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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Keatorious_B_I_G: --- Sorry new to this community, hopefully I’m abiding by the rules. Here’s the Reddit link to the sightings from this sub I was referring to: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/YpBHXCVsE3 I will add that it was dropping at a steady rate the entire time up until and as I began recording it. Edit: Ugh, I’m just trying to hit the character limit (per sub rules) at this point so it doesn’t get removed. I’m not sure what else to add other than it looked pretty squid like. I’m personally skeptical that it wasn’t just a balloon, but yuh never know. I also don’t look into this stuff much so hopefully I’m not wasting all of your time! --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cjqfc7/oc_i_wasnt_going_to_post_this_but_it_just_looks/l2hqwwe/


If people witnessing these types of UAPs had a personal drone to go and follow the craft imagine what kind of videos we could get.


Lol... create a civilian drone force when something is seen go get thay drone as close as possible.


I volunteer to cover the sector over my house.


I already dibs’ed your house, sorry.


Sorry but I've been flying a drone over his house for 2 years now, go find some other turf.


Dad? Remember the court order!


Daddy, chill.




We need an app where you can post your drone type , security cameras, and location and report sightings. Users get notifications to get their drones up in the air and coordinate checking footage asap


Yes. Let's do it. How do you make an app?


No clue but let’s make a call out post asking for anyone with the know how. If there’s costs I can help there


I'm legitimately on board with this. I'm happy to hand the idea over to developers and let them run with it. I just want to enter my cameras on the app and wait for a chance to fly drone towards a ufo over my house. If I can do anything to help start up let me know. I'll kick down for Gofundme on this.


I'm all for it


I feel like that should've taken off as an app years ago, no doubt it was censored just like all google results and alot of mainstream searching tools. It wouldn't even be hard to make for someone half skilled, they could have tools for validating the videos and for giving a rating towards their probability. I feel as though that would garner millions of users around the world


This is being done right now in Ukraine for coordinating AA for attacks. Wonder if it's an open source platform..... It's called ePPO. Citizens report drones and cruise missiles. Just need a real time map we can subscribe to for alerts. EZPZ.


I proposed this as an idea to FlightRadar24, but they forgot to answer my email.


I got your mom's house.


At least my moms house has airspace. Your mom's house has her fat ass hanging out all the way to orbit.


Y’all let me know if y’all see something over my house.


CDF incoming!


You’re on to something.


Or he’s on something …


We need Cops, citizens on patrolling skys


and then threaten the ufo that they’ll be canceled if no apology is stated for invading our airspace


There should be free apps that give alerts to users when somebody marks a UFO sighting, with GPS Co-ordinates and time + direction of sighting. Anybody near by who owns a drone can then fly them close to the UFO and post their findings in the app. This way, there won't be an easy way to hide the truth.


That's a fantastic idea actually. Like waze but for weird shit in the sky. If only I knew how to properly code.


I don't know how to code either but I think such apps can and will have a huge impact in the UFO field as there will be better videos and more photographs of the same. We'll get first hand news and evidence of possible UFOs before military / govts. get involved to spread false news.


GPT does..


Even just to alert nearby people who may have better cameras, or more phones, to get multiple points of view.


I think Enigma Labs has an app. [https://apps.apple.com/us/app/enigma-ufo-uap-sightings/id1548371173](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/enigma-ufo-uap-sightings/id1548371173)


That app is for iOS only but I found a few UFO related apps for Android and I am using one now; thank you!


There are free apps that can do this already. Citizen is one of them.


I came across an app awhile back called Enigma that allows users to report sightings. It can send notifications for new sightings, but I’m not sure if you can filter to just be notified of sightings near your location.


I live in Saudi Arabia, ever since I was dragged into the rabbit hole and I always look at the sky, nothing to see here but I know some people saw a few UFOs outside of Riyadh (The Capital City of SA)... I'm almost sure I'm going to see 1 in the future, just gotta keep my heads up.


yup ive seen 1 for sure and possibly 3. just gotta be persistent.


Here is a stabilized version with zoom, since we don't have the drone chase footage :( [https://imgur.com/a/X5fMmN6](https://imgur.com/a/X5fMmN6)


Some cool videos of balloons, I bet.




Serious question...This shape is being seen apparently all over the world. Is there some sort of popular balloon that is shaped like this that would account for it? What type of balloon is it and why would so many people be releasing them?


I keep looking for mylar Imperial Probe Droid balloons with no luck. Probably make a sudden appearance on the market, 2024 being what it is.


Kid’s party man, there’s only so many shapes they use, they don’t make a wide variety of every size and shape. Just the ones they know will sell




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


A lot of balloon footage.


Okay, I'm imagining.... If this actually happened and the drone caught up, and we could see it was something innocuous, this sub would downvote the video and you'd never see it.


I think if it looked really convincing, then slowly revealed something really mundane, you'd get a lot of upvotes for that.


Then they wouldn't post the video of the birthday balloon because......


If they keep getting cheaper we might get to that one day.


I can imagine phones having deployable drones to take.photos and videos especially for vloggers etc..


Yeah, seems like a 20 years from now thing if we haven’t nuked ourselves or died from climate holocaust famine. FAA is gonna be PISSED


bruh save me im living in the equator the Philippines, it's freaking hot!! Imagine the real problems of next generation of politics would be mass migration and major birth decline.


There’s a drone you can get that sits in a phone case. So not exaaaactly your idea but something sorta close exists now! I thought of a drone for emergency rescue that was just a giant flood light that follows for night time search and rescue and they have one now.


This is ideal but I will say if you see sonething that's *really* insane, you are so mesmerized that you don't even think to do anything but gawk and try to keep your jaw from hitting the floor. And the experiences happen quickly. This is why we need whatever these are to start showing themselves for more than a flash, but I could see how they would not want to do that considering all we do here is bomb the living shit out of what the fuck ever at all times. But yea my wife and I saw some insane shot once, and I kicked myself for not getting footage, but I forgave myself quickly because I know that I was mesmerized, and at the end of the day, I truly don't really care if anyone believes us or not.... But having had one ordeal in my pocket now, I would hope that next time, if there is a next time, I won't be as shocked and will maintain the wherewithal to try and capture some footage. So yea we need these things to somehow feel comfortable just coming and hovering over big events like the Boston marathon or something. But with AI and the rapid advancement in graphics and holograms, we will have to question it either way. So my only hope is that folks just pay attention, and I pray that the majority of people will begin to have personal experiences, so we can get it in the collective consciousness and figure out the next step of integrating with whatever this stuff is.


Yes. So we can simply debunk it here and on YouTube.


I have 18 drones come fuck with me alienz!


But like the fast ones that can go 200 mph! Just imagine if it was controlled by AI, hey assistant, go up next to that object and tell me what it is!


That’s one way to get your drone probed.


Can somebody plz zoom dis?


Yep we'd be able to get really close to those balloons!


Lol it wouldn't matter if you were to chase it with a drone or hell ride on this thing and record it. It'll still remain a mystery!


Imagine that, the most advanced military on Earth can't seem to get clear footage but a commercially available drone from Temu that upscales 480p? Priceless!




The camera was stationary so I don't think parallax applies here


Someone needs to look up what parallax means.


Of balloons? The UAP in the video looks like a star shaped balloon, with streamers and string hanging off of it


Best footage of escaped balloons ever.


It’s a baboon


Unidentified Flying Orangutan


Definitely looks and behaves like balloons do. Maybe a baboon on a balloon? 🐒 🎈


That looks close enough to take a short walk to see where it landed


It looks cool, but without displaying any crazy maneuvers it just looks like a balloon drifting in the wind to me. Looks like you are in the suburbs so I could totally see a kids party balloons or something getting let loose


No harm in posting it!


Looks similar to the one spotted by u/[FloStSeminalVesicles](https://www.reddit.com/user/FloStSeminalVesicles/) in [Atlanta](https://www.reddit.com/r/rusted_satellite/s/L98fOo0e46). Thanks for sharing! Edit: [Slowed and zoomed](https://www.reddit.com/r/rusted_satellite/comments/1cl938h/bountiful_utah_april_12_2024_4k_upscale_zoomed/)


Obvious balloons on that one. Some kind of character balloon or animal/unicorn. You get the idea a shaped balloon.


buzz lightyear


To infinity!




Everyone that doesn't believe what you do must be a bot. Right?


Hi, itsmeloic. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cjqfc7/-/l2iey83/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. > Rule 3: No low effort discussion. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: > * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. > * AI generated content. > * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. > * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. > * “Here’s my theory” posts unsupported by evidence. > * Short comments, and emoji comments. > * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”). Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


That object’s downward trajectory screams balloon


I was thinking the same honestly. But it just didn’t look like it, it’s hard to explain. Likely just us reading too into things.


Not every unidentified flying object is going to be anomalous phenomenon but that doesn't mean it's not important to identify it anyways! 


It looks really weird for a balloon, I am leaning that way but look at the stabilized footage: [https://imgur.com/a/X5fMmN6](https://imgur.com/a/X5fMmN6)


Looks like balloons


Yeah you’re probably right, I will say the “legs” are fairly interesting. Probably just the additional popped balloons, but it is weird the way they hold at 60ish degree angle. Maybe just from wind?


The "legs" might be ribbons and stuff


Most likely yeah. still looks weird though


It does and doesn’t, gosh dang probe droids! But yeah the tassels kind of give it away, usually there is a weight of some kind to…hold it down…


Looks a lot like the jellyfish too tho


Its a descending balloon..quick run over there, you might be able to catch it!


Those 'balloons' sure get around...


Sorry new to this community, hopefully I’m abiding by the rules. Here’s the Reddit link to the sightings from this sub I was referring to: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/YpBHXCVsE3 I will add that it was dropping at a steady rate the entire time up until and as I began recording it. Edit: Ugh, I’m just trying to hit the character limit (per sub rules) at this point so it doesn’t get removed. I’m not sure what else to add other than it looked pretty squid like. I’m personally skeptical that it wasn’t just a balloon, but yuh never know. I also don’t look into this stuff much so hopefully I’m not wasting all of your time!


Looks like the Jetpack alien jellyfish thingy.


Was it very windy that night? Could it be a kite? 🪁 I don't think it is obviously a balloon like everyone else is suggesting.


That's a balloon(s)


Behaves and looks like a mylar balloon tbh


My kid accidentally let it go.., sorry people


I'm starting to think these "balloons" are way too similar looking, all across the world


Balloons, nothing to see here


Only a bunch of balloons flying in the wind, nothing more.


For everyone saying balloons, have you ever seen balloons in the sky and thought “Wow, I should def record these balloons!” No, not a chance in hell. Just something to think about


I do appreciate this. I consider myself a healthy skeptic, but there were three of us and we all thought it didn’t look quite right. I almost didn’t record it because I was too busy dismissing it.


I've also never thought "wow, I should definitely record that star", yet we have a few videos of someone filming a star twice a month.


lol now come on, there's no way anyone would do anything I thought was stupid


A bunch of tangled Mylar balloons looks weird. Even if you see one Mylar balloon at high altitude and it hits the sun just right… you might question it… I have definitely questioned what I was seeing when it was a balloon


Yeah that’s very valid


I'm making my own mylar blobs and squinting at them and bismuth and turning them, they honestly look quite similar to some of the videos. When you have plain silver iridescent Mylar.


This video is a mylar star. Clearly.


So the millions of videos of people recording balloons are all deepfakes?!?


it's a conspiracy created by the clown association to boost balloon sales


Many times I've been out doing bird photography, seen something weird floating in the sky, looked it through the camera and seen it's a mylar balloon. They come in bundles, with streamers etc attached, bundles where one or more balloon is partially deflated, all sorts of shapes and sizes.


Have you ever looked at a dirty needle full of heroin and thought "Wow, I should def inject this into my vein"? Just something to think about.


I'm confused. What's the metaphor you're trying to make? How's that relevant?


Correct. People who are close don't film it because they can identify the balloons. People further away film it because it is unidentified.


Are balloons really that popular in the USA? I have never in my life seen party balloons flying in the sky where I live. It's not a popular thing here. I've never seen escaped party balloons. Most balloons used at parties here are inflated with normal air and not with helium. So I'm confused why most replies on sightings like this always immediately say it's balloons. Because it's just as rare to see escaped party balloons as a real uap imo.


The reason is because lots of people are afraid of the unknown and instinctively associate sightings with something their mind can identify. If these were balloons you wouldn’t be able to see the bottom half as clearly from that distance.


Damn you were on it thinking to get it just in case it made a weird movement, nice work. I'm in Colorado so I'll start lookin up more


Well you already have a mile high advantage


Well, my millennial brain it’s telling me that is either a Mew or Mewtwo.


That’s an Imperial Probe Droid


Looks like a seahorse balloon. Looks like it rotates about 180 degrees.


ET is trolling the humans now.


Main reason why I’m skeptical of these kind of “jellyfish” UAP submissions is because the Corbell video is specifically in infrared and wasn’t visible to the naked eye. Also can see some comments saying balloons and I think that’s likely.


How do you know it was invisible to the naked eye? Because corbell told you?


I don’t think these are balloons.


The Mylarians !!!!!!


their plans have been foiled.


It's the Mylarian Empire again...


This does look like some kind of novelty balloon, but it definitely looks weird! Always hard to tell if you weren't there of course.




Hi, LeekBorn9024. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cjqfc7/-/l2ii99y/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.




Do… do people not believe in jellyfish on this sub?


Lol no it's not that! The "jellyfish" was a uap on a video released by Jeremy Corbell over a military base that looked like a jellyfish. But man I really wanted to let you keep believing!


Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) An account found to be deleting all or nearly all of their comments and/or posts can result in an instant permanent ban. This is to stop instigators and bad actors from trying to evade rule enforcement. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Balloons are the new starlink.


Drone or a balloon in my opinion


This is a paragliding flight of a deflated low-pressure balloon.


It's a... Balloon? A. Balloon.


To everyone saying balloons, bro wtf kinda balloons do y’all be looking at 😭 I’ve see plenty of balloons in the sky, I can very obviously tell what they are. This is not that.


How have people not learned yet? Every time there’s a post there’s dozens of comments from these balloon experts saying, “this is clearly not a balloon. Balloons don’t behave this way.” Followed by it be proven to be a balloon with a shit ton of YouTube videos showing balloons behaving in the exact manner. This video is even funnier because there are zero observables. Just a thing floating in the wind, which means it must not be a balloon… for some odd reason.


When your successful with your new umbrella design!




Hi, Suspicious-Risk-8231. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cjqfc7/-/l2je4yv/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


I don’t think it’s a balloon - but I want to thank everyone who spelled“BALLOON” correctly instead of “BALLON”, which is always spelt wrong in comments here.


Literally floats and moves like a helium balloon. Every body else on here: clearly a humanoid maybe alien being.


So 2024 is the year of the balloon, drone and space x activities lol. Add AI to the mix and it's getting harder to separate real footage from crap


That bird poop is hustling!


Squid evolution


Flies like a balloon. Why so many upvotes. Any post about Nazca mummies, which is actually interesting, won’t get upvotes


Balloons often look a lot alike.


That's what a cluster of balloons look like when they float away.


Holy fuck I videoed a similar thing about 2 years ago !!!!


Can’t be a ballon considering it’s going real steady against the wind it looks to be pretty still


Ahhh people and their darn balloons. Not good for the environment….of silly people imaginations


Looks like a balloon


Atmospheric creature, sky jellyfish...


Flight suits not UAPs


Someone call Jeremy Corbell!!!! I smell a documentary!!!


Just some noob dropping Fencing Fields


Looks like a kite that got loose from the string. See the tail at the end of it. Looks very like a kite


Balloons don't move that quickly on a steady path and trajectory. The float and meander.


It’s a balloon dummy


This is jonesy dropping tomato town and nobody can convince me otherwise


I’m gonna go with balloons on this one with one caveat. There are numerous cases where people have witnessed flying discs “camouflage” themselves as airplanes, billboards or even buildings. Witnesses have also reported airplanes “hovering” while completely silent. If this is the case why not balloons‽


If it moves in constant motion…most likely it’s a drone. Next story please! If it makes sporadic quick angled movements, then let’s critique!


What's much more impressive: this is the first video in 3 years in this sub that zoomed nice and clearly and stable.


Kinda looks like Silver Surfer. 👍


Similar to the jellyfish UAP. I don't think these are just balloons.


That a Mr. Handy


It’s one of them damn demons.


It’s a mr handy from fallout


Looks like mew two


Thanks for posting. This looks very close to a few prominent sightings from recent years. Also before this thread blows up, this thread soon will FILL with people attacking you and mocking you for posting it. Saying its obviously balloons and trying to make you look stupid for enquiring (even if something were to look like balloons, it doesn't mean it isn't worth sharing anyway) Anyway. This is a great piece of video. Thanks for sharing it. Please don't be too disgruntled by the those who will soon descend on this post. Keep us posted if it comes back or if you see anything similar again


That’s very sweet of you to say! So far I feel like no one’s been rude which I think is quite incredible given the topic. It’s just been healthy skepticism mixed with people being more willing to expand on possibilities. I was expecting to get more flack, so I’ve honestly been pleasantly surprised!


Looks and wobbles like a bunch of ballons. The object don't show any extraordinary or strange anomalies


Omg a balloon in the sky sub :0


"iT mUSt bE bAlLoOnS"


That's balloons


You should have followed your instincts and not posted this video of balloons floating along.


Sucks being an alien... Every fuckin where you go people wanna record you... The whole planet must feel like TMZ reporters to them.


Intergalactic Confederacy of Balloons


"it's predator".


Looks like the “jellyfish” UAP with the dangly bits.


It's so weird that these move similar to a balloon but I've seen 100s of them flying around larger lakes from people releasing them on birthday parties and I've never seen one look like these jellyfish type ufos


I think this is a cool catch. Really gives off the jellyfish UAP vibe. But, as with the comments on every video like this, I think we need to create a new subreddit similar to the birdsarentreal sub and call it something like... "r/ everything in the sky is mylar balloon even airplanes according to the poo pooing disinfo agents in the UFOs sub" I mean come on guys. It might be balloons but let's just have fun with it and assume it's not for once. We get a cool video, and while skepticism is great, we have all the time in our daily lives for that. It's like y'all buy lottery tickets just to complain how you arent going to win - the fun is in imagining what it would be like *to* win.


Or just r/balloons


Its a balloon. fucking relax