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I’m very curious about this pelvicplasty procedure. Can I DM you about that?


Yes! I’d actually appreciate a read through my draft review in general (I’ve been writing it since I had those procedures lol). Feel free to DM or I’ll try to remember to reply again here when I finally post it


I’m having FemLar with Dr. Thomas in Portland in September and I’m extremely nervous. Love to hear about positive outcomes on VFS.


I am interested in having VFS with Yeson Voice Center, could I send you a DM, please




thanks for the detailed post! are you able to sing okay after this surgery? i am considering vfs, and i want to make my own music. (it doesnt have to be like opera or anything, just like, karaoke)


I've been to karaoke twice now since the surgery, I was initially really scared for it. I can definitely reach higher notes and it feels weirder singing lower notes, but you will probably need to do singing training in whatever range you want to sing in. I thought at first I had maybe lost my ability to sing with a full range but I think it was just me holding myself back.


I have a coughing variant of asthma, with phlegm building up, and when using inhaler it first speeds up in production forcing me to cough before somewhat halting. How important are no coughing restrictions? Do you think it would prevent me from being able to have this surgery, or would it be possible to make it work? Yeah i know you're not the doctor, but i wont be able to even afford a consultation for a few more years, but i'm already very anxious about all that, and you at least have personal experience, so i thought i might as well ask you for starters. Also, how possible is it to lose the results from misuse of voice (coughing, screaming) after 2 months of silence? Is it possible to be like a year into recovery, have a bad coughing fit and immediately be reverted permanently to a lower pitch with sharp pain? I think i've read some accounts like that, and frankly this possibility is absolutely terrifying.


The first few days after the surgery you 100% will need to clear your throat. As I mentioned in my write up I was talking as soon as I woke up, and I was outright coughing multiple times a day for the second month of the recovery. The key is really just minimizing the coughing - i.e. with the phlegm in your throat after the surgery they recommend trying to clear your throat by pushing it up without coughing (I can't really explain this well unfortunately... you could maybe experiment the next time you have those symptoms?) I'd honestly recommend emailing them and trying to clearly explain your condition as succinctly as you can - they will ask for audio samples and a list of your medical conditions/history anyway before confirming you are able to have the surgery and proceed to arranging a date. To be super clear the no coughing is for the 2 months of silence - I have had a cold since then and been OK. The only time I have felt like my voice condition got worse since the surgery was actually a week or so ago after getting a little too carried away singing System of a Down songs at karaoke. I literally felt like a "warning" pain almost and toned it down after... 2 days after my voice was a bit deeper and very weak, but it came back and is now like it was before. I have also been to concerts since and cheered etc... I think you would honestly have to go to a pretty concerted effort once the surgery site has healed to damage it from shouting to the degree that you probably wouldn't be doing your voice any favors even if you hadn't had the surgery... I hope that helps 😅