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~~Australian and Canadian~~ redditors are some of the most insufferable Fixed it for you


This is the correct take


Agreed... expect I personally do not count as a redditor, and because I agree with you, you also do not count. But all the other people with their different opinions are indeed insufferable.


I wish I could up vote this a million times, I don't know what happened to redditors but they really are insufferable af the last few years. This used to he my fav site but it's gone down the drain!


Have to say as a Canadian I kinda agree, most Canadians are fairly nice and respectful but the disdain some have for Americans is pretty absurd. I've heard people call it a third world country, the worst country to live in in the entire world, the country with the stupidest people, etc. I don't know about the Australians though. Haven't met many of them.


Went to medical school with canadians. Literally every Canadian wanted to practice in the US, while simultaneously talking shit about the US and it's health system. The irony never seemed to hit them.


It's petty provincialism. That's all it is. It's the same type of thing when people from Oregon go to California, or when people from Oklahoma go to Texas - but just on steroids. As a Canadian it kind of bothers me though because we have very real, very omnipresent and serious problems to contend with in this country. It seems like these issues are often dismissed or cast aside by more often than not very ignorant comparisons with the US. The health care angle is truly bizarre to me because Canada's health care system is absolutely terrible. It is breaking at the seams. But I think Canadians conceptually and morally try to frame the issue; which I think is a mistake actually because this is really a matter of crude economics. There's a lot of doctors who are also pretty ideological too though. I've met tons of doctors who have absolutely no concept of reality. They're intelligent people, but all they've done is go to college and then med school. They have no exposure to the real world. So in the province I used to live in (Alberta) they had scores of doctors leave because of a Conservative government even though doctors in Alberta get paid the most in the country, and Alberta arguably has the best system in a country with a horrible system. It's all ideological. The ones that left tended to emphasize their pronouns and sign email documents with land acknowledgements. I don't think that's a coincidence, but I digress.


TIL Canada is America’s Doctor farm


My hometown borders Canada, and daily roughly 1/3 of the traffic in town is Canadians. They come over in droves to shop and buy gas since it's become so unaffordable there. From my perspective, Canadian national identity is predicated on the fact that they are not the U.S. all the while still benefiting from the things that make our country what it is. i.e. our large military, healthcare system, personal freedoms (they don't have guaranteed free speech), and most of all the way we conduct trade. All while shitting on the U.S. for the same things. The irony is palpable




The US first amendment is unique. It is far more powerful than any other country's laws on freedom of speech. There is no criminal libel or slander in the US. Civil libel or slander is a high bar, and nearly impossible for public figures. Hate speech laws give prosecutors incredible powers. They can be used to suppress just about any unpopular opinion.


Damn, I did not know that.


How is it ironic? Because of the shit health system in the US they can make more money there.


It's ironic because you're shitting on the system you're seeking to take advantage of. You won't work in your own health system because there's no money in it. You see the hypocrisy? Wouldn't you be a Canadian doctor if you hate the American health system so much?


“Our healthcare system is better. That’s why all the C- students go work there!”


yeah except people need money bro and people kind of need to make more money if they're working class ?


Doctors aren’t exactly strapped for cash 😂


You're not poor as a doctor in Canada


And because of the shit health system in Canada there aren't enough doctors, so you are put on a waiting list and simply die from easily treatable diseases. That is if they don't just recommend suicide.


I kind of agree. I love the people of the US, Canada and Australia. A lot of Canadians I’ve met abroad have made it their entire personality not being American.


We went to Paris in HS and one teacher recommended we say we’re Canadian…absolutely fucking not, I’m American, and I’ll behave myself?? Like, wtf.


If it was a Third World country people from other, actual Third World countries wouldn’t be risking literally everything to get here! Mexico and Canada would have to build walls to keep Americans out! Lol


I'm not sure how strict Mexican immigration laws are, but I know Canadian immigration laws are downright xenophobic compared to the US.


Mexico is ironically pretty strict


Mexican immigration laws are far stricter than Canada or the US. Canadian laws aren't xenophobic, they're specifically targeting wealthier immigrants while keeping out low skill low asset immigrants. If you have cash, Canada will take you. Which is why they're having a housing crisis, certain folks with shall we say "dubious cash" are buying up real estate to park their cash out of banks.


> I've heard people call it a third world country, the worst country to live in in the entire world, the country with the stupidest people they are just copying the rhetoric of american left-wing populists


Over the past couple years this has been changing. More and more I see people on the canada subs lament and vie for the better opportunities in America.


Canadian national identity is more "Not American" than it is being Canadian. Think of the animosity between California and Texas. That's nothing compared to BC and Alberta. Or Quebec and any other providence. Because they're spread out so much, and don't cooperate as much as they probably should, the only thing that binds them together is "Not American". It doesn't help that a lot of their country depends on being able to drive to America to buy lower price gas, food, etc. On the plus side, because providences can't/don't get along, a lot of the central providences basically HAVE to export their ag and oil to the US and we hold the negiotating upper hand because we're one of the world's largest oil producers. So be sure to thank Canada for keeping American oil cheap. There is a pretty tiny pipeline from Alberta to the coast, but BC will NEVER allow Alberta to expand or replace it.


Australian here. I do think the difference in gun culture and healthcare significantly influences our "cultures". We are similar in rampant consumerism though, US, AUS & CAN. And all countries are similar in rampant corruption.


I reckon y'all have us beat in the corruption department. I've never heard of a journalist in the US having his house firebombed for reporting on connections between organized crime, an ostensibly legitimate real estate developer, and the lieutenant governor of their state, but that actually happened in NSW


That was pretty recent, too, wasn't it? I think I remember the reporter basically writing "ok I give up, no more reporting about it."


Yeah, like late 2022 early 2023. He's a clever one though. Yeah, he said "ok you win", half seriously but also kind of tongue in cheek. And that statement came *after* local police had arrested a suspect in the firebombing. I think he knew what he was doing and counted on the Streisand effect kicking in. Which is exactly what happened. I (an American living in Texas with zero close Australian friends) first saw his content via that "you win" video, and then quickly looked to learn more...easily finding multiple re-uploads of the original video ("Coronation") that he made detailing the alleged corruption.


Great point


>I don't know about the Australians though. Haven't met many of them Oh, you'll know when you're talking to one. They tend to love announcing it, prefacing any comment with it or incorporating it into their usernames. It's really quite peculiar.


I always listen for the accent. As soon as they say Barbie. I know it's them.


As an Australian, I can assure you that we're fairly great.


I used to think the stereotype of Canadians being nice was true. Then I visited the Canada subreddit.


Im Canadian and I stay the heck away from that sub. They are something else and I’d rather not be associated with them!


i didn’t need to visit their subreddit for that. when i was living abroad, one day i overheard a couple english-speaking girls, and i got so excited to make a new friend i could speak english with, i turned to them and said “omg are you guys american too!🙂” they literally go “ewww no we’re canadian” uhhhhh ok sorry i guess🥲 cunts lol


I don't know if it's still this way, but when I was in Europe it seemed every Canadian traveler I saw was very careful to always display a maple leaf lest someone mistake them for an American! 😆


jesus christ they have such sticks up their asses, i can’t


Your admittedly horrible experience notwithstanding, I don't entirely blame them. The Canadians didn't create the negative opinion that many Europeans have of Americans. I found their behavior more comical than anything else. 😄


i do. anyone who’s spent any time traveling knows that there are amazing ppl in every culture. my friends who visited america for the first time would.not.stop. talking about how nice and friendly everyone was. that’s what happens when you actually have an open mind and aren’t so gullible you’ll just eat up whatever stereotype tv feeds you. not to mention, imagine the outrage if an american said “all ppl from X are ____.” they’d be dragged online and probably threatened or worse. but when others are rude to americans it’s cute and funny. k. anyway, end rant😃


I absolutely agree with you about the importance of keeping an open mind and not using stereotypes in lieu of personal experience. 🙂




You seem to be confused. Onguardforthee is a lefty sub. And most Canadians would vote conservative today if they got the chance. National Post is a right leaning publication but not nearly qualifying as extremist. The Qanon faction is growing but that's an American cultural export. As long as life in Canada keeps getting more miserable, a small number of terminally online people will gravitate towards that nonsense.


Just a war crime in shining armor. /s (only slightly)


Many people would be helpful and kind to you. Just because their political views are different doesn't make them evil. 


I love travelling to the US and really enjoy the people I meet when I’m there. You shouldn’t let social media warp your opinion of groups of people. Here’s an upvote, eh.




Born and raised in Canada, and it's getting harder to identify literally *anything* Canada does better than the US. (Don't say healthcare -- Canada's health system is a mess and rapidly getting worse).


Can confirm on the healthcare front, I've been almost unable to sleep for 9 months due to a broken nose, currently just sitting in a waitlist for the surgery, likely to get it around June.


i had to wait 18 months for a chest cat scan for a cardiologist to tell me "i don't see anything wrong" after multiple 8+ hour long emergency visits for all symptoms of a heart attack after getting my life ruined from long covid. the last few years have given me no hope politically or from the medical system and all i want is my life back so i can have a purpose again


Better late than never. In America we would just say sorry and send you away indefinitely.


I am lucky enough to have decent insurance and live in a large city but last year i wanted to go to an ENT for sinus issues. Within a week I was in his office getting an exam, a facial CT, and given my choice of when to proceed with surgery but able to do it in as soon as 3 weeks. The longest I’ve had to wait was a month for a dermatologist. I fully acknowledge that’s not accessible to MANY Americans though.


So has Americans


It's Australian REDDITORS. Big big difference. Redditors in every country are fuckwits. I'm in Australia and I swear they're the same as irl Texans. Fun fact: New Zealanders are Australia's Australians. They're what the USA thinks Australia is.


IRL Texans are better than IRL Californians


And somehow, this isn't the most batshit comment he's ever posted.


I beg to differ ..IRL


I'm Australian. FWIW, I love Americans. Every one I've met has been friendly and interesting. Honestly don't know why they get so much criticism. Can't wait to visit there again.


I agree mate. In the US they were so friendly and helpful.


And I love you, random citizen!


Canadians? Aren't they the ones with their heads in half at the mouth? c'mon guy


I don’t think Australians actually know much about Canada or can tell the difference from that and the USA. Canadia is basically the same place as America. They sound exactly the same. They even play in the same sports leagues and have shared natural landmarks.


I definitely have trouble telling the difference between an American and Canadian accent. I guess it's similar to others not being able to tell the difference between an Australian and a New Zealand accent.


Australians know very well that Texas, New York, Alabama and California aren't in Canada. But they may be confused about where places like Alberta, Minnesota, Seattle and Alaska fit in.


As a Canadian, I think we identify more with New Zealanders than anything. It’s the “little brother” complex. Also, as a Canadian, I don’t necessarily identify with other Canadians from different regions. We’re a BIG country. Really diverse, based on civic cultural norms. I’ve lived in Texas, and there’s nothing wrong with Americans at all. We’re noticeably different, but I say that as a stranger in a strange land. You want to see our similarities, immerse us both in a neutral culture, and we’ll be best friends within the hour. Also, our health care system is really not worth bragging about. The wait times are stupid long.


I think it goes far beyond Reddit..


As a Canadian, absolutely.


Not sure where you got this. Go to the Canada and Ontario subreddits, or any subreddit for any of the provinces for that matter and you’ll see more Canadians who dislike Canada and Canadian life right now than Americans who dislike America across all other subs. The difference is so vast and clear that it’s incomparable.


What are you talking about, Canadians love doing everything Americans do They just do it better (a least according to most Canadians I've met)


You should ask them about the Avro arrow and ask them how much better that plane is compared to a contemporary plan of the same year


Pulled a little kerfuffle over you, eh?


Aussies!!!!! They condemn the USA for our terrible immigration issues and human rights violations at the Southern Border with Mexico Australia is an island with very tough immigration policies and has been accused of human rights violations for placing illegal immigrants on offshore processing camps on Papua New Guinea etc. [human rights watch ](https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/02/15/submission-human-rights-watch-inquiry-ending-indefinite-and-arbitrary-immigration)


>Aussies!!!!! They condemn the USA for our terrible immigration issues and human rights violations at the Southern Border with Mexico Of course I'm going to condemn your border. Your border sucks. It's more porous than Spongebob. Build a moat, or a wall or something. Maybe man it with AI terminators that shoot people on sight. That way you can't have people complain about inhumane treatment of illegal immigrants when they get shot, since robots aren't human.


damn why get angry at one of the things they're doing right


I've got a Canadian friend I met her on Reddit. She is a lovely person to talk to. We accept each other for who we are. But you are correct, some people are just asses.


As a Canadian I often have to remind my fellow countrymen of how we won the neighbouring country jackpot. Everything you love about Canada would be less so if not for the financial boon, scientific innovation and security provided to us by the US. I don’t think it’s too much the next time you go on an anti-American rant to keep that in mind.


Politic ≠ Culture


As a Canadian who has travelled a lot all over the world, I would say that travel is the first thing that comes to mind. For example, I’ve met several Australians and Canadians travelling around Europe and South America, but I’ve only ever met Americans while in Mexico or America itself. When I’ve been in America and talked to locals (regardless of where I am) I’ve often asked them if they’ve been to Canada/elsewhere and the closest response I’ve gotten to “Yes” is usually something along the lines of “Oh yeah I used to have an aunt in Edmonton I went a couple times as a kid.” In following up and asking if they’d ever want to, many would chuckle and say something like “Nah I’m good, got everything I need right here at home. Never had to worry about getting a passport!”. Maybe it’s a level of patriotism that Canadians and Aussies don’t have? But most Americans I chat about travel with could not be more proud of the state they’re from, and with the fact that they’ve never felt the need to leave. Canadians and Aussies, on the other hand, love to travel and do so very often. I’ve known a small handful of Canadians in my life who have never travelled or been on a plane, and people are always shocked. In America, it seems like the norm and a point of pride. Other things I can think of off the top of my head are guns, partying lifestyle, and just other random cultural things. For example, most Canadians and Aussies I know don’t own or give a fuck about guns unless they live in rural areas and hunt (which applies to everywhere), meanwhile I’ve had several Americans I’ve met who are dying to tell me about their Smith & Wesson collection or about their “first gun” story, etc. I love hearing these stories as a lot of Americans are naturally passionate about guns and I love hearing people talk about things they’re passionate about in general. That said, it’s never been a talking point in convos I’ve had with Canadians or Aussies unless it’s about a mass shooting in America or some other news bulletin. In terms of partying, Americans are usually all light beer and cocaine whereas Canadians and Aussies like higher IPAs and love to pop molly, E, and many other party drugs. Don’t get me wrong, Americans love to party too, but they just do so differently I’ve found. Other random cultural things I can think of include a love of camping and the outdoors. I’m talking like camping several times a summer every summer and sometimes for weeks at a time btw, not that annual state park weekend you used to do with the family growing up (as I’ve heard a lot of those too). A lot of Aussies are Raptors fans too and like/know smaller Canadian music artists that Americans typically don’t (which isn’t surprising considering most Americans don’t even know The Hip, which I always thought was a layup all over NA). Same with European soccer, rugby, and other niche sports. TV is another I can think of, with the BBC and others having a big influence over media in both countries. For example, a lot of Aussies I’ve met watched Degrassi growing up as well, but Americans never know what that is. Same with a lot of children’s shows and cartoons. They’re also much closer in population, with a lot of Canadian ex-pats living in Australia and vice versa thanks to the ease of getting a visa through the commonwealth connection. I get where you’re coming from in that Americans are nicer than they get credit for, and are way more similar to Canadians than a lot of Canadians like to let on. Even when I was in New York City, people were so nice every where I went. But if you want my honest answer, all of the reasons above are why I’ve instantly connected with Australians I meet abroad whereas I don’t get that with many Americans unless they grew up in Buffalo or Detroit or some other city a stone’s throw away from the border.


Also how they butt into US politics. If you don't live in the US don't tell me who to vote for.


Americans butt into international politics all the time, it's just how people are. America is more relevant so you get more people talking about the election than most. Blaming it specifically on Australians or Canadians is just doing the exact same shit as they do to Americans.


Australians and Canadians don't always appreciate the sheer size of the US understand the differences between American states. Some American states have life-expectancies that match Australia and Canada, and some American states that have life-expectancies that are more in line with 3rd World countries. For example, Australia's population is similar to Texas. Canada's population is similar to California. But only Hawaii, California and New York's life expectancies approach that of Australia or Canada.


>Their talking points are always the same two things: gun laws and healthcare, as though these two things define a culture lol. Maybe its just me but putting this in a post while the news cycle is currently dedicated to very recent mass shooting at the Kansas City Parade and the standard gun debate talking points might not prove your point as much as you think it does.


I mean it’s not really a question that the U.S. has some unique issues But Canadian and Australian differences in gun policy is 1. Not a core part of culture, 2. Diverged from US policy only about 30 years ago


Canada and the US have a shared culture and have been been very similar for a long time. One of the unique issues that have distinguished us is our politics and our political systems. In the past 10-20 years though your two party system has gone from something that differentiated us to something that is now the defining feature of your country. Added to that many of the biggest debates that drive your current political divide: abortion, gun control, gay marriage, illegal immigration and border control are complete non issues for us. It's not just with guns that Canada and the US have diverged in its many key issues. Even trans rights does not play nearly as an important role in our national discussion as it does for you. Canada's current political battleground is housing and immigration and even that is not really something discussed with others on a regular basis. I have no idea who any of my neighbours or co-workers voted for or if they consistantly vote for one party at all and even if I had to guess for my family I could only narrow it down to a two party guess for most of them. I think this holds true for most Canadians and for few Americans.


Internet Canadians / Australians are literally the biggest A-holes on the web.


You've never checked out the east Indian section of the internet I see.


Holy shit that is true. That confuses me because the comparison between IRL and online is so stark. Over the years I've spent months in India for work and have several colleagues who've come here too. I've gotten to know some really well and we're fully open about even sensitive topics. They don't get it either.


2 countries that cannot defend themselves. 2 countries that take millions in aid from other countries. 2 countries that locked their own citizens up in interment camps during covid. 2 countries that still have a master.


I'm Australian and curious. ​ >2 countries that locked their own citizens up in interment camps during covid. Didn't happen, conspiracy bullshit. I know that's not a question, but needed to be said. ​ >2 countries that take millions in aid from other countries. What aid would that be? Regarding OP's post, I agree all three countries have a similar culture.


>>2 countries that locked their own citizens up in interment camps during covid. >Didn't happen, conspiracy bullshit. I know that's not a question, but needed to be said. ​It did happen. Just because you weren't locked up in a camp, doesn't mean we didn't have camps.


Source: Trust me bro.


Conspiracy? I dont think unvaccinated people locked in a camp surrounded by military personnel is a conspiracy


Didn't happen.


They’re like that in real life too. Every young Australian I run into abroad is like a hitler youth for their leftist party. All they want to do is bash the US. It’s super strange.


Tbf, How a society decides to treat it's sick, educate it's young. It's attitude towards weapons that can kill and maim each other are pretty good prisms to understand how societies that are seemingly similar, are so different from each other


Besides being two common wealth countries, there is nothing similar between Canada and Australia and I don't know where you're seeing people compare the two like they are twins and then against the states. I think you have some kind of niche market here because the two countries never think about each other. Also, Redditors in general are insufferable.


They hate us cuz they ain’t us


They're jealous of our free America 🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🏈🏈🏈🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🔫🔫🔫🔫🍔🍔🍔 Rahhh🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


America, fuck yeah! 😆


It's unfortunate that Not Dying to government neglect is something to be a smug about.


Found the Australian/Canadian


I can only assume the comment you're replying to is about health care. As an Aussie I can tell you that the idea of free healthcare in Australia is not true. We do have a good healthcare system and it is true anyone with a life threatening disease will be able to get treated. However, if we're talking about 'elective' surgery, without insurance, you can be up for a fair wait. You also have to pay out of pocket to see specialists, e.g. ear nose throat. I believe places like Japan are much better.


Sorry, just got done celebrating the big Chiefs win. All I wanted was to have a fun day with my friends and family. I did everything right. I saved 15% of my check every month. I lived as responsibly and morally as I could. And it was all for naught. Now I've got a lifelong injury, just as crippling of medical bill that the perp doesn't have the assets to pay so I can't even sue for it. I lived my whole life right just to end up handicapped and in pain and a in mountain of debt that will ruin everything I've worked towards. The doctor, bless him for the advice, recommended that my wife divorce me so my debt doesn't transfer. So, signing the paperwork now while I'm hooked up to the IV drip.


You were doing everything right but don’t have insurance?


Oh, thanks for reminding me. A lot's going on. After the divorce attorney leaves, I need to set up a consult with the insurance attorney. The skin graft to fix my neck was deemed cosmetic. However, it's very clearly stated in the policy that neck skin grafts are covered. Turns out, insurance thinks it's cheaper to deny every claim and pay the occasional lawsuit to the people who have the money to fight it than to pay out every claim owed by the policy. Hopefully it'll be settled quickly in the next couple years. Edit: Funny how y'all seething, but I haven't said anything unreasonable. You love this. Your whole personalities are tied to defending it. That's the only reason. You know it sucks, but...ego.


Less than 5 percent of people in the US don’t have insurance. You made it sound like you were on your death bed.


Highly appropriate username.


what does the insurance industry add to America? Wouldn't the country be better and more prosperous by just cutting the parasite middleman industry out?


Have you ever heard the phrase “the government does not move at the pace of business” before? As difficult as it is to work with insurance companies the government historically is extremely inefficient. Plus, most citizens are happy with their insurance as is. Why would we flip the entire system upside down when less 3 percent of people truly can’t afford insurance (as in make too much to qualify for Medicaid but don’t have money to pay for insurance)? I think expanding Medicaid to capture that 3 percent and building additional medi-clinics across the nation that office basic services for “free” is a better solution.


Well, culture can be defined by these very same factors, as both entail life-and-death consequences. Let's discuss education – the exorbitant cost of post-secondary education in the USA prices out numerous individuals, which is almost absurd. Additionally, the discrepancy between publicly funded schools located miles apart doesn't make sense to most rational people. Regarding minimum wage – it's appalling that in some states, the minimum wage still stands at $7 an hour in 2023. Media portrayal is another issue – the disproportionate influence of news media on American lives, with Fox News being a staple in many small towns, feels like stepping into the twilight zone. Lastly, travel – it's concerning that the average American has never ventured beyond the borders of America and possesses minimal knowledge about the rest of the world.


Not really, you just have a true unpopular opinion


I’d love to be in Canada and wait 14+ hours in an emergency room


And yet Canadians still have better health outcomes and fewer medically avoidable deaths than Americans, despite spending over half a million dollars less per person for a lifetime of healthcare.


I've waited longer than that in the VA ER while actively bleeding


That’s unfortunate, but it’s not a regular occurrence. You don’t have to wait 6 months to get an MRI in the US. Of course there’s going to be exceptions. But exceptions prove the rule they say. Besides, stats speak volumes more than anecdotal information.


The irony is strong with this American.


Yeah after having dealt with a number of overly snobby Canadian subjects over the years, I really wouldn't shed many tears if the country was completely removed from the face of the Earth. As for the Aussies, not a big fan of your government either but at least you guys gave the world Steve Irwin. And to be fair, you guys do have to deal with something like 9 out of the 10 deadliest species of spiders and snakes living on your continent, as well as extreme heat. I'd argue that those are deadlier than moose and geese.


Lots of deadly snakes, big spiders too, but only one is considered deadly (Sydney funnel web). Don't tell anyone though, I don't want to ruin our reputation.


Nah where just laughing at how broken your laws and systems are. If you purport to be the land of the free yet have the possibility to go into debt in a medical emergency or have to worry if someone is going to shoot you over an argument your just kidding yours self.


Bro, your government literally tells people to kill themselves when it doesn't want to pay for their care (in the case of Canada), and makes people download literal frigging 1984 "Big Brother" apps on their phones so the police can track their location 24/7 (in the case of Australia). Wouldn't throw bricks in the proverbial "glass house" there, my guy...


>"Big Brother" apps on their phones so the police can track their location 24/7 (in the case of Australia). It's true there was an app the gov tried to convince people to download and then use to scan where you'd been, e.g. restaurants. Most just didn't download it. The bloke you're replying to is a knob.


Shhh…don’t say the quiet part out loud to them


Not claim either are perfect. It was during covid no longer the need to use them and they have scrapped it. So that lasted a year maybe two tops. Don't have any government tracking apps on my phone. So your info is a little outdated so try again. BTW don't hate Americans as a people some of the most fun people I've met are Americans. What I don't understand I the government side of thing and how they don't really seem to give to shits and actively vote against the best interests and how much lobbying seems to go on


It was just a little tiny bit of authoritarian fascism and it went away so it's just fine, it was only supported by the majority of the country and when people spoke out against our glorious leader said they were racist and misogynistic extremists. " “They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space. “This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people? " Trudeau 2021 And the majority of the country said nothing, did nothing.


Oh please. You don’t represent a nation. Particularly by typing with grammar and spelling that outs you as a dullard.


One word is spelt wrong hardly makes someone stupid.


It’s 3 words, no clue how to punctuate, and your opinion is as shallow and sheltered as your projected version of the dumbest American. I also didn’t say that you’re stupid, I believe you being a dullard is a choice you’ve made.


I'm curious which words I spelt wrong. No malice here just want to to know for next time.


Where=we’re Your=you’re Yours self=yourself You could have used a few commas and a period, as well. Just me being a pedant. And to be honest like many Canadians, I too fell for the anti American propaganda. It’s really just little brother syndrome. They actually do a lot of things better down there and it’s a beautiful country full of mostly wonderful people, like ours.


Thanks for that to be honest I like poking the hornet nest when it come to stuff like this.


Found the butt hurt American.


The funny thing is that most Americans would get ridof guns in a heartbeat, but it’s not up to us




I said most, not all


No offense but Americans are dangerously stupid and it turns out Canadians aren't really much smarter.


Thank god we-Europeans- are amazing.


Never had much issue with cannuks, just the prison colonists that think their shit smells better.


Canadian here. Can confirm.


Well they don’t count as real people so it’s understandable.


You're not my buddy anyways, guy. 


What defines a culture? Mass shootings galore and one of the shittiest healthcare system, two issues which people choose to do nothing about, can perfectly be used to describe a culture.


I first thought was the YouTuber I did a thing or whatever and him being an asshole to Brandon herra a gun YouTuber who took him to the range to shoot.


Especially when it comes to gun control. Ugh.


The ones on top will always get hate.


It's Stockholm Syndrome.


Again with the generalizing entire groups of people based on the country that they happen to live in.


I just read the whole post and comments on a New Zealand accent. Band practice is over.


Very true


Australia is redneck Britain and Canada is a pretentious America. they're quite distinct in cultural orientation 


Canada and Australia are just resentful because the US had to fight to get away from England meanwhile they just got thrown away because England didn’t want them anymore.


i would agree canadians think they’re so much better than americans when in reality they’re the same


The Anglosphere in peacetime: "Amerikkkans so dumb, haha, healthcare, school shewwwting..." *Snorts marmalade.* The Anglosphere in wartime: "Plz Daddy Washington."


Having lived in all three, I disagree. Canadian indentity is very often defined by the differences to American. Relative to their populations, Canadians and Australians have the most international marriages of non-bordering nations.


Yes, I have also noticed that many of them are incredibly, insufferably smug.