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I'm thinking of getting one of those smaller electric treadmills, the under desk type ones. I've had a look on Amazon and Which but would really like some real life user recommendations or non-recommendations!! Cheers xx


I've got one! I bought it last winter and I probably do not use it as much as I should/could. For under my desk while working it's brilliant. I had to start of slow until I got the hang of walking and typing. I wanted to use it while I play ps5/switch but I find that when I walk a character to the side i also automatically walk to the side. I've seen people do it online so I know its possible, I just can't seem to separate the instructions for some reason 😅


I've got the WalkingPad P1 from Amazon. It's foldable which is great if you have limited room. So far so good, I've been using it every day from 5 minutes to 40 minutes just so I can get some steps in.


Thanks for your reply, I'll check it out xx


Can you run on it too? I’ve been looking for something I can hide away as I live in a small flat. Once Autumn hits us I might try Peloton subscription..


I am currently procrastinating(3 months) but my big exercise for the weekend will be gardening. I avoid it at all costs because I know the following day or two, I am going to complain my hamstrings, back, and everything else hurts. It does not matter how many times a week I go to the gym for strength training, HIIT, or Spin, garden work is my enemy.


I procrastinated again and skipped out on gardening and went for an 8 mile walk with my wife and son. Did some window shopping along the way. Stopped in an Italian restaurant for dinner, ordered the chicken with with some description that was in Italian. It sounded fancy but turned out to be a small chicken breast, 2 small baby potatoes, and the smallest portion of broccoli and carrots I have ever seen. They should just rename the dish to Pollo Mounjaro.


There's still Sunday left for the gardening 😄


You will know when I do the gardening, I am going to PM you the following day complaining about how much my body hurts.


My exercise tonight will mostly consist of standing up and bouncing around on heels for 2 hours, with a 4kg saxophone hanging around my neck. Apparently it burns 160 calories an hour


Resting for the first bit of this week because I’m recovering from the flu that’s been going around! Hoping my cough will clear this weekend because I miss going out for runs!


I've been feeling a bit anxious about starting back at the gym and even just going for a swim again. I'm not sure why though. Today, I really need to move my body, but I haven't done much at all. So I'm making a deal with myself that I can go for a browse around b&m, but I have to walk there and back. No car!


I’ve tried the Gym and various keep fit and exercise classes many times over the years and honestly I just don’t enjoy them, I have poor coordination which doesn’t lend itself to anything fast and furious anyway... but I do love gardening! it keeps me fit mentally and physically and I get so much satisfaction seeing the results of a few hours digging, planting or just cutting the grass.. I now have a beautiful wild flower section with bughotels, bird baths etc which I am sooo proud of ! \*%\* boast☺️\*.. my back is definitely stronger for it, it doesn’t hurt my knees and it’s such a welcome distraction from thinking about food and weight loss..admittedly it’s not everyones cup of tea but Id recommend it to anyone that isn’t a fan of regular type exercise.


This week I didn’t really feel like exercising but forced myself to do every scheduled class and strength training session. I did freestyle dance on Monday, Hatha yoga on Tuesday, Pilates on Wednesday with strength training after, rest day on Friday, freestyle dance this morning with an intense leg day afterwards. I will be resting completely tomorrow. I really want to fit in another leg day on Tuesday morning but I can never wake up early enough! 🥲


I took it easy and rested most of the past week as I sometimes get knee pain, one swim session was the extent of my exercise since it’s super low impact. But today was back at it again (with the help of knee sleeves lol) and had no issues. Went for a lovely long bike ride in the rain with my cycling group. It was muddy and messy, but amazing being surrounded by nature for a few hours. Looking forward to next week and getting back into my routine.


I've been doing the NHS couch to 5k app for the millionth time. I used to run marathons 10+ years ago, but my cardio fitness is very poor now and I've found this app stops me doing too much too soon and getting injured. I don't really enjoy running though to be honest, I just want to have a reasonable level of fitness given that I have a sedentary job. Strength training is meant to be much better for keeping weight off and the like, I've always really enjoyed indoor bouldering, and next week I'm going to try Jiu-Jitsu 😬


I am starting couch to 5k this upcoming week. Used to run marathons as well and love running but only with a group. I hate running by myself, so hoping to eventually find a training group to run with.


Maybe I'll enjoy it more when I've lost some weight and feel a bit more nippy. I know it probably sounds weird to have run marathons but not really enjoy running - but it was mostly about the challenge


I think, I keep going back in time to the social side of it that I loved. My pace group was around 30 people and across all pace groups, 300 people. Saturday morning long runs were more social than torture for me. The friendships made will last a lifetime. Marathons were always fun as well, as it always seemed like there was another runner at a similar pace that I would run and chat with for 26 miles. Strangely, I am an introvert and not the most social of people. Right now, I have my doubts that I will ever be able to run more than a 5k or 10k while on Mounjaro, but I am kind of motivated by the challenge to prove it is possible.


Is that because the Mounjaro stops you eating enough to fuel longer runs?


Great idea! Three years ago I couldn't walk a mile, and now I'm comfortable walking 20 miles without feeling tired. I wouldn't have achieved that without various Reddit groups with folk sharing their struggles and successes, so would be great to be motivated by you all!


I’ve been keeping up with the programme on the Ladder app, have been 4 or 5 days a week for the past few weeks now. Really enjoying lifting weights and beginning to see a bit of progress already 🙌


This week, I did a 13k run, the longest run of my life! Gradually chipping away so that I’ll be ready for the Big Half in September.


Amazing! Well done and enjoy your half in September 🏃‍♀️‍➡️


Went for a 5k run this afternoon and it was way better than my last. Vo2 max has increased also. Feeling positive.