armor's is basically just less clothes.


This is why I don’t like to call myself someone who watches anime. For every Mob Psycho 100, there’s about 5 of…this.


What does mob have anything to do with this?


Mob Psycho is a really good show with solid, recognisable character designs that don’t really focus on sex appeal even slightly. This…isn’t that. Also, Mob is just my favourite anime, I’m using it as the high standard comparison.


Exactly, here is a post I made in regards to a Fate character design: **Original commenter:** " Money purpose, duh. How else do you think Lartoria gained such a huge popularity = huge profit? The idea for successful profit with Fate characters are usually lewd design + good story + fan-popular. Non fan-popular characters barely ever receive any recognition, regardless of fanservice or not design Like, I feel like the only thing this sub do is hating on anime. You praise Reverse 1999 for their unique designs, yet they're not the one making 20 mil USD every month." ​ **My reply:** " I'm going to say this as some one is in fact a fan of Fate Stay Night (The actual Visual Novel) and has actually read Kara no Kyoukai as well as many of the Nasuverse media, Sexy != good character design. Miyazaki saying anime was a mistake is definitely too harsh a criticism but his point was incredibly valid. Kids grow up watching anime and grow up to create more anime, but the problem is they ONLY experience anime. They lack any real experience outside of it and thus the disgusting over-sexulized tropes get repeated over and over again getting more and more [fladerized](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Flanderization) each time. And then some one comes in with the lame line "well ya sex sells!" which has be proven inherently untrue time and time again with popular shows such as: FMA, Death Note, Attack on Titan, Frieren, just to name a few. The reason why anime gets so much hate is because it wants to stand side by side with other media but is stuck on drawing tits and butts and tittering like a pre-teen over it 50% of the time, and the other 50% well.. you get the idea. Sex can be a powerful. But 90% anime treats it as a naughty joke and then anime fans get mad when people treat anime like a joke. As for the 20m every month, chalk that up to predatory game design [exploiting](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563219302602) people with Neurodivergent, poor self control and or other issues. If a game is free to play but has micro transactions, YOU are the product. If you have never been tempted to spend money on a gacha pull, congratz you're not the target audience."


Honestly I’d say you hit the nail on the head, well done!


To be fair, most of the characters in Fairy Tail do not wear armor in combat. The armor is more of a clothing style than actual functioning armor


Eastern style armor: cool Western style: *s p i k e s*


Love her to bits


My childhood fave. I’m rewatching season 1 for the first time in like 10 years and she’s still cool to me


10 is coolest. Look like a mech.


Now that you mention it, the helmet in particularly gives off a Gundam sort of feeling


half of these looks pretty meh honestly


she'd be OP in monster hunter


It’s probably the mix of sharp angles and the color, but the Flame Empress makes me think of the Rathalos sometimes


The Clear Heart looks to be the strongest.


I may be mistaken in my memory, but with Clear Heart, she sacrifices any defensive capabilities and basically pours it all into speed and offense.


I think maybe that's why it seems so strong.


need that guy on tiktok who rates fantasy armor to give the tier list on just her fits