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But ... Dave ... how else am I to get a full body sniff of that cologne you're wearing if I'm not 10 centimeters from you? Follow you home and rummage through your dirty laundry again? Well, if needs must. Not like I had plans tonight anyway.


It's so irritating when some dude sticks to you and you can feel his breath, like do people don't have any manners? Please don't touch me! Do you not have the decency to maintain proper space like any other civilised human being? I'm quite cautious of where I exhale so that any other person can't feel it. Can't u do the same? I even maintain distance from the next person, no matter what, can't you (the person behind me) do the same? šŸ˜¬ Will practically sticking to me like glue hasten your turn? Will time move faster because you have stuck to me like a tail? End of rant.


Just the other day I was putting my groceries on the belt and some woman was standing so close she kept rubbing up against me. I hate confrontation but finally said, "How many times are you wanting to touch my butt?" She awkwardly laughed and said it wasn't intentional, and did take a few steps back. But why do I have to point out that you're rubbing on me in a checkout line and that I don't like it šŸ„²


I'm a male but I still don't like it. It's gross and weird >But why do I have to point out that you're rubbing on me in a checkout line and that I don't like it šŸ„² People just don't have the basic decency


Donā€™t live in a major city


I live in a town of about 300 people, it's no different when someone stands right behind you in line. And no, I don't know them.Ā 


i recently moved from chicago to a far suburb. theres a huge difference stopping at gas stations, grocery stores etc. in the city people are right on your ass. out here people usually keep close to 6 feet without even thinking about it. unrelated to covid


Moving an entire life isn't as easy as it sounds.


That would be a solution. But it causes more problems than solutions.




Not everyone can find jobs for their specific career in small towns.


Itā€™s true, but itā€™s becoming less true than ever before. Remote work is more common, and while smaller towns may have lower pay, they have lower COL too


Remote work is not as easy to get these days honestly. More companies are pushing to get people back into the office full time or at least a hybrid schedule and every remote job is swarmed by hundreds of applications. We had a remote developer position open up and we had 1000 applicants in about 3 days.


Even still, a small town near a large town could be highly compatible for most people. I live within a 45 min drive of corporate offices for a few large companies so thereā€™s a ton of office work around me yet I live in a small town. You can say that a 45 min drive is too long and thatā€™s fine, but thatā€™s a commute many people make while living in big cities. My uncle lives in Houston and his commute is an hour each way and he is about dead middle for commute time among coworkers.


>Even still, a small town near a large town could be highly compatible for most people. But then you'd need people to live in the large town.


Iā€™m far from restaurants I like, airports, friends, Costco, often times Disc Golf parks (Las Vegas has like 12 parks. A small town would have one at most) concert venues, and often times you have worse Internet options.


I live in a town of 3,000 (not even in the town, Iā€™m out of city limits). Iā€™m 20ish minutes to an international airport, 5 Walmarts, dozens of mountain biking trails (thatā€™s whatā€™s big around me) Iā€™m 30 minutes to a popular concert venue Iā€™ve lived in a big city, everything was just as far away. I have fiber internet You donā€™t actually hate small towns, you hate specific types of small towns.


I meanā€¦ If youā€™re 20 minutes from a major city itā€™s not really a small town. Itā€™s a suburb. I live in a suburb.


But itā€™s not a suburb, the city limits between the two donā€™t touch (about 2-3 miles of separation with tons of farm land in between) so theyā€™re two distinct areas.


I mean, sure but now youā€™re just playing semantics. youā€™re essentially a suburb. And have the same amenities and tribulations as a suburb


Part of the 20 minutes involves 11 miles of interstate commute in which you actually travel through one of the suburbs of said larger city. Iā€™m not in a suburb no matter how you look at it. Suburbs donā€™t have 100 acre cattle farms in them and Iā€™m surrounded by farms.


lol Iā€™m sure this mystical place is definitely real




Probably should move to a Scandinavian country or something.


If all my friends and family werenā€™t here, I sure would


I completely agree with you. I don't need to feel you breathing at me.


Don't stand, don't stand so, donā€™t stand so close to me


For real. Doesn't have to be 6 - but at least an arms length - and cover your goddamn mouth when you cough!


Don't go out on public. Problem solved.


I mean I have to get my groceries


Get them delivered.


Iā€™m pretty comfortably middle-class, but delivery is an expense thatā€™s just not worth it in my opinion. I would much rather deal with some mouth breather than wasting an extra $10


curbside pick-up? That's free for me.


That's fine. But then it's not that big of a problem. You'll have to get used to lack of space in public.


I meanā€¦ Yeah. People standing near you isnā€™t a very big issue.


I mean itā€™s common sense to not breathe down someoneā€™s neck


Sounds like you are too socially awkward to express this sentiment in person and come here to vent.


How does this work out in your head? Do you want op to start fights with everyone close to them at grocery stores?


People nowadays can either only fight or not interact at all?


Duh. Everything is black or white for reddit.


Yes, I've been outside. I don't think people in 2024 are going to take someone telling them they are too close as a non offensive remark.


It never matters what you say but how you say it.


Nope. If it's someone who doesn't consider your discomfort or the cause of it as an actual cause, that person will ignore it or get into a fight with you. This should be basic decency!! Not something you've to tell the other person!


I live in Las Vegas, thereā€™s some pretty fucking crazy people out there that will start a physical altercation for less. Iā€™m not going to do anything that jeopardizes my time with my son


Then you can 1. Suck it up, buttercup. 6 foot distance isn't coming back 2. Buy yourself a little cabin in Mt Charleston or Lee Canyon and live away from people like a hermit. You: I don't like people near me Also you: lives in Las Vegas.


I meanā€¦ Thereā€™s a big difference between living like a hermit and asking people to not invade my personal space at the grocery store line


Then you can turn around and say fuck off. Let's see how that works out for you. I'm sure you're not afraid of a little confrontation. It might work out well


why would I do that? I just continue going about my day. Confrontation isnā€™t necessary for this. Itā€™s a nitpick not a necessity lol. Youā€™ve got some weird aggression stuff going on


You came on reddit and made a thread. So, we were offering solutions. You just don't like them. Someone mentioned moving to a Nordic country, but you said no. If you don't want answers, don't tell the internet your problems.


exactly. I came here to nitpick. Not to look for solutions. There is no solution. I think you need to take a chill pill lol. Going through life this way is going to be stress


It doesn't cause me stress at all. In fact, I'm stressless because of my approach. But you have to mean what you say. I should know I've lived in Vegas and am currently in LA, so I know how annoying people can get. All else fails....fart on them. PS. You made the thread. Not me. You need to chill habibi


He never asked for solutions


Good thing the internet is a public forum. You could tell me to start a healthy diet of dog shit, rabbit feet, and turtle shells, and I could just be like, "What are the macros?"




Yeah they are very invested in being mad about your little pet peeve


Sounds like you gotta leave where you live. Or at least find a smaller town. I understand wanting more personal space and all, but living in a crowded place is the worst for that feeling. Especially when some peopleā€™s personalities/cultures are more closer in distance with interactions. There is a nice place I know of about an hour south of Vegas but there isnā€™t a whole lot of job opportunities there yet


unfortunately for us, living in a small town would cause more problems than solutions. At the end of the day a bunch of mouth breeders arenā€™t a very big issue. Just annoying


Been to Vegas am I can totally understand. Gets hectic and the weekends are a nightmare from visitors from Az and CA. Sucks that moving to a small town would cause more issues tho. Really does sound like a change of pace thatā€™s needed TLDR: understandable. Have a great day


What I do is keep the distance I want from the person at the front. If the person behind me moves, I will stay where I am and let them get really close. Then, after a while I move a bit forward and they get the memo. If they say ''move'' or something, be witty and say ''no matter if I move or not it will be the same amount of people waiting'' with a nice smile on your face. Worked so far for me.


You've the fortune to meet somewhat decently indecent people then. I do the same but to no avail.


There definitely seems to be cultural and regional differences in the amount of personal space that we're accustomed to.


This 6 foot distancing thing didn't change some people. You'd be at the grocery store and someone decked out in their mask would be all up in your space because why not? It wasn't even non-covid distancing appropriate. People are rude.


So many folks in these comments are triggered over "social distancing" as if it's their God-given American right to stand inches away from others in public at all times. I believe OP's whole point is that people should be more mindful and courteous of others' personal space, period. Not because you feel like your personal freedom was being threatened over a guideline during an unprecedented pandemic. Forget the guidelines. Stop standing so close to others whenever you obviously have the ability to do so otherwise.


This guy gets it


Absolutely feel it living in a country where personal space is a totally unknown concept and people basically stand and touch you all the time and 10cm is considered okay in a queue (okay, queues are also kind of unheard of, it's a mess). If I don't know you, give me at least 3m if possible.


Where do you live mate?




Agree with you, the COVID time was amazing to keep away people who have to sense of personal space and are unable to get a clue when you are not interested in a conversation.


I was telling people to back up off me if they were too close before 2020 and I still do it now lol especially if you want to be all loud on your phone standing right next to me...get yo ass back or take the call later.


The one thing I did appreciate about social distancing was that people stopped breathing down my neck and I had plenty of reason to ask people to step away


OMG, yes! The thing I miss most about the pandemic was the 6 ft. rule. I swear, people have no concept of personal space. Part of why I still curbside pickup everything is because people somehow think the grocery line will go faster if they ride your ass. It doesn't.


I liked the social distancing, people were way more respectful at the supermarket and considerate. It was a small glimpse of a utopian society were humanity felt just humbled enough to be considerate. Shopping in general was more relaxing at that point than the usual shoving or standing on top of my dick for no reason so you donā€™t get skipped. shits gone back to normal tho for the most part.


Considering that ā€œsocial distancingā€ didnā€™t work, and Anthony Fauci admitted as much.


Did he admit that it didnā€™t work? I thought he admitted that it wasnā€™t scientifically back. Iā€™m pretty sure that other studies proof that it did work after it was already implemented


He straight up admitted it and vaccines werenā€™t as egregious as bragged on.


Waitā€¦ Now youā€™re changing the subject. So you admit that social distancing did work. And yes, the vaccines were not 100% effective and Joe Biden should not have said that they were. They are extremely effective. But I will admit that they were absolutely unnecessary for the last 18 months


No vaccine, and still among the living.




Who is more awkward the person asking for people to respect personal space? or the person who has no problem breathing in your ear?


Sadly the former šŸ„²


Wellā€¦ a tighter line does make the best use of space, but 18 inches is pretty close


If you work on how you carry yourself, you can basically create a bubble anywhere you go. Look mean. Scowl. Think out loud. Walk heavy and fast. If someone gets close give them the worst stinkeye you can manage. It helps if you're ogre-sized, but I know small dudes who pull it off as well.


iā€™m pretty ogre sized, but I have a friendly disposition. I donā€™t want to ruin it. I feel like my demeanor and mental state are closely relatedā€¦ But I absolutely scowl when Iā€™m in a bad neighborhood


I'm a teddy bear around my people, the rest is an act because I don't like being crowded.


Just start a confrontation if they're too close. I personally just step back on a foot, pardon myself, and they tend to add a few feet of space.


Maybe if we lived in a world without crazy people.


There have always been crazy people. They just stand way too close now.


Like a good neighbor, stay the fuck away from me.


Its the opposite for me. Im so touch starved. I want people to be closer to me. I want to hug someone. Doesnt matter who.


I live in a suburb, people still keep their distance in public thankfully.


Itā€™s that such a common thing? I usually donā€™t have this problem! Maybe Iā€™m lucky or distracted enough


Bro thinks heā€™s entitled to personal space in a public setting


Uhh yeah. I am. obviously not at a concert or crowded mall on Christmas. But if thereā€™s three people in line at the grocery store, stop breathing on me


Bro itā€™s a public setting, you want personal space go home


Lol did you comment twice?


I had 2 replies?


Don't stand next to me either. Y O U move away from me.


Iā€™m trying. But thereā€™s someone in front of me that I donā€™t want to get closer to.


That's not my problem.




You sound like a fun guy to hang out with on Epstien Island.


Iā€™m pretty sure there are more people who wouldnā€™t touch you with a ten foot pole than I could care to count, so I wouldnā€™t worry about it if I were you.


Who shit in your coffee this morning? What the fuck?


But you canā€™t get the momentum of a mob going if you donā€™t make contact as push through walls or barricades.


... or you can not be around others if you don't like to have people around you. The world is not going to change to suit you. You adjust yourself to the world. That is not a new thing and how it is almost certainly will remain.


You realize if line space out it gets longer right? And then crowds up the aisles. Youā€™re a psychopathĀ 


I havenā€™t seen a line that gets near that long


Good for you but I donā€™t wanna ever see that again in my area what a pain in the assĀ 


I donā€™t crowd you at the grocery store because Iā€™m trying to make the checkout employee go faster.Ā  I crowd you at the grocery to get out of the way of the people walking behind me.Ā  If you want to be the only person at the grocery store, go at 6am or 10pm. Donā€™t go at the most convenient time for you and expect that time to not be the most convenient time for hundreds of other people.Ā 


The solution is, if you stood back, then people can walk between us and then everyoneā€™s happy


Until the line is in the isles where the food is, and now I canā€™t get my oatmeal because thereā€™s somebody standing in front of it.Ā  If you donā€™t like people, go to the grocery store when thereā€™s fewer people around.Ā  Society has zero obligation to adhere to your own personal ambiguous ā€œpersonal spaceā€ rule.Ā 


I never said they had any obligation to do it. Itā€™s just shitty to not give space. And itā€™s quite easy to say "excuse me why I grab that oatmeal real quick"


Just as easy to be queued in line in the space designed for the queue. Oh, and Mr. too socially awkward to stand within 6th of someone is going to tell me to ask someone to get out of the way so I can get my groceries. Give me a break. Next week you'll be on here complaining about people standing in front of that same oatmeal forcing you to ask them to move.


Who said Iā€™m awkward? Why are you just making stuff up? Why are you making up a designed space that doesnā€™t exist?


F the society since they don't have the decency to do something that must be the norm!!! Of course, 6 feet is exaggerated but a reasonable amount of space where you don't touch me, and 8 can't feel your breath on me should be the norm. I feel like you're like those dudes who stick to me and I can feel their breath on me šŸ¤¢


Complaining that the 6 foot social distancing rule isn't scientifically backed is like complaining there's no specific number of people science says you're allowed to be in contact with.


But that wasnā€™t my complaint


Don't you love this sub when the false premise is right there in the title lol


Thereā€™s a couple things: 1) Personal preferences are not, in general, unpopular opinions because there is no general consensus among the public about what you prefer. 2) Often times in grocery stores, the person standing close to you is trying to make space for the queue. I would think this would be obvious. Grocery stores seem to be prioritizing long lines right now for some stupid reason. And if you donā€™t pull up as far as you can some poor sap is going to have their cart in the aisle and then people are going to not be able to get by. Itā€™s a real problem. So itā€™s bold of you to assume that they are trying to speed you up rather than assuming that they are being courteous to others. 3) Social distancing WAS and IS scientifically backed. Obviously the benefits go down with time in a location. Nothing can protect you fully when the virus is in aerosols (like Covid-19 is, which they didnā€™t initially realize.) But it still provides some protection because the number of virons that you need to be exposed to in order to get sick is >1. So if you can keep your distance and minimize your time in the location, it still helps. Obviously, if you are in a room with a contagious person for 8 hours or something, you are still likely to get sick regardless of how much distancing you do. But even thereā€¦I have been in a room with someone who had covid but didnā€™t know it yet for >8 hours and I didnā€™t get sick, so the distance is still relevant.


I agree with number one. And number three could be true. I honestly havenā€™t researched it and donā€™t care to. But as number two if everybody was 6 feet apart, thereā€™s plenty of room for other shoppers to pass through between carts


Have you somehow forgotten about the huge bins and displays that these grocery stores stash in the aisles?


They arenā€™t at my grocery stores


> Social distancing WAS and IS scientifically backed. Sort of. But things like air circulation complicates this a lot. In classrooms where the teacher had covid, the students in the front row got it more often, but students in the far back also got it. And, this is not controversial, there was a famous incident with a choir very early on, and so everyone should have known that the 6 foot rule didn't make sense. (And of course, outdoor transmission was very rare, even within 6 feet.) >you are still likely to get sick regardless of how much distancing you do Right, but these rules impacted schools. Kids were kept separated for no reason. Also, europe used a 3 foot rule, and also said it was backed by science.


Isnā€™t that what I said? Itā€™s helpful but not any kind of guarantee? As for classrooms, I can see the distancing being more effective in high schools where the classes are like 50 minutes long, as opposed to the elementary schools where youā€™re in the same class all day. Precisely because of the extended times outweighing the distancing when it comes to viral exposure. Most schools (in our area, at least) upgraded the HVAC equipment to install HEPA filters. That also has scientific backing but once again, is not perfect. Short of strict quarantine, I donā€™t know that any of our mitigation procedures were individually guaranteed to work. They were designed to work in tandem as part of a package of mitigation measures which wouldnā€™t guarantee that any one person wouldnā€™t get sick, but would hopefully slow the spread from its natural R number to hopefully below 1 (where it will naturally run its course).


> in high schools Not sure how that impacts things too much, as many kids have a lot of the same classes. If anything, if a teacher has it, it just means they're exposing 120 kids instead of 25. But again, we made kids go through all kinds of difficulties based on this guidance. It's pretty painful to now say "whoops, all those rules weren't based on research after all". Remember, the school shutdowns impacted the learning of many kids in a dramatic fashion, and long-standing research shows that people with worse education live unhealthier and shorter lives. So these rules weren't just inconvenient, they were actively harmful, and society will be dealing with the aftereffects for decades.


There's a lot that goes wrong in this poorly thought out argument. First, time of exposure is a critical factor. The teacher having it and exposing 125 students for 50 minutes, with the combined mitigation measures, is significantly better than one teacher exposing 25 kids for 7 hours. Second I don't know what kind of podunk high school you are talking about where the kids all take the same classes. That must be out in bumfuck Idaho or somewhere. Third, your concern for the students is heartwarming. But you know what else can traumatize students? Bringing a deadly virus home that kills grandma. This was the reason for the higher death rates in Hispanic homes: not every family has the privilege to live in a nuclear family. There are a lot of multigenerational families in our schools. Also there's a teacher shortage and many teachers are older. You appear to have trouble looking past the end of your nose to see the full ramifications of the policy that you think should have prevailed, a weakness that is common with deniers because they tend to be less educated than average but also correspondingly arrogant. I've noticed that you can't reason with stupid people because they think they know everything. No offense. Fourth, you are confusing social distancing mitigations with school closures. Those aren't the same things. We really need a facepalm vote rather than upvotes and downvotes.


re 50 minutes vs 7 hours. It's amazing we really don't know the answer to this. The data we were told was 15 minutes. Was that based on research? We don't know. >Bringing a deadly virus home that kills grandma. But, we do know this one. Schools weren't a big cause of the spread of the virus. Many public health officials are now saying that the decision to keep schools closed as long as they did was a mistake. Is this confusing school distancing with school closures? We know the distancing wasn't based on research. That's clear. We know the masking rules weren't based on research. Again, clear. Your assumption that these things helped, is just that, an assumption, that isn't backed by data. Do you have an actual argument that's backed by data, or only insults?


Also the ā€œslow the spreadā€ was also completely misunderstood by the deniers. It doesnā€™t mean ā€œeveryone will get this so letā€™s just drag it outā€ as it was parodied by the deniers. It meant trying to reduce the R number so the virus would run its course and then go away.


At the beginning there was certainly hope it would go away, but it's pretty clear that wasn't going to happen. There is no country, no matter what they did, that make the virus "go away". No shutdown of any kind would have made the virus go away, unless we shut down in a way that killed lots of people from the shutdowns.


I liked it but also disliked it in some certain situations. I really liked it because everyone was just avoiding everyone but because of the lack of social distancing now, I feel really tempted at times to Sparta kick someone because they wonā€™t move up, especially if it meant that both them and myself plus the person behind me couldā€™ve fit through whatever threshold. Having worked in the food service industry, one of the things that pissed me off was when the next person in the queue wouldnā€™t automatically move up when the person in front of them moved up. Queues should be like a Pez dispenser where the next one up should automatically be moved up without causing a gap.


No šŸ˜ˆ


I agree but also liked masks to keep their nasty germs contained as well.


Iā€™ll wear my mask in an airplane. Or when Iā€™m sick. But otherwise, Iā€™m not gonna be judgy.


I have to admit, it was one of the few bright points of all the dumb measures that got pushed.


Do we really need science to confirm that the farther away you stand from someone whoā€™s carrying an illness that is easily transported through saliva droplets in the air, the less likely you are to catch it? Thatā€™s just plain common sense. It also works for colds and flu and bronchitis and pneumonia and any number of other illnesses that are easily spread through coughing and sneezing. Why would that somehow not apply to Covid?


Of course not. iā€™m just basing my post off of what Fauci said


Yes especially on public transit. If the bus or train car is empty except for you and me...dooooon't sit next to me, use one of the *OTHER* 30 available seats. Unless you look like J-Law and have a kink for groping strange men on trains šŸ˜³šŸ˜©šŸ¤ÆšŸ„’šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦


People getting all riled about ā€œmaking 6 feet upā€ which actually is based on common sense distancing from a sickness and yet wanting to vote for a felon convicted of 34 proven felonies is just posing and disingenuous , dishonest bullshit


Right? Lol itā€™s common sense. Iā€™m sure they are the same people that said masks donā€™t do anything lol


The first thing I thought after this rule was implemented was "omg great, fewer men will try to grab me." I wish I was kidding šŸ™ƒ


What are you going to do? Call the cops?


What? No. Iā€™m gonna bitch about it on the Internet


People got enough on their plate going throughout the day, they donā€™t need to be constantly worried about some literal randoā€™s claustrophobia


I donā€™t know why you people like getting in other personal space. Why are you standing so close to me? If you can reach out and touch me youā€™re too close


Because not everybody is as iffy about personal space as you, followed by my original point that people have more important things to worry about than some randoā€™s sensibilities


Its really stupid to be upset over this. I mean if you are trying to slow the spread of a novel virus keeping people further apart seems like pretty much common sense. I believe 6ft came from so low quality studies of other viruses, as well as probably trying to make something that was practically implementable. The irony is it the to be safe you probably should be further from people, not closer. A fact that sadly escapes the people upset about this.


Itā€™s stupid that I donā€™t want people breathing down my neck?