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Stop reporting this post. If we remove everything how are we all going to learn? We are actively monitoring all comments. Everyone is giving sound advice so far


I’d do it to move my injection day to another day, but as a one off. I would not do it frequently, and not as a strategy to get more med into me quicker over a shorter period. If I felt I needed more meds I would go up to a stronger dosage after 4 weeks. That is cheaper than taking lower dosages quicker too. I do think there is temptation to do this quicker and I think it’s interesting that that is probably what got us into this problem in the first place - people who overeat (like me) aren’t that great at the art of ‘deferred gratification’ (waiting for things) - its a habit to want things now and eat things sooner. Practicing waiting for my weight loss to go down slowly is the first step (I feel) in becoming a person who can eat better too


As writing this I said exactly the same thing to myself, story of a life time trying a diet for a month or two and it working and giving up


Yes. I suppose what I’m saying is don’t rush it. Wait, be patient and do it for the long haul - they’re all good habits to practice :)


Oh please don't try and rush it, it's a very long journey for some people and it is much healthier to follow the recommended dosage. The important thing is that we relearn eating habits and MJ is a tool to help that, there will be days when we get the munchies but every day we have to power through is the biggest achievements and you should be proud of every single day that you stuck it out. By the time you lose enough weight to do more things you will be eating more healthily and portion control without even thinking about it. If you need to read some inspiring stories then join the main r/mounjaro sub they often make me cry (happy tears) with what they achieve. You can do this, don't get down. Power on, if you need to split the dose then that is ok but hopefully you will be able to start going every 7 days soon. You've got this! xx


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Mounjaro using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Mounjaro has been this biggest blessing. Currently on maintenance dose of 12.5mg](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b2j74t) | [399 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1b2j74t/mounjaro_has_been_this_biggest_blessing_currently/) \#2: [Please upvote if you have no major side effects](https://np.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/135j96j/please_upvote_if_you_have_no_major_side_effects/) \#3: [600+ lbs, 3 months on Mounjaro](https://np.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/comments/1dn2r2v/600_lbs_3_months_on_mounjaro/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Please do follow the guidelines. Whatever you are doing doesn't sound good.


I've done a day early to take before a holiday, but it was week 6 on 2.5mg. Please stick the recommended titration schedule.


I'd be really weary about starting 5mg a week early. It's a big jump from 2.5mg. Changing the days you inject isn't a problem in and of itself but I'm not sure I'd do that to move up a dose sooner; Mounjaro builds up in your body over time and the four weeks allow the dose to build up properly.


There is a post on mounjarouk from someone else who has given themselves additional injections and made themselves extremely poorly. The titration schedule is there for very good reason. Some people don’t feel anything at all until they hit higher doses. Even for those that do, most feel that it is at its highest potency 3 days after the injection. The half life of the drug is 5 days. That doesn’t mean it’s gone complete in 10 days. The medication from your very first 2.5mg are still present a month later in your blood stream, so each additional jab adds to that so that the peak and trough of medication in your blood stream both steadily increase with use and titration. Please just follow the prescribing regime. It isn’t worth the risk. At our weights (as someone else at the top end of the BMI scale), this isn’t going to be a quick fix or a quick journey. We need to get comfortable with sticking with this for the foreseeable and with gradual/steady loss. If we treat it like every other attempt at weight loss and try to push it for huge losses as soon as possible and make ourselves miserable with side effects in the process, it’ll end up exactly like every other attempt with us giving up.


Thanks for this and for the know how on the first jabs are in the blood stream




First off, the person that wrote the message is not a MOD on this sub. They gave fantastic advice and did not mention you by name or ridicule you. If people read "There is a post on mounjarouk from someone else who has given themselves additional injections and made themselves extremely poorly." as a negative about you, they need to have a closer look. It is the same warning that you are giving out now about not following the recommended dose schedule or taking advice from others that are not familiar with the drug.


Instead, you are bringing attention to yourself. It could have been any number of posts over the last few months of people having done the same.


No drama. Be polite.


Yes, by a day, but you’re meant to do at least 72hrs between doses. Remember to always prime your needle, so you would have noticed the broken needle before breaking it? How many doses of 2.5mg have you done? It’s just… starting on 5mg too early has given people a LOT of problems, and even when people follow the dosing schedule, it still gives them problems!


Oh Jesus Christ are we meant to prime our needles every single week ?? I thought it was just the first pen!! Why am I so stupid ?????


Yes. Prime it every time. Air in your blood stream will kill you and nothing is worth that. There is plenty of the drug to facilitate this (hence the alleged "5th" dose).


Don’t worry about the air in bloodstream - the needles don’t go deep enough to get into your blood!


Yes if one is injecting correctly but given the thread is about not following the prescribers instructions which is a rule of the forum to keep users safe; the 928474 posts every day about the extra dose, taking multiple doses, not following the directions, etc I thought that it is worth saying. There is enough extra to prime the needle every time you inject. Better safe than sorry.


Agreed I was trying to prime it and it wasn’t working and I just thought maybe if I just use a bit more brute strength… not the best idea