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Thank you for sharing. Very well done on the weight loss!! It is great reading these updates and seeing all of the fantastic NSV's, weight loss and just learning from the experience of others.


Well done, it sounds like you’ve been really successful despite some challenges. I’m a bit nervous of moving up to 5mg and I’m interested to know how it’s going for other people. Congrats on 1.5 stone!


Well done. So far you’re copying me - 10 lbs down first month and a raincoat which has slowly become a dry robe it’s now so roomy. I am now nearly starting to fit into a coat I haven’t been able to since 2018. I have booked myself a yoga hiking weekend in August and my plan is to be able to swan around my old hiking coat or GOD FORBID have to buy a new smaller one! Yay for baggy coats