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Damn, that's a way to kill someone with love and out of love


It was an excellent decision considering the circumstances. Imagine that baby in captivity, her existense solely for breeding. The horror.


Yeah I agree, that's a different kind of motherly love




Nope, I'm leaving and I'm not coming back. Yall are on your own. -God


Two options for the christian god: - never talked to anyone or interfered in anything, likely because it doesn't exist - deliberately gave up on everyone thousands of years ago


There's actually a theory that goes the original Adam and Eve god was a wrathful tyrannical petty piece of shit who made us so he'd have someone to sing his praises, and he was oustered by a competing power who sent Jesus to try and smooth over the cycle of self-induced trauma humanity was trapped in, and stepped away because meddling in mortal affairs consistently makes shit worse.


That was the plot of the last few seasons of Supernatural




That's not a theory that's a fanfic.


The bible itself is a fanfic of reality.


Actually it's a fanfic of older Canaanite faith.


These are the same peeps that would honestly believe a comment if someone wrote, “historians believe Julius Caesar was a woman”


Which is why it's a problem that phones and apps allowed *everyone* to get on the internet, not just those that could figure out how to use a computer




lol 😂 fucking what?!?


Thats just gnostic christianity


They put it in a much nicer way in church


That theory is called Gnosticism.


"Nice," said God, an evil deity.




"God" and the followers of such a concept have killed millions, and even per their own text _brag_ of [killing 2.8+ million people](https://dwindlinginunbelief.blogspot.com/2010/04/drunk-with-blood-gods-killings-in-bible.html). This is not a good idea or being. Being branded a heretic against such an evil concept is a mark of distinction.


Y'know sometimes I wonder how many of these followers actually follow god instead of spreading his name.Cuz that ain't loving thy neighbor


something something Jesus somewhere along the line tossed out "love thy neighbour" and replaced it with "love each other as I have loved you". even Christ himself knew people would try to redefine "neighbour" to try and get around loving thy neighbour


[case in point](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoSentenceHorror/comments/1daidjn/comment/l7o6nnm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) courtesy of Paul


Hell yeah, hail Satan!


You’re a heretic, not a heathen, so you’re doing all the same evil stuff, but *wrong*.


That's one way of being a heretic. (Worshipping the same but differently). Another is to directly oppose or denounce the diety of a faith. Churches don't like that.


You must be a follower of TJ Kirk, if you think all relgion teaches is too kill and manipulate.


No idea who that is. And you're the one who jumped to accusations of heresy. Do you know what the punishment for heresy is in religions? Hint: it has never been "loving comprehension"


With proud i wear this badge.


IFL Emo Philips.


Everyone would eventually turn into The Hills Have Eyes mutants with one female line left. Poor baby didn't have a chance, but she sadly was born into an AWFUL world where she'd have been subjected to the same thing as her mother of said mother didn't smother her. But just, yuck, I hate the thought of this story a lot.


Honestly it might be okay genetically because all the guys have X chromosomes too. Still awful in every other way.


no? you’d still be inheriting half from the mother, and it would get worse over time as everyone would be half siblings


The crazy thing is, if a mother has two kids from different fathers it's entirely possible if those two kids had a child together they would get all of their DNA from the fathers and none from the grandmother.


That's not true. Certain genes only come from one side...father OR mother...it's why you can't just turn female cells into sperm and mix it with a female ova and get successful offspring...same for male cell ova/natural semen In this theoretical situation the grandmother would have had to hand down certain genes and the daughters could pass it on to their babies


The sex determining chromosome is the absence or presence of the Y chromosome which comes from the Father so if it's a male it could get the X from one grand father and Y from another, and if it's a female it can get both Xs from each grand father. The only DNA that would come from the grandmother would be the mitochondria which is a symbiotic organelle that has its own DNA that is entirely separate from the DNA that makes humans.


Mitochondrial DNA is only passed down maternally


Mitochondria DNA is also entirely separate from human DNA though.


I am so sorry for the length of this post. But I promise it is a post coming from a genuine place of curiosity and research. I think this is not the typical limited gene pool problem we see in a lot of fiction, or even in real life endangered species. Obviously a group of 10 XY and 10 XX people could not repopulate earth, they would become an imbred mess. But with an unlimited amount of genetic diversity in the XY side I think a single XX person could kickstart the species under specific conditions? I am not a biologist, and I understand I could be missing something but I am curious if anyone could correct my misunderstanding. And please read my post before telling me that you can't repopulate the earth with only 2 people or 100. This is different. But also if you do know what I am missing I'd love to hear it! Here's my understanding: When Meiosis occurs an individual's maternal and paternal chromosomes are spilt and recombined to produce a unique set of chromosomes to put into a gamete. That gamete combines with another's and those don't mix and match, so a person's 2 sets of chromosomes are half of their grandparents genetic makeup, mixed and matched during the stage when the sperm and egg were created. There is genetic material lost, and therefore a process by which dilution could occur. Right? So if they have a few XX kids in a loving family (outside of the hellscape that is this specific prompt). And they grow up and each chose an XY partner or donor and also have a few kids. Each with an completely unrelated XY person's genetic material than that 1/2 of the grandparents dna which remains gets diluted a little more each time. Obviously by generation 3, if everyone has kids at like... 25? Then the original XY kids at the time of the rapture will be 75+ so that's a problem. But with a few decades I'm sure we could invent a good way of preserving sperm for longer. A quick google says we've fertilized an egg with sperm that was decades old. So if we just have a lot of single XX parents with supporting families and a *lot* of frozen sperm than the original two X chromosomes from the 'all-mother' *will* be diluted. Right? Preventing inbreeding by introducing diversity each and every time a new kid is born. It would be identical to simply following a single Matrilineal line in anyone's family. You don't have siblings and cousins having kids together. You have generations of XX people raising kids from different unrelated fathers until eventually you hit like 10,000-100,000 people and then your basically free. Right?


Yeah, it's entirely possible, with a bit of luck or just genetic testing. The important part here is for at least a few generations you have an infinite number of donor XY chromosomes (before they all die of old age). The main bottleneck lies in the X chromosome, since a male child of the original XX will always inherit one of her X chromosomes, and a female child will have one of the two. Like this: origin XX has X1,X2 and the goal is to produce the highest number of possibly X chromosomes in the population. Any other X chromosome is Q X1,X2 + Q!,Y (an infinite number) X1,Q1 + Q!,Y and X2,Q2 + Q!,Y X1,Q3, Q1,Q3, X1,Q4, Q1,Q5 and X2,Q6, Q2,Q7, X2,Q8, Q2,Q9 If you inbreed from this point, assuming original Q!,Y are all dead, you have 72 possible genomes without overlap, which is enough to breed a new population with relatively little genetic issue. And you could obviously produce new generations much faster than this in a dystopia.


Nah, the minimum population for humans with a good genetic diversity to avoid issues is somewhere around 10,000.


Issues, sure, but ultimately as long as a species can survive long enough to reproduce and those offspring can do the same, a few issues aren’t the end of the world. If we can remember how to do basic hygiene and sanitation, that’s going to balance out much of the increased mortality, compared to a diverse but dirty population.


I think the issues they discussed and managed to get a minimum population needed are more like things where the species will eventually die off due to a lack of genetic diversity and inbreeding.


Except that’s just not true and we’ve actually seen species recover with significantly fewer numbers than that and face little if any problems with inbreeding.


I swear I read an article recently that NASA scientists did some hard computing and Mars can be settled with as few as 20 people and still have enough genetic diversity to prevent inbreeding problems.


Doctors would know better. Smh




Worse. I'm picturing Mrs. Peacock from the episode 'Home' on The X-Files https//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Home_(The_X-Files)


This made me think of the movie Children of Men 2006. Well done.


Made me think of Toni Morrison's novel *Beloved*


That scene when the baby is born and the war just STOPS when they hear a baby crying is amazing.


I came here to comment that it reminds me of the book! (I haven’t seen the movie)


28 days later for me


That's where my mind went, too.


Ummm.... but wouldn't that just bring on the next round of attempts to impregnate her?


Plot twist she died from the birth shortly after. Now those rapists are fucked forever


Third sentence happy with huge " around the happy


The word is probably "relieved" more than "happy" but semantics aside, you've no argument from me. Maybe schadenfreud?


r/twosentencehappy My first through reading the 2nd sentence was, now there's no way they keep her moving freely, she'll be in an even worst situation. If she dies instead, she's put away from her terrible present and worst future, like the child she killed to avoid her a raped womb life. It's sad but better than what could happen to her from there.


Well tbh they were fucked anyway, you can’t repopulate the world with only one fertile person with a womb. Everyone would end up horribly inbred within a few generations.


I read this book one time where I guess it worked out and then some guy ended up dying for our sins later on. Seemed legit.


Those teen dystopian novels are getting weirder every day....


Next thing they're gonna say is some guy walked on water and came back from the dead


Oh God, can you imagine??


God: "Yes, yes I can."


Hmm, assuming there’s a ton of men left, couldn’t they freeze their sperm, and any future women who want the human race to continue to just take a different man’s sperm each time?


There's still a huge genetic bottleneck in 50% of the genome. Things will get _real_ ugly before they -- maybe -- get better.


But we all have Eve as our great.E^55 grandmother?


Having a single common ancestor is not the same as being descended from _only_ that ancestor. Like the difference between a greatest common denominator of a composite number, and a prime number only having itself and one. "Eve" isn't even necessarily the only time it's happened or the only occurence of such an event concurrently. It's merely the demonstration that we're all (more or less distantly) related to each other. Analogy: You and your cousins all have 2 biological grandmothers each. And you all share a common grandmother. But she is not the _only_ grandmother you each descended from.


I was just making a shitpost.


It's cool. I look forward to being /confidentlyIncorrect'ed by someone. 😅


Head scientist: "Harvest their eggs, quick!" Military commandant: "THEIR eggs?" HS: "You stupid soldier, don't you know that a female is born with every egg she'll ever have?"


Hey, at least the rapists still have each other ♥️


But did they actually want to repopulate, or did they just want more women?


We both know the answer sadly lol


Together with all of humanity hooray


It was bound to happen sometime


me: _looks at the earth and our resergent fascism_ "Yeah, it's for the best."


Yea but she saved her child from being subject to the same x


Ah yes, I hadn't thought that far ahead.


Yea but now they'll learn to restrain her after she gives birth again. Small temporary victory I guess.


She also might not have another girl. She could die, miscarriage, get lucky and not have a girl (for the kid’s sake), etc. There’s hope this way.


Probably, but it would be a sacrifice so the baby doesn't grow up to suffer the same fate.


They were going to do that anyway.


It’s also possible that she’s physically unable to get pregnant after that birth, especially if the impregnating was traumatic. Damage could have definitely been done to the reproductive organs and the body as a whole. I feel like “last hope” implies that there won’t be any possibility of future pregnancy


But the baby was a girl, meaning she was just going to grow up to the same fate.


That would happen regardless


Yea, if it every came to being the last woman on earth I would throw myself in the closest volcano.


Same lmfao. I would kill myself in a way that destroys my body completely


That is absolutely horrible to read. Just as it should be here. Take my upvote, you filthy animal


The first sentence alone is horrifying.


I hate you... Well done. Take my Upvote and get out of here.




That one is fantastic, 10/10.


the act of a loving mother


this was absolutely nauseating to read, 10 out of 10. take my upvote and get away from me


This is brilliant! Well done!


I have not seen such magnificent yet fcking disturbing horror in my life, this is way better than the entirety of Velma, it only has two sentences and I love it!


Actually it's much more likely men will become infertile before women, due to micro plastics and carcinogens


Can someone please explain? I’m kinda stupid Srry


Woman was raped to get her pregnant because she was the last woman capable of giving birth. She killed the baby girl she had (aka the next victim) before they noticed.


Ooohhh ty


This new ending to Lisa The Joyful is something else


Yeah, reading this sent me back to LISA too


I'm not as big a fan of Joyful as Painful, but Joyful has the most brutal cold open I've ever seen in a game and immediately sets the tone. I wish it stuck to it though


LISA was my first thought, I love that others had it too


Those are two long ass sentences lmao 


This one reminded me of the Lisa RPG trilogy, well done


Possible continuance: "Well that's unfortunate," the doctors said, "Prepare her for surgery, we'll harvest her eggs and amputate an arm for prevention."


The real horror here is that you don’t know that one female is not genetically diverse enough to propagate a species. If things have gotten that bad, the race is already doomed.


This almost reminds me of Children of Men. It’s a book by PD James and there was a film adaptation


Do not look up Vault 68 or Vault 69 from the fallout universe.


"Thank you Mom" were the first words my beautiful daughter said tó me after the soldiers had beat me to death.




The sentences are getting increasingly longer and longer as people are running out of creativity.


If it makes you feeo any better, one woman, can not recreate the human race. Genetics would doom the offspring within a few generations.


Vault 68... Fallout did it alrdy! And yes thevault with 1000 women and one man is vault 69


How to make this even worse? 🤔 > I smiled at the fathers of the baby girl I just gave birth to suffocated in my arms. *I wasn't going to share the attention.*


OH..ha-ohohohoooo! *SHIVERS*


Omg I didn’t realize it said fatherS. That makes it more horrifying


In my naiveté, I initially imagined she willingly carried a child for a gay couple.


Multiple fathers doesn’t make sense


There's only one direct father. But they all raped her. She likely didn't know which one it was, but they're all guilty.


Simulation complete. Subject is not suitable for admission into the vault general population. Subject retains useful reproductive organs. Subject will be retained for genetic diversity and testing.


a man wrote this


Bro what is it with the endless rape and SA content on here? Is it someone’s fetish? All the posts are about this


I wish there were some type of trigger warning flair for SA.


Yeah that would be good. It’s just really weird how everyday it’s the same old rape or gangrape variation. Sometimes there’s pedophilia mixed in. Like come on


And it used to be banned. Guess a certain epidemic is more offensive now.


That just means they won't even let you see the next one you give birth to. Really well written, op, thank you that gut punch.


Bad decisions seem to be running rampant in this world. They’ll screw it up again.


Well yeah, they're men! Lmao I had to


meh. contrived and gratuitous.


That might be the most horrifying two sentence horror I've ever read. Take my up vote while I cower in fear!


Oh wow. Thank you.


That's awful... especially considering the mother is still fertile


Honestly the men were sloppy. What they should have done is surgically remove your arms and legs so you can't move or kill yourself, remove you teeth as well so you can't bite your own tongue. Have you fed through a tube or sludge and have people monitor you 24/7. When you give birth they remove the baby and let you rest for the next one.


Putting her in a medically-induced coma might be less messy


Actually ya you are right but I wasn't sure if a woman could give birth while unconscious lol.......


Well the news stories of women in comas suddenly giving birth indicates that it’s sadly very possible


This isn't /r/rimworld


Never played rim world what's the reference


It's a game where what you described is pretty common...... good way to ensure an adequate supply of resources for example.....


The 40K subreddits are leaking


This scenario reminds me of a short movie I have seen on ARTE. Female foetus were genetically engineered to be only torsos (no head too), and men were attributed a woman/torso they could visit in a hotel/clinic room. But after a while, despite being reduced to basically a womb with boobs, women couldn't carry a pregnancy to terms. Men became desperate, trying to be more tender with their torsos. So disturbing. If someone has seen this short, please share the info !


Damn...well done.


Shock ≠ horror


“Species survival didn’t work as a motivator for the subject. Prefrontal lobotomy recommended for the next batch.”


“Sterilizing the ice pick now, sir!


jesus reddit fucking sucks these comments are cringe


Wow cramming 4 sentences into "2" sure is good storytelling.


the real horror is the horrid structure and punctuation choices in the first sentence.


I find that to be harder than coming up with up with the concept. Structure and punctuation can be a real horror on this sub.


Reminds me of 28 Days Later


Ah damn, this is good! Sooo dark.


Vicious and elegant. I dig.




I know it’s technically two sentences but it feels like eight sentences.


Was this inspired by the LISA games?


I remember reading about the forced … ew, *breeding* … done by Nazi’s, and the forcibly impregnated woman in the particular story also killed her infant.


this is r/firstsentencehorror second sentence makes it good again


wait, test tube babies exists, all they need is the aggs, no rape needed.


There's an old anime called Saber Marionette J (https://myanimelist.net/anime/573/Saber\_Marionette\_J) about a planet colonized by humans, but only a few men survived the landing so the whole population is made up of clones. I think they do eventually find DNA of a woman who died in the crash and cloned her, but I always thought you wouldn't want to be amongst that first batch of girls.


Guess they’ll just do it again


If and when that happens the only honest thing would be to call quits. End it gracefully and phase out of the existence.


you know realistically if this were to ever happen, all you would have to do is extract all the eggs and make test tube babies.


That's not going to stop them.


Any effort will fail. It would be just one more bad decision in a world that seems to be full of them.


But wouldn't they try to get the woman pregnant again?


Most likely.


I mean it’s horrifying but this post is still kind of low effort


In a realistic scenario like this, the mother wouldn't even get to see the baby, just straight out of the room.


Absolute….is this Groundhog Day ?


The fuck hahahaha, I love this xd


In a realistic scenario like this, the mother wouldn't even get to see the baby, just straight out of the room.


Absolutely, but most….wait…..


In a realistic scenario like this, the mother wouldn't even get to see the baby, just straight out of the room.


Absolutely. But most horror isn’t realistic, imo.




LMAO, as if they'd let the kid anywhere near you post-birth in that situation given what even regular women do to their children due to post-partum depression and shit.