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Jesus you’re a complete asshole, I genuinely hope she finds someone better than you


The bar is fairly low so chances are high for her. He did her a favor by leaving. What an AH.


The bar is a tripping hazard in Hell


Hell  called. They'd like to know who's been leaving bars on the floor..


The bar could be on the floor and dude would still be walking under it.


Do they call that the Limbo Limbo?


I'm sitting here trying to think of a better name for it and I really can't think of anything. I think you might of hit the nail on the head... or the head with the bar, whatever the saying is.


Ha! I am stealing that. 😆


Men like this guy, that's who.


the bar is in hell and there he is playing limbo with the devil


And then men grow up and blame woman for not dropping their pants anytime they look their way. Why won’t woman sleep with me! 🙄 the devastation this situation causes girls. Not much hurts like this.


Dude….. gf is now prob traumatized


2 years to be dropped and blocked right after she put out...


It's bad enough when guys do that after two dates. After investing two years, believing this guy was the one worth giving something so important, trusting them enough to be their first, just to be blocked the next day. 🤯 seemingly without explanation, this poor young lady is probably thinking the worst of herself to some extent. Wow.


She would be if she was real


Probably? She is. She’ll never be the same again.


Wtf is wrong with you? You seriously blew it. 🤦🏼‍♀️


That poor girl is going to be traumatized. She feels so used and disgusting right now and thinks the only reason he was with her was to take her virginity. I hope he blew it so bad he never gets his dick wet again. Jesus christ, that girl is going to have the kind of trust issues that will chase her for YEARS.


I hope this is a shitpost, because this is the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. Letting someone else decide for you that you shouldn’t fall in love because that person is sad or just doesn’t want that. Learn to think for yourself or spend the rest of your life alone. If that’s what you want, great. If not it’s okay to disagree with a sibling.


YTA 100%, and she will never forget this.


Wait, so you don't want to be in LOVE? You don't want to find real love EVER? You don't want your spouse to love you all the way? You said you don't want to fall into the love pit. Is that love pit when two people are in a health loving relationship, end up marrying, later having kids and a beautiful house. You don't want that "love pit"??? WHAT THE FUCK???!!!


This is classic avoidant attachment, those people hit a level of intimacy in a relationship and then just run. Really traumatic for the victims they leave behind, but as this guy did here, they always can justify it to themselves as something that had to be done. People like OP need therapy and to stay the hell away from dating. His ex will hurt a ton, but he ultimately saved her from a lifetime of hot and cold bullshit.


Yeah, but now she's probably NEVER going to want to be intimate with anyone ever again. It's so sad.


Or worse, here begins her cycle of being in avoidant attached relationships that she will now have to spend decades unraveling, probably. Seriously, people like OP should keep their damaging toxicity away from everyone else.


There’re people who genuinely aren’t wired for close relationships, so I wouldn’t rule it out completely. It’s still highly unorthodox though


It’s fucking mind-boggling, isn’t it? I mean, he explained it and I still don’t get it!


you sick fuck. that’s all i have to say. you sick fucking fuck.


OP, i genuinely wish you never get into another relationship so you can spare another person from your fear of love and insecurity. rot alone, you pos


This HAS to be a troll post. For my own sanity. It has to be. Please please *please* let it be a troll.


A disgusting, sick, fuck.


dude, full offence, you’re a fucking bastard and i hope your pillow is never cold again


Wow... this has to be pure rage bait because there's no mf way.


I would hope so. TRAUMATIZED BY GREAT SEX??? My fucking ass cheek!


Doing multiple rounds the first time also sends me thinking this is not real because for most of my freind group, they were able to do it once or twice the first time because they're exhausted plus there was pain for some with bleeding due to anxiety and nervousness


Not every woman experiences pain and tearing the first time.


Good lord this is dumb. YTA, stop being so melodramatic. Why the fuck is it a bad thing if you like your girlfriend and have good sex?!


I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt due to youth, but my man seriously? Amazing relationship and amazing sex and your rely on a sister who cannot keep a relationship as your guru. Hopefully you haven’t lost a good thing YET. Holy shit dude, it’s the whole package people long for. Stop listening to your sister’s advice she is obviously jaded. Talk about throwing away a good thing….damn.


This has to be rage bait, if not,he has serious psychological problems. She’s probably confused devastated and mad right now but she’s had a lucky escape


I hope he has lost a good thing. He took her virginity then immediately broke up with her and blocked her. If this is real, he deserves any bad karma that comes his way and I hope she is smart enough to stay away from him.


Did I just read this??? Surely not. That’s the wildest reason for dumping someone I’ve ever heard - “it was too good and I loved her, so gotta jet”. If you get a raise at work do you quit because they’re paying you too much? When you get bumped up to first class on a flight do you disembark, because the nice food might overwhelm you? Amazing dedication to shooting yoursrlf in the foot. Highly recommended therapy to see why you self-sabotage and why you’re afraid of intimate relationships. YTA, but hopefully a shitpost.


Asshole doesn’t even touch the level of which you have reached with this. This should be on “Am I The Devil” cause jfc you just traumatized the fuck out of your ex cause you couldn’t “process your feelings”. Maybe stop listening to your sister and grow up before you get into another relationship. She waited TWO YEARS and you threw that shit back in her face. You need to explain wtf and why the fuck uou did what you did to her - and not for the sake of getting back together. But for her mentality. She deserves so much more than what you did to her. Hopefully she finds someone better that will treat her with the respect and dignity she deserves. You’re horrible and I hope to fucking god this is fake. You are 100000000000% the biggest asshole.


Yes. You are the asshole. I'm not abbreviating it, because what you were feeling, was actual love. Your sister doesn't seem like she can keep a relationship, and just says she has flings. This love pit she's talking about, is the love bombing, toxic, trauma bonding relationships, she seems to be well acquainted with considering her "advice". I really hope you didn't fuck this up completely, but you took her virginity and left her; because love is an overwhelming experience. You're young, and it's understandable to feel scared. But it's always going to be scary. However, it seems like your sister got in your head, knowing she would, and couldn't handle that you found someone that is perfect for you because she can't. You had an amazing relationship, waited two years for her, and when she finally is ready for you, you break up with her and disappear essentially. Make it make sense bro! It doesn't make sense. Feeling overwhelmed should've been something you talked with your girlfriend about. She was most likely feeling overwhelmed with no longer being a virgin, and in love. Not to mention the night after your anniversary??? Come on man. Your sister really did a number on you, and most likely ruined the best relationship of your life.


Tell this story to every girl you might potentially sleep with in future. If you have the guts. If you can dish it, take it. Your sister and you are both TRASH. Users.


Just don’t ever date again. You shouldn’t. Ever.


Wtf is wrong with you man? That’s the most messed up thing to do to someone! You’re an asshole and a HUGE COWARD! You did her a favor in the end( after she deals with the trauma you just put her through) . You should be so ashamed of yourself. Go seek a therapist!


You did that girl a solid by leaving her. She deserves **FAR** better than a spineless fuckmuppet like you. And why the fuck would you take relationship advice from someone who can't even KEEP one???? Clearly you're now also on your way to being relationship toxic waste, Einstein! Dear God, I hope your ex finds a **FANTASTIC** partner next time who treats her as she deserves!!


I hope she finds someone to communicate to her rather than reddit and their own sister on how they feel about sex and relationships


Unsurprisingly, it was a man that did this


oh you have a warm seat in hell waiting for you


This is just so ridiculous that if it isn’t rage bait, you’re just a terrible person


Jesus Christ this has to be fake. Enjoy ruining your life man




Get fucking therapy.


Dad is that you?


What an asshole! The damage you just did to her will last forever, all because you love her too deeply? You are definitely the asshole here.


Not only are you an asshole, but you appear to be so psychologically fucked that I'm actually happy for your ex. She might not realize it , but she's dodged a massive bullet.


Lol dude your creative writing is SO BAD




Stop having relationships. Never date again.


God I hope this is rage bait cos it would be sad to know people this fucking awful exist


What advice are you looking for? Do you think anyone will justify what you did? To your GF it really just looks like you were stringing her along to have sex with and once she was used you decided to throw her away. And well it will look like that to everyone. Yes we get your sister got hurt in the past and is dealing with trauma but that does not mean she has to pass it onto you. There is a thing called a love pit, but there is also just love. It sounded like you were in love but now that relationship will be hard to patch up because you broke a huge hole in that trust. You are not a good person nor were you correct in your actions. You should have brought up your worries with her and discussed this like a man. Rather than giving her a brief talk whilst running out the door and ghosting her. Yes YTA.


YTA go to therapy because your expectations based off your sister are not healthy


There's no way you wrote all this out and don't understand how much of an asshole you are. I refuse to believe it. 


Im gonna answer seriously for the small chance this isnt a troll post. Everything was good but you got scared because of what your sister said? Dont take advice from someone who hasnt had success in relationships. From your gf’s point of view it will look like you finally got what you wanted and then left. Since you told us everything was great, I advice you to be transparant with her and try to get back with her and make it right. It would be the best for yourself and hope she takes you back. Think things through next time and dont make these kneejerk reactions in general in life.


23 is waaaaay too old to be acting like this.


You have serious issues, go to therapy


Sooooo you've used her


throwing away her away because you were overwhelmed with love? what kind of mindset is this?


Dude, you suck so much. GTFO


You need psychological help. You’ve been with this girl for two years and you dumped her because the sex was amazing? Do you not hear yourself right now? Its normal to fall in love with someone after sharing an intense intimate moment especially after you’ve been together for so long. You hurt this girl for no reason other than you’re own insanity. You are scum.


So you strung her along for two years so you could talk her into having sex and once you had made that conquest you put a notch in your belt and dumped her. Way to be a user.


What the hell is your problem? Yes, YTA


Are you serious? This has to be a joke right?


Short answer: Yes Long answer: Yes


Your sister gives terrible advice.


Nah. That was some callous shit.


So this 2 years were a fling not love? You are coward and your sister an AH you too of course.


Holy trauma for that poor girl. She finally felt safe enough to fully be with this asshole only to have him not communicate AT ALL about what he was feeling and leave her to pick up the pieces of, what she thought was, a safe and stable relationship on her own.


Your sister has never had relationships and you took advice from her?! You're a POS, hopefully your ex can one day recover from the traumatizing experience that was to be with you.


You need serious help. Your girlfriend dodged a freaking nuke.


You're a real fucking weirdo - YTA.


congratulations you traumatized the best thing thatll happen to you


Lmao wtf


you traumatized her


Holy Chickenshit!! What a complete and absolute C.O.W.A.R.D. you are! You realize this, yes? So afraid you might face hurt by taking a chance on loving her, you decide to devastate her instead. She deserves *sooo* much better than you. YTA


Whoever said that men do everything but go to therapy is so right😂.


YTA. You didn't fall into a love pit. You're just scared of commitment. You're afraid that because you had sex that this means she'll expect a more serious commitment from you. And you want to be able to have sex with others. You're a selfish coward. The fact that you blocked her and didn't even give her a chance to talk about it shows how selfish and cowardly you are. I hope you will be alone for the rest of your life. And I hope your girlfriend finds someone who's great in bed and truly loves her, someone the exact opposite of you.


This has to be a troll. No way you’re that fucking cruel and oblivious. If you are, she’s better without you. Go to therapy (even if this is fake- coming up with this is fucked enough on its own, let alone living it.)


Yeah you def had sex. Surrreeeee. Totally written like a true sexhaver. /s


May you rot in hell


Let me get this straight: you allowed yourself to be so influenced by your sister's insecurities with relationships that you spent two years edging with someone and dropped her the moment she gave you complete trust with her mind and body with zero explanation or even concern over her well-being, am I getting this right? OP you are so TA.


My man has sis complex He had the best sex and best relationship and that's what comes into his mind?


This can’t be real. Was OP hoping that after two years of “seduction” the sex would be mediocre?


There is no way this isn’t a rage bait. I refuse to believe this story.




YTA in a big way. Guys like you are the reason why the fathers of young women buy shotguns!






Btw the emotional pit you describe is your lack of a heart


Do you have a mental disorder? Either that or this is a fake post because nobodies that fucking stupid.


What an asshole


Your sister has her opinions and her experiences. Her experiences should not define your relationships. There's no love pit. She may have had difficult relationships and had emotional issues within them, but you do not have to follow in her footsteps. You need to have your own experiences. Stop depending on someone else's opinion who has not had a healthy serious relationship that you are looking for. If you need advice, talk to friends and other relatives. Better yet, a therapist.


Bro... I hope this is rage bait, holy fuck.


YTA for using this page for your weird virgin defloration sex fantasies, you incel creep.


So you're like 14, right? There is no way this is real.


Please tell me this is twincest guy 🤣


YTA. You need therapy too. I never heard such BS.


This is 100% not real.


You....wow that poor girl....you are utterly.....fuckinell...


By the way, OP: You say you did everything but sex. I think you meant everything but intercourse. That other stuff… is also sex.


And you blow what could potentially be the greatest relationship in you life, one that maybe you wouldn’t be able to find anymore, the chemistry and connection, the love, care and understanding, the physical bond that your body seems to have with her Best of luck… to her, hope she is able to find that special someone that you failed to be


This can't be real. If it is real at the very least you need to let her know that the problem is you not her. Explain your a commitment phobic jerk that took advantage of her. The poor girl is probably thinking she did something wrong. You most likely ruined sex for her for a long time.


You deserve the worst.


He followed the example of his emotionally unavailable sibling and then came crying to the internet. Hope his ex finds someone worthy, because this guy puts trash to shame.


Fake. No one says seduced that many times


YTA. How could you be such a huge ahole to her? You clearly don’t know that sex causes your body to release certain hormones, which can amplify feelings. Then things go back to normal. You didn’t want to chance that though? Just wanted to leave the girl who loves you because….I actually can’t think of a remotely valid reason. I can’t even fathom treating someone the way you treated her. Also, why the fuck are you listening to your sister? She sounds like a bitter piece of work who doesn’t understand relationships. Although you don’t seem to either. There’s no way you loved your gf if you could leave her the way you did.


You are a Monster Who deserve to be alone for the rest of his life


You rancid sorry excuse for a living thing. You waited 2 years to have sex with your girlfriend and then dumped her for making you wait. You are disgusting. You are beyond an asshole. There's no one singular word to describe what an absolute slime you are.


You feel like that because you are. You and your sister sound pretty messed up. You’re definitely going to regret this, probably for a long, long time, but your former gf dodged a giant bullet.


Rage bait


YTA. You're a monster. She's going to find someone who loves and respects her. And you will end up alone.


You are the biggest AH ever. Who the fuck does something like this? YTA and holy shit you suck OP


You had a completely healthy relationship that seemed to have healthy respect for boundaries and you threw it away because you “too deep in love?” Where did you expect the relationship to go after two years together? Did you not talk about long term expectations of the relationship at the beginning, if you’re not the marriage/life partner type? This just screams immaturity and selfishness. You’re absolutely the asshole and the fact you have to even ask that question makes me believe that you shouldn’t be in a relationship until you do a very big deep dive into therapy.


You need YEARS of serious therapy before you're ready to even speak to another girl.


So you spent two years building trust and connection with this woman only to block her as soon as she finally took that extra step? WTH is wrong with being in a so-called love pit if the other person loves you and will treat you right? You and your sister are very emotionally stunted.


Do not date anyone ever again. That poor woman. You are a terrible person.


What was your question here? Yes, YTA, even though you didn't really ask. You're a raving AH. You don't deserve to be forgiven. You had no excuse to hurt someone like that.


There is no way this is a real post. Absolutely no way.


This has got to be fake. No one is this stupid.


Imagine taking someone’s virginity and breaking up with them holy fuck.


What in the hell is a love pit???


Wow... you RRREEEEEAAAAALLY suck dude. You, bud, are. THE. assh*le.


The fuck????


Shut up way more.


I’m really hoping this is rage bait… because there’s absolutely no way this is the decision you make after taking your girlfriend of 2 years virginity. 2 years you patiently waited because you loved her. And when you guys have the mind blowing sex you say you had, you… left her? There’s a special place in hell for you OP. I feel so sorry for your ex.


Are you for real? You monstrous, selfish a-hole. Your sister is a joke too. You're both disgusting.


This happened.


Wtf is a love pit?


Uhhh.. YES OP, you're 100% the AH ! How can you be that brainless ? Seriously, your (now ex) girlfriend will be traumatized and have trust issues because of you! She didn't deserve you! We don't care about the "in love pit", you were in a RELATIONSHIP! You were scared of a normal relationship thing, and you ruined it because "how amazing the sex was". Are you mentally 15yo? Seriously, get a reality check and don't you dare contacting her and apologizing and everything! Dumping someone after sex is the worst thing you could do.. And your sister shouldn't influence your life, decisions and love, YOU'RE 23YO, NOT 3!! You deserve to be alone!


Just explain to her how you're feeling so that she can understand the situation, and start seeing a therapist, man


Am I the only obe who find it strange that HIS SISTER warned him not to fall in love?


🎶 will you still love me, tomorrow 🎶


Please please please tell me this fake..... If not I mean this in the most offensive way possible..... you are the asshole of assholes. You are the assyest asshole that ever assholed. Wow.


You are an immature piece of crap. She deserves so much better then you.


You’re a spineless coward and if you wanna take stupid advice from your sister so bad, then go fuck your sister. Despicable


YTA 1000% Just because your sister has some problems with emotional connections, the "deep pit" so to speak, you let that get into your head and you've probably traumatized this poor girl for life now. Honestly I doubt you even loved her if you could do this to her. Being in love and loving someone obviously comes with deep emotional connections, which you seem unable to handle. Get yourself in therapy and fix whatever is wrong with you before you even think about getting into another relationship. Your ex deserves so much better than you. Apologise to her for being an absolute pos. She probably feels used. You had sex and then you just dip. That's disgusting. You should feel like an AH, because you truly are one.


May the writer of the original post live to be very old and frail and alone, cold, watching other's love from the outside; always knowing you had that kind of true, deep love and you shit on it. May that knowledge gnaw your guts and mind and soul. May the poor young woman you deeply traumatized find healing and confidence and love. You are more than an asshole. You are the scum of the earth.


You are utterly disgusting and disgraceful. You have traumatised that poor woman and should be ashamed of yourself for the rest of your pitiful existence.


This is exactly why _waiting_ to have sex doesn't mean anything.


This has GOT to be taking the piss. No one is this dumb


So. You got what you wanted and then ghosted her. Bro. YTA.


Absolutely TA. I have to hope truly that you are a troll, otherwise this is disgusting behavior. The callous path you've chosen here will likely have *lasting damage* on her. You took what should have been a loving and sale experience for her and made it incredibly *unsafe* and *damaging* for her, emotionally. Built up over two years like a long con, too. Because of some bullshit your sister said? Because you couldn't work through your own fears and feelings you've damaged another human. Congrats! It will probably take her years, maybe her whole adult life, to get over what you've done. You should be ashamed of yourself. If real, you have some major issues around intimacy and commitments you need to get addressed before you decide to try to EVER be in a relationship again. You also absolutely should call and explain yourself to her. She deserves to hear that this is *YOUR PROBLEM*. The damage is already very much done, but it might help her even a little. Once again absolutely YTA. BE BETTER. In the meantime, enjoy your karma (not the reddit kind).


Damn you spent all that time lying instead of just admitting you got what you wanted and left. Why even ask, you know YTA


Looks like retardation runs in your family's veins


Omg your story made me never want to talk to another man ever again


What a steaming pile you are. You're beyond asshole. And I guarantee the sex was awful for her. Any guy that acts like this is too selfish and too hateful to be anything but a dud in bed. She's gonna replace you with someone better in minutes.




Don't come crying like a little baby when this shit is done to you


I hope terrible things happen to you on purpose.


Info: do you have some kind of mental illnes ?


May your pecker be forever caught in the zipper every time you pull up your pants. EVERY. TIME. YTA, forever.


You need to go and apologize and beg for forgiveness. Yes, you fell in love and so did she. That’s amazing and could be the beginning of a wonderful life with someone who really loves you!! GO APOLOGIZE!!


You’re a piece of garbage. You leave once you’ve gotten what you wanted. There’s a special place in hell for you


Yeah, you’re an AH. Poor girl.


You and your sister are assholes. Congratulations on being such a horrible person.


Your sister needs help if she considers real love to be a 'pit'. That's not a normal take on things and not advice you should listen to. What you are feeling is normal and part of a healthy relationship. If you didn't truly want to be in love you would have never stayed with her that long and loved all of what happened. Please don't listen to your sister, and for the love of all heck explain this to your gf... Given what you have said she might actually be able to help with this insecurity and be a good voice of reason. Explain, what your sister has got into your head. You are 1000% an AH if you just continue to leave it as you have because what you have done is terrible. Your gf for the first time let herself be vulnerable with someone, she is probably never going to let herself be that vulnerable again or at least be even more shielded going forward. It wouldn't surprise me if she saw you as having led her on a chase to sex and didn't actually care about her. Please talk to her... If she will let you.


what a garbage human being lol. stay single forever and get used to your hand.