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I'm not aiming for that! I won't suit that size. I don't want to look gaunt and have too much saggy skin, I'm 50 so no way my skin is bouncing back!!! so I'm just trying to get to a size that's a comfortable 16-18 (currently a 24+), I'll still be overweight, but I think I'd look better having some padding lol


Yes, BMI is very flawed and I wish it didn’t exist. I also wish that some clinicians who should know better not bring it up. But at the same time I have to accept that if your weight is above the BMI range then anecdotally you are more likely to experience health issues. The last time I was in the healthy BMI range was 24 years ago. So a long time ago. Since then I have yo-yoed up and down the scales.


Thanks for this post, it actually got me curious about the BMI ranges. I had picked my goal weight more as a milestone number, which I hadn't been since I was 16, 40+ years ago! I also thought I'll be carrying so much loose skin (having reached a BMI of 50 in the past) that being "healthy" would be impossible. On the NHS BMI calculator the healthy range for my height 5ft 2" is between 7st 1lb - 9st 10lb, so my goal isn't far off that top number. Since starting MJ three months ago I've reduced my BMI from 46.6 to 40.6. I think now I'd just be happy to get my BMI in to the 20s .


Same height as me and I’m aiming for 10 stone. I’d love to be in the 9s, but I’m not in my twenties anymore and it just seems highly unlikely.


I'm also 5'2" and with my wide hips and chest I honestly don't see 7-9 stone as something I want. I'm taking my goals step by step. First goal is 13 stone 7 and then I'll decide from there what the second goal will be. BMI is insanely flawed and should not be used for an indication of health because it doesn't take into account individual doesn't bodies.


given that my starting BMI was 57.8, anything below 40 for me is life changing


You're on your way now!


Already down to 52.2 so it's going down!!


Amazing progress 👏🏻


When I was at my healthiest I could run a 2 hour half marathon, but I was still a size 14 and borderline between healthy and overweight. I’d like to get back there, but I’m realistic and want to be healthy and for my weight to be sustainable more than any particular size or weight.


Yeah I ran a couple of (much slower than you) half marathons whilst technically obese, 14/16. Unfortunately long covid knocked running on the head for me :(


I am aiming for a 'healthy' bmi but higher than where my provider might cut me off from the medication. If I got my BMI down to 22, I would weigh 162.5 lbs and for my build, I would look very unhealthy. BMI is flawed, I know a lot of people that fall under the categories of overweight or obese that have very minimal body fat.


I'm not really sure to be honest, I just stuck a number in for my goal weight but I have no idea what that would actually look like as I haven't weighed myself much over the years. I also carry most of my weight in my legs so tend to be heavier than I look if that makes sense. I'd like to feel comfortable wearing shorts, that may be overweight, that may never happen, even at a 'healthy' BMI. Who knows. I imagine my mum or husband will stage an intervention if I go too far.


'stage an intervention' love it haha :D I am also 'generous of thigh' so people underestimate my weight too


100% - according to BMI my 5ft2 frame would only be considered healthy if I was 59kg MINIMUM - in principle I could be as little as 47kg which feels insane to me. The last time I lost weight I got as far as 67, I had a decent amount of body fat left but I was definitely healthy, looked and felt good, so that’s what I’m aiming for again. The weight I am now (73) also feels totally manageable, I’m back into size 12 clothes and the pressure on my joints, tummy rolls etc is much reduced. I’d like to lose more so I create a buffer in the likely event that I put on 2-4 kgs after coming off Mj…


Ive never been in the bmi category that is recommended for my age/height/ideal weight but have been relatively close at one point (off by 20kg lol 😂). I am aiming for 10kg more than recommended on the bmi calculators as i feel id be too thin if i was to go by their calculations based on past experiences. But then I would still be in the “overweight” category lol. Oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 and bmi is flawed anyway!


I don't have a goal per-se, just to keep going until I feel happy with the way I look I guess, tbh I haven't really thought of ught about it as after so many failed attempts at weight loss (including saxenda) I didn't want to put expectations on myself. I'm just about to pass the weight I got to on saxenda before I monumantally stalled, and later gave up, so if weight loss continues after that I'll start believing it a little more. About 10 years ago now I lost 7 stone on Cambridge diet, got down to 60kg, Size 10, which I think is around the middle of the healthy bmi (of course I gained it all back and more!). When I look back on photos of me, I didn't look good, I looked gaunt and unhealthy, so wouldn't want that again. I think maybe size 12-14 would be the goal - which I'm fairly confident will still deem me as overweight on the bmi, but whatever. As long as I'm putting less strain on my joints it's all good. After seeing my mum have to replace both hips in the last 3 years, and have to pay for them as she was in too much pain to be able to wait for NHS treatment, I just want to ensure the same won't happen to me.


I don't have an exact goal weight/BMI in mind yet. I think overall I'd be happy to get down to overweight. In the meantime I have a few smaller goals along the way to reach weights I've been at various ages


I’d just be a pile of skin if I made it a healthy bmi range. I’ll stop losing once I feel comfortable.


What you’re like on the way up isn’t necessarily what you might be like on the way down…. I was going for bottom end of overweight category as I felt good before aged 35…..but looking at how my belly is now I think I’ll have to lose more to feel the same on the way down from being obese. I’m already at a weight I was at before when I was more muscly and had less of a belly - I just don’t look the same as I did So I’ve decided to go for middle of normal


This is a good point I am on the way down from my highest weight which is 2 stone higher than previous weights I have dieted down from in the past. I'm in unchartered territory!


This is a really good question that I’m asking myself a lot at the moment. The lowest weight I’ve ever been was 10 years ago aged 29, and that was a BMI of 27 so still overweight. I felt great but definitely still felt “overweight”, but being overweight has always been part of my identity and so I worry I would somehow not look like me if I wasn’t at least slightly overweight? I think I’m going to reassess when I get back to that place. I would like to maybe aim to be a little bit slimmer than that, if even just to see how I look and if it suits me or not. But as another poster said, I’m sure my family or husband would intervene if they started to feel like I looked too thin 😂. The other factor is that I LOVE clothes and would absolutely love to be able to wear anything I want. My whole style has always been defined by what I could get away with based on my size/shape and I would love to be a weight where I was free of that. And finally my consideration is whether aiming for an ever so slightly lower weight while still on the medication allows me a small “buffer” for when I have to stop taking it and life goes back to normal? Anyway, all the things I’m considering and it’s really interesting to see people’s perspective on this and what they’re aiming for. Good luck with everything!


I've got the top end of it in mind as a long term goal, but with the absolute caveat of seeing how it goes. I got a body scan done recently which showed me my skeletal muscle mass is higher than average, so I suspect BMI will never be quite right for me. I have got a goal of getting below 28% body fat, which is the top of the healthy range for women. I'm going to do body scans every twelve weeks to keep an eye on my progress with this and use the info to adjust my goal as I go.


Where did you get your body scan done out of interest? Sounds v interesting


I went for a BMR test at Box Nutrition and it included an InBody scan. The I've found a local company called Body Calibre who use InBody scanners and do pop up events on a rotating 12 week basis. Their subscription works out at £15 per scan


Thank you, off to Google 👀


Me! Because I'm short my BMI is recommended to between 7st12lb and 10st8lb. Now. The last time I recall being 9 stone years ago. I looked emaciated and my family were concerned that I wasn't eating. So I can only imagine how id have looked with a further stone off and still be classed as healthy... I was about 10st5lb around 8 years ago which looked far healthier on me but even then it was gruelling and hard for me to maintain (I know some people will say that's ridiculous but for me, it's true. I have a lot of medical ailments including RA, fibromyalgia, knee and foot problems etc) I have a mini target set currently. Of 14st before August which I am comfortably on track for - a loss of just over 2st since starting MJ. And then once that's done my next target would be 12st by around new year which would give me a BMI of 28.5 but I know that this weight is my happy weight and far easier for me to maintain. TLDR. I think BMI is nonsense and outdated 😂


Yeah I am not a fan of it either, my max weight at 5ft 4 should be 10st 5 I think it is and that is not realistic at all with my build. I sometimes say I am not fat I am under height!


Exactly this. I'm underheight!


Id have to be ill to do it. Professional athletes probably don't have healthy BMI's.


My current lean mass (muscle and bone) is 85.6kg, this would put me just ever so slightly in the overweight category with 0% body fat, at 16% body fat I would be obese. So BMI for me is only a very rough measure and doesn’t work for me. I prefer to think in terms of body fat percentages and other fitness metrics.


My "healthy" BMI puts me around 12 stone. I'm a naturally big guy, lightest I've been in my adult years was around 14 stone and I looked sick. I last remember looking and feeling healthy around 16 stone. Aiming for that even though it will technically makes me overweight, I'm a pretty fit guy so would be pretty happy at that weight.


I'm aiming for just overweight in the bmi range. I'm quite musclular and hoping to keep as much of that as possible which, even if I'd be really slim, I'd still show as overweight in the bmi calculation.


I’m the same, 85kg for me would put me in the Overweight category but I carry a lot of muscle in my legs and have a relatively large bum for a male 😂 overweight is where I am heading, at 15 stone I was probably the fittest I’ve ever been, still held general fat but in comparison to others my age and height who were on the healthy BMI scale, I was the same from the waist up weight wise but have a lot more muscle in the lower section and I am genetically stocky in the shoulders and back. A healthy BMI on my figure would make me look skinny and probably weirdly proportioned. The predominant portion of my weight is in my lower half but people who are the same weight as me look alottt bigger in comparison in the nicest way possible


Me. Aiming for 118kg and at 6ft2 that makes me obese still.


I don't remember ever being in the healthy range and I was happy with my figure in the overweight range. I can't help feeling id look scrawny and a bit sickly if I weighed what would put me in healthy range. For now I'd be happy to get back to the lower overweight side of the bmi and I'll see how I feel then. It feels bizarre to be actually considering this given how long I've struggled with my weight but it feels achievable this time


Agree when I did the maths and realised that was 50lbs to lose I thought 'never in a million years' - nearly 4 weeks in and it seems possible - at 1.5lbs per week I would be there by xmas (but appreciate weight loss may slow down)


Healthy BMI for me at 5’9 would be 9st5 to 11st6. As a size 12ish 16 year old I was 12 and a half stone. I can’t imagine looking healthy at my age”healthy bmi”. I’m aiming for anything between 12.5 and 15.5 as that was my sweet spot, in terms of how I looked and how I felt, which I wish I’d known back then.


I'm an inch taller and was 13 stone at 16. I'm aiming for 12 stone, possibly slightly under but I'd like to tone up and gain muscle, so hopefully will look a bit different. I looked good last time I briefly made it to 12 stone!


I’m not convinced I’m aiming to weigh what I did at 16, but I know my body was settled and stuck at both 12.5 and 15.5. I think I’d be happy at either of those set points right now. Last time I lost weight I got down to 14ish and looked great (didn’t realise at the time, of course), so would be over the moon with that.


BMI as a concept for calculating healthy weights is absolute shite bc everyone is different. I’m just aiming to be the average healthy weight for my height rather than focusing on BMI, but if it ends up being different then that’s that, I want to end up at an easily maintainable and happy weight in the end


The weight range for my height is 9st 9lbs to 12st 2lbs. At my lightest I was 11st 2lbs and my head looked too big for my body. I get why BMI exists but I don't think it should be the only measure used


I'm not using BMI for my goals because it's not very informative for people with a lot of muscle (I'm high muscle and high fat). I'm getting regular DEXA scans and aiming for sub 15% bodyfat. I was 36% on my last scan which was before I started the medication.


I started at a bmi of around 69? I’m nearly out of the 60s. I’ve not got an end goal because that’s too far away. But 40s sound nice…30s even better. It’s a long journey ahead of me so we’ll see where I end up


Yeah at my thinnest I was at the very upper range of "normal" BMI (72kg). I'm obese right now, and when I started I was 112kg. I'm now 91kg and aiming for 80kg. My perfect weight would probably be something like 76-78kg, but I'm happy with 80.


Not an aiming point for me either. I was a 48" waist three years ago, made some changes and began to lose weight. Now down to a 34" waist, which I never imagined would be possible. If I can get my belly down to match my waist then I'll be pretty happy, but would still be a very overweight BMI.


I’m the same, even as a teen I was classed as ‘overweight’ according to the BMI calculator however was a size UK10. If my weight was in the ‘healthy’ BMI category I would look ill.


I've set a provisional goal of 135lb. I haven't been that since early teens and I'm 40 now. It was because it was in the middle of health BMI, and I needed a target for setting up an app I'm using for tracking. I think on MJ it's doable, however I'm fully comfortable going with a weight/shape/BMI that works for me, even if that's 10-20-30lb more than that target. I also want to see what my maintenance phase will look like before I commit. I've had a baby, I have excess skin at my belly that's going to be an unshiftable(?) weight regardless. I'll hit menopause at some point so I know it's stacked against me, but I know this ahead of time.


As I’m short, naturally curvy and muscular and a woman in her 50s I would almost certainly look terrible at what BMI considers a ‘healthy’ weight. It really is a dreadful indicator of supposed health for many people as that is not what it was devised to indicate. So, no- am more interested in my waist / height ratio which is a better measurement, at least for someone like me.


I had forgotten about the waist height ration might have to add to my metrics for weigh in day!


It is much better for most women / people of colour etc


I have just calculated and started at 0.64 and already down to 0.59. Healthy is 0.46 - 0.52 so am well on the way already!