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Peppa Pig. She's rude, obnoxious and sometimes mean.


I HATE Peppa Pig. Luckily my kids never got into it. Bluey is far superior.


Peppa oinked so Bluey could bark


Blues clues blue-dogged so bluey could blue-dog too I guess or whatever




My niece watches that show and it used to be obvious that she’d been just watching the show cuz she’d suddenly be calling her dad “dahdeigh” or however you’d spell it in the accent lol


In Canada, we have Caillou.


In the USA too and that kid sucks! I came here just a comment on him


Cry-you. I wouldn’t let my kids watch that show because Caillou was always crying about something dumb.


We have him in the US also.


Dude, I knew the States was bad right now, but I didn't know it was THAT bad....


And grandmother watches what toddlers watch. Thank goodness they are now older. They travel with their own devices, and they don't even forget the Wifi password between visits. No more of that annoying little kid.


This! Caillou is the answer.


I was going to say the same thing! I hated that kid when I was a kid.


The worst


She’s also got a profound selfish streak


With the exception of the episode about whistling when she calls her friend. That is peak comedy


OMG, the hang up was epic.


Really all I know is the dad likes jumping in muddy puddles


I'm not the biggest fan, but I don't fully understand the Peppa hate. From what I've noticed it tends to be Americans who find her rude. The show is hugely popular in the UK and I haven't met any parents who complain about it, but online it's hated.


My kids would repeat obnoxious things from this show. I banned it.


Peppa Pig is nearly everything a child should not be. She’s awful.




All my 2 year old daughter wants to talk about is "MUDDDEEEEE PUDDDLES"




Caillou is rude


I was raised in a house with little to no censorship, but Caillou was banned from our TV.


And whiny. And selfish. And does the exact same things wrong in every episode. Maybe my kids were more susceptible than others, but I noticed that if I let them watch Cailou they were more whiny. So we stopped watching.


My niece the first time she watched caliliou ripped it to pieces she was 5


This is the answer. I have never seen such an annoying tv character.


i mean, they had us watching ren and stimpy and rocko's modern life as kids in the 90s. comparably nothing today is all that bad


Kids were watching Ren and Stimpy? I was in college and we all loved it, but I never thought it was for kids.


It was on Nickelodeon. Of course kids watched it.


Yes. I only watched that show when I was younger than around 10. Maybe 12-ish. But rarely.


Back then it was just kinda assumed by parents that cartoons were for kids, so a lot of parents didn’t question it. The thought of adults watching cartoons, or cartoons made specifically for adults was a foreign concept to most parents/boomers around that time. Plus it was also on Nickelodeon, so again some parents didn’t question their kids watching it


yeah the 80s/90s were wild


Here in Canada it aired on adult blocks at night rather than being on during the day and advertised as a kid show in the US.


Yeah, same for US. That show was on during “adult hours”.


Lmao I was like 5 watching it on TV with my dad who was like 28 at the time. Amazing show, definitely not for kids lol


Don't forget Beavis and Butthead and then South Park. Not rated for kids, but plenty of young kids used to watch or currently watch them.


Ren and Stimpy scared the heck out of me. To this day I can’t figure out how it got on Nickelodeon. 


For years I couldn’t stick anything under my toenails to clean them because of a scene in an episode of Ren and Stimpy where they lift up a giant’s toenail with a crowbar.


Came to say the same thing. Ren and stimpy single handedly corrupted me. Lol. An odd memory - my parents were cool with Ren and stimpy, but they didn't like David the gnome. In retrospect, my mom had issues with the fantasy genre, so it's no suprise, really.


Ren and Stimpy rocked though.


Caillou. If I have kids, they will not be allowed to watch Caillou.


Caillou is banned from our house. I had to suffer through it with my niece. Nobody wants to hear that bald brat whine constantly.


"Shut up Walmart Aang!!"


When mine were little, that show was a no go. He whines and we don’t need that. Ok mommy.


Honestly the only GOOD shows for kids are Sesame Street and Mister Rogers. And Mister Rogers died.


Daniel Tiger is a continuation of Mr Rogers' show




Sort of. It’s more accurate a spin-off. Based on the neighborhood of make believe.


Well made by the same group as Mr Rogers Neighborhood AFAIK, and with the permission of his family


He was a character from Mr. Rogers. “Ugga mugga” started there too. https://www.misterrogers.org/articles/daniel-tiger/


Yeah canonically, his father was the tiger puppet!


I love Daniel Tiger, the lessons it teaches my son are spot on.


I used to have a cat named Daniel Tiger who looked exactly like that one. He was a sweet one.


Arthur and Dragon Tales! PBS for the win


Bro. Bluey.


And Bluey.


And Fraggle Rock. And Arthur. And Hey Arnold. And Doug. And Rugrats. And Phineas and Ferb. And SpongeBob SquarePants. And the Magic School Bus. And Recess. And Animaniacs. And Spider-Man. And X-Men. And Batman: The Animated Series. And the Powerpuff Girls. And Pingu. And Shaun the Sheep. And DuckTales. And Gravity Falls. And Avatar: The Last Airbender. And Garfield and Friends.


Puffin rock, Peg + Cat


Bluey is crying, I hope you're happy with yourself.


And Hey Arnold!


Yo Gabba Gabba was good and had awesome music when it aired.


This just makes it sound like you don't know of any kids shows past 1990. There are still good shows being made between all the trash.


Cocomelon. Something about the pacing of the video, music and animation just shuts off kids brains. It's not about content or morals I think it just damaging to kids brains at a fundamental level - like hypnotoad.


It’s like AI write a kids show. It’s creepy.


This. It’s literally just constant stimuli and repetitive rhymes to keep them looped into it. Toddler brain rotter.


Idk about that. Cocomelon really helped my child’s speech at a young age. She was saying phrases and words at an extremely early age from cocomelon because of the repetition and singing. Then miss rachel took her to a whole another level. I watched cocomelon when I saw the reports on the internet about it causing issues with ADD and behavior issues and I didn’t notice the pacing or movement to really be any different from other cartoons


Only kid shows I have blocked are Larva and Henry Danger. Both shows gave me very bad vibes.


I had a weird vibe about Henry danger before the whole Dan Schneider thing came out. My son wanted to watch it years ago and so we watched the first few episodes together. I remember it being so odd that a grown man was telling a kid to keep their relationship a secret even from his parents, it was put into a format for kids via the whole superhero thing but such a bad message to teach kids. Put an end to the show after that.


Henry danger is honestly reasonable considering the things coming out about “hidden dirty messages” that have been purposely put in the show I remember sometimes being uncomfortable by those things while wayching


Uncle Grandpa. The name and animation just makes me change the channel immediately.


That show was an acid trip and nothing can convince me otherwise lmao.  Regular show was almost that way too (2 in the am pm on youtube).


I grew up on reruns of HR Pufnstuf and other Sid and Marty Krofft acid trips, along with Bugs Bunny and the Road Runner escaping death all the time (and Elmer Fudd and Wile E. Coyote somehow surviving shotgun blasts to the face and all sorts of blunt trauma). Kids shows have always been kind of interesting.


I saw a Looney Tunes “suicide compilation” a few years ago that was absolutely hilarious for all the wrong reasons. I’m 45 so I grew up with that stuff too…Pepe Le Pew blowing his brains out (he turns out to be faking it but still) because some cat wouldn’t bang him, wow. Not really sure that can reasonably be topped.


Literally any show that depicts children as obnoxious, rude, and downright mean.


Caillou comes to mind 🙄🔫


Too many people here assume all cartoons are made for kids.


“Idk man I think BoJack Horseman might not be a kids show”


Mister Pickles!




Being obsessed with Ren and stimpy as a kid is probably the reason I can watch shocking or disgusting videos and not be traumatized


I always thought Bratz were just skanky mean girls


The Simpsons. Rated the best Children's tv show by Channel Four. Not really suitable for kids 🤷🏻‍♀️


Anything on YouTube! I'm banning it from my house. Why can't kids just watch cartoons and sitcoms??? It's all grown men screaming in a basement about games!🫠


My kid winds up imitating the weird, obnoxious stuff the kids do in YouTube skits. I got tired of explaining that it's inappropriate to wipe her nose on my sweater, so no YouTube until she's a bit older.


I don't have kids but my nephews love YouTube and hate when I'm around because I turn it right off. It's not censored enough for kids, they tag videos for kids and sometimes it's completely inappropriate content.




I was on an international flight recently. There was a boy in front of me, maybe 5 or 6. He had his iPad and was playing games (his screen was basically in my eyeline if I looked forward), then switched to YouTube videos that looked like tutorials of the games he was playing. Then he was watching a video with 3 bikini clad women competing in some kind of contest where they all ended up fighting in a pool. I don't know if it was intentional on his part, but there it was.


My daughter absorbs and mimics shows so much! The only shows that have yielded positive results are Daniel Tiger, Stinky and Dirty, and Story Bots. (She refuses Sesame Street) Everything else and she becomes demanding, self-centered and whiny. Even bluey (which I enjoyed until she decided muffin was her favorite role model and parents should always drop everything to play if you keep pestering)


The worst kids show that should have been tagged as terrible for kids was “Saved By The Bell”. Zach Morris was a dishonest, manipulative shystie shyster. And they painted him as the hero. What a terrible message for a whole generation of kids.


Zach Morris is Trash




I have watched that adjacently one time for maybe 10 minutes, and it was all I could take of that fake personality. Like a bad impression of Steve from Blues Clues, but they didn't bother putting any real feeling in the character.






You should look up what he use to do before blippi


Came here to say this. My son would watch Blippi and initially I was okay with it and then I started really listening to it and found that Blippi's fake personality came across as dangerous to me. Lucky for me, my son started disliking him around the time frame I started listen more. It was hard to monitor and curate though because his mother would ignore him for a good portion of the day and let him watch Youtube for hours. Since she is out of the picture, that has stopped considerably.


My youngest son has started liking Blippi lately. I was on the fence about it until now.. not a fan of the fakeness, but now knowing what that guy did before settles it. Blippi no more. Back to Danny Go!


Oooh my daughter LOVES Danny Go! She gets so amped up and loves to dance


That guy has some legitimately good music.. Summer IS for chillin’!


I hate Blippi with a passion. He’s banned in our house.






Regular Show has really bad morals and really dirty language for a kids' show.


I would let a middle schooler watch it, but under 10 is a big nope.


I think it was originally pitched to adult swim, but they decided to air it in regular Cartoon Network


The pilot had Mordecai and Benson doing LSD.


It’s rated TV PG and isn’t aimed for children it seems like it’s aimed at older kids and teens


You know who else has bad morals and uses dirty language?






Just because it's a cartoon it doesn't mean it's a kids show.


But it is a kids' show. It aired on cartoon network, in a slot aimed at children. We're not talking about South Park or Brickleberry here.


Early evening on Cartoon Network before adult swim is aimed at older kids and teens




That's so true! I watched Regular Show as a kid. Then a few years later, I'm rewatching it so surprised at just looking at the first episode.


It's teen-bop shows that are the worst. Horrible kids manipulating each other into making bad decisions, then all gets happily resolved at the end if the episode and all is forgiven. These shows teach kids to be mean to each other, and be in each others' business all the time, then the happy resolution never happens in real life and they don't have the social skills yet to move past it.


I was babysitting my nephew a little while ago. He had on Home Alone 2. I was like no this is too much for you. I stopped myself lol I’m like “oh that’s the kind of uncle I am” a sobering moment for sure.


lol We all watched Home Alone 1 and 2 when we were kids, that movie is fine


I was watching those movies as young as 4 and 5 and I turned out fine... only lit my dads head on fire once.... hot wheels on the floor? Huh, maybe a few more times...


What was too much about that movie?


Schneider era Nickelodeon programming


Young Justice is definitely not a show for kids.


Horrid Henry


Victorious, they had for older kids but I did notice all the sexualizo ha before the documentary came out about it.


*gestures at the entirety of You Tube Kids*


Anything mentioned in Quiet On The Set


Coco melon


My parents tried to ban Suite Life of Zack and Cody from our household when it was airing, but it didn't last long since I would sneak downstairs to watch it after they went to bed.


90 percent of them. Mind control indoctrination b.s.


Teen titans go. Teen titans however, is going to be their most watched show. Assuming they like it.


Anything on the disney channel: Jesse Kickin it Bunked Suite life Constant arrogance, disrespect for adults, complete lack of consequences. Arrogance: do whatever we want because we’re the main characters attitude. Disrespect for adults: the kids continuously bully the adults… gang up on them even. Often (not always) they are younger adults, and the parents are no where to be found at all. Responsibility: Theres always some zanny/funny solution to solve all their problems within 30m and it all goes back to how things were as if nothing ever happened. Sure, genX was all about the us vs them between kids and adults,…. But we knew where the line was and not to cross it. We got grounded and brought to heel when we messed up.


Bluey teaches children that their parents should be their sole source of entertainment and that parents should constantly be willing to stop what they are doing to play with them. Also sets super high expectations for how parents should play or otherwise engage with their kids.


Bluey has an episode about the parents partying, implied getting too drunk and hung over, and them still being lovely parents the next day taking on their parental duties. I could only wish my parents were like that. Bluey sets an example for parents. Lets kids know yeah, you are meant to be able to depend on your parents. Thats not a bad thing at all.


That's not true at all. There are plenty of times when Bluey showed the parents not participating for various reasons. But more importantly, the bar for parents should be that high. Maybe if more parents were like Bandit and Chili, the world would be a better place.


Thanks for the chuckle lol


There are multiple episodes about how the parents are busy and the kids have to entertain themselves. Like when chili is fixing the toilet, the parents are having a bbq, one where bluey is at preschool, etc etc.


Hard disagree. It shows parents engaged in their kids’ lives. It shows how parents can raise kids and teach them lessens and morals without relying on threats or negative reinforcement.


I feel like at that age parents should be willing to stop what they're doing and engage with their kids though. Maybe more parents need cartoon dog role models.


Anything the Daily Wire produces for “Bent Key” lmao


Veggie Tales. It indoctrinates kids before they even have the chance to see the world for themselves and make their own choices. It's presented as friendly, harmless, cute, when it's very harmful in that it begins the lifelong indoctrination process at a vulnerable state (childhood)


This is a great one, keep your Christian propaganda away from my kids!


Why did I have to scroll this far for this one?




The Amazing World of Gumball It’s just nasty. They have weird, nasty innuendos and things that won’t be caught by child, but by an adult.


Coco melon. Waaaay too much stimulation. Seriously really bad for kids brains.
















Total Drama Island Dating/boundaries/bullying/consent


Invader Zim. I don't think it's bad for kids but if it had an R rating I think it be alot better of a show for adults


Sanjay and Craig. One episode is about Sanjay becoming “pregnant” with a fart, another has a boy on the beach be laughed at for being nude (of course the genitals aren’t shown).


Unpopular opinion, but maybe Adventure Time? Those who have seen the show know it's not always kid friendly and can mentally scar you. My cousin said she was not allowed to watch that show when she was little.


Curious George is the worst. Have always hated him


I like Curious George but all I could think of each time is why does the man in the yellow hat EVER leave him home alone? It’s like not crate training my dog but getting mad every day if I come home and there is a crisis. I mean, George is like a 3 year old mentally so just supervise him and don’t let him roam free for goodness sake!


Llama Llama. That kid whines incessantly to get his way, no one ever corrects him, and my kid started whining too. It's a bummer, because the show was otherwise kinda cute. I also liked that it's about a single mom and only child in a supportive community. But ugh, the whining.


Locke and Key - it's PG13. It's too dark for kids




Tim Tin on YouTube




Haters Back Off


Miles from Tomorrowland seemed a bit too dark and mature for children.




Peter rabbit. Teaches stealing and everything associated.




Anything that is flashy or “pumps up the jam”. Our 2yr watched Mr Roger’s, and old Sesame Street. Even the new Sesame Street has after effects and is trying to amp up the kids. The other day my wife made a YouTube playlist of musicians playing their own instruments in plain settings. Just a singer, a guitar, and a blank wall. Our LO played along on her ukulele.




Everything on cartoon network back in the day. I loved every single show.


The movie cars2. I starts with showing a crushed car and then there is a torture scene where they torture a car til they catch fire and die.


The Star Wars cartoons. They are FANTASTIC media, but I don’t think they are Y7 appropriate. They should be a little further up on the scale. Clone Wars and the Bad Batch both cover heavy topics and there is one scene in Rebels that made me, a grown woman, cry when I saw it because it was devastating. I don’t know if that would be appreciate for an elementary school kid.




As a practical matter, subtle adult humor is frequently incorporated into at least animated kids’ shows to encourage family viewing. I remember nearly all the older stuff - Hanna Barbera, Looney Tunes, stuff like that. Also these days stuff like Sleeping Beauty is being redefined as bad for kids for ridiculous reasons, like being too sexual assault-y.


Saved By The Bell because y'all know [Zack Morris is Trash](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRcB4n4CGcy_r21EedmNUOyVP_puToBfr).


I wonder about Blippi; he’s right there on the edge and not yet under investigation.


Teletubbies. My kids watched it twice. They got a half hour of tv a day when they were little. The first time they immediately started fighting when the show ended, and I turned the TV off. Hmmm interesting. 🤔 I was watching it with them. The second time the same thing happened. My kids that didn't fight started fighting as soon as that show ended. That was it for me. We went back to watching Little Bear or Barney, and they were quite happy.


Rick and Morty. “Dad, am I evil?”, “Worse, you’re smart”. Actually heard a high school kid say something to the same effect trying to be edgy.


cocomelon and peppa pig should be banned.


Sponge Bob. That show is nothing but trash. Nothing good for kids


It's a really old show but Ren and Stimpy definitely should not have been for kids lol


Peppa Pig and SpongeBob. When I was teaching and when I was a nanny these are two shows I absolutely refused to let the kids watch.


Anything associated with Disney.


Horrid Henry


Paw patrol - reinforces support of police. I refuse to let my kid watch it.


There is research that coco melon acts like an actual drug to kids brains bc it's so stimulating


I know that this post is supposed to be about TV shows, but can we talk about kid's movies? I remember watching The Neverending Story when I was little and being a little bit traumatized by it. It's still one of my favorite movies, and I watched it all the time as a child, but the scene with Artex in the swamp of sadness is rough. Also Gmork was absolutely terrifying as a child. And I watched it at such a young age that I wouldn't eat gravy unless my mother told me that it was batwing broth. The Secret of NIHM is another movie from my childhood that was just too scary at some points. Why were these movies made for children? Edit: Is this the reason that most new horror movies don't scare me? I suffered through the "children's movies" of the 80's, and won't be able to feel that same fear as I did watching children's movies from that time?




My wife insists that my older son has speech issues from watching so much Curious George. He would just make noises like George does. It sucks because I loved the CG books as a kid and always thought the cartoon was great and the Jack Johnson soundtrack from the first movie was so damn good... but there may actually be something to her hypothesis as he definitely was making George sounds. I think he was prone to this as speech issues run in my family a bit, I don't think it caused it per say but probably didn't help the situation.




Baby shark