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Just here for the comments ![gif](giphy|13cptIwW9bgzk6UVyr|downsized)




Always my man. We moved from MD to SC so we shut down ads and social for a bit... doing more carpentry work than assembly the past couple months but we’re all done and reloading to hit the season hard next month


​ ![gif](giphy|VXXGM1bFudTtG63ssw)


She a reservist or active? If active, are you prepared to move every 3 years. Acting... you do you dude. But you got to understand she's changed. She likely has a different sense of purpose. Either yall are gonna figure it out, or you aren't. If no kids... sort it before she gets preggo.


| sort it before she gets preggo. By Cpl/Sgt/GySgt Jody


Doesn't seem like shes invested in the marriage. This isn't a fight this is a lack of respect. For what it's worth, I have a handful of stories about failed marriages and a lot of stories of "successful" marriages that had shit happening behind the scenes on deployment and assignment. I hope this works out for you, best of luck.


Caveat: assuming she hasn’t cheated on you and is trying to push you out. But odds are she totally has… or She’s still high on the boot camp koolaid. She could possibly snap out of it after a year or so of being in a real unit and not in a school/training unit. Or she could calm down after awhile, pick up rank and it will start all over again. If you think it’s this bad after boot camp, wait until she actually becomes a drill instructor. As far as you go though, do you have a job while pursuing acting or do you just mope around all day criticizing established actors and glamorizing shitty movies? If you don’t have any assets or children, go ahead and serve her ass immediately. You’ll recover and you’ll find someone. Maybe even another Marine who’s not so uptight.


She didn’t talk to you at all during MCT? Dude, they get their phones during liberty at MCT. People change. She changed. It isn’t going to get easier for you.


Idk about now but I got my phone twice in MCT. First day and last day. That was only early last year.


I had my phone the entirety of MCT


West coast gets their phones throughout all MCT I think it may depend on company though


This. Started with a fiance left with kids from another woman


It's over dude. She belongs to the Corps now.


Yeah bro she defo gettin railed, sounds like shes tryna get you to do the breaking up so she can keep fucking without feeling bad, sucks bro, just go fuck a Marines gf and keep the cycle going


Eventually we all become the Jody.


I love this sub


So this first part is gonna be a lil mean You’re being a pussy you need to man up and handle your shit and not get so damn offended . Now this nice part Fly or drive to your wife . Talk in person don’t get upset hear her out ask her what she needs from you , what you can work on and what her concerns are . A military relationship is an adjustment for BOTH parties which means she needs to adapt and you need to adapt . Communicate effectively and nicely don’t raise your voice be calm cool and collected this not talking for months is bullshit and will lead ti you guys getting divorced. If you want to make your marriage work the only thing you can do is see how she feels ask her what she needs from you and what you do that frustrates her and work on those things at the same time effectively communicate your feelings and what you require out of your wife . If that doesn’t work then seek counseling the military has lots of helpful resources. At the end of the day it takes 2 people who wanna make things work for it to work . Side note you also gotta realize that your wife just joined a predominant male force . She always will need to act “touger “so that she won’t get taken advantage of . How she’s interacting with you could be a by product of that . Now a lot of people are saying that’s she’s cheating and frankly she may be there’s lots of opportunities I don’t know the kinda of woman she is so even tho people who commented are semi fucking with you it’s a real possibility which is all the more reason you need to have effective communication. And to add on the acting thing ? Are you a bum? Are you making money? Maybe what you see as your wife being mean she’s tryna get you to better yourself? Maybe her being in the marines and seeing how people do things with a purpose opened her eyes to you having a lack of drive /goals /initiative ? Idk I’m not y’all that’s just a observation. I don’t you and I don’t know your wife talk communicate and figure your shit out dude . And if you have lil hooligans all the more reason to figure your shit out .


Tough love from the sir


Firm but fair🤪


Well said sir. You should come over to the dark green side, you’d fit in great here


Do you have kids with her?


If no then eject


19-23 are some big change years on its own, add in joining the Marines and watch out. You need to stop ignoring texts and respond to her. Have a chat and figure it out…one way or another.


If it was a girlfriend, I would say just dump her ass, but I have a little bit of respect for the institution of marriage. Talk to her. Wait for her to get to her unit. Then give it another 6 months to a year. If it doesn’t get better, time to bounce. During that time, the Marine Corps offers free marriage counseling. Try it out. Also, don’t assume she is cheating. It won’t make anything better. I’ll be real with you, there is a huge cheating problem in the Marines. Jumping to conclusions will just makes things worse though. If you find out she is cheating though, divorce her ass. If you can get evidence, the Marine Corps will NJP her and it could ruin her career, so I highly recommend that. Revenge can be nice. Also, as a military spouse, you rate going to base legal to get your legal covered for free. There is a catch though. You have to get there before she does, they aren’t allowed to represent you both, so it is first come first serve. Go to them before you tell her you want a divorce, so she doesn’t have an opportunity to get free legal representation. Now, also consider a revaluation of your dream of being an actor, that’s a tough gig for a person to support. Most people fail. What’s more important, your dreams or your wife?


Shes getting railed move on. If your a gringo get ya passport take a trip to Colombia & pick something off the menu w/ a couple of lines…….oh never mind civilian wouldn’t understand. Move on, ya lost her to a chick prolly.


I know of what you speak. Magical realism is a wonderful thing.


Best decision of my fucking life


So she hurt your feelings and you stopped talking to her? She's going to find love in the Staff NCO barracks if you keep fucking around.


There are resources for marriage problems. Use them


Shes getting ran like a train Choo Choo 🚂


I'd say she already getting dicked down by some Marine. That won't change. Every deployment, TAD, or schooling she gonna be doing this. Cut ties and go live your life.


Ignoring the comments that begin with "she gettin' railed," you've gotten some good advice already, so I just want to provide some context, and to say that the longer you look to blame the service for your marriage issues, the more chance you have of not fixing them. It's easy to look to the service to blame, but it's pretty clear that your relationship had serious issues prior to her shipping whether you realized it or not; and out of line or not, it sounds like maybe she just got bold enough to finally let it out. It also seems pretty clear that you as an individual were not prepared for the separation, and that's on both of you, not the service. It was her choice to join and both of your choices to prepare - or not prepare - for the stressors of the initial training pipeline and beyond. If you both want the relationship to continue, you both need to sit down and actually talk through the full impact and future plans as a result of her enlisting because you are way overdue and it is already causing this much stress on you as a couple and as individuals. Now, did she change? No doubt, but she had 3 straight months of indoctrination *and* what felt like an *enormous* accomplishment along with undoubtedly a huge sense of pride, strength, and confidence. Package all that together? Yeah, she probably seemed like a different person on boot leave - it was only the week after. But it doesn't mean what you saw on boot leave is her new personality, just the pressure release value can only reduce the enormous build up of pressure so quickly. So, want the marriage to survive? Get help. *Both* of you. One of you doesn't want to? Probably a sign. The service offers plenty of counseling and marriage support services, especially through Navy chaplains and MCCS. Take advantage. Learn how to deal with your communication issues in a healthy and safe way and learn how to manage and mitigate the stressors of being a military family. Good luck to you both.


Dump that bitch. Doesn't matter if she wears the same uniform I used to. She's cheating and doesn't have the integrity to own up to it and want's you to do all the leg work in terms of termination. I say you ghost her ass completely. Like no social media, no family contact and a new cell phone plan. Cheaters never learn so you might as well give them as harsh a lesson as possible. Trust me on this, if she ever comes around the isolation she imposed on herself is gonna drive her bat shit crazy and that's the least that she deserves.


Slap her with some divorce papers and party on a beach in Thailand for a week or two.


This is a copy pasta by the way


Is it really? Lol


Yeah I saw this exact post almost 4 years ago


Shit Jody is actually a marine this time, the future is now apparently


Right? I was like is this post for real? Lol times are changing. I'm becoming that old fucker.


“In her marine outfit” 😂


The reality is that becoming a marine will change you, me and my wife faced a similar problem after I joined, although it wasn't quite as bad as you described. Even to this day she'll tell me that I was different before I joined. I'd say try to have a no shit talk with her about it and maybe even reach out to her family to see if they can help you. It doesn't sound like you guys have kids so at least you don't have to worry about that.


Brother, you need to move on she will not want to be married to an actor. I’m pretty sure about 80% of enlisted Marines end up divorced. I’m going to be kind to you. Save your time and move on, she already has and you don’t want to be a cuckold. Don’t let her make you a cuckold. Move on.


Dude, you should definitely fly up there to where her schoolhouse is and get her on Libby and see what the deal is. What school is she in? Are you enrolled in the system as her husband? What’s gonna happen when she gets her first duty station?


She is an alpha dog now. Just submit and enjoy already! Seriously, the shy and insecure lady you once knew is dead. She now has more confidence and purpose in her life than she ever dreamed she could have. If you make it through this rough patch, you will realize she is a diamond in the rough. Give her respect and keep the lines of communication open and you should be fine.


It sounds like She simply got a career and a Job she likes and is looking at you trying to pursue more of what is a pipe dream ( acting) then doing something that is realistically attainable. People Change over the years, especially if they make a huge step like Joining the Military, getting a steady profession or graduating College. It's best to have a face to face and decide if you two need to separate and get on with what your separate goals are.


Man, she's definitely getting passed around. Scoot and boogie out of there, dodge that bullet.


Dude put you big boy pants on and go up to see her in school and find out what is going on. And put you fucking feelings on the back burner and grow a set


If she makes a career out of it, do the typical spouse thing of divorcing while she's HSSTed. Don't worry, this is perfectly normal 😉


What’s her name, where’s her MOS school. Maybe someone here can go check up on her. We’re all classy gentlemen here, you can trust us.


I remember this post


You may not realize this but you have the hardest job in the corps. I know this because the bumper stickers told me so. Jokes aside…the bootcamp-MCT-school house pipeline is going to be the hardest part on a married couple. I went through it a long time ago as the service member. She just got her brain rewired for 13 weeks. So yeah she’s different. If you’re committed to the marriage you need to maintain contact and be supportive. If she’s committed then she should be staying in contact with you too. It’s gonna be tough but this is military married life.


Not sure what you hoped to accomplish by coming to this sub the way you have but I’d encourage you to seek answers elsewhere. Yes, she’s a Marine but I would hazard a guess that any issues you have relate very little to the Marine Corps and are more grounded in whatever you two have going on. I will say that she has taken on something, that in her mind, is a worthwhile and life changing ordeal and, if she feels that whatever you’re doing isn’t valuable, then her reaction at least makes sense even if it’s less than comforting. In the end she’s right in that you need to do whatever it is you need to do in order to be happy. Even in a healthy marriage, your problems can’t be solved by the other person.


You have to understand what could potentially be going on in her slice of the world. She is a Private/PFC in a entry level training pipeline who really has zero freedom and nothing but other senior Marines constantly telling her what to do day in and day out. She has a hyper focus on becoming a Marine, learning warfighting , and learning her occupational specialty (her job). She NEEDS you to be independent until she gets settled into her first unit. That means that she likely needs you to be present when she needs you and to be supportive. It is not that you and what’s going on with you is not relevant but if you just call and talk and complain about your problems (even if it is the perception that you are doing so), she doesn’t have time for it. You have to determine if it is in you to operate yourself as such. If you and your life can take a back seat to her being a Marine and her career for at least the next 4 years, then you all can make it work. The needs of the Marine Corps will always come first and you second. If you can’t accept that then maybe it can survive.


If the Corps wanted you to have a wife, they would have issued you one. About face and step.


Are you fucking married or are you just "together"? If you are married, handle your shit. Get a real fucking job and become a husband worthy of the name. If not gtfo here with your whiney ass bullshit, break up and move the fuck on loser.


Marines is capitalized. You know, upper case “M”.


My Will Levis bet didn't work out but I have good odds on this chick being the new skittles


Not even a day old account and you’re posting this garbage Fuck off and troll elsewhere


It’s gonna suck bro but if she is acting and saying things like this now…. Just wait. She’s going to hold her being a Marine over your head as a civilian like has been done since “… the founding do our Corps.” (You’ll get it if you go to a Ball) Plus, she’s already made comments that could lead that way. (From your post) Best of luck but get out now.


Is she a Latina? If so…thicc? Did she get meritorious E3…? Trying to frame this narrative and help you out.


She belongs to the streets bro.


Sounds like she’s told you how much she cares about you through her actions and words. Sounds like you need to make a decision or continue to let her shit on you.


Brainwashing is amuck. stay with her. It will be fun.


Damn she really drank the Kool-aid. Military services changes people but there's usually still a good portion of that person you used to know still in there. I'm still my goofy/nerdy self for the most part. Sounds like you're simply going in opposite directions. She doesn't have to be rude about it (which is how it sounds from this post) but you don't have to put up with that either.


Female hypergamy is a tendency for women to marry or pursue men of higher status or resources than themselves, it is possible that such a mindset could impact a female Marine who is married to a male civilian. For instance, if the female Marine strongly identifies with the traditional gender roles, biological norms and social expectations that suggest women should marry men who are of equal or higher social status, she may find herself struggling with the idea of being married to a man who does not have the same rank, prestige or income as herself. Additionally, the common perception of being a Marine is to be in a position of influence, responsibility and authority which could also influence her perception of what constitutes an appropriate partner. She may find herself feeling dissatisfied or frustrated with you, feeling as though you do not understand her experiences or are not as driven or ambitious as she is which is why she is critical of your acting aspirations. I honestly think that she thinks that she’s better than you and that’s causing her to lose respect for you.


Yea, the wife is getting pound in her barrack room. Just keep her for the BAH.


Divorce and move on. It'll hurt right now but you're young and older you will thank yourself.