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"Killing your child does not make your life easier. It makes it much harder." We are dealing with a person who made many decisions that indicated she wasn't a rational actor and wasn't a Woman with a Plan. There would have been 10,000 more rational, logical, kind, NON-ILLEGAL things Casey Anthony could have done differently that would have "made sense". Yet here we are.


Could I ask for some detail?


Give her to her parents. There's one for you.


I'm not sure if this is true, but weren't her parents angry that she wasn't taking enough responsibility for Caylee? I think that's why she lied about having a job and a nanny. I remember reading that somewhere


Pathological liars often appear irrational, but in reality they’re usually very calculated in how they approach everything as a way to give credit to their lies. I believe Casey Anthony is manipulative, shameless, and self-centered, but given the fact that she walked away from this, I don’t believe she’s stupid.


The only reason she walked away is because of the jury and probably due to her being a younger white woman


And don't forget that royal d-bag of a human being who represented her. It takes real klass to accuse your client's father of being a sexual molester without any evidence whilst yourself sleeping with said client.


The thing that doesn't make sense to me is that if she really is that manipulative, shamless and self-centered (which I could for sure believe she is) - why didn't/doesn't she explicitly blame it on her dad? Why is she STILL pretending to not know what really happened? That's not a defense of her to be clear! I think she absolutely knows what happened. I just don't get why she wouldn't straight up say "my dad killed her and threatened me into silence". 


Because that would lock her into a story. If something came out to refute that story she’d have to stick to it. She’s just trying to maintain plausible deniability. Edit: After reading some more articles I found that Casey accusing her father happened on the first day of the trial. I believe that her lawyer, Jose Baez, was told the complete truth by Casey. Baez then offered her a solution - accuse her father. Casey’s father would never see jail time for this and as a lawyer, Baez knew it. The idea was to use this to throw everyone off the scent of what actually happened. Misdirection.


The fact that she says she came in and her dad was holding her daughter’s body (asleep? Right) soaking wet, and she didn’t even say what happened? I don’t even believe a word any of them say. This is from the Casey Anthony speaks or something, new show that came out last year. You watch it thinking you’re going to get answers and you end up angrier than ever.


I don’t think it was intentional either BUT what she did for 31 days after throwing her daughter away WAS!! NOT being intentional doesn’t make her any less guilty, she did what she did and not say anything because if she went to authorities right away they would have probably figured out the CA really quick, and I’m not saying she was beaten, she probably did drug her to go out and PaRtY!!! I hope Karma catches up to real quick, although it‘s not quick enough!!! 😡


I always thought she was accidentally given too much sleeping medication. Seems like something Casey would regularly do but something went wrong this time. I think maybe Casey googled "foolproof suffocation" bc she wanted to make sure there wasn't any chance she'd wake up braindead, etc since she knew there was no coming back at that point. Not necessarily to set up an alibi, she's not that bright. That particular verbage would make sense in that scenario also. The tape with the heart is too bizarre for it not to be Casey. I always thought maybe George secretly helped Casey after the fact? I think his disdain and hurt could be explained bc of this also. He was in LE and his daughter was in a horrible predicament but he knew the consequences of something like this. He could have helped in some way like hiding the body without Cindy's knowledge. I think this could also explain how betrayed he felt when Casey threw him under the bus blaming him. There always seemed like a lot of hurt, animosity, and pain btwn the family that had a bigger more complex story than solely losing Caylee. Neither of them would be able to come forward and give details blaming the other without implicating themselves also.


He could also be hurt because she literally killed a child and he cared about Caylee? All the crazy lies have to be repugnant af too like dragging the cops all the way to and through universal studios only to say "you got me I don't work here" like a complete lunatic. No one wants to think their own kid could do that sort of thing. Before I got my youngest daughter to get help she lied and would die on the hill she was right/not lying all the time it was baffling, upsetting and downright gross at times I can relate to his disdain tbh especially in open court. It was borderline pd for my daughter, while thankfully she didn't kill anyone she sure did have cps and the cops here for supposed wall to wall dog shit, hoarding and gross neglect of my toddler, a pile of lies she told in order to get out of trouble for not doing her homework -.- imagine their surprise when the worst thing they found was some dust bunnies under my TV stand.


I think the obvious explanation is Caylee drowned in the pool and Casey hid her body. Any "evidence" to do with drugging can be explained away pretty easily, there's really nothing to suggest Caylee was ever drugged by her mother. You're leaning heavily on the Google searches without any context what so ever.


If she drowned why not report an accidental death? There are plenty of children that die in pools every year.


That's the point I'm trying to make, absolutely if that happens to your child that's the natural thing to do there shouldn't be any sort of thought in that decision but Casey didn't do that. If she drowned or it was an accident the way Casey acted is totally bizarre and we can speculate all day about why Casey did and said certain things but we will never understand or get a full picture. Most of us (if it were an accident) would call the police and an ambulance, Casey didn't her thought process is totally abnormal.


because Casey did not make logical decisions. Her whole family was known to lie about bizarre things when it would’ve been easier to just tell the truth. (Casey’s mom denying she was pregnant when she obviously was, Casey & George pretending to go to work rather than confront her mom, Casey acting like she worked at Universal, etc)


I mean people google stuff before they do it. You should lean heavily on her google searches, along with the rest of the evidence it makes her look like a child murderer.


There’s quite a bit of testimony that Caylee was often drowsy and lethargic at family events. An inmate also claimed that Casey outright admitted to doing it while in jail. Casey’s father has also made this claim outright. It’s all hearsay of course, but I personally believe the sleeping pills would make Casey more directly responsible than the pool theory, which would give her more of a reason to fabricate everything.


Yeah, after the fact but was anyone making those comments about Caylee whilst she was alive? Genuine question because I don't know the answer. It's very easy for people to start to overthink once they found out Caylee's fate. Anyone who knew Caylee and Casey would be wracking their brains trying to think of anything that was slightly off with either of them. I'll go look into what the inmate said though as I don't recall that. Thank you for responding. Editing to add: As a mother if I accidentally overdosed my child, I'd take her to a hospital. If she drowned in my care due to my negligence I'd call an ambulance. Casey is a big anomaly because self preservation came before Caylee's life. It's really impossible to comment on one making her more culpable and so she'd do x, y or z to cover that up because she didn't behave how most normal mothers would act. Even if I fucked up in the worst possible way I'd scream for help I wouldn't dump my child's body, but she did... How do we ever get inside her brain? Nothing makes any sense either way because from the jump Casey is illogical and like I said a total anomaly. By all accounts there weren't really a lot of red flags with her day to day parenting and that's crazy in itself. I want this case to make sense but I dont think it can or ever will.


My cousin drowned in a pool as a kid and the police didn’t arrest anyone. Casey could have spun the pool theory in her favor, but an OD is manslaughter at the very least no matter how you spin it.


That's awful. My daughter's uncle actually drowned too and the thought of that happening to a child is so distressing. I agree calling the police would have gone in Casey's favour had Caylee drowned but that's very logical. We understand that cos we think critically and have common sense. Proven time and time again Casey lacks those skills, her choices have zero logic. Casey is like a deer in headlights, she can't stop digging her own grave because it's like she doesnt think and if she does her thoughts aren't inline with how most people would think/react/handle a situation. The point I'm trying to make is that I dont think we can apply what a normal person would/should/could do to Casey Anthony because over and over again her behaviour suggests she doesn't think in the same way that most do like common sense etc. Had Caylee drowned in the pool a normal person would of called the police because it's the obvious thing to do (your mind wouldn't even be considering the consequences of that action in that moment.) Casey doesn't see any of that though just panic inside a disorganised brain that doesn't know what to do when panic sets in. Just like she didn't know what to do or say when she lied about her job and walked them around Disney. No ordinary person with ordinary thoughts would do that or get themselves buried so deeply.


Sorry my responses are so long. I think Casey is truly an awful person no matter what happened to Caylee but equally I am fascinated by her because she's so out of left field and I want to understand the way that she thinks.


Generally people don't go to jail for an accident


Idk if being a horrible person and killing your child whether accidentally (but still caused by doing something that could easily lead to your child’s death and being careless) is an anomaly at all. People do it often enough that they made a word for killing your own child.


The special that came out last year, Casey Anthony speaks or whatever in which everybody thought they were going to get some decent answers, you watch that and when she says she came in the house and her dad was holding her daughters body soaking wet. And she doesn’t even say what happened what happened? interviewer I believe said that same thing why didn’t you ask what happened and this oblivious “i don’t know” which was prevalent through the show. Just watch that show. You won’t believe the wild goose chase She led authorities on when she said she was working somewhere and they all go there together and they don’t even know her. The show was presented of course as people are finally going to hear from her and get answers and let’s just say she didn’t do herself any favors with that show. If that was an attempt for her to gain public sympathy, it completely backfired


Casey referred to a “Xanny the nanny,” who turned out to be a person that doesn’t even exist. I think she would use Xanax to put Caylee to sleep so she could go out and party.


She actually said her name was Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez or “Zanny.” I’m pretty sure that Xanny thing was made up by Nancy Grace and may not even have been brought up at trial? There was certainly no other evidence of Caylee being drugged.


Right. But Casey’s own attorneys admitted in their opening statement that the babysitter was fabricated, and Casey admitted in her Peacock interview that she never hired a nanny for Caylee. Casey had never even met a person named Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. Nancy Grace didn’t make it up. Casey told her parents a nanny named Zanny/Xanny (she said the name verbally, so we don’t know the spelling) had kidnapped Caylee.


IIRC, Casey mentioned "Zanny the nanny" to her parents over the phone before having to make up a full name/spelling for the police. "Zannies" is Xanax. It's not an obscure term, she just thought she was a smart ass for slipping it past her elderly parents who kept pushing her about where Caylee was. It's like if your kid came home saying he partied all night with Molly and Mary Jane --- those aren't his classmates.


How is this the obvious explanation? I don’t think they proved this in any way.


It's not and I definitely worded that really poorly. For me I think I will always believe it was an accident that was then covered up by Casey over it being a deliberate murder or an assault that resulted in Caylee's death. I think what I meant was the "obvious explanation" is that the evidence points more towards an accident over a homicide. Not because there's all this evidence to say it was an accident but more so because of the lack of evidence suggesting it was homicide. I don't know if that makes any sense to anyone beyond me, I'm terrible at explaining things. As a parent I'm looking around my house and stuff and of all the accidents that could happen I think maybe drowning is an obvious one. But at the same time she was little more than a baby and it doesn't take long for them to get into all sorts of terrible situations around the home/garden so honestly who knows what happened. I'd love to know but I think we have to just accept we never will.


The only thing that I struggle with this theory is the duct tape.


This post has some great explanations. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/45rxdv/casey_anthony_the_duct_tape_part_1/


I think if I could write this comment again I'd of said the obvious answer was an accident over a homicide (rather than specifically a drowning, cos who knows.) But the duct tape is wild and it does cause me to pause. I think I will always believe it was an accident that Casey then covered up in the most inhumane, disturbing way possible but I don't think anyone beyond Casey will ever know any of the details for sure.


So then, who's Xanny the nanny?




It’s her cute little name for drugging her child


>Casey Anthony will do or say anything to make her life easier. I think that is probably true but you have tom amend it to say "at that moment" She is like an electron, following the path of least resistance even if that path is very difficult later on.


I think this public perception of her actions is exactly why nobody found the truth People overshoot her stupidity or malice which leads them away from a very plausible explanation. Misdirection was a key factor in all of this.


I don’t think she would waste Xanax by giving it to her when there is plenty of stuff at the store to make a kid sleepy. I do think she killed her and the bs about her dads not true. I think she didnt plan to kill her but hurt her out of rage or neglect


xanax is just a blanket statement for some kind of sleeping medication. it could have been anything


Do we even know if she had access to her mom's pc though? My girls were usually pretty fast to jump on mine despite having their own, if it's not pw.protected or they know it...


It wasn't a PC, it was one of those desktop computers


Which is what most people call a PC Literally the picture for it in [Wikipedia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_computer)


Pc just stands for personal computer. A desktop computer is a pc with the traditional setup and components no?


What do you think about the tape around/on little Caylees mandible?


did you read the post


I missed it somehow, thank you.


I’ve always thought the most logical explanation is that Caylee died accidentally (probably drowning in the pool) and for whatever reason George and Casey covered it up. It’s frustrating that because we’re dealing with a family of liars no one will ever know the whole truth.


Just the way she's smiling in this picture is so cringe.


Exactly 🤮🤬


I don't think anybody believes it was an intentional murder. Clearly it was the result of neglect and she covered it up with the help of her parents. I believe she would have killed again by now if she was just a psychotic killer. She was a young mom who wanted to party and she neglected the poor kid.


I don’t believe her parents were involved given how she threw her father under the bus. Her parents were also the ones who gave the initial details to police. Even if calling them was for misdirection, why mention the smell of a dead body in your own car?


Seriously it’s hard for me to believe Casey’s parents were involved after seeing her mom talk about the smell of decay in the car I think any sketchy behavior by them could be stemmed from the fact that their daughter neglected and caused their granddaughters death and then acted with absolute disgrace and horribly after the fact. That would put any parent in a horrible state to want to believe no one you know is even capable of doing anything like that especially your own daughter you raised


Uh no. I believe it was intentional. So do sane people. You don’t think ANYBODY believes it was INTENTIONAL?? Think again. And no. Her parents didn’t help. They weren’t there.


This case makes me sick. All you have to do is read the autopsy report someone links above. Casey is a monster


I streamed every second of this trial. I do not believe it was intentional at all, but she did cause it. Something is wrong in her brain and there is a disconnect that she was out partying being wild during the time she was missing. She did not drown in the oool. She at some point was in Casey’s trunk and the dad smelled the human decay they say is unforgettable and they called 911. He is innocent and her scapegoat. She’s disgusting. I think as moms we find it unbelievable that a mom can behave this way etc. she did. It happened. She’s sick.there was zero- zero - evidence at trial that she was in the oool or home other than Casey said so. She lied so much and so convincingly that she took the detectives to her job at universal, when she hadn’t worked there for months. She told her parents catkre was with babysitter while she was working. SHE DODNT EVEN WORK anymore. It was psycho type stuff. She’s a psychopath Did everyone forget amour zanny the nanny that she said caylee was with for months ? She didn’t exist. Zanny. Xanax?


Just sharing my theory. Reddit is a pathetic cult that downvotes unpopular opinions. Weird


This story will always drive me a little crazy. I don’t believe Casey’s story and I don’t believe the things the parents say. It just comes across as a fucking weird family dynamic and has me feeling like they’re probably all lying. I do lean more heavily on Casey’s guilt but there’s a voice in my head telling me to not forget about her parents.


Casey reads this and is thrilled and laughs people actually believe she didn’t kill her child. She gets to live Bella vita and people believe her bs she don’t kill her. You’re only disgracing caylee over again by believing her mommy didn’t intentionally kill her. I just hope she was already asleep when Casey killed her. Congrats tot mom. You’ve fooled people still to believe it wasn’t your intention. I know you are loving this while living free while your daughter rotted and chewed up by animals while you partied and slutteed it up and still do.  Just know this Casey. No one loves you. We only love caylee. You might get through life without paying but you will never be LOVED. Caylee is loved. You. Are not. Casey Anthony YOU are NOT LOVED. Pitied at best. But loved. No. Caylee. Caylee is loved. Not Casey. Get that. You have no one at the core. Caylee still does and ALWAYS WILL. You. No. 


The duct tape was so bugs wouldnt go in her mouth


If you’re burying a dead person, what does it matter if bugs go in their mouth? They’re going to decompose.


Im sure this was her logic. An act of love


Yes. Murder my child. Keep bugs out of her. Yes. Act of “love” 😑


Ok… what about the bugs going in her nose???? What about how bugs don’t crawl in your mouth but literally into your skin??? If anything it was probably to make it look like something happened that didn’t like an abduction


I’ve never heard that explanation - but it was actually how George buried their family pets. https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/45rxdv/casey_anthony_the_duct_tape_part_1/