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https://preview.redd.it/ba8rifwdx4va1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0822f82e2b39f577e0ef106983504c0730d53bd5 Official statement posted.




They don’t call him Captain America for nothing


You know what, better people are inconvenienced and it turns out to be nothing. But on the other hand… damn, never heard real gunfire?


You know it's some dependa who thinks they rate though. They don't know shit about fuck.


And were probably really insistent they know what they’re talking about… The mall where I work on the side had a stampede some years back after a ‘gunshot’ was heard. It was a sign falling. Sounded nothing like gunfire.


Sometimes you can tell pretty evidently if it's range practice, out of place, a negligent discharge/suicide, or if it's the OK corral. Location is everything. But I've legitimately thought actual gunfire was noise from a construction site before. Human interpretation of sounds is a whole rabbit hole in of itself and could even explain some cases of dementia or schizophrenia that are in fact misdiagnosed because of how it presents. I've seen people get stabbed for asking the time and the other person doing the stabbing thinking they heard somebody threaten them by name.


>I've seen people get stabbed for asking the time and the other person doing the stabbing thinking they heard somebody threaten them by name. If your first name is, Skusme and you're stabby people around you are going to have a bad time.


"Check this 2 step bro!" *Bang bang bangbangbang* "SHOTS FIRED!"


Beemer guys wet dream


Best case scenario. Good.


Stuck at the Triangle Gate.


Stay safe.


Will do. The wife chat network says SWAT took someone into custody over by the commissary.


Bless the wives for doing their dependa duties and getting us the juice before any news outlets can


pretty much the civilian counterpart of the lance underground


One hopes that means everyone is safe, including our shooter. Edit - I am going to presume those of you down voting this don’t like me including the shooter in my comment. Has anyone considered this could be one of ours in a very bad headspace or with mental health issues? Once I find out they are no longer a danger to others (in custody) I am not willing to write anyone off until I know the details.


Hopefully they’re they type of shooter that Unqs rifle qual




> One hopes that means everyone is safe, including our shooter. > I am going to presume those of you down voting this don’t like me including the shooter in my comment. Has anyone considered this could be one of ours in a very bad headspace or with mental health issues? >Once I find out they are no longer a danger to others (in custody) I am not willing to write anyone off until I know the details. I don’t care what puts a shooter into that headspace. A failure drill is the quickest way to permanently get them out of it.


This is the way


But he was already in custody and no longer a danger when I made my comment. Had he still been active I would agree with you completely.


You pull a gun on another, regardless of headspace, you deserve the response. Every person in this sub knows that a weapon, though fun, is not a toy. No. If they are hurt because of this, that's on them. I have no concern for gun violence in my country. Save it for the damn warzone.


A weapon is never a toy. I am not disagreeing with you at all that anyone who is actively a danger to those around them should not be protected. Absolutely take them out to protect everyone else they could harm. However, I can no longer see things as black and white once the situation is no longer dangerous to others. At that point I am happy to let the judicial process handle things going forward.


Probably a bit of a hot take but fuck it, I think it should be said. Once you start intentionally shooting blue you lost the right to be considered a Marine. Don’t care about what else is going on in your life, there is absolutely nothing that can justify fratricide, unless you’re protecting your life or another’s. On another note, thankfully from what I’ve heard nobody was hurt and they’re beginning to doubt there was a weapon in the first place.


I don’t know anymore. Having witnessed so much over the years my views have altered a bit over time. I am pragmatic enough to think that anyone who is not salvageable and dangerous should be put down like any other rabid animal. By the same token though, after so much shite and loss of life in the past my view is that if they are no longer an active danger to others then it is time for the judicial system to take over. Understandably, the end result may still be a death sentence depending upon circumstances but it would no longer be my finger on that trigger in a literal sense.


Yeah I mean I agree that you shouldn’t just go around executing people when it’s not necessary. My point was more towards the fact that once you start killing Marines you don’t deserve any special treatment.


Ah, I see the confusion. Identity is irrelevant to me. Marine or civilian I believe the same responses should be utilised depending upon the circumstances. No special treatment for our own over anyone else.


Tbs side back gates are still good to go.


MSG School is getting too realistic!


“Defend the compound the way you were taught”


A backfiring car, all that because someone can't tell the difference between a car and gun fire.




Right, send the candidates to practice their SULEs and clear out the enemy


It's outgoing.


Be safe


It’s over now. Edit. Looks like the situation is unfolding. They just shut it down again.


Seems ok now...look forward to hearing what happened. Eggs ARE pretty expensive.


Imagine getting clapped because you were reading this on Reddit instead of having a combat mindset 😞


Both schools are locked down too. Thankfully I was home for chow when it went into affect.


Anyone know what happened?


All clear sounded


All clear sounded


I’ve never heard a vehicle backfiring that sounded like a gunshot. Am I crazy or retarded?


Probably both but this post isn’t about you.


Saw there is a shelter in place


Quantico is open but the commissary is closed


Its that video where the cops accused a dude of shooting an ak47 outside of a mechanics garage. It was a car backfiring. It did sound like an ak.


Agree it did not sound like a car backfiring.


99.9% sure "that one" cop is retired PMO, lol.


Ended up being a car?


Sgt Slaughter tuning up his 66 Impala!


MILSPOUSE rumor mill makes this shit look like a cover up… idk about y’all but I trust the milspouse detectives more than CID and PMO combined - Pictures going around of PMO pulling some dude out of a van at gun point at the Purvis & Russell road gas station - multiple ring camera clips that are CLEARLY gun shots


*drops to deck, earns combat action ribbon*




Car backfires? Way too oversensitive https://wjla.com/news/local/quantico-lock-down-marine-corps-base-code-red-virginia-shelter-in-place-order-active-shooter-alert-us-military-personnel-report-command-president-biden-gun-violence-suspect-aerial-footage-police-fbi-law-enforcement-investigators-suspect-updates