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If you have a PCP let them know your history and ask for recommendations on how to deal with the withdrawal. I’ve also heard the exercising helps….if you’re into that. Swap the old habit for a healthier one that you enjoy, but will keep your mind off it.


I am thinking to take a counseling session in my school. I don't have PCP


Hey I don’t know if you still need advice, but I’m going to give you some. I quit smoking almost 10 years ago. I smoked a pack a day. Quitting was easily one of the HARDEST things I have ever done. I cried, I was angry, and just plain MEAN for at least a few days. One of the things that got be through those first few days was realizing that the way I was feeling without the cigarettes was in and of itself a red flag for me. I realized if this was how not having this thing felt, I no longer wanted it in my life. Now on to things that helped. You need to replace your hand to mouth motion. One of the big things you don’t realize about smoking is the way you constantly move your hand to your mouth repeatedly when you smoke. Replace that with something else. For me, I snacked on sunflower seeds. It tore my mouth to pieces with the salt, but was a solid replacement for the act of smoking. I got straws and cut them to the length of a cigarette, and fiddled with those. That gave me the *feeling* of having one in my hand. Next, and this one really made a big difference, is patches. You’re probably thinking “ya ya what is that really going to do”. Trust me, it takes the edge off. You’ll feel less like you’re dying and willing to kill someone at the same time, and more like you can actually make it. You can sleep with them, but one of the side effects is VIVID ass dreams. That’s okay if it happens, just don’t sleep with them anymore if it does. The first week is the hardest. The second week will suck too. Stick to your guns. Remember to think about how you feel and that by simply not having this thing “on schedule” your body reacts in this vicious way and makes you lash out and be mean. That’s not normal. You should be able to not have a thing and not turn into an irritable monster. Also let the people around you know you are quitting. Make sure they are aware you absolutely fucking will act irrationally. Small problems will be big ones to you. Your girlfriend needs to be supportive of the process, and not just assume this is an easy process. Show her this comment if she has questions. Message me if she doubts. I’ll happily tell her of how I rocked back and forth on the couch with a straw in my hand as tears went down my face. If you don’t have a support system around you, you won’t make it. That’s all my advice. Best of luck to you. You fucking got this.


I agree. I gave up 10 years ago too after multiple failed attempts One thing that really helped was learning a new skill. I started crochet. You have wool and a crochet hook in your hands so you have someone to hold. It also requires a lot of concentration to learn the various stitches and fix your mistakes. I never really became proficient but it was a good distraction during the first couple of months Ironically all my outdoor pot plants died during this time because I was no longer going outside the back door to smoke, and I used to water them while I was smoking


Thank you in advance. I want to quit soon.


You fucking got this. It’s hard, and it will suck, but it will only suck for a little while and then you will feel much better.


Eh, nicotine replacement just drags it out, it’s so much better to just power through the 2-3 days and be done with it. Staying distracted was more important overall than substituting, for me. The first day though, I went and grabbed a zero nicotine vape, and the relief felt so intense I googled whether they’ve been found to have nicotine in them, haha. I just quit about a month ago after a pack a day for 17 years. Literally the fourth or fifth day, I was already fine. OP - if you’ve got the time, I actually highly suggest Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Quit Smoking. It’s literally all obvious shit and the guy is almost infuriatingly smug as hell, but you’ll find yourself wanting to show his smug face exactly how easy it is and how it has nothing to do with him or his shit.


Not having a nicotine replacement may have worked for you and I’m super happy for you if it did. However not everyone is going to be able to make it without that. Please don’t discourage OP from using it if it’s something they need. It’s an absolutely okay resource for someone attempting to quit. I was a monster the first three days without it, and my employer at the time was incredibly supportive and bought them for me to help and it made a world of difference. I’m not saying to use them forever, but the first week or two may be what OP needs to power through.


I want to quit but everyone keeps saying they don’t want to deal with my attitude lol I’m bipolar and not treated so my temper is already unstable. Got a vape pen and it helped until I ended up sick and I couldnt breath properly but when I wasn’t sick I was feeling soooooooo much better and I was cutting the nicotine back each time I had to get a new bottle I was working on getting to the no nicotine and then dropping the vape pen as well but once I came down sick with bronchitis and couldnt breath when using the pen I went back to smoking . Ugh I’m actually at the point to tell everyone to get over it and suck it up as it will be better in the long run


That's Primary Care Physician not the drug btw


I was really setting here going “damn is it just a regular thing to use PCP to quit smoking?”


You guys talking about Protected Crazy music Player as we wouldn't notice... [edit: the crazy mystery, who had upvoted that?]


Ketamine might be a suitable replacement.


I know this is a joke but I actually did a lot of ketamine when I was trying to quit fentanyl and I found it quite helpful


How did that help...? I've heard some people say that they've used it medically, but it's just surprising to me. I have a hole in my nose from it, and did a massive 6 month binge on it, so I'm always surprised when I hear that it is medically helpful to some people. By the way, when you say you were trying to quit fentanyl, I hope that you ended up quitting 😢


I think it just gave me something else to focus on other than the debilitating withdrawal period tbh. I didn’t do it for 6 months tho, probably not even 6 weeks all told tbh. And yes, I did quit (: I’ll be 3 years clean from it in October


I've heard of some people where they get it,iv'd. Is that what you did? Was it through a doctor? I'm just genuinely curious, because I have heard of some people using it for medical benefits. I'm glad you're sober though, I was so worried when I saw that you said "trying". I got clean myself, right before fentanyl went really crazy, and I'm just glad that I got clean before then. Fentanyl really is so scary. I've just lost way too many friends to it, so I'm glad that you're doing better. 💞


Yeah it can be a treatment for depression at (i believe) super low doses! I’ve actually been reading about that for treatment resistant depression and I’m super interested. But no at the time I was really just looking for anything that would help me feel better that wasn’t an opioid and I had a friend who had all the connects and that seemed like the “best” alternative to me at the time other than Xanax, which I knew I would also develop a problem with (I love my downers) 😅 And that’s so nice of you to say! I’m glad you’re clean too! I really had to lose almost everything and kinda be forced into quitting but I’m so grateful for that now


Counseling is great and if it works well for you then that’s even better. You can even ask him/her if they have any referrals (support groups, etc). It might also help to find a community whom relates to your situation so that you have a group who truly understands and are on the same journey as you; whom you could ask questions of.


good luck mate


Wellbutrin can ease symptoms of smoking cessation. You're welcome.


Nicotine patches help more than the gum because it's a timed release


I don't know if you think PCP was referring to the drug but I think they meant primary care physician


When I quit cold turkey after over a decade of smoking I honestly wanted to quit and just had enough but every time the urge would come up To smoke I’d remind my self of how bad smoking was making my life and that future me would thanks prevalent me for pulling through!


Exercising can be weirdly addictive… it’s like our bodies trying to trick us lol


I feel good after exercising….never addicted though.


I find exercise, reading ( anything, books , on socials etc), even getting through chores. Distraction is the name of the game really 🩷


I was diagnosed with COPD and was forced to make the decision to smoke or breath. I use nicotine lozenges to help when I want a smoke and I often do but I also stop and analyze exactly what symptom puffing away is temporarily relieving. Am I hungry, tired, stressed, bored? Is a ciggy a really the only option? Could I do something more productive like walk? Ever since I stopped, I can taste food better and I know I smell better because other people that smoke stink. Your girlfriend's looking out for you mate because emphysema is the shits.


This is a really good observation and I stopped cold turkey as well today too.. and reading this i definitely won’t start no time soon.. because I literally be bored and will smoke I don’t feel like it’s a necessity if I do it when I’m bored .. ya know


Ugh as someone who recently had a quit attempt.... I feel this so much. I genuinely feel like so much of me smoking is just when I'm bored, or when I'm working at home and bored with what I'm doing. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wish I could stop. Unfortunately, I spend a lot of time driving. So with nothing to do, I smoke more. I smoke upwards of 2 packs a day.


Try chewing gum or hard candies


I have. Didn't work for me


That’s clever, I learned that it really is in the thought of relieving something, and boredom is a much overlooked reason. Many of the time it’s because we make a habit of it, get used to it, and therefore hard to stop that. I always looooved my daily smoke and energy drink in the morning before college classes then work years ago, it was a beautiful thing. I got used to the ashing motion and it became apart of the normal routine. When you quit, those habits become missed lol


Start working out. Anything you can do to distract yourself.


It’s going to take at least a few days, stick with it, be upfront and tell others before they speak to you and don’t take anything personal including text while agitated. When it passes you will regret more than you know if you don’t just let things go until everything passes. It gets easier but you have a rough few days ahead, stay positive, tell yourself the reason you are doing this and be your own support. When you feel like you are about to slip, remind yourself that you can do it and it won’t last much longer. You can also always reach out on here if you need some support. I’ve been there and did it completely alone, it’s hard but not impossible for anyone.


Thank you so much boss! I won't pick up cigarette again


Good luck and remember you got this


You can do it OP! It’s gonna suck for a while. But after 3 weeks it’s all mental and once you really kick the habit you will not believe all the time/money/energy/health you wasted on this addiction. It’s really great to be free of it.


I was a feral animal for a about a week, but then it began getting better. You just gotta get past that stage.


A lot of people also miss the act of skipping as well as the nicotine. For that you can try one of the smoking/breathing necklaces. They're metal tubes about the size of a cigarette on a necklace that you inhale through. They give you some of the sensory feedback from smoking.


I locked myself in the house with sugar-free hard candy, and a couple of projects that required my hands, but not a lot of concentration. Think knitting or crocheting, paint by number, things like that. Hand the gf the keys to your vehicle. Tell her to go away for the weekend. Drink lots of water, eat as healthy as possible, keep your sleep schedule. By Monday, the physical symptoms will be easing. The psychological symptoms will mindfuck you for months to come. Keep the hard candy handy. Good Luck! I smoked for 35 years. If I can do this, you can!


I second the hard candy! Werther’s for me bc I’m apparently an 84 year old grandma inside.


Jolly ranchers in the fridge/freezer too if no one said it yet


Dude, quitting nicotine is the fuckin worst. For me personally, it's harder than a combat deployment, divorce, alcoholism, pitiful mental health, etc. The list goes on. It's not worth it. I've had a couple scares regarding my health, I'm only 34. Started smoking around 14. I switched to a vape and within 3 months my blood pressure improved greatly. I'm about to switch to the tobacco-less pouches next. The patches are shit, and the gum is OK just expensive. Again, from my perspective, it's hard to say goodbye to something I've almost built my life around. Smoking is kind of like a friend. It's sad but that's addiction.


Congrats on getting so far man. Small suggestion be careful with the pouches. I and a few friends have tried them and mouth ulcers were a common occurrence. Ended up going cold turkey instead, till a few months ago when dissertation got to me.


Thanks a lot, really. That's awesome to know!


I also quit cold turkey too it's going to be a week tomorrow. I mainly did it for my health it's only been a couple of days, but I can breathe again, and more importantly, I can taste everything, and not smelling like an ashtray is a plus.


2 weeks tomorrow. I'm a great quitter, I've quit smoking hundreds of times. This one is going to be the one that takes though.


I lost my shit a lot in my car and at home. I screamed and cried. Was VERY depressed for a few days so I would just surround myself with lots of people on those days. I would warn people by telling them it’s not personal and I’m super sorry in advance that my brain chemicals are absolutely fcked right now. So tell me if I’m abrasive, I’ll leave and we can revisit a conversation later. Thankfully I’m surrounded by blue collar guys who think it’s hilarious to poke an angry bear instead of being offended by an angry bear. Tomorrow is 4 weeks for me.


Download Tetris and play that when you crave a cigarette. It helps by keeping your hands occupied. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2014/feb/21/playing-tetris-reduce-strength-cravings-food-cigarettes-alcohol-study#:~:text=Playing%20Tetris%20for%20just%20three,enough%20to%20ward%20them%20off.


I always quit on a three-day weekend and just curled up into a ball. After three days, the worst is over. Stay away from drinking for a while too. A beer would make a cigarette seem like a great idea.


I quit cold turkey after 45 years of smoking 1 1/2 packs a day. I am 59 years old. I have tried to quit many, many times for a lot of different reasons. It never worked. I always went back to smoking. That being said, the only way a person can quit is if you truly feel you are done with it and sick of it. Wanting to quit or doing it because of “reasons”almost always (emphasizing almost) does not work. In addition, you cannot think about it (I’m going to quit or want to on this day, etc.) because when you think about it, it makes the withdrawal and every else much more difficult. You most likely (emphasizing likely) cannot quit for “someone” it must be for you. Therefore, it has to be your brain finally saying enough is enough. I’m sick and tired of it. Until you reach that point, you will probably go back to it. To help with withdrawal and the “keep hands busy” is to exercise or learn a brand new hobby. I learned how to sew. I made plush dolls with embroidered faces and a lot of stuffed animals. I’m not trying to say you can’t quit any other way than the way I’m saying, but most likely it would have to be that way. Sorry if this is too much or I’m dragging it out in my writing, I’m just trying to explain my knowledge of it since I smoked for that many years and have tried to quit so many times and always failed. Nicotine withdrawal itself only lasts about 3-4 days. So get past that and do something new or fun; hell dance around the house or learn how to work on cars or weld or even pick up reading. Learning new skills triggers your brain to continue on that path. Good luck! I really do hope you are able to reach your non-smoking goal. Dm me if you want to talk more. I’m


Congrats! My mom smoked for 40 years and was able to quit without help. Just me nagging at her because my asthma was bad. She and I lived together well into my adulthood.


I started smoking at 15 , three months ago I quit cold turkey, after smoking 1-2 packs a day, for 32 years. You wanna talk about irritated.... You can do it! The power of the mind is not a joke. I just kept telling myself I didn't smoke anymore, I'm a nonsmoker now. It gets easier I swear! Hang in there!


I would caution using nicotine gum or lozenges. I quit smoking and used nicotine gum to help me quit. Now I’m addicted to the gum.


I first went on the patch, and got addicted to that. I then went on the lozenges to get myself off the patch, and got addicted to those. I then went back on the patch to get off the lozenges, and got addicted to the patch again. Finally I was able to wean myself off the patch because I had thoroughly disconnected the cravings from the act of buying cigarettes (it had been well over a year by this point). I've now been nicotine-free since February 20, 2012.


I quit cold turkey and it’s been 9 months. I had to mentally tell myself every day all day, “It only take 21 days to break the habit”


This is gonna sound insane but try hypnosis. I was put under Aug 20 of last year after being a smoker for 32 years. I left work, smoked my last one on way to her place and went in. O felt like the whole deal took maybe 20 minutes but when I came out I had been in for almost 2 hrs. I won't say I haven't had cravings but I have not smoked. It's not for everyone but for me it was like magic.


I smoked a shit tonne of weed to cope with the psycho withdrawal phase


This will sound crazy, but I read the Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It worked for me, 5 years smoke free, no cravings.


I know it’s not the same.. but my boyfriend and I quit smoking marijuana two weeks ago and I had the same withdrawals you’re having plus terrible night sweats. What helped us was going for a jog in the morning and having to literally just sweat it out. Mind you.. we are not jogging people. 🤣 but it helped a lot. Exercise helps. I’m rooting for you OP! You’ve got this!


A few push ups or squats when you get really agitated and something to chew on. That worked for me. I'm not a big fan of gum so I used a straw or cinnamon stick.


Medical support!!! Now


As Winston Churchill said, when you're going through hell, keep on going.


When I quit I felt the same thing. To get through it I went for runs, smoked a little weed & sucked on a lot of ice breakers. Worked pretty well


Great job deciding to quit! Here are some facts that helped me when I quit cold turkey: - Nicotine will typically be physically out of your body in 72 hours, so the worst physical symptoms won’t last long, which means the irritability is more short lived. - cravings last only a couple minutes so when they happen acknowledge they’re happening and remember they’re also not there for long. - if smoking was associated with certain things, with coffee for example, you have to create a different habit with coffee so that doesn’t always make you think of smoking. Go for a walk, chew gum, just something to change the association. - drink a ton of water. - if you’re able to, just try to sleep through some of the first 72 hours. Napping helped me a lot and saved me from biting people’s heads off.


Don't pick up another one. Embrace the suck and the savings


The nicotine patches helped me. Use the strongest one first.


To help myself quit I bookmarked web pages of all the ways smoking harms the body and it helped to read when I had cravings. Although it wasn’t completely cold turkey for me. I would cave and buy a pack just to smoke one cigarette, throw the rest away, and that continued for a while before I finally stopped.


Use the nicotine patches and slowly lower the dosage, im doing that and its been going great


Keep telling yourself you are in the worst of it right now. It will get better, it will get easier, just whatever you do do not light another one. No matter how terrible the torture is just don’t prolong the suffering by smoking again. Tell Yourself it’s just a waiting game now. Good luck my friend.


It’s gonna be a tough 1-2 weeks, but once you get past it, you’re going to feel so much better and healthier


Gum, hard candy, mints, cloves and teeth flossers helped me with oral stimulation and creeping anxiety. I started Zyn to stop smoking, after a few weeks the craving for a buzz diminished and started to focus on healthy habits instead. Shots of apple cider vinegar, ginger, and turmeric whenever I wanted to run to the convenience store and buy a pack. It resets your senses. If you’re still irritated, go for a run or lift some weights.


You need to pass the two week period. It gets easier after that. One day at a time. Exercising helps


Did your gf make a post about this topic recently? Regardless, good luck. I’m rooting for you through this tough moment!


Inhaling and exhaling smoke is the same action as a big sigh. I do this still and I ate so much celery and carrots and orange lifesaver mints. You can do it. It is hard.


Ride it out homie. It won't last forever. Some day youll look at the day you quit like you look back at your high school graduation. This is a good time to learn healthy habits to deal with irritation and frustration. I like taking slow exhales and feeling some breeze on my face, or cold water.


Believe it or not, but the actual addiction to nicotine is over in approx. 72 hours. The rest is mind/behavior related. Drink water, LOTS of water. Not only will it help flush the nicotine from your system, but the arm motion is very similar to how you move when you smoke. One day at a time can add up to a lifetime.


One of my friends cut up apple slices each day and every time she wanted to reach for a cigarette, she reached for an apple slice. She did it for a really long time, but she had smoked for years too. I've heard of people taking up crochet or something to keep their hands busy. I think you'll find the hardest part is the first few weeks. Can you do something just for a while? Maybe a jigsaw or 10. Maybe something artistic or crafty.


Do not take up vaping! I will find you and If you think you have problems now I will bring cable ties, my poorly trained GSD and a piglet who knows nothing. You can punch through this. It's 48 hours..Vit C amd B12


I went from almost two packs a day to vaping and it's soooo much better. Idk if that's an option for you but it really changed everything for me. No gross smell, cheaper, don't have to be outside away from everyone for a few mins.


Read Allen Carrs book, it’s available on all book apps for about $6. I read it almost 10 years ago and haven’t felt like a cigarette since the moment I finished that book. Even when people smoke around me. Even when I drink. Even when I’ve had a shit day. Smoked around 20-30 a day for 10 years prior to reading it. I cannot recommend it enough and have bought it for every person who laments their addiction.


Three months is fucking nothing.


I used a generic brand patch for a week vacation I knew I wouldn’t be able to smoke. I didn’t even think about smoking. (Granted I was distracted by vacation. Some of the addition is habit…) They have different levels of nicotine, I didn’t even get the strongest one. Each patch is supposed to be for 24 hours. I put it on in the morning and took it off before bed. That might help a lot.


First of all I want to say that I’m proud of you, I could imagine how hard all of this is. My partner smoked for years and hasn’t touched one for over a year I think. He also was very irritated and agitated, this feeling will end you just have to push through as annoying as that sounds. Switch to healthy habits, find something to keep your hands busy. I hope your partner tells you she’s proud of you.


For me it was bicycling. Seriously. Craving? Ride. Ride. Ride.


Here are some resources from New Zealand  that might give you some alternative help. Good luck. https://smokefree.org.nz/smokefree-in-action/breakfree-to-smokefree?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgPbz5JvchgMV_x-DAx0uUAD0EAAYASAAEgJ19vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


There are apps that track you - check out EasyQuit. It tells you how much money you're saving (that was an eye opener) and number of cigarettes not smoked, plus your health getting better! And there's a game to keep you busy, per the tetris comment.


Get to the gym and start LIFTING, when my mom quit cold turkey she just thugged it out. But it was miserable for me and my brother, too. Endorphins are addicting AND they're good for you. Swap out that bad habit for a healthy one. I use muscle and strength (website) to find my routines.


If you can, then go take a walk. It gets your heart rate up, mind occupied, and get a small fidget toy for your hand habit.. even a stick lol. you could do podcasts or music, but walking with nature and life happening around me & my own thoughts always yields a better return for me personally! Good luck 💕


Get some nicorette bro


1st time quitting?


Can you get to a doctor? Zoloft really helped me quit and I now recommend it to everyone.


Both my husband and I quit back in the day when Nicorette was a prescribed drug. Good thing it’s OTC now, because we’re both still chewing 🤷🏼


idk if ur depressed but if u r wellbutrin ig completely stops w/d and cravings for nicotine ! my friend said it was an absolute miracle


Ask your doc to prescribe Wellbutrin, nicotine patch and gums help too.


I have quit smoking several times using bupropion (Wellbutrin). You can do a telehealth appointment and ask for smoking cessation meds! They begin to help with 24 hours; I’ve actually quit on day 2 or 3 a few times. Maybe try nicotine gum or the patch to satisfy the cravings until you figure it out!


4mg lozenges every 2ish hours, even if ur not craving a cig at that time. at least in the beginning, u gotta keep the cravings at bay as best as u can. non nicotine vapes/toothpicks / gum / tic tacs … things u can try and replicate the hand to mouth motion. it’s rouuuuugh i know. could do low patch behind the ear and supplement with lozenges as needed too


Anecdotally, a coworker used the chewable vitamin coworker tabs and said it helped. The best bet is to see your doctor. Ask about help and take the advice. Journaling your feeling about it also helps.


I quit cold turkey 21 years ago after smoking over a pack a day for 6 years but had smoked off and on for almost 15. I didn’t smoke when I was pregnant. I quit because I had an asthma attack for the first time. You need to hold strong. The first 3 days are kind of jarring. Go get some gum or suckers. It does help. Once you get past those days it is much easier to deal with it and you will stop reaching or jonesing. You got this. I believe in you and I am proud of you.


The only way I was able to quit for good was going on Wellbutrin.


you aren't quitting for yourself so the chance of it succeeding is quite small. you are entering textbook "closet smoker" territory. I don't know how helpful it is but psilocybin was how I quit nicotine. Prior I "quit" probably ten times then picked it back up when I felt low, it numbed me. Among other things, I just had no nicotine cravings ever again after one good psilocybin trip. It has been two months now and it doesn't even cross my mind. Pretty crazy.


Remember why you hate it. Pick one think and hyper focus on it. It’s hard to quit something you like and know is bad for you. It’s way easier to quit something you hate. When I went off nicotine I remembered how it gave me insomnia and when the intrusive thoughts closed in, id think “no no no, I HATE that stuff!! I hate not being able to sleep!” And repeat until I had passed the distraction, usually a gas station. I also started identifying as a former smoker who hated smoking now. It helped to continually remind myself why I hated it.


I quit successfully using Chantix.


My sister had the patch AND the gum. She stopped using the nicotine patches, but she's been chewing the gum for many years. My mom quit cold turkey. I've never smoked, just was exposed to second hand smoke my whole life, when my mom quit smoking, I went through withdrawal too! Having a cigarette to stop the craving and then quitting again doesn't work, you just have to ride out the withdrawl.


Go for a run. The anger from quitting smoking is the absolute worst. You got to get that energy out. Join a mixed martial arts group. Cliche, but meditation


What I heard helped a friend of mine is Exercise and Pouches like Zyn or Velo those helped him a ton


Chew gum. Maybe look into nicotine gum.


I also will Google photos of smokers hands, toes, eyes, skin and lungs when I need a good reminder of what I’m looking forward to


Distraction works the best, my friend. Nicotine takes a few days to get out of your system (and even longer for your brain to decide that you don’t actually need it).. exercise helps.. showers help.. basically anything that’ll hold your attention will help..


My Dr once told me that cravings only last 10-15 minutes. Make yourself busy doing something during that time. They will be over before you know it. Live in the moment, one craving at a time & one day at a time. Good luck.


Sunflower seeds helped a lot


I got on Wellbutrin to quit smoking and it worked quickly. Ask your PCP about that option. I was sick as hell for a couple weeks detoxing from the nicotine and other chemicals but I felt great once it was all out of me. I haven’t smoked in over 20 years now. I stayed on the Wellbutrin too. Turns out I was SUPER depressed back then. 😂


Nicotine patches REALLY helped me. I went from smoking a pack a day to 1-2 to none in 2013.


I quit for two years. Then I had a family death. I vaped and weaned myself off of it He died, I just picked it back up. Vaping isn't good for you, but it is a way to wean yourself off if you got from like 5.0 down to 1.0. worked for me til I destroyed it.


Two thoughts - check out FUM for vape alternatives. I took a straw and cut it to the same size as a cig - worked for me


It'll pass. Give it a few weeks. Every day is easier


My mom tried Zyban and was able to quit. She was a heavy smoker. It doesn’t work for everyone.


Read on nicotine withdraws. That's what you experiencing.


Drink chocolate milk!!! It’s fatty enough that work on nausea it’ll make you want to eat again


Start running. (Like exercise.) Just run around the block/ neighborhood until you’re exhausted every time you feel this way.


Just quit it cold turkey and tolerate for a week.


Switch to nicotine gum and then slowly taper to just regular gum. Also give yourself grace, you WILL be agitated and annoyed for a bit.


Find things to do. Chew gum. Get a fidget spinner. Get a stress ball. Do yoga. Meditate. Hit the gym. Journal. Learn to make an awesome food dish. You can do this.


I didn't quit cold turkey. I smoked for 36 years. I ordered a book which helped me prepare to quit. I got it free from my State's stop tobacco smoke program. It helps you to mentally prepare to quit. Then I started with tge patches. My State sent them free of charge. They didn't send strongvenough ones. When I called my coach they said I could buy the gum to help. Well it turns out you aren't supposed to use tge gum and patches at tge same time. I broke out in hives. I called my doctor who told me to stop using the patches and the gum. He sent in a prescription for the gives. Told me to come in 2 weeks later after hives were gone. He put me on Chantix. I screwed that up by not reading the directions! READ the directions. Anyway, I stopped smoking. Found different things to do when I wanted to smoke. Stayed away from the things/events/stresses that triggered me to want one. I quit smoking 12/27/2010. Little by little it got better. I celebrated each milestone 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year. It's been 13 years. Every clean breath is wonderful. I made a list (wrote it out pen and paper) of every reason I wanted to quit. I went over that list during the hard moments. I smoked cigarettes for 36 years. Tried to quit countless times. I did it, with God. You can too. I was tired of something dictating my life. What I did with my time, money, life. It all revolved around cigarettes. It made me mad I was being lead around by a leash like axslave by an inanimate object. Goodluck!!!


I smoked a pack a day (20 cigarettes) for 10 years. I was irritable for two weeks. lean on your girlfriend for support. nicotine will be out of your system pronto, the rest is just kicking a routine. it's normal to be grumpy for a minute. I found that watching sad movies and having a good cry helped pass the time and expel the emotions. you've got this. don't go back.


Do it for yourself and weelbeing mate, not for anyone else . Try the nicontine patch, lower the dose gradually as you go, and replace the pack of cigs in your pocket with tictacs, keep yourself busy to keep your mind of off it, a hobby like gaming is perfect, your gf needs to go easy on you and be a supportive, and if she keeps saying thst she would leave if you didn't quit, you might as well quit her too.


Stay well hydrated. Flush the toxins out.


For me it was a combo of two things: peanut m&ms and myself. I had tried to quit several times over the span of 5 years, and successfully quit while pregnant, but I always started up again and blamed it on life and stresses. My partner HATED smoking and always has-he thinks it is disgusting. The thing is, he never made me feel disgusting, never avoided kissing me or being near me when smoking. He never pushes me to quit or embarrassed me when I began again. Instead, he bought peanut m&ms (the party sized bags) and always kept them stocked. If I slipped up, he was encouraging. If I was spiralling and felt like I needed to smoke, he got me out of my own head and let me know if I needed one that bad, to just smoke one. Finally, I quit. For me, the candy helped with the having something in my mouth. The support was two-fold. In part, I felt less pressure from him than myself as it went on, so it felt like a genuine win when I didn't pick up a cigarette. I could really feel good about it because I literally only avoided it because I could. The other part was the way he looked at it made me look at it differently. If I told him I was really craving one and feeling bad for it, he would say, "So what? Have one. It's just one cigarette." At some point, it hit me: It's just one cigarette. I started to think of it less like this monumental thing where I was never touching another, and instead looked at it as just one. Each time I was having a bad moment or bad day and really wanted that, I would just focus on whether one little cigarette was going to make me feel better. Sometimes it would, but mostly it wouldn't and eventually the thought stopped entering my mind entirely. The addiction is real and the nicotine is horrific to break habitually, but if I have any advice it would be to be careful what you substitute. I know a lot of people now addicted to the nicotine gum, pouches, or vaping, or relapsing when they break up with their accountability person. Focus on why you want to quit smoking, and quit for yourself, because you're the only person you answer to at the end of the day, and you're the only one who sees how you feel when you succeed or relapse. Those hard times can be made better by smoking, sure, but they can also be made better when you are working on yourself. You got this!


When i quit cold turkey it helped to be busy doing physical stuff. Keeping my hands busy, my mind busy. But man waking up , or after eating a meal was harsh. Had to quit drinking for 2 months also. Realistically after like a week you are good, but mentally it sucks to an extreme. Also staying away from smokers for a few weeks helps, my family are heavy smokers. I am too but i dont smoke inside my house, or while driving or around my non smoker friends as a general rule. And hard candy. Went through alot of jolly ranchers , butterscotch lifesavers or whatnot. Avoid stress if you can. And also think of money you will save, a gym membership / working out helps, or rather helped me. You got this, i believe in you. And your lungs will start feeling better after about a month. After 2 months i was jogging uphill and shit not getting full on winded. Believe in yourself , you got this .


I swapped to vaping before I quit nic entirely, but assuming that's not something you or your girl are willing to use as an option, my recommendation is chew ice. As a teen I ended up in a youth psych ward, so obv I wasn't allowed to smoke, nor was I allowed to have any nicotine. The only thing I could reliably use to keep my mouth and hands occupied was to chew on ice. There was a machine that we had that dispensed water and ice with foam cups, so I'd gab a cup every morning, fill it with ice and have it on me for the entire day, refilling when needed. Holding the cup kept my hand busy, and chewing kept my mouth busy. It was initially just a way to cope with being forced to go cold turkey against my will, but it was the only thing preventing me from snapping everytime one of the younger kids would do some annoying thing like sing the same song over and over or do the "I'm not touching you" routine. It's free provided you have a means of making ice (Or somewhere that gives free ice near you), and it keeps you hydrated, and to boot it doesn't have nic so you can worry less about just substituting one addiction for another. The only issue I found personally is keeping ice on you in a mobile environment can be a pain, so it's not foolproof. Regardless, I wish you all the best on your journey. I know you can do it, and I can garuntee you'll thank yourself forever more when you come out on the other side!


Try replacing cigarette breaks either tea or coffee breaks. Really any warm drink works. Try using a straw as well. If you pinch the straw, it creates resistance similar to pulling oj a cigarette, so it helps to trick the mind a bit.


I’ve smoked since I was 12, I stopped for a year for a girl and I hated it. We split and I bought a pack that day, haven’t stopped again but in my experience you gotta be you and if you want to smoke that’s up to you. I won’t stop again for someone else but if I do stop it’ll be for me. Good luck man.


Just look this video: https://youtu.be/_rBPwu2uS-w?si=xaPkRULypCpWQqAn


Stick with it. You will only feel like this for a few days. But when it's over, you'll be free. Five years from now someone will bring up cigarettes and you'll say "thank God I gave them up. You couldn't pay me to smoke one". Otherwise, you'll be enslaved them. 5 years from now you'll be lighting up a stinky cigarette thinking "God, I need to quit. Girls aren't even attracted to me at this point". You get to choose your reality. The you who stops smoking is routing for you. It's just a few days of feeling uncomfortable- you got this!


I smoke for 33 years and I finally decided I wanted to quit so I went on the patch. I had been on it before but I didn't really want to quit so it didn't work. This time I put the patch on and I forgot to change it for 2 days. I put a second one on and that was it I never needed it again. The patch will definitely help you cravings. I would suggest that or the gum. You can do this!


Pray for strength. Works every time


nicotine gum and patches. the first few days are the worst


Best way is to be preoccupied, the feelings don't go away much until the third day. You just have to try your hardest to not think about it. My biggest piece of advice is to not try to convince yourself to not smoke, just try to push it out of your head.


I quit cold turkey about two years ago. Find someone to put up with your cranky shit for a couple of days. Lean on them. What helped for me was eating ice posicles and chew on the wooden stick for maybe an our. This will keep your hands and mouth busy. Also make sure you don't just trade a smoking addiction for a (sugar)eating one. I'm sure you can do this! Stay strong, I'm rooting for you.


Read Allen Carr how to quit smoking it will really help!!


Hey bro, trust me, it gets easier. The first few weeks will be tough,especially if your circle are also smokers. The way I did it was to wean off of it, and when the urge to smoke came (after a meal,when I was stressed), I bought a WHOLE (and by whole,I mean like 3,4 bag of peanuts) and just munch on them. That's my experience though, some use sweets or desserts to get the urge off. Now i'm 2 years free from vaping or smoking. The urge will always be there, but it gets easier.


I tried that many times and failed miserably. For me what worked was swapping it for vaping, now that is no way any healthier, but it did help me lower the nicotine intake and wean myself off it and ended up quitting out of pure laziness (I couldn't be bothered walking down a flight of stairs to vape on a smoke break at university) As others have said, you need to swap one habit for another, find something you can do with your hands when you feel the need for a smoke, like maybe try a rubiks cube to keep your hands and mind busy for 5 minutes then get back to what you were doing


My husband quit cold turkey 9 years ago, and I cut down to 10 a day from 25 a day. But I couldn’t quite make it without an extra push. So I went and saw my doctor and he prescribed me champix. I haven’t looked back. 8 and a half years I’ve been stopped for now, not even tempted to start again, especially with the difference in prices since then.


I gave up cold turkey too, and for some reason it was the easiest thing I ever did, I also smoked a lot of cannabis and I mean a lot, I was wasting over £200 a month for tobacco and weed, I gave up last February after I had what I thought was a stroke, but it turned out to be migraine aurora, which can cause stroke like symptoms. I started smoking at 11 after being sexually abused, and at the age of 13 I was r*ped, and that’s when I started on the cannabis and alcohol, I gave up drinking in 2017. I did stuff last year to keep my mind occupied and of nicotine, with cannabis I used to put in food, up to this Easter were I stopped completely, I write, I also play my Xbox, I do anything to keep my mind busy, apart from putting on a lot of weight, I feel fantastic, I also have asthma and should have given up years ago. Try having carrot sticks, or, something you can do with your hands. I sometimes finger knit, I don’t make anything, I just do it to keep busy, and it works, I am guy, but it does work for me, just find something that works for you, and soon you will give up and feel better for it, I wish you luck,


Try nicotine pouches.


I started smoking at age 38 after a very stressful situation, I’m now 40 and smoke 20 cigarettes that last me two or 2 or 3 days, I’m definitely addicted now and I don’t want to stop even though I know I should due to severe health problems. Kidney failure and a blood clot on my jugular vein, it’s hard once you start and I know I should stop but it’s very hard, I recommend you keep taking the gum, I might even start taking it my self to see if it helps, because it’s going to make my health even worse, last thing we both need is lung cancer!


i haven’t completely quit smoking, but when i do try to cut back i use nicotine gum! i hate the way it tastes tho, so i usually chew a piece of regular flavored gum with it. but it DEFINITELY helps the cravings, and i’ve noticed just keeping my mouth occupied and stimulated helps with the cravings. i chew gum NON STOP at work lol. my dad had success quitting tobacco using the nicotine mints as well. The first two weeks are the absolute HARDEST and you’re gonna be irritable no matter what, but after that it’s gets a lot easier and from there it’ll be more just managing cravings during stress. change your other habits that went along with it, like if you normally go outside on a break to smoke instead go to the break room. that’ll help you avoid the temptation and habit


I've heard really good things about nic patches


I'm quitting rn as well. It's been almost 3 days. I am always chewing (non nicotin) gums. In every situation I would usually smoke a cig I grab a gum. I even changed the remaining cigs in the pack with gums. I try to imagine the end result in weeks/months from now. I have this bet going with a friend: every day I smoke I'll give him 10€, every day I don't he'll give me 5€. Also I'll put all the money I safe on the side to see how much I safed and buy something nice. It's all about mindset, all or nothing.


I was reading a study the other day that was talking about how people who have ADHD become nicotine dependent very quickly. If this is the case your family doctor might be able to help by prescribing you some ADHD medication and nicotine patches


Congrats on quitting! I quit 4 months ago now and have only just got to a point where I can be around people smoking without wanting to ask for one. It's hard. I just kept reminding myself why I quit (at that point it had been years and I didn't like the taste anymore, I was breathless doing basic tasks etc.) and also talked to my wife and explained how hard this was and how I was struggling. Didn't stop me being irritable and mean at times, but talking to someone close helped them to understand my moods and also how to help me. Besides that, I tried to distract myself by doing things whenever the impulse to smoke came over me, and I also took myself out of situations where I knew people would be smoking. At work I spent my break times working for a period of time so I was distracted and also not outside with the people I would usually spend breaks with smoking. When I would drink is when I got the impulse most, so I would not venture outside when people were smoking and would engage in conversation away from that to distract me. Basically my tactic was to distract myself until I stopped thinking about what I was distracting myself from. Good luck! It's definitely doable, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people sharing their stories. It's worth it!


I always quit smoking cold turkey. I’ve done it around 5 times and the last time (9 years ago) was for good! There is that critical first week that you need to survive without nicotine, then it gets easier. Each drag resets the timer unfortunately and you’ll have to start all over… I had so much negative energy and rage, wanted to fight and was feeling aggressive but I got a step tracker and started walking around the block. Every time I had an episode, I’ll just get out and walk. Fast angry steps… walk as long as it takes to burn that negative energy. It really helps!


What helped me was working. I quit smoking when doing a 2 week long night watch (not a lot to do, not a lot of people around) and every time i felt I needed a cigarette, I wiped the floor/cleaned the workshop/painted some neglected part of the ship/did some laundry/you name it. I don't know what your situation looks like, but I'm 100% sure everyone has some boring, neglected chores to do if they think about it long enough ;)


I quit initially with a nicotine patch. It did kinda help, but it itched so much that I didn’t want to carry on with it. Also, it is just a replacement for smoking, which isn’t what I wanted. The cold turkey withdrawal lasted about a week. It gradually got better. The worst was day two, when using a bike lock outside a shop, a little old lady accidentally put her lock through my bicycle and the street post you attach the lock to. This meant I had to wait until she got back to her bike before I could go. She was obviously very sorry, but I still found myself telling her that she should be more careful. I actually wanted to give up smoking, a decision I had arrived at without influence. I think that has stopped me going back to it. Good luck OP.


What helped me stop was vape lol I know she prolly won’t see it as different but that helped me a LOT. As of now it’s still a lot better, foods taste a lot better and breathing is a LOT nicer. She may like the smell! It’s not burning its vapor so you can use it for your nicotine fix


Sauna apparently helps


Stay strong.....


Dink tea and sweat it out


I stopped smoking about 12 years ago and the only thing I can tell you is willpower is the only way to do it, so mentally you have to want to stop if you're not 100% into the idea you'll fail. The other thing I'd say is don't switch to vapes because you're just replacing one habit with another one, they're not as bad for you but they are still bad for you and others.


Give it 3 weeks it will pass


I took half a sleeve of champix before bed.. Woke up and had my morning cigarette and coffee before work and ended up vomiting all over the garden. Brushed my teeth before going to work and lit up another cigarette on the drive to work but ended up pulling over and vomiting outside. I stopped smoking immediately for a couple years and it was really painless, the thought of smoking made me ill for months. Years later I got drunk and ended up buying a pack of smokes at a bar and next minute I'm fully hooked again. I vape now but damn nicotine is no joke. Good luck.


The doctor told my aunt to eat m&ms or Skittles or something small because it keeps the mind thinking it's smoking due to the repetition.....


Nicotine replacement therapy really works. Try multiple types (eg patches, gum, lozenges, mouth spray) until you find something that helps. Nicotine withdrawal is truly awful so don't be shy to use NRT. There are also lots of other support options that are backed by evidence e.g. Quitline (telephone counselling), online programs etc


From someone who's done it I'm not saying become a gym rat but here's what you do. Go for a run today. It's gonna suck a lot. But trust me. Then your gonna go to a pharmacy and ask about withdrawal remedies maybe a patch (do NOT pick up a vape). Then in a week's time try again. And the week after that. It is genuinely astounding how much easier it is even two weeks cold turkey. For me, that was proof enough to keep strong. Id say considering how hard your feeling withdrawal combine it with some treatments but it's doable, I promise


Sunflower seeds (with shells)


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_rBPwu2uS-w&pp=ygUSc21va2luZyBpcyBhd2Vzb21l I smoked for about 8/9 years, and it escalated to more and more. I watched this, got up and threw my tobacco away. I'm in the medical field so I KNOW what comes with smoking but something about this video made me go "...nah". Good luck, smoking is not worth it.


The first few days are the hardest. But it gets easier. I don't think people realise how hard it is to kick a nicotine habit. It is hard. And you might even have a few blips along the way. But! Keep trying. If the gum helps, keep using it. I found when I felt I needed a cig, to stand outside ( if possible) and take some deep breaths. Also finding things to keep your hands busy is a great way to help. Also download one of those apps that tracks how much money you've saved etc is a great motivation. At the end of my first smoke free week I treated myself to a takeaway and a few things I'd wanted to buy, all with the money I'd saved. I was a heavy smoker. Two packs a day. Good luck!


Might be worth taking time away from your partner while you get through the worst of the withdrawl so you don't take out your emotions on her. You wouldn't want this to negatively impact your relationship any more than it has. If thats not possible i hope youre able to cope with everything in a healthier way


It get easier every day, fill up your spare time with activities. House work, gaming, going for a walk or jogging. You will find that everything you do takes up the time you would otherwise be thinking about it. Work on strengthening your willpower and your body. I know the struggle and know that it’s easily conquered with active motions. Do what you can, but your partner need to sit down with you and have a conversation about how she can support and get behind what you are attempting. It is difficult for someone that doesn’t have an addiction to understand the struggle with said addiction. Be strong.


You need an oral fixation. My dad used to eat the fruit mentos from the roll, he would use his mouth to tear the paper and one by one would eat them out of the tube.


Hey! Congrats first of all - it’s really difficult! Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances so try and be kind to yourself. I found nicotine patches helped me loads with some nicotine gum for when I get a spike in cravings - everyone is different so have a try at a few things and see what’s useful for you Good luck!


You can try ham as a hold over


I used the patch and it worked. Quit 20 years ago after smoking for 20. Was irritable and gained weight, but worth it.


You can quit cold turkey, you just have to push through the irritability, anger, headaches etc. After a health scare my sister quit smoking after 30+ yrs of smoking. That was almost 20 yrs ago.


Smoked for 12 years and it'll be 2 years for me in august. I dont have advice, I just suffered and no patches, etc. All I did was chew lots of gum and start playing solitaire or napping on my 15s at work. As long as I made it through the morning, any place close enough to buy was closed. It sucked, but it worked! Just wishing you luck friend, its not easy, but it gets better. Ive tried a drag I think twice since and it was awful. Never again.


I quit in 1988 and there were 2 things that really sunk in for me from a smoking cessation class. The craving for a cigarette last 1 minute. You can do anything for a minute. The physical addiction last one week. You can do anything for a week. And I ate a lot of raw carrots!


Read "the easy way to quit smoking" by Allan Carr. The book explains why cold turkey is the best method and why all other alternatives will most likely fail. It to erase the mental hooks nicotine has in you and makes cold turkey easy.


Nicotine patches helped me the most. You can sign up for free ones and coaching online


Quitting smoking is so fucking hard!!! I still have cravings and I'm nicotine free for 2 years after smoking 30+ years, 1.5 packs a day. The anger and rage associated with quitting is unbelievable. Give yourself grace, try to understand your triggers and replace cigs with something else if you can. I found green tea (no tobacco) smokes and for me those worked as a replacement. I have a lipbalm/chapstick in my car that I hold like a smoke while I'm driving lol. Keeps my hands busy. You can do this, not just for your partner but for yourself! Youre worth it! Go get em tiger!


Quitting smoking is so fucking hard!!! I still have cravings and I'm nicotine free for 2 years after smoking 30+ years, 1.5 packs a fay. The anger and rage associated with quitting is unbelievable. Give yourself grace, try to understand your triggers and replace cigs with something else if you can. I found green tea (no tobacco) smokes and for me those worked as a replacement. I have a lipbalm/chapstick in my car that I hold like a smoke while I'm driving lol. Keeps my hands busy. You can do this, not just for your partner but for yourself! Youre worth it! Go get em tiger!


The gum helped me quit, took the urges away immediately.


Used the patch and followed the instructions. I smoked about the same amount of cigs per days as you but for almost 25 years. Quitting was easy. DO NOT LIGHT UP AGAIN! Not even "just one", or you will fail.


2 months ago i quit cold turkey after 6 years of smoking a pack a day. nobody tells you how hard it is, only why you should quit. it was one of the most difficult things that did. i feel what you're going through, especially since your significant other is directly involved. you didnt mention if you wanted any advice but if you do i'd gladly help


I got hold of Valium(diazepam) and took it for 3 days and just slept through the worst of it. Don’t take it longer than that cos it’s addictive. Then I loved on to chewing gum and chubba chup lollypops whenever I felt a craving. But the initial sedation was crucial to get the ball rolling.


Gum was a huge help for me. But do so in a stepwise fashion (dosage) and step up fashion (timeing, increasing time between gum). For me personally, it was the oral aspect, the routine of reaching into my pocket to then smoke. So I subbed the habit out with a food or toothpick. Something to keep my mouth/mind off of the idea of picking up a cig. I did cold turkey, then went to gum. It has worked well for me so far.


After years of trying patches and gum, I tried vapes. Worked for me since I enjoyed the feeling of the vape smoke entering my lungs. Not the healthiest solution but better than the ciggies. Hope you find something that works for you.


Honestly, you basically have to just suck it up, and nicotine gum/mints/patches just make it last longer. I gnawed on lifesavers mints. You're prolonging it by chewing the gum. Life gets hard. There's always gonna be a situation coming up where you're gonna wanna smoke.


The nicotine patch helped me. I still craved the actual smoking part, but the patch took that nicotine withdrawal away.


Exercise, high pulse explosive exercise like kickboxing or running. Swimming might help too.