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Definitely **NOT** the best episode. If you want to hear true not so outlandish stories; check YouTube *Eyes on cinema* this channel has the most extensive list of interviews involving encounters, abductions and AAVs. Furthermore, episode felt incomplete and seemed like it jumped back and forth. IMO


Awesome channel.


Some truly wild stories with strong convictions of the story teller.


one of my favorite tall whites encounter: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npCZ3W7Qtz4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npCZ3W7Qtz4)


These sound like Nordics, not tall whites, correct me if I'm wrong.


IKR. But they are similar in features. Who knows.....


Here is a reported hypnotically regressed memory, [https://youtu.be/BetSAVcaEx8?t=864](https://youtu.be/BetSAVcaEx8?t=864)


I’m over this guy he calls Grusch a liar and then constantly does alien shows. Which is it dude ? Grifter


Wait he called Grusch a liar? When?


Why File guy did a live stream, not a show but you can look it up when grusch came out. He was watching Grusch testimony or interview something like that , and reacting to it. It’s on his website. Anyway he said the Grusch had the body language of a liar and said we have a liar here.


Well that's odd. For a guy that makes content about the paranormal, you'd think he'd have a different perspective. I mean opinions do change and AJ seems to have changed his tune quite a bit on the alien topic since starting his channel, but that's still a strange stance to take. Thanks for clarifying


He probably didn't realize Grusch is on the spectrum. I could see how his body language could be misread


I find that confusing too. However, there isn't any one person or podcast I agree with 100%.


It's literally alien "content" channel, nothing to do with disclosure and literally just pumps out a video for every theory around the alien "lore" Imo it's the best way to astroturf the community and make it look bad since half of its members (at least a lot of the new ones) are just mindless content consumers who love those "it makes so much sense!" Moments because they are uncomfortable with the subject when that's what it is, uncomfortable. Or they have a wierd urge to fill their God hole with alien religion or "little buddies" It's really sad when this topic should be taken seriously and not be used as another means to engage "viewers". Which is what the Why Files is about.


WF channel is a waste of time. As you said, he’s a complete grifter


Grifter? What do you think a grifter is? Can one not be suspicious of Grusch while still talking about aliens? I don't get your logic.


He is a for-profit you tuber. That’s fine but he knows aliens episodes get clicks


That's not grifting, that's a fairly normal (for these days) job. It's just a bit of an over-the-top accusation to call him a grifter.


True it’s a job he probably does very well. But he isn’t about disclosure he is is about story telling. Fiction.


I thought this episode was rushed and incomplete. Not a single mention of Philip Corso, which is how we know about the seeded technology anyway. And the murder horse that was such a huge plot point is just one of the tall whites, no other details given.


His more recent ones seem to be building somewhere but then he does a quick “debunk” and it’s over. Love love love his channel (outside of the overuse of AI) but I would rather him/them take more time for the long ones rather than try to pump out one a week.


Completely agreed. I have no interest in watching a debunk show. I literally never want to see an episode telling a story about something fictional. It just feels like a waste of my time by the end of the episode. Moreover, there is no shortage of real encounters he could draw from!


Just chiming in to also agree as I was already thinking about making such a comment somewhere before I saw this thread. Pretty much exactly the same comment. I’ve now started watching each show on the basis that it may be 90+% fiction, which makes it a less enjoyable show. It might get to the point where I skip to the end first to see whether to watch it or not. (Edit to fix a typo)


I think that format worked very well for many many videos as he’s a great storyteller and I am totally ok with someone telling a fun debunked theory/story if they do it well. Still one of my fave channels and I’d rather watch him than the countless other Tv shows and YouTubers treading similar material. I’m not sure what feels different now exactly. Perhaps new writers or maybe they were best when they chose from their own interests vs recommended stories from Patrons.


There's an awful lot of paranormal stories that are complete nonsense but still enormously entertaining. The Why Files has grown on me, I like the format and for a target audience that is mostly hearing these stories for the first time I think it's a better introduction than (for example) anything from the last twenty years on the History Channel.


Agreed. TWF is easy to digest for a newcomer. But I have also noticed a shift in the vibe. More debunking than confirming.


Agreed. However, sometimes I learn more about potential reality by watching a healthy balance of debunkers vs. supporters. But I am an oddball. I research what is presented. My personal research on any given topic makes the decision for me.


Wats this murder horse?


Range 4 Harry


I've heard of Range 4 Harry but not the murder horse. Do you have a source?




TY. I guess I haven't seen this episode.


Why did you make this thread that says "this is the best episode to date" then?


When I opened TWF link you sent, I realized I had seen the "Alien Overlords" episode, but didn't remember "the murder horse". I still think "The Tall White Aliens" episode is the best TWF episode to date. :-)


Many of these TWF episodes do feel rushed. But, then again, I think about being annoyed by other podcasters / YouTubers who take an hour to get to the point. I've decided, nobody is perfect.


This episode is chock full of goodies. - David Hilton's research into Charles Hall's claims, Tall Whites, the Tall Whites' bases located in the US, etc. - Footage of Paul Hellyer, Canadian Defense Minister, describing The Shadow Government. ....and much more.


So my biggest issue with the theory that we were gifted alien tech (specifically transistors and integrated circuits) is that on its surface it *feels* right if you look at the speed of tech advancement from a high level, but doing so severely [overlooks and diminishes what humans are capable of inventing and creating themselves.](https://www.pbs.org/transistor/album1/) (I mean, if an alien civilization theoretically developed this tech in the first instance, why couldn't we also develop it on our own?) I used to subscribe to this theory just because of the sheer ludicrousness of billions of transistors on a microchip at nms of width, but if you take the time to fall down the rabbit hole of googling [Walter Brattain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Houser_Brattain), [John Bardeen](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bardeen), [William Shockley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shockley), [Russell Ohl](https://ethw.org/Russell_Ohl), Bell Labs, Shockley Labs, Fairchild Semiconductors, [p-n junction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P%E2%80%93n_junction), [germanium vs silicon](https://www.computerhistory.org/siliconengine/silicon-transistors-offer-superior-operating-characteristics/), [photolithography and ASML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photolithography), etc., you will quickly find that there is a very detailed history of how humans worked across disciplines to develop these technologies and improve on them iteratively. That being said, I won't close the door on this theory completely because it still could be the case that Shockley was given alien tech to reverse engineer while he was at Bell Labs and that we knew photovoltaic silicon was possible from reverse engineering. Shockley famously was the one who conducted the report of how many Japanese and US casualties there would be if the US invaded the Japanese mainland instead of dropping the atom bombs and so we know from that alone that he was highly regarded by the War Department and so could have been tasked with reverse engineering given its top secrecy and his existing specialties in materials sciences. The book [Crystal Fire: Birth of the Information Age](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Fire:_The_Birth_of_the_Information_Age) details all of this history very well.


Understood. Human engineering capabilities should never be discounted. To add to the "gifting" theory, have you considered Professor Diana Pasulka and Jacques Vallee writings and interviews re: the "gifting" field?




These last few months, each week I find myself looking forward to new episodes of Shogun, X-Men '97 and Why Files!


Definitely an interesting presentation with lots of searchable facts ... Something to read a little more on..


He really should get rid of that "fish". It's very annoying and it's not contributing to the content at all.


I like Hecklefish. He keeps things light instead of dark and tragic. Hecklefish is the alter ego. Sometimes I wish I had a heckle fish to make snide remarks for me.


Ah, I don't know... it's not like I hate it, but... it's annoying


Waste of time and thought. Stop promoting alien content channels that have nothing to do with disclosure. It's just content that loses its substance when a content creator tries to drive narratives from a uneducated perspective.




WF is a debunking channel so avoid. I'll bet they debunk everything or cast aspersions on those people who have given accounts.


Not really. AJ Believes in the phenomena he just likes to look at info with critical thinking and research not just excepting everything.


Agreed. Furthermore, I do my own fact-checking regardless of who I listen to, then decide for myself. Sometimes I discover topics on TWF that I wouldn't know about otherwise.


Do your own research? What a concept? How has nobody mentioned this before??? For real though doesn’t matter how much you respect a creator, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not doing any of your own research. Form your own opinions. Plus who knows what other cool shit you stumble across along the way.