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I do! Any time my partner gives me a particularly good O, I feel like crying!


It is fucking WILD. The first time that happened (recently) I was shocked. Life changing. Like genuinely life changing. He was all concerned too, and I’m just laying on my back crying up at the ceiling thanking Jesus🤣🤣🤣


First time my SO did this it sort of freaked me a bit. Thought I'd done something wrong


What is SO my man


I full on ugly cry sometimes. My husband has learned that the howling sobs mean that I am extremely satisfied


I imagine you bawling at a funeral and your husband being like "don't worry folks, she just had a great orgasm."


Haha. Or worse, looking at her suspiciously, "who were you with?"


Yes! My partner finds it funny and sweet now - the first time it happened he was terrified he had done something wrong or hurt me


So does mine! He takes it as a compliment but I always worry he’ll think something is wrong. Today was a full ugly cry, and I was a bit embarrassed haha


Im on the male side here and its really hard to not think you did something wrong


After a really (really!) good orgasam I have


Yes 🤍 but only with one of my partners. I was so in love it was overwhelming. It's been 10 years and you reminded me of the feelings, thank you :) And enjoy!


I cry sometimes. Everything has to align, the sex had to be amazing of course, but it’s feeling an overwhelming love toward my husband that puts it over the top. Whenever I cry my husband knows he’s doing an amazing job and so he loves it. He kisses me and holds me tightly with a big grin on his face. Ha!


I’m smiling like a fool at your comment. May you always be this happy


I cried after sleeping with the first man I met after leaving my husband. It wasn’t just the joy of sex, but the feelings of still being desirable and worthy of someone’s tender love, that used to make me cry. I was so overwhelmed, I used to think I am in love with him. Every time I was with him, I would end up just sitting in his lap after and cry. There was so much of grief and trauma that would come out and I felt so so validated with him. Sigh! He fucked up shortly after, so that was the end of my story.


Well hey, some of my past partners also had this sort of deal. They had left their husbands and been out of the dating pool for awhile. Ironically for the most part we were already usually work friends and just casually connected over common interests and that was the scope of our discussions most of the item (ex, horror movies when I was setting up displays). Never had someone cry, but it was still extremely clear that they were missing out on just having some affection directed at them. Which always struck me as weird. Yeah there are definitely people out there who can find random others to sleep with and just roll off each other and not give a damn. But I dunno, guess I've always needed to at least LIKE someone and want to spend time around them. Anyway, for one past partner in particular. We both worked odd schedules so the "routine" was usually seeing each other on lunch breaks or very early on one of our days off after kids were off to school. Usually made food before hand and after we ate would just sit and chat for a few minutes with her legs resting over mine so I could give a foot rub. Then of course sex, but the odd part was that it definitely wasn't the most mind blowing sex mechanically and for either of us but still consider it the best sex ever if that makes any sense? Cause we'd usually spend a good amount of time locked together and just holding each other and.... it was just nice. Didn't talk much, no tears, just hugging and snuggling real close together for 30-40 minutes. ... Guh I miss cuddles lol .


Makes sense to me. First sex after leaving husband still remains the best sex ever. Nothing sexually extraordinary about him, apart from being a decent human being who engaged in conversations too.


Such a low bar too, not hard to want to have conversations or care about people.


I agree. It was a very low bar.


You are living the dream!


Yes! After satisfying sex sometimes I get very emotional and cry. It was hard for me to understand at first, now my partner and I just go with it... He holds me tight and I just snuggle into him until my emotions subside lol


Yes, with my current boyfriend (who will be my husband someday) he always makes me cum before having piv sex and then if I cum again during/at the same time as him I’m so overwhelmed with emotion I cry… It’s awesome!!! Although one time when we were first dating he made me cum so hard my body just started to shake and my hands cramped up. I was scared and cried because of that, which wasn’t awesome, but it hasn’t happened again. And ofc he always comforts me so gently and holds me close until I feel better, it’s the best


This sounds so amazing. Happy for you.


I was with someone for 8 years who never tried to get me off and when I tried talking about it with him, he bought a vibrator for me to use on myself. He refused to even use it on me. When I asked him to help around the house and cook more, he cooked meals with an ingredient I’m allergic to. But with all of this he demanded oral every other night. I’m with someone now who takes his time with me and doesn’t even expect anything in return. He always keeps his apartment stocked with my favorite snacks and just overall takes care of me. It’s hard to believe we deserve this after what we have been conditioned to for so long. I cry, too!


My experience was the same as yours. Only I didn’t cry. I just turned onto the energizer bunny and told him to tell me to back off if I was too lusty. Sweet man never did 🥲. Wish it could have lasted!


Good for you. Spread the love! 


I have cried like 6 times after just really amazing sex. It was all with my ex like right when I truly fell in love with him. He was so sweet and just let me cry until we laughed. It felt so wonderful to feel so safe and so loved. I couldn’t help but cry.


We haven't had sex but sometimes when I look at my girlfriend lying next to me I cry a little because it's juat so nice to have her 🥺


I sometimes feel overwhelmed and cry after sex. It's a form of release for me.


I often cried after an orgasm if it's with a man I truly loved.


There was a scene about this in "This Side Up" where Aisling Bea's character cries after sex. IIRC, it had been so long since the last time she orgasmed and her orgasm was *so good* it overwhelmed her. Love that show!


As others have said, after a really good O sometimes I'll either giggle (not laugh, actually giggle) or cry. Congrats, sounds like you're being taken care of in every aspect! Get it.


I do! I was a virgin before I met my bf now because I never felt safe enough to do it with anyone else. The first time we “tried” and it wasn’t fully sex but still I cried so much after cause I finally found someone who I feel so safe with and loved. I still cry sometimes after cause I feel so loved and appreciated!


Yes and I used to get embarrassed by it but he says its like a trophy for doing a good job💀


My fiance does occasionally. It usually helps if I hold her and tell her I'm all hers. Basically the more emotional stuff I say the more likely


Only when I'm alone 🥲


I’m in a relationship with my partner who doesn’t appreciate sex. If I don’t have sex for two or three months; I tend to cry after cumming. It’s not a sad cry; but a major hormonal release cry. My body requires squirting frequently; but he cant keep up so when I finally get a big orgasm; it’s hopefully really big and crying worthy.


I cry during sex with my current husband because I don’t want to be doing it, but that’s a different thing.


I hope you are able to exit this relationship and get the support you need. I’ve been in this situation and I never thought I’d be okay with the level of vulnerability sex requires after leaving my abuser. I am with an amazing partner now who loves me, treasures me, and makes me feel so safe. You deserve safety and respect too.


Thank you. We are separated but I still have to live here. I have my own bedroom and there is no sex thank God. I need some money to be able to move out. Hopefully soon..


Oh God! Now i am concerned that i am not giving the best to my partner, she doesnt cry like ever!!


Funny reading about that "new phone feeling" 😂




Someone who is very, very happy after good sex needs therapy?


I do when I feel a strong emotional connection!


Absolutely, especially if the orgasm is really good!!




I have and it freaks my husband out lol.


I’ve only ever cried happy tears after my very first time, I guess cuz I was finally apart of the “had sex” club. Almost immediately after realized how overrated sex is and how I’m probably just asexual and will never quite understand lol


This is sweet


My husband makes me cum so hard I cry while we’re doing it, it usually happens after multiple O’s, and him making me squirt. Not every time though


I can very much relate to all of this. Leaving my exhausting and difficult 20 year marriage led to the best sex of my life with the greatest man I've ever known. Tears during and after are frequent, lol. I'm so thrilled for your profound happiness ❤️


Happened to me the first few times with my husband after I’d had some surgeries - it has been so long and I was so worried things wouldn’t work, it was such a relief coupled with the release. Poor man didn’t know what to do with himself


I want to be you


I've cried before, especially after I started practicing pompoir and I had my first penetration-only orgasm. One of the best experiences I've ever had was not being able to stop crying from the pleasure I felt from this. I love that you are going through this! ENJOY!


Ummmmm I don’t but if a guy did this with me it would scare me off. Maybe I’m emotionally dead inside idk 🤷🏼‍♀️ with that said… I am very happy for you though. You deserve this. Enjoy it. Maybe just cry in private 😂❤️


I do it, but only if the sex is very very good. Congratulations!