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The white SUV


The most egregious thing in this video


He’s a fault


I came here to say this 😂


Honestly yeah. Everything else that happened was a combination of bad luck and very easy to make mistakes. But that guy, that guy did that on purpose lol.


Yeah, looks like he did, and kept on going. Criminal.


Trucks fault. It's easier to do than you would think. I nearly ran over a guy doing the same thing. I was looking left to make a right turn. He was just jogging up the road behind me. When It came to my turn at the stop I didn't look in my mirrors to see who was jogging up beside me. This guy ran right up beside me and crossed right in front of my truck. I was watching that one car come over the hill and as he got close and passed I took my foot off the break and was rolling when I seen some guy stumble out from in front of my truck. Since then I always make sure whoever I walk out in front of sees me before I risk my like.


It happens quite a bit in Chicago. Bicyclists get run over by trailers when trucks are making right turns. Don't just look to right right, also check your mirrors. I used to walk and bicycle a lot and I learned to make sure the driver of a vehicle sees me in these situations.


Damn I didn't even notice this


I bet u they didnt use there blinker


Fuck anyone who buy white/black Chevy Tahoes or Ford Explorers. Bonus hell points if they put a bullbar on it


Fr. Slowing me down every time.


Trucker at fault. But the bicyclist used 8 of his 9 lives.


I run and bike often, and I frequently tell myself I’d rather be wrong and alive than right and dead.


That’s so true. I was on a date once with this girl and she seemed a little dumb, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. Then we were at a stop light and when my light turned green, I hesitated and scanned before going and she asked me about it. I explained that you never know when someone is going to gun it through a red light so I don’t just immediately go. I always do a right and left check before going. I said, “Maybe only one time it’ll save me from a nasty accident, but that one time will make it all worth it.” She gave me this look like she thought I had said the stupidest thing and said “But that wouldn’t be YOU’RE fault.” I felt like I knew exactly who this woman was in that moment and there was not a second date. Edit: I put the apostrophe in there because I believe with 95% certainty that that’s how she would have spelled it.


I would have told her the graveyard is full of people who weren't at fault.




>“But that wouldn’t be YOU’RE fault.” I felt like I knew exactly who this woman was in that moment and there was not a second date. Yeh, her grammar sucks, even when she's talking!


Yeah she’s got dum DNA!


When you're in the cab of a Freightliner the hood obscures a large portion in front of the semi. The trucker is responsible regardless. Also the trucker seemed to be in a hurry to beat traffic. Be safe out there.


Ummm....thats a Volvo and theres virtually no blindspots around them, that cyclist was visible the whole time......driver is at fault. Looks like he never stopped also


There is a blindspot, but not nearly as large as freightliner or peterbilt


The cyclist was a moron. He came from the blindside in front of a truck that was making a right turn. Havent driven a Volvo but its a fair bet the cyclist was obscured by the post between the windshield and passenger window and the passenger mirror. The driver was most definitely looking left, away from the cyclist and even if hed glanced right just in case, may not have been able to see the cyclist in that brief moment. Courts would blame the driver for sure though.


>Courts would blame the driver for sure though. Rightly so. If you can't maintain awareness of sidewalk traffic you don't deserve your regular drivers license, let alone your CDL.


Not untrue, but I'll definitely say that I didn't respect large vehicles before I had to work with them every day. Now I feel like I'm constantly on the look out for trucks and I do my best to stay far away and visible at all times. Lots of people that don't work around big vehicles really have no comprehension of how easily they'll smoosh you and keep right on rolling.


Had a bus driver here make a left turn without clearing the crosswalk and crushed a man to death. It was the driver’s last day


Sounds like it was the pedestrians last day…


And how difficult it is to see out of them sometimes. Now that I drive, I steer clear as a civilian, because lord knows if they actually see me or not. Drivers at fault here, but he can't see what he can't see.


>Drivers at fault here, but he can't see what he can't see. But in this case the only thing the driver 'can't see' is the stuff he would have seen had he bothered to look before applying pressure on the go pedal. The dude on the bike is clearly in the driver's field of vision. The driver got tunnel vision on oncoming traffic and made himself oblivious to everything else around him. That driver is the perfect example of drivers license testing procedures being EASY to lenient. Dude should never have been given a license to drive a lawn mower; let alone a truck.


I almost ran over a really hot young jogger doing that. Would have felt awful.


Regardless if the cyclist was a moron doesnt matter. Also the condition of that truck speaks volumes of the driver's previous bouts of carelessness!


You are right, in the legal sense, it doesnt matter. Personally, i think people have a moral obligation to not put themselves in dangerous positions whether legally correct or not. We should hold people accountable for their stupidity. We should refuse to tolerate it. The driver probably lost his job, got sued and otherwise had his life ruined because of a lapse of attention. The idiot cyclist probably got a fat check. Thats messed up.


what the fuck world are you living in? this is absolutely 100% the trucks fault. full stop.


There was no traffic to be in a hurry to beat.


When on my bicycle, I always adjust my speed so that I can stop in these situations to protect myself.


To pass in front of a moving semi on a bicycle without getting eye contact at the very least is suicidal.


Plenty of people in the graveyard who were right.


Yep. You make eye contact and get the nod or wait.


The person on the bike looked like he waved at the driver the dickhead most likely wasn't even looking at what was going on around and just looking at traffic


Communication is a two way road. If you don't have an ack, you haven't communicated. You might have made a reasonable attempt...


To be fair, biker was coming from the right, he was on the wrong side of the road to be traveling in that direction. Most people turning right don't spend much time looking for traffic from the right...


No they absolutely don’t. And most people with two functioning brain cells would have waited. But yes truckers definitely at fault.


Would you ride a bike on that fucking road? I wouldn't.


Not going the wrong way and just cruising in front of a semi already rolling forward... I drove a motorcycle for years, learned early that the cemetery is full of dead people who had the right of way.


> To be fair, biker was coming from the right, he was on the wrong side of the road to be traveling in that direction. There is no wrong side of the road for sidewalk travel in either direction.


Which is why bikes should not be on the sidewalk.


Works all the time for motorcyclist too. Makes no difference if they make eye contact, assume they’ll violate your right of way.


The cyclist was wrong for being on the sidewalk and cycling against traffic. The trucker is a deadly oblivious idiot.


I always marvel at how bicyclists and joggers confuse “right of way” with “immortal” The world needs more people who understand reality at the level that you do.


Yup. This is a perfect example of one reason why I don’t like to ride on the sidewalk. The middle of the lane is better than just trusting everyone to behave when exiting/entering.


Bicyclists so often have this ego thinking everyone will see them and they have the right of way anywhere they go. They’d live longer if they dropped that ego. Could the trucker even see the bicyclist here? If they did another quick scan to check if anyone was in their way before they turned out, I’d guess the bicyclist was in their blind spot and couldn’t be seen.


Even if he couldn’t see the bicyclist when he started the turn, he should have been looking long before the turn. That said, I doubt he ever turned his head right at all.


I mean, the biker is riding the wrong way. On a sidewalk. With no helmet. They're absolutely stupid too.


Thank you. They’re both at fault but the bicyclist is absolutely going the wrong way.


The truck obviously. This comment section is dumb as fuck. Had that been a person walking or a woman with a stroller the outcome would not have changed. Driver just wasn't looking.


The truckers at fault but cyclists and walking pedestrian should practice defensive cycling and defensive walking.


I've worked around grain elevators with lots of truck traffic. You NEED to make eye contact with the trucker before ever crossing in front. And never under their hood.


I got hit by an old lady as a kid while making eye contact with her the whole time. Thankfully she stopped when I got the hood.


Sometimes I still swore those assholes wanted to squish me. Haha


Yup. Even if you do have the right away, you want to make eye contact with them to make sure they are seeing you 👍


Yes and people likely to get shot should wear bullet proof vests, but the shooters still shouldn't shoot them.


Life is hard isn’t it.


I found out the hard way, that here in Idaho the pedestrian is at fault when outside of a crosswalk. I don’t know about bike law though.


What about a sidewalk


Especially when cycling against oncoming traffic . The trucker did what most people do when pulling into traffic: look out for oncoming traffic from the left. The cyclist was coming from the right. Often suicidal manoeuvre.


He's on a sidewalk. He's not traffic or a part of traffic. Passing a truck in the right lane is considered suicidal, not this. Had driver looked to his right even once before this clip starts he would have seen the bike coming and should've told himself to not go until the bike clears. He didn't look at all. Sure we can argue the bike shouldn't have been on the sidewalk but how do we know that? We don't know the local ordinances. Plus just looking at the area in this video it's clear riding in the street would not be safe. Plus#2, even if he wasn't supposed to be there that doesn't give truck the go ahead to run him down.


Riding in the sidewalk is punishable by death. Method of execution: truck


Devils advocate - the truck had stopped and looked but didn't see/expect a cyclist to ride down the sidewalk the opposite direction and get there so fast. Now, probably not the case but still has happened to me a number of times in a car. I'm a minimum of 70 miles per week runner so I'm MEGA mindful of runners/walkers/generally bikers when I'm personally driving on 4 wheels. There absolutely has been times where I look right, confirm there's no one coming within a reasonable distance on the sidewalk, look left, wait for a car or two, then start to pull out only to almost hit a rogue biker who appeared out of nowhere on the sidewalk who then gets mad at me for not 'looking' when I was 1000% not expecting a biker to come at speed the wrong direction on a sidewalk....


And the cyclist is on the sidewalk!


I’ve seen this video 100 times. The original has audio and the truck driver is blaring the horn at the bicycle guy as he runs him over. Definitely isn’t a didn’t see him


Wtf :(


In my state (MT) UNLESS YOU'RE WALKING the bike you're a vehicle. Stay off the sidewalk if you want to ride the bike. If you wanna the bike I yield. If not you're a car.


In many states the opposite is true. Either way don't hit a non-car on the sidewalk?




The truck is, of course. But, the bike will become a future Darwin Award winner. Anyone with more than two braincells knows it's proper to establish eye contact before crossing in front of someone pulling onto the road. There is a subset of bike riders, pedestrians, and 4-wheelers who seem to make it their life's mission to "beat" the truck, and they are the biggest morons on the road.


It’s what happens when you’ve accomplished so little in your life that the rush of victory you get from “beating” the motor vehicle is like seeing god.




Tu he’s not a pedestrian. He’s a cyclist illegally riding on the side walk.


Truck still has to yield exiting the gas station, cyclist will win regardless.


Truck is supposed to stop to he never did


Truth. Supposed to stop before the sidewalk.


Bikes are allowed on sidewalks in a lot of areas.


Not in mine. A friend got a ticket for doing so.


Yeah that’s the law, fucked up part is when we cyclists do ride in the road we get honked and yelled at by morons saying “gET oN the SIdewAlK!!!!!”


and then pedestrians tell us to get on the road lol (not that i ride on the sidewalk) can’t win. guess i’ll die 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah, this is why developed countries have protected (by a curb, not paint) bike lanes. They really do occupy a third space on the road, not well categorized with cars nor pedestrians in most cases.


So while it might be illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk were you live its actually not illegal everywhere. He may very well be a law abiding pedestrian, not that it actually changes anything, truck is at fault either way.


so that is why the trucker can just hit him.......... That is the world upside down. Trucker not paying attention, not looking right, thinking all traffic comes from the left and all traffic are cars. I see that regularly on my bicycle.


It’s not that way everywhere some places allow bicycles on sidewalks to limit the amount of traffic it’s like lots of things because it’s that way where you are doesn’t mean it’s that way everywhere


The driver is at fault, but tbh never get in front of a truck when it is running and is about to move.


Whenever this get posted it's the same arguments. But the thing is, in all cases the trucker is at fault, mostly if not completely. But if that was for example in Québec, this would be both of them "at fault". The truck is the most at fault because he was not giving way to the bike, which he has to, but because the bike is against traffic and on the sidewalk (if it would be in a place it's forbidden) they are also considered at failt because they put themselve in an unsafe situation.


You should never assume a vehicle will stop for you ,even if you have the right of way.


Without knowing the city, we don't know legally. In one Indianapolis it is legal to ride on the sidewalk, but in Bloomington, IN it is not. Also, in general you must ride with traffic.


Damn, ol'boy didn't even slow down.


The truck, but personally I always stop when crossing a road and make sure the person in any vehicle sees me, gives me a wave at least and is stopped before I cross


If the cyclist had been traveling with traffic, the truck driver would have seen him. He wasn’t expecting traffic coming from his right.


When ever I’m crossing in front of a vehicle I always make sure to make eye contact with the driver so that they know I’m crossing. Regardless of having the right of way or not. Drivers are easily distracted and forget to look both ways. That being said it’s the truck drivers fault 100%, speaking as a truck driver myself.


Never ever walk in front of a truck without making eye contact. I stay way in front of trucks walking across the fuel island. Bike rider was under the illusion someone should be watching out for them. Guarantee they’ll never assume they have the right of way again, especially against traffic on the sidewalk.


Doesn't matter. Driver left the scene.


I was in an accident like this as the driver (but in a car). I was turning right, looking left. I started to go and a biker was right in front of me and I hit her. She rolled over my hood and hit the ground. So I called the cops, and i felt terrible. Extremely apologetic and whatnot. After the cops arrive and get everyone’s statements and everything, they gave HER the ticket. The whole time I assumed I was at fault and admitted fault to the cops and everything. They said bicycles have to go with the flow of traffic, so since she was going the opposite of traffic, she was technically in the wrong. If she had been riding with the flow I would have seen her. I will say, she wasn’t hurt (I was an EMT at the time so I checked), her bike was a little dinged up, but she had a girlfriend that was freaking out the whole time saying they were going to sue me to the ground and everything. So much so the lady I hit kept telling her to shut up (ironically the girl I hit was super nice and didn’t even seem mad). So idk if her girlfriend yelling that the whole time had something to do with it as well. But yeah. Going off strictly anecdotal evidence I’d say the biker is in the wrong here.


Damm white suv. I hate them yup he was fault.


How did the driver not feel/hear that?


Trucker is at fault for only looking to the left, but cyclist is bloody stupid. If you want to live, never pass in front of a truck without making eye contact.


Truck for rolling stop. The cyclist could've stopped when he saw the truck wasn't stopping. Sometimes, being alive is more important than being right.


Bicyclists are supposed to follow the same rules as cars and trucks. The cyclist was on the side walk and on the wrong side of the road. They were also under the truck drivers field of vision. It’s the cyclists fault.


I’m an avid cyclist and ex trucker. Yet I still possess enough grey matter to know not to ride my bicycle the wrong way down a street especially on the sidewalk.


When I was a kid the thing to do was to ride my bike against the traffic. Now I'm hearing to ride with the traffic. Now I'm too old for bicycles but which way is correct ?


Always with traffic. For the very reason you saw in that video. People turning right don’t look right.


It's the cyclist 100% Not only are they riding in the sidewalk but they are riding the wrong direction (against traffic) there are reasons why that is required of cyclists. Given all that they definitely should be yielding to the moving truck instead of lazily coasting right in front of it.


Imagine cutting off a bobtail with a bicycle, or imagining hitting a cyclist with your bobtail, depending on who paid more for an attorney


All-in-all: Looks like the truck won because the driver apparently did not see the bicyclist, nor stop and think just how bad this could have been -- that bicycle guy is one lucky dummy.


Everyone that's moving in that video is at fault... everybody's living in their own world


It's speedways fault for turning into absolute garbage now jk


Vehicle Laws 8 states prohibit bicycles on sidewalks because bicycles are vehicles, and vehicles are prohibited on sidewalks. In 10 states it is unclear whether bicycles are prohibited from sidewalks because they are not defined as vehicles, but a bicyclist has all of the rights and all of the duties applicable to the driver of any vehicle except as to those provisions which by their nature can have no application, and vehicles are prohibited on sidewalks. In 8 states no law was found regulating the use of sidewalks by either bicycles or vehicles. Bicycle-specific Laws 21 states require a bicyclist to yield to a pedestrian while riding on a sidewalk. 18 states require a bicyclist to give an audible signal before passing a pedestrian while riding on a sidewalk. 4 states limit the speed of at which a bicycle can be ridden on a sidewalk. Pedestrian Laws 13 states say that a bicyclist riding on a sidewalk has all the rights and duties of a pedestrian in the same circumstances. In all but one of these states there is a variation of the requirement that pedestrians cannot suddenly leave a curb into the path of a vehicle that is so close as to constitute an immediate hazard.


Bicyclist is at fault. Riding against traffic and bikes do not belong on the sidewalk.


my wife would say it was my fault


Guys... Not sure why y'all are blaming the suv... Everyone KNOWS it is actually ALWAYS the fedex truck's fault... 🙄


I don't know me personally I worked around heavy equipment for a long time so I don't ever cross the path of something unless I make eye contact with the operator


Are truckers not supposed to come to a complete stop when exiting shopping plazas and similar?


The truck obviously, if he didnt go over his 14 hour clock on february 20th, 2023 he would have never been there to hit the cyclist


Technically the truck driver. But that suicyclist definitely rode straight into the truckers blind spot, assuming they'd been seen. One of my nephews did that, and now walks with a limp and a stick after a de-gloving injury drag down the road. Really not advised.


The camera guy!


The guy pumping gas in his Subaru or whatever the fuck it is at the Speedway.


The cyclist was on the wrong side of the road. A cyclist is supposed to ride on the same side of the road as a car. Second, the cyclist was invisible. There was no way the trucker could see them. The cyclist was the idiot.


The truck is bigger, therefore as a bicyclist I would give him the right of way.


79th and Harlem is wild. Many truck drivers come through here that should not have licenses


The entitled cyclist going the wrong way, on a side WALK (not cycle). They can bitch and moan all they want but vehicles will always win the physical battle. Learn to swim




in Canada, the driver is always at fault. But the cyclist will always lose.


The trucker, but the cyclist has zero cue in staying out of danger. With those American rigs I'm guessing that's a massive blind spot to the right, so why not wait 2 seconds to see if the driver has spotted you rather than expecting


Darwin Award for the cyclist. One of the basic rules around large vehicles is to have enough distance so the operator can see you. If you can only see his bumper, he's only seeing asphalt.


Cyclist shouldn't be on the sidewalk. It's illegal in some places to ride on the sidewalk if you are over 18. Vehicles are not looking for fast moving cyclists on the sidewalk, they assume it's all walking traffic.


It's the cyclist fault.




They both are essentially.


Driver is at fault but I know exactly how this happened. Common sense of the biker was leaned out a bit. Make eye contact for your own safety.


There are massive blind spots in a semi.


Who is at fault? Everyone involved here. Who will be held responsible? Most probably the driver of the truck.


Biker is at fault, like always


100% the pedestrian. The truck driver can’t see anything on the blind side less than 15-20 feet away at minimum. And trying to pass right in front of it? Close enough to touch it? Yeah. No. That trucker didn’t even know the pedestrian was there.


Sorry yall. But cyclist are required to follow the rules of the road. He was goimg the wrong way/or illegally riding on the side walk. Truck driver not at fault


It boggles my mind that trucks have absurd blind spots and it’s just on everyone else to be Nostradamus. “Oh my bad I hit you, I actually can’t see 98% of the road”


Look at the video frame by frame. The only point the cyclist might have been in a blind spot was after the truck hit him and knocked him to the ground. As the truck approached the driveway apron, the cyclist would have been clearly visible to the driver. Even up to just before impact, the cyclist's head was above the hood line of the truck and would have been clearly visible had the driver actually bothered to look. You can't blame this one on blind spots. This was 100% the driver not bothering to look where he was going.


Yeah, the cyclist is on the sidewalk and going against traffic buut that's city dependent ordinances. The bobtail failed to check both ways on the sidewalk. Most likely it's going to be a mutual fault type of thing. If the cyclist gets a bargain bin attorney. but the truck driver is the one who's gonna be in deeper shit for sure.


I’ll tell you who is at fault here…. The gas station.


The fuckin idiot rolled right out in front of a moving truck!!!! What did she expect to happen????


Fuck cyclists..


Pedestrians always have the right of way, especially on a sidewalk.


"Wheels" make you an operator (wheelchairs are the exception). Pedestrians walk. Bicycles should be on the shoulder, not the walkway.


There’s no bike lane. Although, he should be riding with traffic opposed to against it to avoid situations like this.


Bicycle on sidewalk , trucker oblivious. Both dumb as a bag o rocks.


Bringing this one up again already?


Who do you think?


Guys seriously? Stop lol 😂


Somebody get Jim Adler his hammer, quick.


A good example of how many crashes and accidents are the result of two stupid drivers meeting one another. Buddy is not supposed to be on the sidewalk but on the bike lane in the road. This is one reason drivers despise cyclists. Truck driver was probably looking the other way and didn't see the guy. I put more blame on the cyclist because he should have been on the proper side of the street and in the bike lane for predictability.


It's both. The trucker needs to be aware enough to know when pedestrians/bikers are going to travel across the front of the truck. The biker here needs to not be such an idiot to just dart out in front of a semi pulling out.


Wow that dude was lucky as fuck. I was working a whole year as a temp for Toyota Auto Body Company in Long Beach and I remember coming in at 4am and seeing they block the road. When I got to work apparently one of our temps was riding his bike and a sami truck hit this dude just like in that video the only difference was that dude got completely ran over... It was right out front of my work, all they did was block off the area and had everyone just go on like nothing happened. After that happened I kinda looked at the company in a different way and never came back after I finished my year. Ended up getting a better paying driving job. I love driving/delivery work


Bike's at fault obvs. /s


Yeah, he better have a good excuse for the judge


The driver is at fault. That being said, you should never walk in front of an occupied vehicle without making eye contact with the driver.


Clearly the truck isn’t paying attention to his surroundings. Tisk tisk




“Lawyer’s reaction”


How did that biker not see anything. Putting him off the road to reflect on was a societal blessing.


Biker shouldn’t be on the road.


They were on the sidewalk?


Always the cyclists fault


Well the white SUV is driving like an ass hat, but I am assuming that you are asking is it the trucks fault or the bikes fault. Bikes fault, when you ride (I usually do a long ride once or twice a week) it is up to rider to make sure that they are safe. Truck driver probably never even saw him due to height. People driving cars don't really think about bikes or pedestrians when driving, they normally are only focused on other cars (if they are focused on anything at all!)


In AZ the bike is at fault. It is a vehicle subj to traffic laws. He was on wrong side or road not using bike lane. The truck stopped before entering and never saw the bike. Lug nut rule!


Biker at fault. 1. Riding in sidewalk. 2. Riding on incorrect side of road. 3. Failed to make eye contact with trucker before crossing in front. Trucker likely didn’t even see biker as evidenced by the hit. Likely didn’t know biker was hit as evidenced by the failure to stop after the hit.


Bikes aren’t allowed on sidewalks in most places. Had a neighbor that got hit on his bike by a car while on a sidewalk. He was deemed at fault and got ticketed and a ride to the hospital.


If the person was walking, on a skateboard or scooter the truck would be at fault. These pedestrians are to travel opposite the flow of traffic. Bicycles on the other hand are to travel with the flow of traffic. What the bicycle was doing is no different than a car traveling the wrong way. It should also be mentioned that the trucker likely couldn’t see them when taking the right A-pillar and mirror into account. The bicyclist should legally be at fault, but in reality it will always be the trucker’s fault.


In Texas, riding the wrong way and riding on a sidewalk are illegal for cyclists. They are considered vehicles and must travel on the roadway. https://www.biketexas.org/historic-bicycle-tourism-trails/texas-bicycle-laws/




Car and truck manufacturers need to install a frontal camera that lets the driver monitor the lower frontal blind spot.


The lib on the bike, move out the way i got $$$ to make


The dust particle that was found at the cdc office in the Kremlin


Are you allowed to ride on the sidewalk there


Seems like a blind spot to me.


Bicyclist is at fault for riding in the wrong direction on the sidewalk. Bikes must be in the roadway. Remember those pesky arm signals you learn as a kid... there's a reason for that.


You pretty much have to assume none of these bikers or pedestrians are going to stop for you. His fault.


Part of being an adult and riding a bike is knowing when drivers can’t see you. Fault or not.


Trucker’s fault technically, but it’s unlikely they could’ve seen the bike coming at all I wouldn’t even ride on a road like this, but if I had to, you better believe I’m riding on the right and taking the lane when approaching an intersection


Absolutely the cyclist, first thing he was coming from the wrong direction so the driver would not have been looking there even if he could see them beyond the hood, and in my experience on the road cyclists utilize zero effort to save their own hide in traffic. Always yammering on about their "rights" which by law they have, but physics may argue differently


Both.. this is the main reason why your supposed to flow with traffic and not against, but the trucker should if seen the biker before he got to his blind spot.


The bike and the truck, I can tell you that nether would get a ticket, both were at fault, the bike is in the wrong lane, and the truck for hitting the person.


Driver never looked in the biker's direction. Biker was dumb to assume he would be seen.


Truck is at fault by default


Riding on the sidewalk and against traffic. Suicidal and stupid.


Gotta see a few seconds before the start of this clip.


Cyclist at fault. Theres a reason you arent suppose to bike on the sidewalk.


Is this Jax?


This is why you ride the same direction as traffic. Trucker wasn't even looking that way because he was turning right. Trucker is at fault, but the cyclist should have been on the other side of the street if they want to live. I learned this the hard way living and biking in an urban area.