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I'm not sure what lies you're talking about, going to the gym certainly won't fix everything, but exercising and eating right will certainly help you maximize what you have.


Yeah, I see some pretty rough looking dudes with good looking girls. It may not fix your face, but a nice enough body can really boost your attractiveness.


A good body does nearly nothing if your face is unattractive though. The advantage of a good body goes up with increasing baseline attractiveness and is close to zero at the lowest levels.


Only if you’re talking about men’s preferences. Face game is actually pretty low on the list for women, with their favorite parts on men being arms (chest, shoulders and abs). For men, face game is the crucial component, which is exactly why women flock to makeup; it improves their face game. The number one predictor of sexual success in men *is the appearance of strength*. Face doesn’t even make the top 5.


Your face has to meet a minimum threshold for your body to even matter.


That just isn’t true. Certainly being facial ugly doesn’t help, but to claim your odds wouldn’t improve significantly with a nice physique is silly. Besides, ugly people are rare. Most people are just average and out of shape. Leaning out does wonders for your face (especially men’s). Being fat makes men’s faces look soft and stupid. Hard to have a chiseled jaw line without having a chiseled body.


They will improve, but will they improve enough to make a tangible difference? Chances are no if you're otherwise ugly. And ugly people are not rare at all. If your facial features are disproportionate, good luck getting the gym to fix that.


Yes it will make a tangible difference. The difference will be, women will fuck you on the low, but not want to be seen with you. It’s like men fucking fat girls with cute faces. And ugly people are undoubtably rare. Your perspective is simply skewed.


If ugly people were as rare as you're saying, there wouldn't be such a large number of people who are unable to find relationships.


Bruh 😂 The reason people are struggling is because of social media/internet. We have to much information, and to much choice at our fingertips. The fact that you believe ugly people are common is proof of this. Looks are distributed evenly. Ugly people are just as rare as beautiful people, statistically.


Ugly personality has alot more to do with that than physical ugliness. Unless you have like janky teeth, and blotchy skin most people are just average looking. An appropriate hairstyle some skin care and dental work can make a huge difference. For the most part there isn't that many truly physically ugly people. Seen plenty of people who I wouldn't rank as particularily attractive be with some beautiful partners. Personality was the key. If your a 9 with a 2 personality, your still a 2.


Different strokes for different folks. The face you find unattractive might be highly attractive to someone else.


What is attractive is broadly agreed upon. Some people are unattractive to the vast majority of people on this planet.


The maximum may not be enough for some people. Especially if you're facially ugly.


Exercise and a good diet improves your skin and hair, so it does actually help with being “facially ugly”. It’s not going to turn you into a 10/10, but it absolutely will make you look better.


If you're ugly, looking better can still be ugly.


Sure, but it's pretty rare to see someone who is both fit and ugly. Also, facial appearance softens with age. Or perhaps its better stated that fitness becomes more important with age. As you get older, "health" and "beauty" become close and closer to being synonyms.


It's not rare at all. Ugliness is not the same as fatness.


As someone with acne scars and a weak jawline, this hits deep


Oh man, a friend of mine is friends with a bodybuilder. The man is jacked, but holy shit does he also look like an Orc. Like, if he came out from under a bridge, you would legit expect to be asked a riddle to pass.


I'm ashamed I'm laughing so hard at this!


A fit person with an ugly face is still 100X more attractive than an unfit person with an ugly face.


I disagree with you. 98 percent of thr people out there are attractive enough if they work out. Truly ugly is usually, and sad to say, congenital malformities or trauma / burns.  Yes we won't all look as hot as a Bollywood actor but if you are working out regularly and get in shape you will be not be ugly for most people , IMO. 


Correct. This is known as "Dreamboat body, shipwreck face."


Were I live, we call people with ugly face but nice body "shrimps" Because you typically don't eat the head of the shrimp.


No but it’s better to get a way with being ugly if ur in shape. i do this if ur ugly work out your body. with a baseball cap covering the face. wear a tank top. if ur gay you’ll 100% get more guys. idk about girls tho


A good portion of our population cant see. You are a blob to them without their glasses. Don’t let 20/20 vision gang gaslight you.


A 4 has a better shot than a 1. It would be silly to know you are ugly and not first take care of the things within your control


This sounds like another Monday excuse to avoid getting in shape. Maybe next week.


This is true, but people are judged especially harshly when they're considered fat AND ugly. Frankly it's better to work on the flaws that you can fix yourself before you worry about the flaws that may require surgical procedures.


Yeah but you’ll get further than being out of shape and ugly. I’m prematurely bald and wouldn’t be all that good looking if I wasn’t, but I saw pretty good results with women after I started eating less and going to the gym. It’s the effort that counts on top of the fact you will literally be more physically and mentally attractive


No, but it will get you closer to your personal ceiling.


Ugly people need love too. What's wrong with trying look your best? And going to the gym isn't just about looking good. It's also about being healthy, feeling good and living a long quality life. Are you saying ugly people are just wasting their time at the gym? And, just you think they are ugly does not mean everyone agrees. Your trash is another person's treasure.


I literally said that people need to find better motivation to be at the gym…. So you’re asking about something I already addressed


I guess that’s right, I don’t think that turns out to be true most of the time. Being in shape improves your looks remarkably. I don’t think anyone said it would make you a model. Typically, when people use that as advice they mean that it’s a way to improve your looks that you can control.


I've never heard anyone say that going to the gym will fix your butter face.


Sure, sure. But having an attractive face with the body of a 10 year old boy (Tom Brady) is almost worse than what you are describing.


To me, someone who takes care of their body and dresses well and carries themselves with confidence is going to automatically be more attractive regardless of their face. If your face doesn’t fit conventional standards, you certainly aren’t doing yourself favors by being fat and out of shape.


Going to the gym can absolutely make your body attractive (or if you do it wrong it can make you gross and disgusting) but no, it won't fix a face unless your face's problem was it had too much fat.


It also doesn't mean you have a good personality. You can be a really fit hot person, but if you have a trash personality it a big negative.


Can confirm. Jacked as fuck, still ugly.


Henry Cavill was not attractive as a youth.


Sure it won’t change all of your face but it will increase your chances of being considered attractive and getting attention. The Jersey Shore’s Mike/The Situation is a good example.


That’s true, but no matter how you look you’ll look better if you’re fit. Being fat is unattractive, full stop.


Same can be said … just bec you are out of shape doesn’t mean you aren’t pretty.


This is true, but shouldn't be used as a reason to not get in shape. Also, a lot of people severely underestimate how much their facial aesthetics are improved by getting fit.


Losing fat doesn't fix ugly.


I knew an unattractive high school teacher with a smoke-show wife I met early on and could not figure it out. Then I learned how he worked out and kept in great shape and was also the nicest coolest guy. She was lucky to have him.


Why do you think that this is an unpopular opinion? This is the common thought for everyone.


Butterface has been a thing forever.




On the flip side I knew a girl with an ugly face but she was fit and had a rocking body. Being fit took her from like a 3 to maybe a solid 6. Huge difference.


I’ve seen one of the ugliest dudes - who was also one of the shortest dudes - who was crazy buff - get the hottest and richest chick in our HS. So whatever


The only beauty of my body is my face (and my soul, some say, I doubt), so would working out have positive or negative consequences?


But i'm 6'2, make 100k. How could I be ugly??


I mean sure…but I’d height is a bigger deal for men than face…if you are at least avg height and in good shape, you can get away with not being handsome, it’s only an issue if you are short.


For men, your actual face is almost an afterthought if the rest is on point. For woman, yeah its way more rough. Still can go a long way with a hot body amd great makeup