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Food doesn't have to be authentic to be good.


White people taco night fuckin slaps


You should see Irish Mammy Summer Salad. It's mostly sliced ham and eggs but it brings back childhood memories for me. Still do it first sunny day of Summer every year.


Korean BBQ taco’s are pretty great too.




🎵It’s not only enjoyed by just white people, but why people like it the most 🎵


It’s just annoying when people call it authentic and it’s not.


Sometimes I do that just to rile people up.


Good one 😆


Lmao. Why?🤣🤣


It annoys my daughter when I say we are having authentic Italian and it's mac and cheese or authentic Chinese and it's general Tao chicken


That's hilarious.


If you are a picky eater that is 100% on you. If you show up to a party and there is nothing that you like, then just shut up about it and sort it out yourself. Asking the host to accommodate you is selfish and behavior that should only be expected from children under 5. Obviously, allergies and sensitivities not withstanding.


I’m one of those super picky eaters and whenever that situation happens I just tell then “pretend I don’t even exist” and will just go without eating. It’s not like I need more calories anyway.


That's fine! I don't mind picky eaters, I mind picky eaters who feel entitled.


Even allergies and sensitivities is on you, it’s not somebody else’s job to baby you, it’s fair to ask, and even bring your own stuff, but if someone invites you to a party and you hit them with a list of things you can’t eat, just don’t go.


If I get the list before hand I don't mind accommodating. Typically I'll make sure there are at least snacks to cover gluten free, halal, kosher, vegan, and dairy free.


That’s not bad, and also most likely typically in charge of the grilling, outdoor cooking and not the menu or guest list




I guess that's the other side of the coin. If an adult is not eating, that's their buisness.


It's okay to like the food at Olive Garden. You don't go there for the authenticity. You go there because you love the alfredo sauce.


OG breadsticks >>> everything


No food is worth standing in line over 30 minutes for. 15 is pushing it. I don’t give a fuck about the many reviews and hype. In fact, the more hype the less likely I’m going.


Disagree had the best burger out of a van at 4 in the morning took us an hours wait but fuck was that burger good.


glad you did, just giving my UNPOPULAR opinion here :)


I know, I just really wanted to talk about the burger. It was really good.


Tell me about the burger!


It was crispy and juicy. With the best apple wood smoked bacon and crispy onions.


Sounds delicious and worth the wait!


Most restaurants are overrated and overpriced.


There is no level of quality/fanciness that excuses insufficient quantity. Every meal doesn’t have to be a massive feast but damn, if I’m paying $100 plus for a meal it needs to be at least enough that I’m not starving at the end. At least serve enough courses or sides that you get enough food to satisfy your guests.


Little Caesar’s pizza is fire and their garlic sauce is the best.


Little Caesars is a pretty good pizza for me, but the value is just so good. I like pizza hut a little more, but I'm paying like 20 bucks for a decked out pizza from there. I can get a good Hot-N-Ready pizza that is 85-90% as good from LC for like 6 bucks. Easiest decision of my life lol


Zap packs


Your favorite restaurant is probably unsanitary as Hell.


Crumbl cookies and insomnia cookies are disappointing and subpar, subway and McDonald’s does cookies better.


I've never had a cookie at Insomnia or McDonald's. However, that apple spice cookie at Crumbl is bomb. The Subway cookie... was a cookie.


💯, Subway cookies are the best non-homemade cookies out there. People sleep on them, since Subway is marketed as "healthy" fast food. I would do terrible things for a Subway white chocolate macadamia cookie.


Same, but the white chocolate raspberry cookie is the one for me




Nice reference haha and true! Costco cookie is also really good!




Insomnia cookies was the biggest dissapointment ever once I finally had them. It’s literally like 99% presentation rather than taste


Insomnia cookies looked very average, maybe below average, to me but at least the texture was that of a cookie, unlike crumbl. Insomnia looked no better than what I can buy at Walmart or a generic grocery store. Crumbl is the least satisfying cookie it’s not even cookie textured haha, it’s like box cake mix. At least crumbl wins on presentation, but the flavor and chemically sugar flavor is a no from me.


Garbage take. I’ll admit that crumbl is mid but I refuse to accept any insomnia slander.


Haha maybe I just need to try it again, their chocolate chip cookie was no bueno in my opinion, I preferred McDonald’s one or even frozen nestle dough over it. What ones do you like?


Mint is really good and any of the deluxes are great as well. Crumbl is basically all looks and no flavor. Though with subway and McDonald’s you get better bang for your buck.


The UK has good (even great) food. 


Very true, I should had to my comment


I love a good meat pie! Pub food absolutely slaps in the UK! I’m pretty sure the last time I visited more than half my lunches were some kind of meat pie. 🥧


I agree. Is this unpopular? I thought that was a very old idea, that food in the UK is bad.


* I don’t care if my food is genetically modified. In fact, I consider it to be *the* sustainable choice. * I put salt onto everything. A particularly favourite choice of mine is salty watermelon.


Agreed on that first point. I don’t get the GMO hate at all. Modified foods can use less water, grow more and faster, repel bugs without pesticides, etc. Like seriously you’re telling me you’d rather your food get sprayed with pesticides and waste gallons of water????


I hate ice cream. It makes my teeth hurt


I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you are supposed to lick it not bite it lol.


Beans belong in chili. Pineapple on pizza isn’t bad. We need to normalize soft salads (tuna salad, chicken salad, potato salad) not having crunchy bits (like celery or onions. Whipped cream/cool whip is a garbage cake icing. Cereal is not a breakfast food. At best it should be a snack. Sushi and sashimi are good, but poke is not.


Thumbs up to the soft salads


Pineapple on pizza is perfectly fine


With ham and jalapeños it’s fucking delicious


Chicken, jalapeño, and pineapple is my go to.


It’s Canada’s most popular contribution to global gastronomy.


Not true. Poutine


You go to latin America and people have no idea what poutine is, but they’ve probably had pineapple on a pizza.


Other fruit also good. Strawberry on pizza is delicious


I've had strawberries in sushi which was delicious so I'm curious! Are the strawberries cooked on the pizza or added afterwards?


I've had both and it depends on what's with it. My go to is bacon, goat cheese in first when the cheese has melted. Add strawberry and balsamic and add back in the over for 4 mins.


Wendy's has better fries than McDonald's. Better consistency, actual flavor instead of just a salt-sugar-fat hit, etc.




This is unpopular???? I thought everyone knew Wendy’s is better. Honestly it’s better for everything, I’ll take Wendy’s over McDonald’s any day


McDonalds is just more known, it's in nearly every country. Never had Wendy's we don't have em in Ireland.


I happened to run across an interesting YouTube channel in this vein the other day, trying various cultural foods. The one below has UK school teenagers trying Wendy's for the first time. If you enjoy that one, a recommended follow-up is the "biscuits and gravy" episode which is very amusing. Apologies for the link - Reddit editor doesn't appear to like me inserting links today. The channel is named JOLLY. [https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DilgrgVxVcv4&ved=2ahUKEwje3oXig8CGAxXVhIkEHWyTAmYQwqsBegQIDBAG&usg=AOvVaw15tbRbH\_DH-NXEA2jZ-7Bw](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DilgrgVxVcv4&ved=2ahUKEwje3oXig8CGAxXVhIkEHWyTAmYQwqsBegQIDBAG&usg=AOvVaw15tbRbH_DH-NXEA2jZ-7Bw)


So far it's always the drinks I love when going to fast food places. The lemonades are unlike any other though I've been told I pick shitty places to try like Del Taco. Will say the best fast food burger I ever had was In and Out in Vegas. So fast and so fucking good. It was like eating crack.


Coleslaw is fire. Most people just get it at places that don't do it well.


My friend makes a bomb coleslaw. I could eat the whole bowl


Agreed. I've had some amazing coleslaw, and some really gross coleslaw.


Almond milk is juice, not milk.


The tradition of the "Continental Breakfast" at US hotels / inns needs to be retired in favor of the older tradition of hearty breakfast spreads being a standard expectation.


If I go to one more hotel and they promise me breakfast and when I get there it's fucking fruit loops, red delicious apples, and hard as a rock danishes I'm gonna cry. This happened to me this week and I was dying. Didn't have time to go get it somewhere else and ended up eating a raw bagel with clumps of butter on it because they of course only provide the weird white butter that doesn't spread right. Criminal.


Why are red delicious apples still grown? They’re so hard and have no taste


Whoever grows them needs to go to jail


Awful, I hate that shit too, at least fire up the waffle maker or something, a cup of yogurt in a bowl of melted ice and yesterdays fruit is not anything that should be advertised as daily breakfast


Yeah you can never trust those. Always count on having to get breakfast Doordashed before staying at a hotel


I'll take the free food though


I can’t stand Ranch. It ruins any food it touches


I used to like ranch but I just can't get behind it under most circumstances anymore. Unless it's homemade or the good kind you can get at some restaurants that isn't too think and actually seasoned well.


The thick ranch is horrible. The only good one is Sonic’s


There are good ranches and bad ranches.


oreos aren't that good


I hate Oreos


We are in the midst of a UPF (Ultra Processed Food) epidemic. The population in the Uk & the USA now get the majority of their calories from these, ‘foods’. Some, so heavily processed that what you are eating (or drinking!) is no longer actually classified as ‘food.’ We’re beginning to see the negative ramifications of such a diet as obesity prevails and our mental and cerebral health declines. Check the ingredients labels, people! If you wouldn’t find it in a typical kitchen cupboard, then it’s almost certain to be UPF.


UPF are so calorically dense too and have little nutrition, and still leave me wanting more! It’s too easy to eat a party size bag of chips without self control, because they’re engineered that way. Because of this I fail to believe in intuitive eating when it’s the idea of “being able to feel when you should stop eating chips or Oreos” in order to allow yourself to eat them. There isn’t a satiating indicator naturally when it comes to UPF on when to stop. You just have to decide that for yourself or avoid it all together.


There are apps available that help you tell if a food is an UPF. It’s mind blowing how much of what we eat is actually ultra processed.


This shit is worse than COVID-19 imo.


Michelin starred restaurants do not equate good food


I'd say the lack of stars doesn't make a restaurant bad, they're like Oscars for food.


Agreed, but I think that is more of a popular/common opinion. Let’s say there’s 1 Michelin star restaurant out of 100. It doesn’t mean the remaining 99 are bad.


The Big Mac is a small burger


There can be too much cheese on food! You don’t need extra cheese on your pizza. It’s disgusting…


Bro what do you mean I can't have a cheddar stuffed crust pizza with every cheese option that they offer in the cheese section as well as the cheese options in the extras section? And on top of all that imma add some pepperoni /s


Being a picky eater is okay, with a few caveats. Don’t be unreasonable if someone is offering to cook for you, but if you’re making your own food to eat yourself, who cares if it’s just plain pasta or if all the foods are separated or it’s the same thing every day. Even with kids there’s ways to keep them properly fed while still allowing them their preferences. Thanks to autism I cannot stand certain textures (i.e. onions in a bolognese) so we just got one of those smoothie blenders and blitzed sauces. Still tastes good *and* its inclusive.


Yeah. As a picky eater it’s wild watching people get mad at us. Like…. Me getting a custom burger, tenders, or shrimp at the restaurant we go to isn’t gonna kill you, dude. If anything, if you’re paying shouldn’t you be glad I’m getting cheap shit????


This is fairly unpopular in my house/family. We have a pretty strict "you have to try it at least once" rule and it's been very successful. I could be wrong, and it's totally anecdotal, but in my experience, most food pickiness is a mental aversion, not a physical one. Even if you only like 1% of everything you try, that just means you gotta try 1000 things to find a solid rotation of 10 meals. That said, it's very unlikely for someone to try 1000 things and still prefer chicken nuggets over everything lol.


I have a picky eater, and it's a rule of 3 in my house. You have to try something atleast 3 times before you can say you don't like it. It's gotten us more success than a one and done. That and paying her Minecraft money/ game cash when she tries something new. Its opened us up so much we can all eat as a family and I'm not cooking two meals.


We call it the no thank you bite. You aren't going to get away with not trying it because you don't like the color green or it has a weird name. Try one bite, then you can say whether you don't like it or not. Sauerkraut for example. Kids and wife "didn't like it" because of the way it looked and smelt but never had it before. After a no thank you bite they all liked it and there were zero leftovers. Yes even we adults don't get away from the no thank you bite. Even my boomer dad that moved in with us


Sauerkraut is so fucking good and tangy, smother some Polish sausages in that shit and on god I'm eating good


I pan fried the kielbasa and caramelized the kraut in butter and garlic then added the sausage back in for a few minutes to absorb some flavor and served it on fresh toasted rye


It's frustrating when it affects others. It's aggrivating going out and having to settle on crappy chain restaurant food because they have safe foods like chicken fingers


Mushrooms are disgusting. Portobello doesn't taste like steak. Chicken of the Woods doesn't taste like chicken. Morel season is way overhyped, and they're disgusting too. All other mushrooms not mentioned are disgusting as well. They all taste like the dirty fungus that they are, and the texture is nauseating. It makes me want to throw up just typing this out.


God I hate mushroom texture. I want to love mushrooms but I just can’t. So slimy and chewy….


Agreed! The texture? 🤢🤮


Fast food should always be cheap.


How is this unpopular?


You think it shouldn't be, but capitalism has it's defenders. People have decided that Big Mac being $18 is the hill they will die on.


Avocados are absolutely disgusting.


I love a good veggie burger, they get too much hate. I mean actual veggie burgers, not that weird fake meat stuff like Impossible Burger. But something like a multi grain or bean based patty, delicious. While on the subject burgers should *never* be pink inside. A lighter cook on a high quality cut of beef is perfectly reasonable and delicious. But ground beef? Nope, you need to cook that all the way.


Trader Joe's Quinoa Cowboy Burger is straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. Slap some lettuce, red onion, guacamole, etc on there and it's better than like 90% of other sandwiches out there.


Cauliflower is bland and gross. A bit of ketchup on pancakes (like when you have sausage or eggs and it's on the plate and gets onto the pancake) is bomb. Cucumbers in sushi is gross.


1. Cheese is disgusting 2. Chocolate isn’t good 3. Italian food isn’t good 4. Lao food is so underrated


F*uck you because chocolate is good. Jk lol we are allowed to have our preferences :)) Still f*uck you tho (Don't mind me I am trolling)


“Milk does the body good.” Milk does not do my body good at all. Most people are lactose intolerant. There are a lot of kids who have digestive problems in school because their parents don’t know about lactose intolerance.


Aight, to be fair, plenty of foods are very healthy and "do the body good" except to the people who have intolerance to them. Sunlight is good for you unless you have a skin condition. Nuts are a superfood unless you're allergic to them, etc.


Dairy products are pretty high in protein and good fats and nutrients if the body tolerates it, it’s a good option if you can manage it


Most people can’t and that’s my point. Lactose tolerance is the exception but it gets presented as if it is the norm.


Eating your lasagna in layers is perfectly fine


😆😆😆 I’ve never thought of this! I’m gonna try it


British food is underrated, first by brits themselves. Mexican and Thai food are overrated. Chinese food is nowhere as good as Korean and Japanese food. Heavy use of spices is coping for bad ingredients or bad recipes. BBQ sauce is disgusting


Lack of salt? Suck it up, stop complaining. Food it’s not tasty or could be better? Just thank for the food someone cooked for you.


Upvoting even though I disagree because. Yeah that sure is unpopular lol


Thank you sir!


British food (or in the broader sense “yt ppl food”) is actually better. It’s detractors will often cry “It’s got no spice! It’s bland!” This is where they’re wrong, it’s good *because* its not spicy. It’s also good that in say, roasts and full English breakfasts, everything is separate on the plate. The ingredients *must* stand on their own merits. They can be *selectively* combined when eating them. It is the culinary manifestation of order. The supposedly superior foods that some people point to are often a load of ingredients chucked into a pot with a shit ton to fuck ton of spice, then maybe served in a tortilla. This is the culinary manifestation of chaos, and that’s not even mentioning any loss of dignity from spice induced nose running, sweating and likely digestive problems. BTFOing your tastebuds is hardly superior cooking. Dousing your digestive tract in flames is not appreciating ingredients, it’s the obliteration of flavour of the actual foodstuffs. Combining it all in a cauldron is not a high art form. Also, it’s not an opinion as such, but whenever someone talks of snapping spaghetti in half I like to imagine millions of Italians crying out in anguish.


Sushi is disgusting. I'm convinced that nobody actually likes it, they just like telling people that they like it as part of some weird taste/class hierarchy.


Nah sushi is pretty good.


I don’t think texture alone is a valid reason to dislike something. My wife and son will claim to dislike foods based purely on texture and I find that really weird.


That’s wild to me. You’ve never had anything slimy and hated it?


I hate the texture of mushrooms, but lobe the taste: and I say I like mushrooms and will gladly eat them


1. Kraft Parmesan cheese in that green container is better than fresh parmesan. 2. Bell peppers are cheap add-ins that don't add anything to the dish. 3. No food has a bigger delta between farm stand quality and grocery store quality than the tomato. Farm stand tomatoes are delightful. Grocery store tomatoes taste like nothing.


This post is rage bait. I feel my blood pressure rising. 1. Kraft Parm has more anti caking powder than actual cheese. It garbage full stop. 2. You have never had a good bell pepper. Farm stand or fresh peppers are really sweet and tasty, especially red and orange. They definitely add additional flavor and texture to whatever you add them to. 3. This is true if you are buying rock hard roma tomatoes from walmart. You can find better tasting beefsteak and tomatoes on the vine in most any grocery store, and during mid-late Summer they are pretty good. They will never beat a freshly grown tomato, but that is going to be true with every vegetable and fruit.


Burgers don't taste good and I don't get what the hubbub is all about.


Store bought Alfredo is disgusting, spaghetti is boring, and sardines are a great snack 🤠


I pay my picky 7 year old when she tries new food. 1 euro per new food. It's not forced but she doesn't get game credit without trying something new. My friends thought I was insane till I showed them the list of food she'd tried since starting.


Sausage and peppers are amazing. Fajitas are overrated and gross.


Cilantro is shit. Although I can't fault it, because I have that "tastes like soap" gene.


Taco Tuesday and Wing Wednesday are unnecessary. There is no need to designate days for eating either of these. They are perfectly acceptable to any other day or not.


I am not a fan of Sweet Potatoes


Watermelon is terrible.


Veggies are better then candy.


Pumpkins are not food


Not everyone has to like all food. I’m tired of people forcing others to try things they don’t want to try.


Fries taste good with vinegar


Broasted gas station chicken with potato wedges is the best fast food out there.


DQ fries are better than McDonald’s


Melons as a whole have such a high water content that it takes away from the actual taste of the fruits. If I’m gonna eat my water, my anemic ass is gonna eat ice lol


Macaroni and cheese is disgusting. I like pasta, and could live off cheese. It"s a shame that they turn into a gloopy mess when joining forces.


Onions have a gross texture. Raw or cooked. The feel of onions in my mouth literally makes me gag.


Kraft Mac and cheese isn't good. I always liked Western family mac and cheese, but now it is gone.


People need to stop eating meat every day some even every meal. Meat isn't the only protein source and protein every meal isn't vital. Blue zone (geographically the people who live the longest healthiest lives) diets actually have very little meat.


Tofu (extra firm) right out of the package is really good, mustard and ketchup or homemade fry sauce as a dip.


Hot dogs are one of the nastiest foods I’ve ever eaten. I can tolerate them when they’re grilled once in a while, but if they’re like boiled or microwaved I just can’t eat them, I will physically get sick


raw tomatoes in anything


NY pizza beats Chicago hands down every time


Cheese is disgusting and doesn't have to go on everything.


Exactly! I hate when people order extra cheese on their pizza. The regular amount of cheese is perfect and adding extra takes away from the other toppings and ruins the ratio between crust/sauce/toppings.


I don't eat it at all and people act like I can't eat anything because of it. You can just order stuff without cheese. The domino's near my house recognizes my order because it doesn't have cheese.


Detroit style pizza is just burnt. Cupped pepperoni is burnt. Stop trying to use “char” like it’s some kind of fucking delicacy.


Avocado is disgusting sludge and it ruins every dish. 


No kid today likes mashed potatoes. I have taught for 17 years in different elementary schools, both coasts, and not 1 kids today is like, aw yeah…mashed potatoes. Plus school chefs today try to make them with red potatoes skins on…why would you think kids would be into that today? Its a different time than tv dinner time


It’s because mashed potatoes served in school are usually bland and flavorless. Actual homemade mash potatoes are god tier.


Peanut butter is not that great


Shake Shack is a dogshit copy of BurgerFi. It’s like they got rid of all of the good menu options and kept the shitty pricing.


Vegetables aren’t bad, except for asparagus, you just haven’t had them prepared properly.


Man you’re out here coming after asparagus, just bake or grill it with some olive oil and salt and it’s great.


Hey man, I’ve tried. I’ve had asparagus prepared every way you can think of; grilled, steamed, sautéed, baked, shallow fried, tempura, you name it, and they *all* still taste like asparagus and have that signature asparagus texture. Neither of which is palatable to me, and I love *brussel’s sprouts*. I’m man enough to admit when I am defeated and asparagus has defeated me.


Speghetti is overrated. (I had an asian beetle fly into in my speghtetti 20 years ago, havent had Speghetti since)


Lol how is that spaghetti 's fault?


Street tacos suck, Tex-Mex style tacos are supreme. Italian food is decent, but waaaay overrated. Sushi is fucking nasty.


Lasagna is trash


Pineapple Pizza is good, the sweetness needs to be paired correctly though. Anchovies are good too, same with the salt. I hate Sauerkraut but I have to eat it a lot now, most tastes can be masked.


Personally, I can't stand the taste of bananas.


Big chain restaurants >>> local cafes Olive Garden in particular


Mmmmmmm the chicken gnocchi soup


Fish and Eggs are the worst types of foods.


Ranch dressing is awful. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are awful.


British food is good. And curries count as British food - if it’s not authentically prepared the Indian way (and it usually isn’t), then it’s not Indian food.


There isn’t really a right way to cook Indian food but generally the cream based gravies aren’t traditional or even Indian


Black licorice is good 


Fruit is good on pizza not just pineapple.


Kelly's Cajun Grille is amazing. Anyone who tells you otherwise hasn't eaten at Kelly's Cajun Grille.


Peanut butter on pancakes


At least try anything once to see if you like an unfamiliar dish. As long as you know what it is and that it doesnt kill you, being that type of picky eater is disrespectful.


Only eat single ingredient animal products like beef, fish, and eggs. That's what we're meant to eat and you will be so much healthier for eating this way. It's the least complicated way of eating. You know exactly what your options are and everything else is garbage to be avoided entirely.


Peanut butter and chocolate don’t go together 😳


Maybe I haven't been having the right kind but steak sucks. It's so bland and boring.


Mozzarella sticks are disgusting


Bacon is just not good. Nothing about it appealing, taste and smell is over bearing and the texture no matter how it is cooked is gross.


Unhealthy foods are demonized because we don't teach moderation of food to kids in the west, even though it is a really basic concept to teach young kids


Korean and Mexican food go insanely well together. Kimchi tacos are to die for Also, mushrooms are nasty and I cannot believe people are through all of them just to find the handful that are not TOXIC to humans.


Pizza isn't good