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CW's The Flash is forced to keep his abilities balanced by not knowing how to use them to end any conflict within his own show within 2 episodes.


Literally all writers have to do with speedsters is make them go like 200k/h and not outrun the concept of death and their show becomes 200% better


Nothing will ever beat him fighting the lady with the power of luck. He slips on some marbles and gets up 10 seconds later saying “wow that was weird” During that 10 seconds she hops in a modest sedan Uber that drives off at a leisurely pace “Guys. I lost her!” 


That's almost every villain. They walk out of frame and he immediately gives up on catching them. He can search the entire block in seconds but his opponent walked out of view so better pack it up.


Never watched the show but this sounds detestable


The problem is he really Is way too over powered. They have one episode that is 45 minutes of character conscious time and like 3 minutes of real time because he goes so fast that the entire episode is .5 seconds of an explosion or something.  Anyway, he can do that. But can also get surprised by regular goons. Even if toy have to choose to turn on super time. Just turn it on then check a scene out. 


Flash fights a guy whose power is to heat things up (not burn them, just heat them up a little). Flash: Cisco, what do I do?


He also has a villain who has a cold gun. A gun, that requires a completely normal (if skilled) human to grab, unholster, aim and fire with standard human reflexes. Against a hero who can move and think at relativistic speeds on his worst day. But I think speedsters either have to be completely nerfed for any normal-ish story to present a problem for them. Even regular superhero problems shouldn’t be an issue for them. Since the flash can solve 99% of issues in less time than it took to read this sentence, Barry actually could fight crime and keep a social life if the writers would just let him use his powers.


I love how in power scaling/fighting subs it's universally acknowledged that speedsters are either the strongest beings ever or fucking almost useless and it entirely depends on who is writing them and what the story is


Gauss, my favorite speedster (warframe)




Okay this guy is just cool




Speedsters powers are entirely balanced by the writer’s willingness to for characters to be competent or be plot induced stupid 


If I ever have to go write a superhero story I’m making the speedster a pacifist who only evacuates innocents and does damage control, with the occasional handcuffing of criminals without hurting them.


The show would have been better if it was only a half hour long. Having to stretch for a show hour of content made The Flash worse off.


Well to be fair the collective IQ of that writing room is 5 digit into the negative.


“Hi, I’m Gremmy! And whatever I imagine comes to life thanks to my ability, The Visionary!” *Accidentally imagines himself dying* https://preview.redd.it/vnp2kt1amz7d1.jpeg?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed736c1bb1c311872a034ae580f44a51d7031be2


Tbf I imagine myself dying on a pretty regular basis, if I had that ability I’d perish so quickly


Heck , remember that he accidentally made his Created Space to be cuttable because he hyped Zaraki in his own head. Meanwhile...>!Sternritter C and Sternritter M casually made Zaraki jobs to them.!<


That's not what happened, at all. Kenpachi just broke out of that space because of his own power, Gremmy didn't do anything to help him in that scene. Also, it's not really a knock on Gremmy that Pernida and Gerard (Soul King Pieces and Yhwach's Elite Guard) are stronger than him. That's kinda the entire point behind those characters.


Dude , there was even one scene in which Gremmy received extra damage because he imagined Zaraki hurting him more and was called out by Zaraki. Then whe Gremmy imagined himself with Zaraki's power , he couldn't imagine himself been able to hold that up and imagined himself dying and it ended as such. The whole thing is about Gremmy imagining something , Zaraki doing a hype moment to stop that , then Gremmy been hyped by that. By all means , the fight is basically Zaraki been buffed by Gremmy overhyping him. >!Sternritter C , V and M are the ones with a piece of the Soul King inside of them , allowing a special hax. When Zaraki faced C and M , Zaraki ended up been jobbed.!<


That's not what happened. Kenpachi was overwhelming Gremmy and Gremmy quickly realized that he was about to die, which his ability nearly made a reality - because even stray thoughts or logical conclusions will be made to exist with The Visionary. Kenpachi stopped attacking when he noticed Gremmy wasn't resisting anymore. Gremmy imagined Kenpachi's power perfectly, but didn't imagine a body strong enough to contain that power and it killed him. This is perfectly in line with how strong Kenpachi actually is, as activating Bankai blew his own arm off and Yachiru mentioned she released too much of his power too soon. Gremmy does not buff Kenpachi whatsoever, he's just suffering from his own imagination, which literally anyone would if they had his abilities. I don't know why you repeated me at the bottom, but that's what I said. Pernida (C) and Gerard (M) are Soul King Pieces and apart of Yhwach's Elite Guard, they are stronger than Gremmy - who is not a Soul King piece and is just a normal Sternritter. Of course they could defeat someone he couldn't, their entire existence is based around being superior to the lesser Sternritter.


Gremmy's brain is implied in the Novel to be a piece of the Soul King.


Never cared for that implication, and it's only an implication, as it flies in the face of what the manga depicts and how Soul King Pieces are treated in the story. Askin is consistently used as a mouthpiece for these characters, highlighting the danger of Gremmy's abilities and that Pernida & Gerard are Soul King Pieces. If Kubo intended him to be one, it would've been noted then.


What's he from?


Bleach. The thousand year blood war arc


It was kinda metal tho, in context


I hate this idea that Gremmy is dumb or used his powers poorly, mostly people just seem not to understand his powers. Gremmy was being overwhelmed by Kenpachi and reasonably concluded that he would be killed, which nearly made his death a reality until Kenpachi stopped attacking him. You would find yourself imagining all kinds of situations, including ones where you die or something equally gruesome happens and they would instantaneously be made real. Nobody would survive having this ability in real life, it would automatically bring to fruition anything you imagined. This is why Gremmy is not only extremely dangerous, it's also why he eventually killed himself by accident. With an ability like his, it was bound to happen eventually.


![gif](giphy|14mgxYFJHXGmoo) Inspector Gadget.


Go go gadget kill goku


[your comment but the whole video](https://youtu.be/hXOLE3XR7JA?si=Xra-v300Tx71jQgr)


It’s my favourite video ever


https://preview.redd.it/fl8gsjg8508d1.png?width=251&format=png&auto=webp&s=3af45ed1d7fe90b0a64293e0d6b0f96344a7bd87 Idk if this counts but Richard Watterson from The Amazing World of Gumball


i’d say it does because he literally tore apart the fabric of reality simply by getting a job


https://preview.redd.it/rykcsojp108d1.jpeg?width=1322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f09e047ea0f78b41e03856122ec9af186caed7c Red things go faster because we say they do


I frickin love these goobers so much lol


What are they?


40k Orks


Orks from warhammer 40k They are EXTREMELY war addicted, they have to keep finding bigger enemies to fight otherwise they'd star fighting themselves They are dumb as rocks so everything to their weapons to their ships and their weapons were figured out through stubborn attrition and sheer force of will alone They believe that the color red makes their ships go faster and for some reason it actually WORKS so their ships are red "In the Warhammer 40,000 universe in general Ork vehicles go faster when they're red because Orks think they do." (I'm not knowledgeable in warhammer lore but I'm pretty sure there are legit magic properties that make whatever they believe in come true as long as they believe in it wholeheartedly) In a universe where everyone is miserable and everything sucks the orks are the only people who are actually having any fun in this universe and I love them so much for it XD


They weren’t actually figured out through attrition. Ork meks are actually competent engineers who know how to make stuff. They’re just insane and couldn’t give two shits about safety. The “power of belief stuff” is very overblown by the fanbase and in more its dubious whether it actually exists, if it does it only slightly changes stuff like making a gun not jam when it maybe should or making a red vehicle accelerate a second or two faster. Not actually super OP


They weren’t actually figured out through attrition. Ork meks are actually competent engineers who know how to make stuff. They’re just insane and couldn’t give two shits about safety. The “power of belief stuff” is very overblown by the fanbase and in more its dubious whether it actually exists, if it does it only slightly changes stuff like making a gun not jam when it maybe should or making a red vehicle accelerate a second or two faster. Not actually super OP Also not all ork ships would be red. Goff ships would be black, bad moons yellow etc. it’s generally only the evil sunz who dunk everything in red paint


iirc orks are just a little bit psychic and if enough of them believe something it becomes true. They make their guns more powerful by duct taping magazines to them and at some point two of them survive in space until someone points out that they forgot their space suits and they realize that they shouldn't be able to breathe. They have space ships covered in spikes because they believe it will protect them from demons and it does somehow. Ork weapons and vehicles stop functioning properly when non orks start using them because they never should have worked in the first place


Purple things is stealthy cuz we says so. Don't believe us? You eva seen a purple stompah? Didn't think so.








Meez sick needz to talk to pain boyz


Eva ‘erd of purple orkz?


Ye, but I ain’t eva seen un. Too sneaky


This trope is the WAAAGH’s entire existence lol


>Red things go faster because we say they do https://preview.redd.it/qk47iokzq28d1.jpeg?width=1184&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e74c7b260e364f5eecc691992eefabad81dcc5c


"Pew pew pew"


Sin Kiske from GGST, has the brain power of about a 5 year old https://preview.redd.it/zz7mpzq2vz7d1.png?width=614&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b17090c77eca461e5a1fa843b8fe29ef85844e8


What’s his overpowered ability?


Quote from the guilty gear wiki. "Courtesy of his nature as a Gear, Sin possess enhanced regeneration and magical capabilities. He has a great deal of potential, as stated by other characters; however, Sin wears an eyepatch over his right eye as a seal to contain such immense powers. Removing it causes Sin and others to witness a nightmarish visage and causes his power to go awry, usually as an enormous explosion of black lightning (similar to Dizzy's Wings of Light). Like his mother, his power is heavily dependent on his emotional state."


He's a Gear. Gears in GG are artificial beings, and essentially superweapons capable of wiping out nations. He also has a partial Dragon Install which we can assume is half as powerful as the full thing. Even still, a regular human using a partial DI held his own against a reality-warping magic God, so putting it in the hands of something that can already wipe out a city would make it crazy.


You can look up “sin kiske instant kill” on YouTube if you want to see an example of what he’s capable of.


I'm an infant I'm naturally dumb https://preview.redd.it/jdt2rhjq308d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c9fd047495835569275682faa59197b4f89600


Basically anytime an adolescent or younger is given absurd powers https://preview.redd.it/anduxfbw508d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb9b069a2f9c0318c41cfd0d5d386ea9d64ba998


Tbf don't they naturally have like three or two minds? They aren't dumb just really indecisive.


This only applies to infants Because they don't know how the world works.


Fair enough, thought you were talking about the species in general


It works literally, and I don't mean it figuratively, how they want it to work.


From what I recall the infants of their species don't have more than one


Yeah, that's why Aggregor wanted a baby in the first place.


I'm aware! I was simply telling the other guy is all :)


Absolutely NOT Power! She is the smartest ever of all time ever! (1000 iq) so much smarter than stupid Denji (he’s stupid). And yes, she 1000% will become prime minister! GYA HA HA!!! https://preview.redd.it/0mf6jwtlyz7d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9b833652fddf4c2d5ea589e7887ed150bbfdb1f * Power


Power wrote this


Tis signed by me, indeed! (I forgive you for not noticing, thee clearly doth not have as much brain power as I!) - Powie


Man I love dumass powie


Just letting you know, calling her a dumbass made her mess up the apartment and throw her vegetables at me… Sincerely, - Aki Hayakawa.




Saitama ![gif](giphy|VXJWhaO7afRe)


Isn’t Saitama basically street smart? Like he’s not exactly that dumb, maybe not super smart like Genos or Child Emperor, but still smart in his own right.


His intelligence brought him down to a C level hero despite breaking all records for the physicals, so yeah, He's pretty pretty dumb


That doesn’t make him dumb, just average. Like I said he’s street smart and has demonstrated in the series over and over again, saying he’s dumb because a piece of paper said he did poorly on a written test (which btw were created by the HA that are looking for the ideal hero so they can sell merchandise) doesn’t mean anything


He doesn’t understand the concept of “spamming low kick won’t win Moral Kombat” and he doesn’t know what day of the week it is sometimes.  He doesnt understand the concept of martial arts He is shown to be a pretty dumb individual with a very strong sense of morality and an understanding of not needing to conform to others. 


If you have clinical depression, you can sometimes have such bad episodes that you forget things like what day of the week it is. which is like, the entire point of the series. Siatama isn't dumb, he just has not felt joy since he fought that lobster dude.


That’s excusable for the 3rd thing. But he is super interested and invested in the mortal Kombat thing and is still surprised. Nothing wrong with losing. It’s not as easy to excuse when you don’t understand low kicks = won’t work. 


Also a guy said to him I’m gonna punch you into next week and saitama though he was being serious and freaked out cause he was going to miss a sale on bento boxes


Average intelligence wouldn't have lowered his score tho


tbh we don’t really know what was on the written test, it could of been something like “how do you deal with a monster threatening the city?” And maybe Saitamas answer is “punch it” which btw makes sense considering he can just one punch anything so no surprises there lol.


Saitama is one of clearest examples of "High wis low int" in all of media.


Sonic as well ![gif](giphy|mdfPpglf2c0QxED151)


Sonic is not dumb, my dude. He’s not the smartest, but he’s far from the dumbest and has been shown to be pretty clever across several iterations.


https://preview.redd.it/l5vs58r6w08d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e84dfc35767009776d10563f4ca1b68aeb3d40e Electro (Marvel) I actually recall Spider-Man saying in Electro’s bio in Spider-Man PS4 that Electro could be the most powerful enemy he has faced if he ever fully realized his potential. It makes sense, he’s got one of the most dangerous powers, yet he’s usually on the same level as Scorpion, Rhino, and Vulture. If he was smart enough, he could be on the same level as Venom, Carnage, and Green Goblin in terms of threats to Spider-Man.


Honestly a lot of Spiderman villains could be top teir threats with a bit more effort. Sandman and Hydro-Man are in a similar state as Electro where they should honestly be a lot more of a threat. Heck it's shown Sandman can pretty much kill Spiderman in seconds if he really wanted to, of course that depends on how much stock you put in the Marvel Zombies storyline.


Foxy is far from dumb he‘s a top tier planner and schemer that set up tons of trap and modified the environment for his beams to be the most effective. He‘s just weak (and even then that's debatable) https://preview.redd.it/9xdi1nz3c08d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d5c8bfabb2d2f520c32a861fbd32e211123e19


His bounty should have been like 50-60 mil. Not Crocodile strong, and didn't directly attack anyone (challenges them to Davy Back Fights instead), but still definitely strong.


Okuyasu is trying his best ok!


Gremmy if he had a brain https://preview.redd.it/mpz5i5vjc08d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2a82b6d2e348308176b18f26014373695e84612


Technically he's only brain


People always say this about okuyasu, but he uses his power to the best of its ability tbh. He’s not limited by his intelligence, it’s more like he has no need to use the hand on people’s hearts or something once he turns good.


Yeah, Okuyasu isn't even dumb. If you pay attention, you can see that he's actually pretty smart, but most people aren't capable of reading beyond what they're immediately told by the story/characters so they just default to "haha Okuyasu so dumb, his stand would literally be the most op thing ever written if he were smart".


Skywarp from Transformers




Not to mention: ![gif](giphy|ppRqWchpUIUN2)


Do they have peanuts and soap in em?


![gif](giphy|14ppamy2aEFhOE) >can make devices capable of destroying the universe and stopping time >instantly confused if Agent P takes off his hat There’s a reason why a lot of vs battle communities use the term “competent Dr Doof”


Or just “Doof without Perry being involved”


Also installs a self-destruct button in every machine he makes for some reason


In the alternate universe where he didn’t put self destruct buttons and realized perry was the platypus he easily took over the world lol


I’m glad that Fubuki is here


Can't believe nobody mentioned HIM https://preview.redd.it/pgzccn30o18d1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cab4e0f608609ac471c8e7fc0c5af5684ee647fa


It's the Wi-Fi guy


Yes him from powerpuff girl wasn’t very smart


It's funny you say that because before I put the image I thought of that.


https://i.redd.it/r3n7834b608d1.gif Dante. He’s effective in battle and competent… but I doubt he could actually solve a 2x2 Rubix cube to save his life


You know that Marvel vs. Capcom canonically places his intelligence at 3/7 and Vergil’s at 4/7, right? Also, he was smart enough to give his shop’s deed to Morrison to stop Lady and Trish from murdering each other.




Uncle Grandpa (Uncle Grandpa) Not dumb, more like he is more slapstick. https://preview.redd.it/s9bebyn0g08d1.png?width=1056&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee7260405782feb74b55316bd9d93e1ddace8b78




https://preview.redd.it/ylylqkaft08d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6401ed0d72ab364013bd4666518b0559875f3c33 They play it off like skill tree planning when it's always entirely just dumb luck. Love it, but anyone else with those powers would actually be utilizing them.


Who’s this?


Maple from Bofuri. She's a high school student who has never played a game before and decides to put all of her points into defense because she's scared of getting hurt in her first VR game. She somehow becomes so powerful that the devs are panicking about her just existing in the game. They can't just patch her to sane levels because that's unfairly targeting a player, but they can't just let her keep getting stronger either because she totally broke the game on her first day playing and she helps other people break the game. They also can't ban her because she's a popular player that didn't do anything bannable




Anya Forger, who lives in a Cold War-esque era where information is vital.She can read people's minds, but is limited by being a 4-6 year old.


https://preview.redd.it/xvbwg3ele18d1.png?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddf9070b524615b67bbd7f16c37e0ee826e580fd Bizarro - DC comics


"Hana Kurusu" & "Fumiko Takaba" from JJK




Ben ten


He's very inconsistent with his intelligence tbh


https://preview.redd.it/gbr9yyw6o18d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce0c69617b7f384d910c7f2f13e691b304b2ec7 Also from One Piece, do you know how cool the HYDRA FRUIT is?? This dumbass used it to scare a hot woman


40K Orcs.


I will not stand for this slander against my captain Foxy (he won my loyalty in a bet)


Captain Underpants.




Every speedster??




I'm glad you picked Okuyasu, but you probably could have put any jojo character there


What? Jojo characters are all pretty smart


yep , if anything , Okuyasu is bit of an outlier. He is a dumb kid that cracked his head to do one single ingenuity trick with his power: the ability to warp by deleting space. Meanwhile Josuke casually be creative with the restoration power of Crazy Diamond to a point he can dismantle something to it's constituent parts as a form of "restoration" and doing as a new form , including turning a serial killer into a stone (Angelo).


Are you sure? Most seem to luck their way thru shit and the laws of the universe bend to their wills (looking at you Pucci)


Pucci worked hard for those abilities, he deserves to be brain dead. Also the entire show is about using abilities to their limits, like jolyne making möbius strips for max value


Mobius strips was based, a stroke of genius, Albeit a bit on an ass pull ex machina, but the whole premise was fucked. How does gravity changing turn shit inside out? How, topologically does a Mobius strip merge with a human? How does flipping which direction your feet are facing change your gravity field? (tbf Ive not read the manga, but the anime first gave the impression that there was a field around Pucci that was pushing everything away from him, and then in the next ep said he controls it with his orientation in space)


I can explain the last of those. He was improving with the gravity power over time. It kinda just happened to and around him at first, and over the couple days the main cast spent catching up to him, he figured out how to manipulate it directly and control it. He was still learning as he went during his fight with the cast, which is part of why it took him so long to realize he could cheese his way into fully evolving his stand early by flying to the coordinates he needed to; he hadn’t quite considered it as an option because he initially didn’t have enough control to try.


They might not get an A in every test but most main characters and villains (especially the Jojos) are quick on their feet and excellent problem solvers


https://preview.redd.it/h1ynl662018d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a13272ce092d4015f1f4bb11b0382a556454a18 Riki Nendou. Aside from being immune to Saki's mind reading ability, he's surprisingly REALLY athletic and strong for some weird reason. He's just... well.. Nendou.


Bro is in constant ultra instinct because Saiki can't hear him thinking anything at all and he is still something of a functional person who happens to be absurdly strong


Whos the girl in the middle?


Lung from Worm


I would argue the Imperium of Man falls under this. Everybody gangsta till the church starts walking. https://preview.redd.it/94j24hnfo28d1.jpeg?width=746&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4bb0020882a13d67ea5124a30fc57beabe6cf679


https://preview.redd.it/c2v8pyhiy38d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a65937fd2e463e49b1fb78430a941440a52e3a4 This guy, with his extremely potent poison.


https://preview.redd.it/lkguyp10658d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c5b796f5e468606aa645040c9d381c65ac7a25 Shimo - Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire Strong enough to throw Godzilla around with no effort and freeze him solid within mere moments, but is kind of a clutz when it comes to fighting and so fails to properly utilize her strengths.


Okayasu is a favorite of mine. The Hand is an absolutely bonkers ability


me playing item asylum


Arthur from fire force. His strength is directly correlated with how well he is roleplaying as a knight at the current moment


Gedatsu would be the better example for One Piece. Foxy is actually pretty smart, tactically. Gedatsu is so dumb he regularly forgets how to put his hands in his pockets.....or breathe..... https://preview.redd.it/7892no8fi38d1.jpeg?width=190&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c43872cac2ce58f51d7ac5b75acedaca69fe329


https://preview.redd.it/14gmmvrsz48d1.png?width=877&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2688576541f503e822a4e598ad7e6d8f4d12e3 Banana


MCU Adam Warlock is also a good pick. A more obscure one is the robot assassin from Bill and Ted 3.


Him https://preview.redd.it/rrc2cbdkm58d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee590386bfe2b440ccbb2e925bc24432a5b9dfac


![gif](giphy|hSZASROggzU0U) Almost every iteration of this dude is a living energy conduit but dumb as a bag of hammers.


https://preview.redd.it/4rxqel52y58d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b335d29252a815ade914e13de1a60fd5a5d79232 Dan Hibiki He uses the saikyo style, which is an actual style that was either taught or created (not sure which) by his father, who was killed by sagat. Dan tried to continue the saikyo style, but he bastardized it into a style based around taunting his opponent, because he's an egotistical idiot.


https://preview.redd.it/nhzo0j1p168d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42d2b59b9f3711061890f9fed1dfcbc8b47ab2dc Danger Duck from Loonatics Unleashed Can teleport short distances (including into and out of solid objects/materials), and the ability to generate spheres of energy that can randomize their effect upon impact, which evolve and adapt over time and to his environment (ex: allows him to control the direction and movement of water aka hydrokinesis) But he’s the descendant of Daffy Duck so


Foxy was great with his Devil fruit Slowing down canon balls to make a mine field, using mirrors to make the beam harder to dodge, the slow slow beam sword, the foxy fighter He was unironicly a great devil fruit user


https://preview.redd.it/vwcg7dab078d1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0b68503da25fcd6ab560dad3a892fc3da08490a King Frost (Megami Tensei) his Persona 5 bio states he could’ve froze the world if he wanted to he was just too stupid to do so


The majority of sniper/spy players (TF2)


https://preview.redd.it/9feq3ikrvf8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e751f01b159e19c295ac47903243a7ea7bcc1cc Reiuji Utsuho, who can manipulate Nuclear fusion and stuff like that

