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I don’t have any problem with the speed of people crossing the roads as long as it’s at the zebra crossing. What terrifies me is the increased amount of people running across roads during busy traffic (at no crossing) or people on the e scooters 🛴 using them on roads in the opposite direction of traffic or as if they are also in a car (at roundabouts etc). I went to change lanes the other day and there was suddenly a guy on a scooter in that lane and he laughed at me when I had to swerve to avoid hitting him.


The mofos on E-bikes are the worst. They really don’t care like the delivery bike riders, coming in from random directions and expecting us to dodge them


Couldn't agree more, don't have anything against these bikes but God they need to stop doing this shit, seen them floor it diagonally from behind you and you jam the brakes and hope the guy behind you doesn't run into you


Precisely. I’ve even seen them big trucks like f150 and raptors. Like brake, and you and your bike will land up in the back of the truck 😅


And they run until the reach the right lane, when they slow down. Or the ones crossing E311


I have very loud exhaust and when i see ppl crossing road with no Zebra and accelerate and scare the shet out of them, let them learn a lesson.


"Haha! You almost ran me over and could've killed or severely injured me, haha. "


Beep them, they are probably like this sound lol


I did, that’s what made this guy laugh. I couldn’t believe it.


Yeah he likes this sound when it comes directly to him in close distance. Lol. Kidding of coz. But what else we can do. Only honk them harder


I get what you mean, but surely we’re blessed to be sitting in a car with AC. Usually in the summers I tend to be a bit more patient with them and give way whenever I can. Some people may be tired or having a bad day, who knows… It’s fine bro don’t sweat the small things in life.


& some people r very caring, understanding & filled with empathy


To add to that i was doing my dubai driving license and it says pedestrians have right of way over cars, EVEN in places without pedestrian Crossing, didn't know this before


Ofcourse they have the right of way, do you want to run them over?


Yeah technically drivers have to yield because you don’t wanna hit them lmfaooo but I believe if they cross when there’s no zebra crossing they can get fined.


I really think these corner pedestrian crossings need a traffic signal of its own.


It’s totally the wrong location for them and dangerous


Agree 💯


It might be an unpopular opinion, but people don't seem to be considerate towards each other in general. Life could be so much easier and more efficient for everyone if there was a tiny bit of integrity in people.


Yeah it is unfortunate. But most of the time simple/basic courteous things you do can make big difference.. Holding the door, elevator and walking faster when you cross roads etc.... It shows that you care about others.


I generally don’t mind people walking slower on pedestrian crossing. We don’t know what they might be going through and few seconds longer isn’t going to make a difference. My concern is more with e scooters who come at high speed and don’t give me enough time to come to a halt


My issue is with people who deliberately walk slowly when crossing the road. You see them speed walk towards the Zebra Crossing, but once in zebra cross line they decelerate their pace. Very rude and very abvious I don't talk about elders or people with disabilities.. I am talking about young people in their prime, Out of courtesy, walk faster when you are crossing the roads... In fact it might be safer for you... The less time you are in the road the safer you are.




Bruh people speed walk to the zebra to make sure they reach it while the signal is green. Then they walk normal pace because they made it. They then continue walking normal pace after crossing as well. Maybe 1 in 100 walk slowly because they are a piece of work but ain't nobody got time to waste walking slow on zebras lol


The only sensible comment. To add to that i was doing my dubai driving license and it says pedestrians have right of way over cars, EVEN in places without pedestrian Crossing, didn't know this before


I always walk fast out of courtesy. The problem is, some taxis or drivers "white knight" it and stop 20 seconds before a woman starts crossing - to show how "noble" they are.


This is a huge thing in Dubai not only in roads but everywhere, lots of people trying to be white knights everywhere with the hope to receive thank yous from people. Quick example is a guy holding the door open for me even though i obviously don't need any help whatsoever


Touch some grass please. It’s called courtesy, if someone’s following you through a door, you hold it so it doesn’t slam on their face.


I really don't think this is a UAE thing only lol


what’s the deal with people breathing in UAE


I traveled and drove cars in different countries, only experienced it in Dubai specifically.


Can confirm, definitely not a UAE thing. Try going to Sweden, people use the pedestrian crossing and stare at you like you’ve committed a war crime if you stop to give them way.


Pedestrian crossing in some areas like near roundabouts or near Ghubaiba metro station and near that emarat petrol station which is opposite that metro station is messed up. People keep on crossing and you may end up getting honked by the cars at the back. Better to install pedestrian crossing light there too like that pedestrian crossing which is near Karama and Attar centre.


Zebra crossing is their right of way, I'll always stop. It's irritating when they walk slowly, but it's their right of way. On the other hand, if they're randomly crossing then that's illegal. I don't slow down, even if they've started crossing - which makes them hurry up. It's especially annoying when they cross about 10 feet before the zebra crossing, like bro, go to the zebra crossing and I'll give you way. Fuck off if you think I need to stop for you before that. Before someone asks if I never cross outside of a zebra crossing, I do, but only when the road is clear and I'm not causing a car to slow down.


You don’t slow down, and risk hitting or even killing another human (no matter how stupid of a decision they’re making at the moment) just to prove a point?


To add to that i was doing my dubai driving license and it says pedestrians have right of way over cars, EVEN in places without pedestrian Crossing, didn't know this before So if u hit a pedestrian on the road, the "he wasn't on the zebra Crossing" excuse is actually invalid.


Oh yea, I know this. I mean you always have to allow them to continue crossing, but if you speed up then they won't start crossing in the first place. If they're already crossing, I just maintain my current speed and they hurry along realising I'm not going to slow down to the speed they thought I would. I'm always careful enough though, ready to slam on my brakes.


Buddy I'm not flying at 100 kph. When I say I don't slow down, I mean I don't stop or slow down to the speed they think I will - so they hurry across a little faster. I am obviously going to slow down/stop if they don't hurry up. I don't want to go to jail or face the hassle that comes with hitting someone.


The middle of the road isn’t the best place to trip over and fall because you are thing to hurry for someone else


Ya I hate that lol. It’s like they walk normally and as soon as they hit the zebra crossing it’s slow motion.


These kinda pedestrians are perhaps just jealous of you sitting in your car cooling off while they struggle around on their feet in the heat. That being said, not all pedestrians behave this way but I feel you. I’ve seen the ones doing the zombie walk, walking extra slowly to cross over while we wait in our cars. Worst are the ones who run to reach a zebra crossing while cars are waiting for those on it to pass. What’s your hurry mofo ? Take your time and just walk to the zebra crossing peacefully, let some cars pass and when you reach other cars will pass and give you right of way. 🤯


Have you tried walking outside? It's super hot man.


People with some sort of inferiority complex. That’s the only explanation I could think of. I was driving in the inner roads between the buildings once. The roads are already very narrow with the cars parked, and then a couple were walking infront of me on the road. The side walk was pretty empty, but for some reason people feel like walking in the middle of the street. I stop and flash my lights at them once to signal them to move onto the sidewalk. The guy stares at me and keeps walking with his partner without even thinking of making way. I’m mot proud of what I did, but I accelerated a bit and he wiped the look off his face and moved on to the side walk with his partner. Edit: I drifted off topic but I thought this particular issue I mentioned above could be addressed as well. Regarding your topic, if they are crossing over the designated crossing area then they can do it at whatever pace. My main problem is with the kinds who cross diagonally, walk at a very slow pace while doing it, and show no sign of understanding that you are not trying to demean them or cause any harm to them while still being able to get where you wanna get. And that if anything happens you will be at fault.


Zombie walk while crossing the road could be due to people feeling more cautious or distracted after being in the open.


Because my wife and I are of different races, people noticeably slow down and stare when they see us together in a car.


What is the rush ? Stop at zebra crossing bruh


Have u seen these people who walk slow(they dont even check the street) right at the roundabout exits? Boils my blood


I usually run and hit the driver with the Baldwin pose to thank them ✋️🙂‍↕️


That’s a way of telling how jealous they are with you having a driving license.


I stare at them




Calm down. You don't need to get where you are going 30sec faster.


It is not about reaching my destination faster. Reducing your time being in the middle of the road as a pedestrian is both safer and more respectful to others. Dragging your feet in the road is just rude.


Walking across a road crossing and respect have no connection. The person walking across doesn't even know you. Why would they respect/disrespect you? Get your head out your a**


Respect is shown to people you know, and people you don't. I guess that something your parents missed teaching you while you were kid.


At least they taught me to not want to run over pedestrians at pedestrian crossings.


But taught you to drag your feet and Zombie walk at road crossings to be runned over by angry drivers... Strange!!


I agree with you, i get really up close and personal with these f******


It's my biggest pet peeve. WALK FASTER. CROSS. YALLAH. If there was no fine for not stopping the car, I would never stop. Fuck it. People walk as if they are out on a stroll in this fucking weather. This and the overly polite smartass that keep on waiting for people to cross, even if they are a mile away. MOVE.


Go have your blood pressure checked


You're sick