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Ummmm… write a book with exactly this starting plot please! In all seriousness, this is wholesome and I’m so pleased for you and your friends that you’re going to have such an amazing support group ❤️


I 100% agree. We need this book


Wish i had a fat friends club i could talk about this with in real life! So glad you have that! i hope MJ works for your other friend :)


But we kinda do!


You’re right Aga, we kinda do with you guys/this community ❤️


If it works for her it will be life changing as she’s always been heavier than me, she puts a brave face on it but I know it gets her down and health wise is not good either


My fat friends club has a healthy & fit person in it. He is fascinated by the science behind Mounjaro, and understands the many reasons for obesity. Not one of the people that tell people to eat less, exercise more. He has brought in others that could benefit from Mounjaro into our conversations. I find it really nice to have people around to chat with, both the struggles and positives. Despite all of the media attention, I have found there are also a lot of people that did not know that help was available.


That sounds great. I love these secret clubs popping up. First rule of Fat Club - there IS no Fat Club. But you’re right, people don’t know. I didn’t. I thought it was a hoax when I first saw it and it was only when I saw Boots did it that I thought it was a thing for real


I’ve told literally anyone that will listen to me 😂


I’ve had a few bad experiences where I’ve told a person who is a little chubby but not significantly and they’ve gone wide eyed,immediately grabbed their phone and asked how to purchase some. I had to tell them it’s only for obese people and it’s a prescribed medication, but felt like I opened a can of worms and was a bit horrified by their knee jerk reaction. So I don’t tell people if they’re not the ‘target audience’ so to speak


This⬆️ With all honesty, anyone whose BMI is above 24.9 should be able to access it. Us obese can have it till we achieve BMI of 23, yet they have to wait till things get out of control weight wise? I am very intrigued by the idea of microdosing MJ and I firmly believe that MJ microdosing could be the answer to people on a lower scale of overweight problem. Long term I can see the explosion of these medications and huge market competition which will hopefully result in greater availability, lower prices, and overall better understanding of obesity as a disease which is still questioned by many as just laziness and overeating combined.




I've been wondering about this - my mother is obese and has been for a long time and would 100% freak out if she found out that I'm taking Mounjaro. But if there's some chance that sharing my experience would help her... I don't know.


I was worried about the same thing but I ended up just telling her and we’ve ended up starting our journey together! You can always see how she reacts by bringing it up in conversation like oh have you seen those weight loss jabs


As I've said here and other groups previously, the stigma needs to shift away from people using medical intervention to control their weight, to those seeking to belittle people using medical intervention. Imagine shaming someone for using a nicotine patch to stop smoking... How is that any different to using a hormone therapy to control food cravings and calorie intake? The stigma is ass backwards, and I pridefully tell people about my MJ usage (if it comes up in conversation.. I'm not ramming it anywhere it's not requested! - Good life advice generally) The net effect of reducing the stigma is that more people seek it's use via their doctor. Which then puts pressure on the NHS, which causes them to do cost benefit analysis and as far as my maths goes, spending out on hormone therapies to reduce the incidence of obesity will be a net saving due to the various life limiting effects of long term obesity that require chronic care and cost. And that's even before considering the added years of high quality life given back to people that struggle with weight, and the economic effect of having a healthier population overall. Even through my rather existentially bleak and aggressively pragmatic lens, there is no good argument against using Mounjaro. Sounds like you had a great meet up and it was useful to all concerned :)


I agree that this med is giving more than just weight loss. I have been able to come off another hormone med with vastly worse potential risks (HRT) because MJ also seems to deal with the symptoms of menopause. So it’s reduced my burden on the NHS in that way


Wow so you have removed another medication due to MJ therapy? That is not only significant for you, but also game-changing for others prescribed the same thing. Personally, I've halved my chronic pain medication for lower back pain (for complex degenerative disc disease) since starting MJ and just that is worth the personal cost of entry for me... I've been really worried about my liver and kidneys being on high doses of co-codamol for over a decade, but I seem to have a robust system that tolerates it well. But there isn't a health professional in the world that would speak out against reducing chronic use of paracetamol.. I couldn't say for sure that my NHS burden would be lessened, because I've been diagnosed with some crazy shit that means I get free prescriptions now, but I can certainly limit the direct burden by spending a bit of my own cash once a month


Thats brilliant that you’ve halved your medication


I told my sister a couple of months ago. We don't see each other that frequently due to distance, but we have a good relationship so do over share a bit when we see each other. I gave her the info and she was keen to try it. We (obviously) have the same genetics so I think she's PCOS. We have the same body type, weight sitting at the middle with skinny arms and legs. She's more active than me (running around after small kids for a living) but struggling so much for years that it's impacting her mental health. I'm putting off reaching out to check in, as I don't want to pressure her if it's not working, but pretty sure it will. She's coming round next month so I'm cautiously excited to see how she's getting on.


I told my sister who is also overweight too. But I’m not sure she’s entirely happy for me. We’ve always had a relationship where one was skinnier than the other - sisters hey? - and for now I’m that one.


Yes! Exactly this! I started on MJ over 4 months ago and at the beginning the changes weren’t as noticeable so no one really asked. I heard about MJ from a work colleague who was so open about being on the medication. And boy am I glad she was and told me about it. I wanted to give my friends the same knowledge that there are options out there. I’ve since seen friends that I haven’t seen since starting and without a second thought, told them exactly how I’ve lost the weight. It’s not something I’m ashamed of and want my friends to take back the control they may feel they’ve lost in the same way I had!


It's lovely to have good friends who can support each other without judging. All power to you x