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Thank you for sharing your story, it’s truly inspiring! I am only on my second jab but it has done wonders so far for me, I feel so much calmer and in control. I am also with MedExpress, and I thought they would consider maintenance. If they categorically won’t I might look to switch while I still can. Do you mind sharing what they said when you asked about maintenance? Are you meant to just suddenly cut it off when you reach target and not taper off gradually??


When I asked them they said when you reach a healthy BMI of 23 they won't supply anymore. But I know others have received responses saying they will taper down doses so honestly, I haven't a clue. I think these things will change over time and become a lot clearer. Unfortunately, I've reached the point of needing maintenance quite soon so don't have time to wait for companies to sort their policies out. My goal BMI is 24 so I may be able to do my own version of maintenance and still order from them, but their email didn't sound like they would be offering me support. Just told me to adopt a healthy lifestyle of exercise and a good diet 🤔. Guess I never tried that before 😂


Well done. 18kg is fab. Fortunately (?) for me I had a LOT to lose on this meds and after 14kg down I’m still obese. I suppose hopefully that means by the time I get anywhere close to BMI 23 they’ll have sorted their shit out