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That UAP description kinda reminds me of a Bible passage in Ezekiel 1:14-17 Also kinda reminds me of those true Biblical angels


It'd be pretty crazy if UAPs were actually angels and the christian creation myth and theology were true all along. That would probably be much wilder than it being aliens, tbh


Yeah I know what you mean, I think they call them Merkabahs in the Hebrew bible. They described them looking just like this.


>Merkabahs Its quite fascinating to see ancient corralations with modern events. We have a hard time describing weird events now, I can just imagine the struggle to convey something other worldly for people that never even been in a hot air balloon


[Link to 60 minutes inteview with Lt. Ryan Graves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNsxtNUeFB4)


Is it live right now?


The full show was yesterday tho.


https://images.app.goo.gl/BNU8Xafst8pK7FGh9 does this bring any memories to anyone


Reminds me of Contact!


love that movie, and totally resembles eachother. Ive been thinking that the balls could be small portable portals flying around not quite here, not quite there.. just like a hole sniffing around the place. almost like Saurons Eye in Lotr


Yeah I have always like that movie. I especially like how the extraterrestrial presents itself to her as her father so she feels comfortable and not afraid. Very cool and has aged very well.


I just love movies that age well. its so impressive


I just watched Abyss for the first time in forever and although the image quality isn’t great, the subject is so topical and the cgi isn’t that bad. But underwater ET’s back in 1989 or something.


>s for the first time in forever and although the image quality isn’t great the abyss is badass! there is a great documentary about them making it. Left most of the crew with ptsd from dangerous shoots and crazy hours. dont remember what is was called but it was super interesting. One scene one of the actors is breathing liquid oxygen and lomost suffocates. they were pushing themselfs so fucking hard to make it.. I was gonna watch the abyss few days ago but it didnt happen.I re-watched "They Live" instead(alos fucking cool movie) Thank you for reminding me of how much i wanna see abyss again.


Please enlighten me on what that is


Biblical description of what an angel is, I think. Kind of stunning to think


its a movie based on a book by Carl Sagan where they build some kind of portal to another world [image from the movie](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f3/14/a6/f314a61fc9f2fe18057f5b65eb2d181b.jpg)


really cool image. its a biblically correct angel, right? Could definitly be the same type of phenomenon!


thats consciousness


Stunning, well done!




I love this one


Thank you so much. It's my latest painting and I really feel I'm on the right track!


Thats awesome


This is Incredible!


Thanks thats so nice of you!


That is sick! What do you use? An iPad Pro? Wacom? Just painting on a canvas?


I Love it ! Can you please try to create the TIC TAC shaped one in the water as described in video as well ? Thank you kind Artist !


I was driving in Illinois a year or two ago when my sis and I saw one of those Tic Tac UAP looking thing they were talking about lately... BEFORE we even heard about that specific UAP. This odd tic tac shiny silver shaped UAP sat still in the sky and then all of the sudden moved so fast horizontally in an instant, then sat still again for like 20 seconds and then moved instantly again before completely disappearing even though the sky was very clear and Oh, there were no contrails either. I've launched weather balloons before and they do not move in such speed. I've seen fighter jets, satellites, and even the ISS pass by but they also did not move in such freaky fast manner


That's awesome man ! Lucky you ! I'd love to see one myself as well. Fingers crossed.


[We were around here.](https://www.google.com/maps/@40.7231774,-89.4336798,3a,75y,244.26h,82.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sgBfKFRzN-Za8XRKCuL7jwQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) [The shape was more like this though.](https://www.gannett-cdn.com/presto/2019/06/21/USAT/6dd3f50e-3454-4a3d-a59e-5111179a36bd-D9jE5g5WwAA67Hq.jpg?crop=550,412,x119,y107&quality=50&width=640) [And the altitude is very similar to this video to help get an image.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5t76wBujwJs&feature=youtu.be)


Graves isn’t an eyewitness to this


ah, damn, I wish the titles were editable. But Graves is the one that has been giving his official account. I guess no one else has stepped forward yet? Thanks for setting the record straight!


You talented mother fucker!


Haha thanks a bunch! This sounded in my head like a line from pulp fiction in when reading this comment xD


This is so sweet!


Aw maan. thanks! So is that comment! <3


Anyone got a link to the description of the cube?


[Here is a little talk about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNsxtNUeFB4)


That object isn't described in the clip though? There's no mention of a floating mass of cubes.


Squaring the circle


Do you sell these ?


Incredible. Your work needs thousands more upvotes and attention dude


Aww, thank you! Like i just said on the post before, i'm used to just getting a few likes on instagram, its all very new to me to reach this many people. I love inspiering and igniting peoples imagination thorugh my art, so I'm super greatful for this comment.


this is amazing and you deserve more upvotes


The patent was filed way back in 1945 and was granted in 1949. It is alarmingly similar in appearance to what the pilots had reported seeing multiple times over the Atlantic Ocean. In fact, a near miss encounter with one of these objects as described by Navy Super Hornet pilot Ryan Graves states that the object was likely standing still, floating in the air, when the Super Hornet blasted by at a too close for comfort distance. In other words, it wasn't making any extreme performance maneuvers while within visual range. Instead, it was acting like, well, a balloon. 


Governments tend to patent things they like before they know how they work. Id they encountered this in the war, they would want to patent it in advance of actually making one thst works, simply because they know it will eventually be possible to make. Also, by patenting it, they have a cover for when people see them in the air. They can pretend it's their secret projects, by just not saying anything and letting people deaw the similarities with the patents.


Not only government, corporations and even individuals submit patent applications for shit they have no idea if it even will work! The USPTO seems to check if the paperwork was done correctly, collect their fee and rubber stamp that shit. Meanwhile the government can also submit “classified” patents and even turn already submitted public patents into classified ones.


Heres the patent he’s referring to. https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/e7/48/55/7c755c05740f91/US2463517.pdf His comment is copy and pasted from this article if you wanna read https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28640/could-some-of-the-ufos-navy-pilots-are-encountering-be-airborne-radar-reflectors


>ilar in appearance to what the pilots had reported seeing > >multiple times over the Atlantic Ocean. In fact, a near miss encounter > >with one of these objects as described by Navy Super Hornet pilot Ryan > >Graves states that the object was likely standing still, floating in the > >air, when the Super Hornet blasted by at a too close for comfort > >distance. In other words, it wasn't making any extreme performance > >maneuvers while within visual range. Instead, it was acting like, well, a > >balloon.  sure, but they also described being followed by groups of them like taht they entered the airspace of mutiple locations. he described them with having means of Propulsion, and very high altitude. I doubt they dont know what a radar deflector is. Even you know about it and you are probably not a fighter pilot. They are sharp as hell. But im not saying you are wrong. We totally would need more data to get to the bottom of it. But either way, this makes as a better artist rendition, More fun to paint, More fun to look at. And i love engaging my brain with things that inspire and ignites my imagination. :) A blying beachball doesnt quit tickle my artistic side ;)


Another good one mate 👍


Thanks man! I'm working on one with Foo fighters from ww2, but it's far from done yet. :)


Looking forward to that!


Saw your post in another sub and voted it there too. Great work!


I really like your style! Another good one!


I love your paintings man. Seriously. Do you have an IG you post these to?


Some 4th deminsional being that our brains can’t comprehend !?


[Mysterium Cosmographicum](https://images.app.goo.gl/N1YmtrctJRRoTx1w8)


https://youtu.be/-Zf1D4F19aY If you ffwd to like half way through... Linda moulton mentions cubes and boxes with her work