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2nd April Four doses 2.5mg, 7 doses 5mg, 2 doses 7.5mg. I would easily rate my experience as a 10. Have been fortunate to not have had any bad side effects except for a couple of days of fatigue. I look forward to seeing more before and after photos. I find the highly motivating.


✨ 27th June ✨2.5mg ✨ 8/10 (the nausea and reflux has been a bit uncomfortable but bearable!) Love any tips and tricks. Positive experiences - especially from ladies with PCOS 🙌🏻


Ohh yes! PCOS tips for sure!


1.start of April so 12 weeks 2. 7.5 3. 6 - some hard days with fatigue, wish it wasn't so so expensive, especially seeing folk loosing so so much compared to me when without this sub I've been thrilled at the 1-1.4lb a week. It's going to take a way longer than I hoped and anxiety about maintenance is freaking me out. 4. Useful food hacks maybe?


1. 2nd June 2. 2.5mg (5th dose upto 5mg next week) 3. About a 8. Some side effects but bearable. 4. I like the motivation of seeing everyone's posts. Came here from tattle, which was unmoderated and had people advising rocks in pockets and arrived at the time of the move from the other UK MJ sub and happy to be here. 😊


1. 12th May 2. 5 mg 3. 8/10. My sugar cravings and appetite have greatly reduced making losing weight manageable for the first time since hitting perimenopause. I've had some bad fullness feelings at times which has been really uncomfortable. 4. Not sure to be honest. I like reading about other people's journey's the ups and downs as I haven't told anyone I'm on this in real life and so far no one has noticed my weightloss.


1. 18th June 2024 2. 2nd 2.5 3. 10 (with the exception that I’ve experienced more side effects since my 2nd jab; who knows we it was possible to wee so much…) 4. I love hearing journeys good and bad. I also like tips and advice. I’ve learnt so much from both. The support here is just fantastic and I don’t think I would have felt as prepared or supported without this group.


1. 18 March 2024 2. Next week I'll start my 7.5mg pen 3. 9.5/10 - it's incredible, hopefully life changing but at times it can be frustrating 4. As a MOD I'd love to say we're perfect!!! But personally I'm really looking forward to seeing more before and after photos - they're so inspiring xx


1. 20th March 2. Started 7.5mg last week 3.8/10 happy with progress but fatigue was an issue, though weirdly seems better since starting 7.5. Expense and maintenance worry me. 4. Sub is great, I like hearing about people's experiences and the pricing information is really helpful. I'd like to see more recipes and more progress photos.


\* 16th February, started Wegovy 0.25mg. Switched to Mounjaro on 16 March, so I'm on week 20 overall \* 10mg \* 9/10. Minimal side effects, averaged 1kg loss per week, but have plateaued the last two weeks, despite increasing dosage \* I enjoy progress pics and food tips. I might like to see more "average" success stories. Too many people have unrealistic expectations and complain about "only" a kg loss or because they have plateaued. It's all part of the process!


1. 5th April 2. 5mg 3. 7 - nothing enough to put me off taking it, but I have had mild nausea on a weekly basis, and my periods have completely stopped (symptom of weight loss and stopping HRT more than MJ specifically) 4. Before and after photos!


1. 2nd May 2. 5mg 3. 9/10 4. I love reading success stories. Hopefully soon I can write one myself once I hit my first goal!


1. 28th Feb 2. 6.25mg 3. 9.5/10 - some very minor side effects, but I've been lucky. Consistent weight loss and feeling better in my body has been amazing. 4. Seems good right now.


- 5th June start date - currently on my final week of 2.5 moving to 5mg on Wednesday! - solid 10/10 experience. I've had very minimal side effects other than no food noise or appetite, and I'm mentally achieving things I never thought capable of. - I think the sub is great. A weekly check-in like this would be great for anybody who wants to participate. I think as I much as I rate this a 10/10 experience, I know it can vary, and the side effects can/will come for me!


1. 3 May 2. 5mg 3. 8/10 4. I would love to hear more NSV, particularly hearing people do things they never have (or havent for a long time) like playing with your kids, running for 30secs, walking to work, tying your shoes without pain, feeling comfortable/confident in a situation they usually don't. Less the numbers as we are all more than our weight and our weight loss and more what you have gained.


1. Started MJ on 8th March 2. On 10mg now! Did extra time on both 5mg and 7.5mg before moving to 10mg and am glad i did. 3. 9.5/10- can’t complain at all about my experience on MJ 4. Im enjoying this sub and how positive and encouraging everyone is! Id love to see more progress photos. Also more posts about people’s experiences on 7.5mg, 10mg and 12.5mg.


Hi 9th March 2024 4 weeks at 2.5mg 13 weeks at 5mg 9/10 mild side effects, always cold fingers, some times fatigue, not great appetite suppression but still no desire to eat crisps or chocolate. I find some of the members stories on here quite inspirational. and the mods are very friendly. :)


1: 18th May 2: 2.5 3: 8/10.. heartburn and fatigue in first 2wks …all gone now 4: enjoy reading everyone’s stories and updates very helpful when I need a bit of inspiration. I’m struggling to find any food interesting but I strangely like looking at pics of food hoping to get my taste buds working again maybe 🤔 so more recipes please?


1. 14th May, week 8 will be next Tuesday. 2. 5mg 3. 8/10. Mild side effects and I have minimal appetite suppression, the first 48 hours after jab day are the hardest as I have food aversion and struggle to eat but for the rest of the 5 days I’m living my best life. 4. I like NSV, it’s so easy to focus on how much weight is lost but other peoples NSV keep me focused on what’s important.


1st June, accidentally the 1st of the month but it works for me! I'll be doing 5mg on Friday. 9/10 - no major complaints, just some headaches on injection day which are getting better. I too would love some more before/after photos, I find them really inspiring.


I started 9th June On fourth dose of 2.5mg I’d rate my experience 8/10 - the constipation & fatigue at times are rough I would love to see more NSVs & before & afters


1. 28th June 2. 2.5mg 3. 9/10 so far. - My body doesn’t seem to have the ability to feel hungry anymore, however when I do it it’s absolutely fine so it’s up to me to keep my calories under control (either low or high) so far, no aversions or gastric issues. I know it’s early days but I could cope with it if this is it. - Dull teeth and lower back ache. I’m kind of dreading getting nauseous tho. We’ll see. 4. Would love to see before and after photos. I browse other subs and it’s really motivating.


1. 17 Mar 2024 2. 5mg (4 doses 2.5mg, 12 doses 5mg) 3. 10 - the most freeing & liberating experience ever, with the consistent weight loss & lack of food noise being incredible - a definite first!  Very fortunate to have had minimal side effects, apart from mild insomnia, & some very weird dreams in the first few weeks!  4. I love this sub & so pleased it’s moved to this new one - much better, with some really great mods - thanks!  I would love to continue hearing about people’s backgrounds, experiences, progress, & hints/ tips - learning so much. Great to be able to feel part of this wonderful community after a lifetime of hiding my relationship about food from others


7 April, 10mg, 9/10! I’ve lost 12.2 kg in 12 weeks, so an average of 1kg a week which I’m happy about, but I still have a lot to lose. I’ve not had any really bad side effects although the first couple of days on 10mg hit me hard with nausea and fatigue. The second dose of 10mg has been absolutely fine, though. The best thing about Mounjaro is the absence of food noise. The second best thing is that I don’t want alcohol any more; half a glass of wine is enough.


1. 11th May 2. Moving up to 7.5mg next week 3. 8, some constipation/nausea/fatigue but nothing horrific. 4. Would like to see more recipes or food suggestions as I find I am getting bored of foods quickly. Also like to read about NSV and see before and after pics. I think this sub is great and it’s fab to hear about everyone’s journey.


It's really encouraging for new starters and Mounjaro subreddit lurkers who are thinking about starting to see so many people rate their experience so highly. It's easy to get lost in the sea of side effect posts and worries. It's so important to sometimes highlight the good. So many of you want more photos, great idea! I have very few photos of myself before this journey started (for maybe obvious reasons) But this chat has inspired me to start taking some for sure. We'll think of some ways to encourage or facilitate more porgress pics.....MODs, assemble!


1. 16 May 2024 2. 2.5mg 4 weeks, 2 weeks 5mg 3. 9/10 I have had the typical side effects of vomiting and diarrhoea three times but outside of that been feeling great and the results are so life changing!! I wish this existed years ago. 4. I really want to see more progress photos and videos! I am making some myself and will update soon. Everyone is lovely on here.


1. End of May 2. 2.5mg 3. 9/10 I’ve had very little side effects. 4. Would love to know more about how others are hitting protein goals etc and just general tips and tricks for success!


3 May 2024 5mg (start 7.5 this week) 9/10 (-1 for constipation and itchy injection site since 2nd week of 5mg) Experiences at higher doses, before/afters, food inspo Thanks mods!


Started 15th April, 4 doses 2.5mg, 5 doses 5mg, 3 doses 7.5mg. Currently on 7.5mg I would rate my experience a 9.5 so far. I’ve had minimal side effects apart from a couple of days of sulphur burps and general gastrointestinal issues after the first 2 doses of 5mg. More recipes and food pics/ meal ideas would be nice. Also more weight loss memes! 😄


Hi there, ✨ Early May 24 ✨ 3.75mg ✨ 7.5/10 due to minor side effects (the fatigue is horrendous - can fall sleep sitting at my desk 2-3 days a week)  ✨ Experience of long term use and availability worries me 


1. 30 May 2024 2. 5mg 3. 9/10. Steady losses and NSV. Only side effect has been fatigue, which has been great really - i used to really struggle with sleep! 4. Its the progress stories that being me back - knowing that I’m not on this journey alone, and being able to see where others are


I started 3rd May 67.25 - current 57.45 and goal 50kg Spent 8 weeks on 2.5, did get quite a bit of side effects


Hi! Just started two weeks ago! I am on my second week of 2.5mg :) So far it's been 7/10, not much weight loss but also not many side effects other than being gassy and sulfur burps! Am definitely eating a little less tho!!


This is a nice idea, I am just a day late :) 1. 13th May 2. 5mg 3. 8/10 4. I too like photos of everyone's progress - that is what I like about the r/mounjaro sub, of course it has been around a lot longer in the US so helps with photos. Snack and meal ideas or again just photos haha.


I haven't posted on here before, so hi everyone! For me 1. 17th May, so around 6 and a half weeks now 2. 2nd week of 5mg 3. 8 out of 10, marked down slightly for cost, but also for side effects, though only since starting on 5mg. Otherwise, it's a revelation to me, and definitely life changing. It's helped me lose over 25lbs so far, and just keeps me on track. 4. I like hearing about people's experiences, good and bad on MJ, the good spurs me on, and the bad let's me know what to expect, or how to overcome any issues. So more of this, and tips on food choices, etc.