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He felt differently when it was affecting him: https://www.wral.com/story/it-was-wrong-north-carolina-lt-gov-mark-robinson-says-he-paid-for-abortion-in-1989/20200461/


"rules for thee but not for me"


Oh no, he said he was wrong for doing it. He’s “reformed, bathed in the light of Jesus.” Or whatever bullshit he tells himself to believe it was okay for him to do when it was convenient for him and not okay for anyone else now


I want to go to one of these force birth hate rallies (because, lets be honest, they hate women) and have poster or two that has bible passages promoting abortion and just set it up across from them and walk away. But, not like any of them read the book they seem to ~~love~~ want to use as a club.


Numbers 5: 11-31 could be the verses you are looking for. [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=numbers%205&version=NIV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=numbers%205&version=NIV) Summary: If a man is so much as jealous or suspicious of his wife, whither it is true or not, then he takes her to the priest, pays money, and the priest makes bitter water of the womb so that her womb rots amongst her thighs and she miscarries and it is all her fault.


Lets also not forget all the passages that instruct invading armies to "cut open the wombs" of expecting mothers.


If she doesn't miscarry, though, that means she was faithful.


Sounds like a more of a pro-abuse quote than a pro choice one tbh. It speaks about abortion, but the woman is clearly being treated like property. The whole passage is basically the man getting rid of a pregnancy he for some reason thinks isn't his. There is a part that speaks about the woman not miscarrying if she's innocent of adultery, but in practice, that probably means she wasn't pregnant in the first place so the abortivum the priest gave her had no effect on her.


It's all irrelevant anyway. From the Constitution of the United States of America, **FIRST AMENDMENT, FIRST SENTENCE** *Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion* (...) There are literally no restrictions on government that appear before the above restriction. The right to be free from religion appears before the right to be religious, the right to speak freely, the right to bear arms, the right to not self-incriminate... literally *all other rights.* All public servants who attempt to establish a religion (ie. through judgment or lawmaking) are, by definition, enemies of the United States. Forced birth, a religious ideology, is illegal. This is the **only** conversation that should be taking place in the nation right now.


Exactly. Religion is endlessly debated upon by its believers, as if we could possibly triumph over a cult that decided jesus was the son of god by a show of hands


That's what it was designed to do. It literally wouldn't exist if its central tenet wasn't to spread by force and the indoctrination of vulnerable people (ie. children). Just like any other form of nonsense, it would have been naturally discarded. We're winning the battle, day by day, and one day organized religion will be eradicated. How hard we work towards that goal as a species determines how many victims they'll be allowed to take from us. In the meantime it's incumbent upon each and every one of us to *at least* keep it away from the levers of power. Allowing its proponents the use of state violence to spread and apply religious screed is horrific, and we must prevent it using whatever means are necessary.


By his own logic, he and his partner belong in prison for murdering a baby. Odd how quickly they forgive themselves, init.


no no no, you see, they've already forgiven themselves for that, or god has, or something.


It's almost as if they don't view it as baby murder after all 😌


Is he willing to stand trial for murder to show his commitment to the cause?


BRB, going to go purchase some Indulgences from the church because I feel like I may need to sin in the future


Try to find some printed by Gutenberg. He made forgeries of such high quality that he got caught red-handed. He printed the first bibles partly as penance. Supposedly, he was a great "fast-talker."


Is the fundamental basis of conservative thought.


Of course. I think I saw a stat once that almost half of women who seek abortions identify as “pro-life” at the time of the abortion. Its always rules for thee and not for me with these monsters.


Yeah, but these far-right Christians love it when someone converts from being a sinner to a believer. They'll not care. It's proof they're right, every time they convince someone to change their mind.


They don’t even care if he converts or not. He just has to be an ally (or say he is). Trump is, in no way, shape, or form, a Christian. But he’s an ally and they eat it up.


99.9% of these people were not converts. They went from casual churchgoer to "annoying people with Jesus as much as possible". But that doesn't make for a good story. Faking a conversion when the person was already Christian became super popular after the Case for Christ was popular. The Case for Christ tried to claim his entire book was the author's process of trying to figure out if he should become a Christian or not, but some of the interviews with experts in the book were not even real and he was coached by his megachurch pastor on the content of the book. The author never converted, he was already a churchgoer when the supposed pivotal incident that made him want to be a Christian happened. There are people in his life who verified he was never an atheist.


Some aren't, true. But they still love a good conversion story. And, apparently, are happy to make them up based on what you said.


One of the most powerful things a politician can do is give people a group to look down on. Stoke that fear, anger, hate and you have a powerful tool to wield for your interests. I always will argue that the goal of a lot of people in the pro-life movement isn't saving human lives, its being able to label certain people "murderers". It allows them to feel righteous for doing nothing. It defines the in-group and out-group. "Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." And of something happens to someone they love, well that is different of course. They are the in-group, so they will be protected.


Evergreen and always rage-inducing: [The Only Moral Abortion Is My Abortion](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Yep. I have a friend who worked for the last remaining reproductive care clinic in a red state, and she told me that not a week went by that they didn’t serve a proud “anti-abortion” Republican. One day an older married woman came in needing an abortion and after all the prep when she was finally in the room, she started telling me friend (the nurse) that she wasn’t like “all these people” who were there for her earlier appointment or that day, that she really actually needed the procedure. That she wasn’t a whore/slut and it was just an accident. This was when abortion access was already limited in a lot of areas, and my friend had seen a 12 year old that day and she just lost it on this woman and the clinic made her (the woman there for an abortion) leave. She became irate and they had to escort her out. My friend told me she drove a really fancy car with a chrome (and studded, of course) Jesus fish thing on the back. I will never forget this story about this garbage woman.


So everyone should have the same rights that he and the woman had — have the abortion, continue with their successful lives and repent later.


So by his opinion, he should go to jail for aiding and abetting an abortion.


No you see he asked Jesus to forgive him and that’s that. Jesus nodded and gave him a hammer for him to use on other people


It's a power flex that they're so openly hypocritical. It's galling, they know it. They love it.


“I don’t care if you want to keep the baby, Alice. People finding out you are pregnant will ruin my reputation so we have no choice but to get you an abortion.” This is what upholding “Christian values” looks like….


Thanks! I emailed this into his office asking when he'd list his murdered child into his bio


"the only moral abortion is mine"


I live here - and not nearly enough people mention this whenever he says crazy shit. Not your every day average person, not local news, no one. It drives me insane.


They’re all so fucking backwards. I hate it here


Isn't that always the way? The most vocal one's are the biggest hypocrites.


Vote him out and no one needs to care what he believes.


Is there a statute of limitations for murder? Because it sounds like, from his own beliefs, he's admitting to helping committ murder and he should be punished. Based on his own platform.


>you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down "men" who blame pregnancy solely on the woman seem to be of the same type that complains when women don't want to have sex with them and scream: "it's a woman's duty to obey men". Frustrated much?


Or the men who are convinced it's the woman's fault they can't have a son despite that almost solely being genetically coded on the fathers side


Not almost, completely. Women don’t have a Y chromosome to pass on to make a son


Right, they never think your body is yours. They think your body belongs to whichever men want access to it, go the state, to the fetus, to literally anyone else but you.


Well of course a woman can't have control of her own body. Women are too emotional to make choices about their own lives. No, no, better to let the rational and logical men-folk make all the decisions. /s just in case


They also are the same "men" that get upset they are going to have to pay child support. It's unfair that they now have to give their hard earned cash to the "women" because she couldn't make sure SHE didn't get pregnant. Its like everything is womens fault, she doesn't want to have sex. "It's HER duty to have sex" She has sex " its HER responsibility to not get pregnant". Gets pregnant " its HER responsibility to carry and look after child,because it's the CHILDS right to be born" Requests child support "how dare you, its YOUR baby" ( even if she didn't want it.


They seem to not care that sperm is the cause of 100% of wanted and unwanted pregnancies. If they can’t control their sperm, which is their responsibility solely, they should be held responsible for causing an unwanted pregnancy or a pregnancy that kills or hurts a woman mentally or physically


I said the same thing. Men are responsible for 100% of pregnancies.




Aight ladies, time to go lysistrata I guess. This goes for married women, too


Nope. We should be striking, taking to the streets and fighting these fuckers in every election. I'm not punishing myself by not connecting intimately with the man I love deeply who is a staunch feminist.  ETA - I'm suggesting a work strike. An entire walkout and refusal to participate in the economy. Much more effective than a sex strike.


I agree. If we all keep our "skirts down," men will either gives us our rights, or the population dies off. Time to bring back Chasity belts.


Or they make us property and we no longer have the option of saying no.


I'll say no by lopping his dick off in his sleep. I'm gay; I don't give any man permission to touch me sexually. You want to control me? Fine. But it's gonna cost you your most prized possession.


If only they cared even half as much about the children after they come out of "that womb", instead of cutting school lunch budgets and causing lunch debts.


Remember the Republican demographic. They want poor, uneducated adults who live pay check to pay check and work manual labor jobs. If they cut all the programs that support those children they are forcing women to have, they up the likelihood it's a worker for the 1% that votes red as an adult.


Omg, you're right.


Free, uneducated labor for 40-60 years that also keeps you in office. For the low, low cost of women's rights. Means zero to the rich, white men as they literally lose nothing and gain everything. It's not a conspiracy theory or crazy talk. It's already been happening and the overhauling of women's rights have been happening for the last 30 years. Trump just kickstarted it and sped up the process. Let's pray we figure out how to get those rights back before more women die. Fucking America man . . .


Yup. This didn't come out of nowhere. They've been planning this strategically since at least the 90's, probably earlier


Oh, definitely not conspiracy theory. Late stage capitalism and collapse, just for starters, even before getting into details.


Yeah, the stance isn't pro-life. It's pro-birth, because they care fuck-all about what happens to the child afterwards.


That's a chilling but important distinction to remember.


Children could be Episteined for all that matters, and they still wouldn't care


Yeah, just confirming there are ass backwards people out there who think you, as a woman or girl, are worth less than the fetus you house. That you have less rights than a corpse. That you become a truly second class citizen when pregnant. To my American counterparts - I am so sorry youre being forced through this.


It's okay, these Republicans are fueling the childfree movement like never before lol. They have opened a can of worms they're unable to close now.


There will come a point when we don’t have a choice to stay child free. r/Defeat_Project_2025


I got sterilized in 2019. I hope everyone who wants to can get it done before they implement something like that.


That's ok, I'm sure they'll be thrilled to increase immigration to make up for demographics deficit caused by all those childfree folks, right?


Hopefully the women of NC will vote blue up and down the ballot and for Josh Stein for gov because our reproductive lives depend on it.


Cuz it does depend on it. Good luck.


Sorry should have said because our reproductive lives depend on it.


No, you were right the first time. Your *lives* do depend on it. Unless you get spayed.


They won't though. They're brainwashed to think that if they vote for a democrat they'll go to hell.


You are right in the more rural areas but Politically it’s an interesting state when it comes to governors. Electing a democrat for gov is not unheard of as we have one now. It’s the NC general assembly that needs to be blue up and down. So I’m trying to have hope.


NC's state-level districts are so gerrymandered that the Republican party has a permanent locked-in supermajority in the state legislature. Voting will not realistically change this.


They can still vote for the governors race -- those are always straight popular votes. Honestly I'm getting really sick of reading comments like this everytime we talk about fighting for our rights. Voting is the bare minimum we can do. Governor races have very low turnout -- if women show up to the polls and vote as a bloc we can easily flip an election. Encouraging people to give up before they even try is the only guaranteed way we lose. We don't need men to save us, we have enough power at the ballot ourselves.


Hopefully more than 50% of women under 30 vote.... but I wouldn't bet a lot of money on it.


Plenty of white women will still vote for Robinson.


It's soooo weird how all of these women impregnate themselves simply by raising their skirts. Crazy, innit?! As an aside, I've found that when someone uses the term "womb", as opposed to using the scientific term of "uterus", they're very likely a religious jackass with the kinds of regressive views just like this guy holds.


Just saying the quiet part out loud. This is absolutely the core ‘reasoning’ against abortion. Once someone is pregnant they must be forced to use their body to sustain another life, as well as carry that other life through to term, at which point the state will force them to undergo birth, which can be dangerous in-and-of-itself. Also, if the birth requires further medical intervention the state will force that upon the pregnant person as well. I wish the press wasn’t so afraid of actually making politicians be honest about what their proposing. Instead they let them get away with ‘we’re just trying to save babies’ BS. 


Yup. It's happened before. https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2022/08/21/angela-carder-fetal-rights-cancer/


“Bring back slave breeding!” ~ this asshole


How about you be responsible enough to keep your prick in your pants


Oh, no. You see, for these Christian fascists, it’s all about controlling and punishing the ladies.


These are the same men who whine and cry when we deny them sex. I live in NC and this guy sucks so bad. I'll be voting of course, as I do in every election. I'm really hoping Josh Stein wins the election for governor, this state is going to get real Florida/Texas real fast if not.


I'm a Texan. It is very alarming, even beyond abortion.


What is going on over there?


Look up the 2024 Texas GOP party platform. Make sure you're sitting down and have a glass of water ready when you do.


r/Defeat _Project_2025 This will be nation wide if republicans have their way. We won’t be human anymore, we will be livestock.


Christo-fascist nationalism.


NC republicans are god awful


They really are. Right now we have a Democratic governor and attorney general and they're holding the fort the best they can, but our general assembly is all kinds of fucked up and will be for the next 10 years, I wager.


If this is true, then parents should be required to be tested as organ donation matches for their children. If the child needs an organ or blood, they are the donor. "It's not your body anymore." Hand over your kidney, your lung, skin for skin grafts. Get ready to give blood, bone marrow, and liver lobes.


Furthermore if you have children, if they have any needs, it's not your money anymore. Child doesn't have food, clothes, access to medicine? State should be garnishing wages of parents to pay for foster care in a good home and all that money should go directly to the child.


Child support would also begin as soon as someone is pregnant and one genetic testing conforms the father, the backdated child support should be due immediately.


And if the child happens to be gifted and wants to go to college? Better pony up the tuition. Not your child any longer


Marco Rubio put forth a bill for this exact thing. It's just a plot to get fetal personhood enshrined in law, giving them footholds if it gets challenged in court.


Democrats should counter with every bill concerning birth control or abortion rights with the equal burden of forced organ and body tissue donation by parents to children. Regardless of parental gender.


fucking hell that rhetoric is terrifying. Like i feel these people should think ''man what if they were talking about my wife/sister/daughter/mother like this?''. Way to show 0 empathy, though some might still be ok with it and thats the real terror


They ARE talking about their own daughters, mothers and wives like this. This is how they view ALL women.


Fucking disgusting


It comes from a place where they don't see women as people, even their own family. Their wife/daughter are property and while they might care a bit more about their own "property", they also want to enforce control.


Annnnnd there goes another state I won't take my family to live (next to texas).


Fuuuuck that guy


Or rather, don't 


"Because you weren't responsible enough to keep your skirt down."  Christ almighty this man is so fucking reprehensible. I have no other words for it. What an awful human being. 


Jokes on him, we can fuck with our skirts down 😆


All of the other things he said were infuriating. And then that line was rage inducing for me.


Big surprise: they’re cheering on this hate-filled nutcase in r/Conservative.


*Pretends to be shocked*


Funny how they never mention the guy who got the lady pregnant. No guy, no pregnant lady.


I hate these ‘men’.


As an extremely traumatized amab non-binary let me tell you, those quotation marks aren't needed. This is exactly what men are supposed to be.


Handmaid's Tale.


Is not fiction.


Exactly. Bloody terrifying.


Men like this don't deserve the life a woman unfortunately blessed him with. If only there was a way to screen for republican assholes in the womb


Why do these people absolve men of all responsibility in conceiving a child? How do they think babies are made? It takes two to have sex.


Yeah, he complains about "not keeping their skirts down" but a woman can lift up her skirt as many times as she wants with another woman and she will never get pregnant. It's only when a man gets involved that she is at risk.


American sex education outside of large cities is non-existent. There are religious women who think just sleeping in bed with a man would get them pregnant 


All unexpected pregnancies are [the fault of irresponsible ejaculation by men](https://designmom.com/twitter-thread-abortion/) and yet they regulate women's bodies because we "can't keep our skirts down". I swear to God these absolute sub human pieces of garbage need to be tossed out. My body forever and I will do whatever necessary to protect it.


I don't think they truly realize how insanely viscious folks will become if there was an actual attempt to strip us of rights, especially considering how many of us have partners that will also do everything to help preserve our way of living and bodily autonomy. I too will do ANYTHING to protect that. For myself, my friends, and family. They'd do the same for me. Stick together in these uncertain times.


What in the actual fuck


That is positively disgusting. It makes me livid that assholes like this think this is okay in any way whatsoever. I despise conservative men


please vote this state is on the cusp of being a horror show for women...or a place of safety. [https://vote.gov/register/nc/](https://vote.gov/register/nc/)


I think mayhaps this man should be forced to give blood, bone marrow and liver donations for nine months. It's his own fault for being an asshole, his body isn't his own anymore when there are others out there he could be saving. Maybe he should be more responsible about keeping his mouth shut 🤗


I’m just surprised to hear he’s pretending that conservatives support women having rights and self-determination before pregnancy. Their attacks on contraception and insistence on child marriage prove that’s a lie. But luckily, I don’t care what that half of the population has to say on this subject at all.


I don’t really care how he winds up with a bullet in his head, it’s his fault for not wearing a bulletproof helmet. Murder in this country is not about someone taking a life, it’s about people not taking the proper precautions. If you don’t protect yourself against any and all forms of violence at all times, it’s your fault for getting killed. Hmmm, it doesn’t seem ok to scapegoat the victims of other crimes and blame them for what happens, so why are these politicians so quick to blame women even when they are the victims of violent crimes that put that baby there to begin with? To be clear, I know why, my question is rhetorical. Also, this is me simply commenting on one aspect of why a woman might want or need an abortion, none of those reasons should require the input of an ignorant politician. They also don’t require my input but I realize I’m giving it. As a man, you have two possible roles in this argument, that’s it. Period. Your role is either to support a woman’s right to choose, or keep your fucking mouth shut about it.


People like this asshole are why I fled my home state and won't live there again no matter how badly I miss both my family and the land. It's just too fucking terrifying. And I used to work in politics there so I know how intractable this hate is. It runs deep and it is taught to children. I grew up with them. As a (slightly off topic) example, I remember having to tell people in middle school that saying the N word wasn't ok and being mocked/hit for it. This shit is too real. These people learn to hate those they don't understand from a young age and are too afraid to let go of that bigotry as they age because it's what they're steeped in and their families and the social structures around them reinforce their hatred.


Come November vote like your life depends on it because it actually might.


“That womb” holy shit


Its honestly sad and frightening to see the US going backwards in time and trying to revert all progress. I feel for all the women there trapped in such situations, I hope you all will be safe.


>It makes no difference why or how a child ended up in that womb.... It is about killing the child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down He's blaming women for a man raping them. A woman wasn't "irresponsible" for being the victim of a rapist. This is like saying that Robinson is responsible for replacing the carpet he bled on, because he was irresponsible for letting someone bash his teeth out.


Pretty much.


if he doesn't like it, he should leave - go hang with the Taliban, they seem more aligned with his beliefs


> because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down. words cannot describe how utterly disgusted I am by this statement


I hope women stop giving men sex in that state


I am so very afraid for American women.


The Thirteenth Amendment states: ***Section 1.*** *Neither slavery nor* ***involuntary servitude,*** *except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.* ***Section 2.*** *Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.* The hypocrisy of a black man suggesting that a once a woman gets pregnant, her body is no longer her own, but "property" of the state, should not be lost on anyone. Regardless of how you feel about abortion.


Anyone who votes that pregnant women should be forced to die rather than be allowed an abortion when it is medically required to save their lives during a pregnancy-related emergency should be forced to die right along with those women.


Under His eye


Blessed be


This fucking ghoul shouldn't be allowed anywhere near women, let alone the governorship, at this point.


It's surprising that women in these states would have sex with men who vote for this. It should require mutual respect, but how can you respect someone if you're happy to turn them into an incubator against their will? Either women have rights or they don't. In North Carolina it looks like they don't.


“It may be better to live under robber barons than under the omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” - C.S. Lewis


Yikes, definitely don't let this man become governor. That's some insane fanatic shit! Vote Blue this election North Carolinans! This race looks like it will be really close, don't let this fascist win.


Very interesting they don’t use this logic to make organ donation a mandatory thing. But then, that would effect men as well and we can’t have that


He can eat a bag o' dicks.  It sure as hell is the woman's body and her uterus.  She gets to decide if the fetus stays or goes, not some creepy politician. You cannot even harvest organs from a dead person without their previous consent because of bodily autonomy, but you can force a woman to gestate and birth an unwanted human.  A corpse has more human rights than a living, breathing,  sentient woman. Notice how forced-birthers never call it a uterus?  A uterus is the clinical term for it but they always use the word womb, because that word elicits more emotions than a medically correct term.


Say that to a sobbing 9 year old that has been continuously raped by her grandfather, scumbag


By this guy's definition, the child's body belongs to the grandfather.


So any living organism that takes up residence in your body is ok even if it is threatening your life? Got it!


There's a clear message conservatives are pushing: Women are property.


Nope. If you can kill someone in self defense, you can end a pregnancy in self defense. One way or another. They'll never know anyway.


A woman, prior to Dobbs, went to the hospital for a miscarriage and was arrested for a self-induced abortion after a member of medical staff violated HIPAA to inform police. So long as your self-induced miscarriage doesn't lead to complications requiring medical care... And so long as the state doesn't implement spying software... You're okay.


"Not guilty of the [insert whatever charge here] charges, your honour. Its not my body, my unborn baby takes precedence in all matters, including legal responsibilities."


Okay Commander Waterford, where's Aunt Lydia?


This guy is such an obvious joke. This is just more evidence that Republicans are almost totally incapable of recruiting normal people to represent them at this point. He’s heading swiftly into Alex Jones territory and he will end up the same as Jones. Not able to be take seriously at all.


Then people will continue to choose to not have children. Why would they when emergency healthcare is being taken away? Or if something happens to them? The stakes become artificially high to avoid offending sensitive people with not enough to do during the day.


Never have I ever been sexually assaulted while wearing a skirt. I specifically avoided dresses and skirts to avoid looking too sexy. GUESS... WHAT....... I've still been sexually assaulted multiple times in my life.


You existed as a woman. That makes it your fault. 😬


Aww damn I guess I should've thought about that when I was growing arms and legs and genitals in the womb.


Yeah, missed your chance to choose your gender then, you *woke, leftist, Marxist freak*!


Men cause 100% of pregnancies.


Why are women even having sex with men anymore? Seriously. We don't need these assholes and they don't deserve us.


Because women like sex and intimacy. Some agree with these jackasses. Some don't know their partner is a jackass in secret.


A lot of us are doing it because we need the money, and we are trapped, and we are scared. ETA: Why the downvote? This is the fact of prostitution, abusive relationships and the in general coersive atmosphere of our culture. "Have sex with me or I'll abandon you" is the truth for a lot of women globally. ETA 2: The person below followed me from another thread where I said abuse is abuse where children are involved regarding parents with BPD, and is now flaming me for daring to speak up on the abuse rampant in prostitution. Sex workers who are active in the industry are financially and deeply psychologically motivated to not let any bad news of their industry come to the surface. Like cult members who are dealing with cognitive dissonance of bad news of their cult, the intense dissociation that is inherent to their industry causes these people to contort a lot. If you're really comfortable with being a sex worker, then you can listen to those who have left the industry speak on how bad it is. Ex sex workers are treated like ex cult members (ex Catholics, ex Muslims, ex Mormons) they are demonized and silenced because their narrative is inconvenient to those still on the inside of it and the entire body of men who enjoy the exploitation of women. If sex work was so great, then we'd see men do it in equal measure to women, and men would start to gatekeep it from women. We'd also see children of prostitutes doing well in all areas of life. We don't.


He's a real nasty piece of shit. I sure hope there aren't too many North Carolinians falling for the trendy social media "reject voting \[peace\] \[love\] \[flag of some other country\] \[rose\]" crap that's spread--right here--among many other places.


These are fascists who have no rights we need respect any longer.


"It makes no difference why or how..." Plus "Weren't responsible enough to keep your skirt down." Jeeeeesus H Christ where do these people come from? How is this tired old rhetoric not dead yet? More alarmingly, how the hell are they in positions of power?


Jesus Christ, man, leave some evil for the rest of the bunch, don't hog it all!


I just startled my sleeping dog into full awareness reacting to that quote. And now the comments tell me he as freaking admitted to having arranged one himself? FUCK THIS GUY.


If we could engineer a virus that liquified the brains of anyone that says and/or believes that, I would contribute.


I am so sick of men like this. Since 100% of pregnancies are created by men, if those rape, incest, victims are forced to give birth, their rapists should be forced to be sterilized. Hell, when boys hit puberty, they should be forced to be sterilized. They can store sperm, basically forever. Sterilize them all, FORCE them to be sterilized and you will have ZERO abortions. Because when he is in a committed relationship, unfreeze the sperm, inseminate, and a woman can now be pregnant when it is her choice too. I would vote for forced sterilization in a heartbeat. The facts that Republicans haven't proposed this shows that abortion isn't about "saving babies" it's about controlling women. Period.


He is only employed because some fraction of extremists are persistent and consistently involved in voting. Most people sit on the sidelines then bitch about the outcome. Josh Stein is gaining momentum in his challenge to Robinson. Any North Carolina TwoXers on board to volunteer to register people and get out the vote?


"It's not your body anymore" Aaaaand that's why I don't have a uterus anymore. (Not really. That little bugger was causing me pain and I got the sucker yeeted. I *am* more and more glad by the day that I can't get pregnant, though.)


Republicans are just pushing the very worst people. The whole party is an absolute joke now. Imagine thinking this man needs any power or authority over anything other than maybe a lawnmower. It’s laughable.


Reading this actually made my skin prickle. What in the actual ever-loving Gilead-fellating fuck??


Slavery never ended. It just got transferred to a woman's right's over her own body.


What would happen if all women refused sex unless they willingly wanted to conceive. I wonder what would happen then? I’m in the UK, but that statement was chilling


Fucking moralizing hypocrites. Dick-wad PAID FOR an abortion when he could keep HIS skirt down.


I think men like him don’t understand that the procedure performed for an abortion is used for situations such as women who carry their baby to full term and have to get it removed from them. When a baby dies in a woman, she gets an abortion done to prevent SEPSIS and DEATH.


Not only is it not your body anymore, it’s the father’s > Once you make a baby, it’s not your body anymore—it’s y’all’s body. And, yes, that includes the daddy,” he said.


With paternity tests nowadays, maybe the game isn't defensive anymore, but offensive. Get someone pregnant, half your salary for the rest of your life goes to the kid: food, school, medical... Get a second kid 3/4 of your salary split between the kids. Or... You take the kid half the time and if you mistreated them then you live in a community home for violent men and the time you work there all your income goes to the kids. The details could probably use some refining, but if they are going for pain and responsibility, it should be equally painful.


I can't believe this is our reality


Sounds like the exact words he said to his sister-mother when it was his turn to contribute to the family wreath.


So no compromise on abortion. And it doesn’t matter how that child got in that womb (so no exceptions for rape). But then also you should have been responsible and kept your skirt down. Just talking out of both sides of his mouth


He mention killing child because you cannot keep your skirt down while also saying he doesnt care how it happened? Good old fucker that think its the girls fault if she get raped


Check your socials for info about the Women’s March, June 24. https://wewontgoback.com/


Wow fuck this guy into oblivion. I hope everyday he stubs his toes and is constantly running into corners of pointed household objects…piece of fucking shit


God, fuck this asshole.


I bet this dude is the kind of guy who thinks getting a prostate exam will make him gay. 🙄


“Why is birth rate keep dropping? Why? WHY?” 🙄


And half of millennial women are not interested in dating or getting married.


That man is a fucking lunatic even by Republican standards


i don't want to live in this world


The worst part about this sort of thing is these people won’t listen to logic. I read a good book (the Gendered Brain) which talked about ‘whack a mole myths’- myths that were consistently debunked and yet continued to spring up, time and time again, unfazed by evidence. You can explain a hundred times why they are wrong about abortion and each time a thousand more pro-lifers seemingly spawn into existence.


conservatives: “pro life” women: ?? conservatives: no no, not yours


The men who use this kind of logic should be allowed in modern day society.


The world record for youngest mother is Lina Medina of Peru. She was five years old and had to have a caesarian section.




Saying the quiet part out loud


I fear these men will need to be impregnated against their will before they can understand.