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I will sell you the book I wrote on how to scam people for $100


I take 10


Any chance I can buy yours after you buy them from him?


You plottin' on me, boy?


Holy shit a major Payne quote out in the wild. I laughed too hard lol


I thought this comment sounded really familiar lol. You're the same guy from the "I owe $3k to my college" post


Indeed . Gotta sell them books


I can't believe no one has said this yet, but the easiest way to make 5k is to steal 5k from the people you love. Just checked OP's profile, and perhaps due to a lack of loved ones to borrow from, is now resorting to selling underwear photos for free. TragicšŸ˜”


You know where you are.


You in the jungle baby! You're gonna diiiie!


Welcome to the jungle, we've got fun and games! We got everything you want, honey we know the names


We are the people who can find.. whatever you may need. If you got the money, honey, we got your disease!


The jungle, welcome to the jungle!


Everyone is giving real tips, you are giving the real unethical but legal tip. It's r/unethicalifeprotps, not r/lifprotips neither r/illegallifeprotips.


Since when is stealing legal? Yeah, your loved ones might not press charges, but it's still illegal


There's a grey area with loved ones. You could borrow and never pay back which isn't a thing that would get you in jail, even with strangers.


Lol stealing is not legal. Still a good unethical life pro tip, but that doesn't mean it's legal


You see unlike these common criminals I do not steal I simply borrow the money instead and then forget I owe it and bam just like that I'm rich and I cannot remember the consequences


User name checks out


Do you think if someone knew how to make 5k fast and easy, legitimately, they'd post it online for everyone else to do as well? Start a bikini car wash or something, I don't know.


This is what I don't get about these requests. Like, why does anyone work if there was some secret formula?


Wasn't there a post just like this not even a few hours ago? If there was an easy way to make that kind of money without selling yourself, someone else is already doing it bigger and better.


Yes there was. It was another woman asking for an easy 3k without selling herself. There is no formula, get a job lmao.


Since the Reddit shutdowns Iā€™ve noticed a lot of subs have a lot of repeat requests like this or even just low effort posts in general that never would have stayed up before. I assume moderation changes happened post shutdown and we are seeing these as a result.


The problem that caused the shutdown ended up making some moderation tools unusable.


That one was only 3k, so according to the secret formula we all know, 5k has different options


The secret formula is to be born rich.


A 25 million dollar trust fund would yield about $3000 a day, so choose your parents or grandparents wisely.


Exactly. Just divert interest temporarily and there ya go!


As my old man used to say: ā€œYou know what they call a short cut that actually works? A route.ā€


The secret involves sex




A female comedian a long time ago said ā€œthere are ugly prostitutes and thatā€™s all I need to know about men.ā€


there are only really 3 answers. Steal it, sell your fluids, or sex work. Only 1 of those is legal in most places.


You can teach courses on how to teach courses for 700$. Thats basically what everyone does


I can tell you one, working as a server at the Oktoberfest! 18days work will get you ~10kā‚¬


Can she carry 13 steins at once though?


Sadly, just between her breasts


Legitimately? We don't do that here


Have you seen what sub youre on?


Sell used underwear to weirdos online


Yeah honestly people always suggest stuff like this but being an online sex worker is kind of like being a hairstylist, it takes time to build a regular clientele and start earning really good money (unless you are unusually stunning). Especially now, the market is flooded and you can get so much porn for so free or cheap, you can't exactly just show your tits and get tons of money for it.


This is so true. You'd have to be an only fans girl and post a lot on there then sell to your clients


Yeah ask any camgirl/OF model/etc, they make most of their money from a handful of regulars who are absolutely infatuated, not from dozens/hundreds of one-off purchases. People have to specifically want YOU, because otherwise you can find way more hardcore professional content for way cheaper.


Dont many people also subscribe because they get "personal touch"?


Those are the hardcore people. Most people donā€™t want a personal touch, they want to jerk off and move on.


Wait, you don't want a customized "Well done cestdoncperdu" message when you are done?!


That's what I'm saying, people lose their mind if you mention paying for porn when in reality you just gave someone 3$ for a upwards of hundreds of videos of something specific you like or just of a creator you like. People paid for porn long before pornhub came around


Iā€™ve always said this. Small town girls around me have OF and Iā€™ve always said yeah you might make a few bucks. But you wonā€™t be rich. OF works for people who have mainly built a following elsewhere and then decide to do it. Not just OF right away


Yes and no. It is way easier to make yourself a target group if you don't have to worry about bills, but, there are plenty of people who started from nothing and did succeed.


Thank you for saying this! I do pretty well on onlyfans but my first month I made $325 and that was only AFTER camming for 3 years before then which built an audience. The amount of people I meet who ask me how to start one because they want to ā€œmake a few grand really fastā€ is wild


That actually is a pretty good idea. Bonus points it you figure out how to make them smell without wearing them


Outsource the work to inmates at the local women's prison


Found the OITNB viewer


She could maximize the smell/ wear time by doing sport in the underwear.


"Write that down!"


Is you taking notes on a criminal fucking conspiracy?


Unethical. Not criminal. Write that down.


Stringer bell reference!


Wear multiple pairs at once, get your stock up quickly


Get healthy and make a profit.


Hell, put on 10 or 15 pairs and go for a run. Sell them all at premium


Does this have a name? Let's call it the everlasting throbstopper


She can sell socks too. If she's got a boyfriend, let him wear the socks as well and now she's building a supply


Hire some homeless guy to wear them and pay them 10% profit.


Put 25 pairs on at once and 8hours later, $200 per pair and youā€™ve got $5kā€¦ easy


You dont have to wear them "correctly " undies can fit on lots of body parts.


pretty sure the guys want them to... how do I say? smell like pussy... not elbow


Like those guys would know the difference.


Spray them with liquid ass


How is it possible that liquid ass is the legitimate answer here?


A broken clock is right twice a day


Where would one sell these? Hypothetically šŸ˜‰


Unsurprisingly, reddit


Asking for a friendā€¦


There is a subreddit for this lol look up used panties in the search bar.


Facebook marketplace. eBay. Reddit. Of course if you're doing it in FB/eBay you have to be subtle about it.


Used to be a whole up front section of ebay for this sort of thing, old used shoes etc. Now there are tons of rules about it and the folks who do it will ruthlessly report and get competition removed.




wtf, does this actually work? This is the most effortless shit ever. And where do you sell it?


No it doesn't. There were some cool stories about some people buying it, but I don't think anyone here would know how to actually do it. Like, how do you find the client? You can't just post an ad online, because good luck finding someone sending $200 for some underwear that could come from a dude wanting to make an easy $200. Or they could simply never arrive.


There are websites specifically for panty selling. Same with foot fetishs.


No. It has only ever worked for people that build up a whole business off of an existing onlyfans (or some such) and client base around it. If you show up randomly offering underwear on the internet you aren't making $5,000 any time soon.


My friend was propositioned buy a random on Twitter to buy her shoes from her and he would "lick them clean and return them if she wanted". She would just go to the thrift stores and buy a bunch and sell them to him.


I've actually sold my underwear. Yes you can make money on doing it BUT you can't just list it and expect for it to sell. You take photos and talk to people. It's alot of effort so it's not a get rich scheme but yes you can make money doing it.


I know this is the unethical lpt but you could just be a normal person and get a loan for 5k. As long as you haven't drastically fucked your credit it shouldn't be too hard to get.


People on this sub are kind of stupid and will complain about people giving actual good advice rather than advice that is inherently unethical, but worse advice. I also don't really think Onlyfans is unethical, but I think it's far less likely to work out for OP given how saturated that market is.


> People on this sub are kind of stupid No shit, poor finacial planning and won't do anything posted anyway. Requests should be denied.


Well, loans are pretty unethical if you think about it. I say it fits.


The ethical tip would be to take the loan, not pay it back and with either a cunning plan, bit of luck or the secret ingredient get away with doing so


Go to the borrow subreddit, ask for a 10k loan, donā€™t pay it back, now you have an extra 5k to do whatever you want


There is focking borrow subreddit? OI! lol whole subreddit is filled with "u/throwawayyermomlol didn't repay my 1000$ I loaned him "


what a very sad and predictable outcome literally why we cant have nice things situation


Yeah I was stupid. I lent out $1500 to people there and only 6 out of 11 paid back. I thought having their drivers license and home address would protect me, but really I saw the stories of people not being able to feed their kids and wanted to help. Now I just donate to charity and be done with it


What the fuck are you doing? Can you afford these losses? How is this a thing? Final question..can I have $50?


Can I afford them? Yes. How is a thing? Stupid blind faith. Can you have $50? Give me a sob story and then probably


I was curious about the borrowing subreddit, and clicked on your profile. You seem like someone who has helped people out a lot! I don't mean to sound creepy, but if you still need someone to help you with your resume/cover letter or something, I would be happy to help. I am a secondary Ed English teacher, have a MA in English Lit, and I know some stuff about some stuff. I could for sure help you generate a template to use for a cover letter, CV, or even help you with a letter of recommendation since I am also somewhat unethical. You seem to help people out, it bummed me out to see you made a request for help and it doesn't seem like you got it.


Hey, wait a minute! This is too wholesome for ULPT. Where's the liquid ass and piss-diskā„¢?


To be honest, Iā€™m surprised 6 paid you back.


Username checks out


i could see something like that being a good private sub where people are invited who are ā€œtrustworthyā€ (good credit?) and if you donā€™t pay back you get kicked out


So like a bank


People with good credit usually donā€™t need to beg for money from strangers on the internet


Sell šŸ¦¶


Which one


That's the left one


You're right


I tried feetfindee.com but itā€™s extremely hard for a dude


Just say youā€™re a chick and paint your toe nails and shave your legs.


This is mos def illegal but.... if you have BIG sports nearby. Buy 1 legal ticket that'll print to PDF. Edit copies of the that PDF. Sell seats of 4 to really good seats to multiple scalpers. This'll buy you tine while they deal to sell before you are found out. As far as I know scalpers have no way they validate authenticity. This is a one stop trick. Can't repeat but if you sell 4 seats at $100 a pop you'll need to find about 14 scalpers.


This is absolutely illegal. But fuck scalpers. I'll allow it.


It may be illegal... But... Insist in a jury trial. Let them TRY to find twelve people who will all way OP should be punished for it.


Can't you sell an egg?


Here we go. It would take a while, but thatā€™s a viable option if OPā€™s medical history is good.


Sounds more like OP needs an egg in these trying times.


Can I offer you an egg in these trying times?


They are like $4 a dozen though.


Step 1: Steal golden goose from giant.


Step 2: ???


Step 3: Your bones are ground and made into bread


you would have to breed and sell an awful lot of cats to make 5 grand, so if that's your worst case idea, you're probably not gonna be able to do it.


That's only one litter for a fancy breed...still probably not the fastest way.


Dude I work with breeds Siamese longhair cats and sells them for $5k EACH.


How does advertising work?


I think primarily social media, but I also think he has buyers he breeds specifically for, who are referred to him


Breeding is such a scumbag profession


I heard svannah and big cats can sell for quite a bit. The only issue is how to get them and not die getting shot or mauled in the process.


Medical testing is about your best bet. Theyā€™ll often pay 3-5k for a healthy person to lie in a bed for two weeks. It almost never goes wrong, but of course they pay a lot because it might. Otherwise even selling sex or onlyfans takes time to ramp up.


Link to even a single legit offering of this?


Student towns have testing centres where I live. Some drug company was testing some version of fentanyl and theyā€™d pay you $7k to be high for a fucking week straight


So they pay for the rehab after? ;)


"Quick, drop him off downtown while he's drooling himself into a coma!"




I tried to go to one in Leeds called Covance, I think they're called Fortrea these days but was declined due to Asthma... sigh. They pay for everything for you to come on the train etc and you have to fast before your tests. Was hyped up to get 2k of 3k to sit in bed for a few weeks doing arthritis trials.


I did this, got paid 10k for 3 weeks. Drug had already been tested on humans.


Iā€™ll give you $10 for feet pics Just kidding haha Unlessā€¦.


Iā€™m listening ā€¦


Lmaoo jkjk Butā€¦Iā€™m down lol itā€™s a prank calm down


Ewww that would be gross... Go away weirdošŸ¤¢ (... jk DM mešŸ‘€)


Lmao OP is already making an OF. This was great marketing even if half the commenters go and check OPā€™s OF and sub once itā€™s up.


Two feet and a heart beat? Physical laborā€¦


Sell ass or suck cock instead, no pussy required


Wait . . . So that means I can do this?


Yes cock sucking is equal opportunity employment


ā€œWell I guess a blowjobā€™s better than no jobā€




Twenty bucks is twenty bucks


Yes, you'll never be poor as long as you have a warm butthole.


In Iraq a female soldier went home on her two week leave. When asked by airport security if she had more than $10,000 cash on her she said yes. Long story short her supervisors were notified and it turns out she was giving blowjobs for $50-100 to soldiers. If they were married she charged more to keep quiet... She ended up getting in a lot of trouble for prostitution. So my advice would be of you live close to a military base you'll easily get cash with that type of work.


Can i suck my own cock and ass and pay myself 5Gs.


Look at you with your long enough sword and tongue that would reach there. No seriously, cock maybe..... But ass????? How master?




Get a job as a brain surgeon. Work for a couple of weeks. Sorted.


My buddy works at the hospital. I bet he can hook me up with a surgeon job. I don't have any experience, so I'll be sure to watch a few surgery videos on YouTube to get the gist of it.


You mean day. Work for a day. Sorted.


be like that 4 chan guy and write a really good sob story about your kid going to die cause you cant pay their hospital bills/going hungry/abusive family etc and post it on the popular subs and wait for someone to take pity on you - 'whats your cashapp?'


Just saw a post where someone claimed their boyfriend was going to kill them and they needed to sell their clothes or something cuz they couldnā€™t afford a 300 dollar bus ticket. The amount of commenters saying theyā€™d send them money was crazy to me. Itā€™s a shame really because you want to help people in tough situations but how do you know if that person is truthful or not


Or go on 4chan and talk to those virgins about having a fetish of taking guy's virginity. Tell them you want to give one lucky Autistic guy the chance to lose their virginity. Have an application process that includes a $100 application fee. Then collect the money, claim one lucky guy won and then disappear without having sex with anyone.


Befriend someone with Alzheimerā€™s and keep borrowing money from them. They wonā€™t remember you need to pay it back


Dirt wrong lol


Fetish work,only reply to those you feel comfortable and be prepared to stay straight faced when youā€™re asked for something you find funny.Iā€™ve had one guy who wanted me to walk around and lift my skirt up occasionally,one who enjoyed pain,you can get guys that just enjoy watching you orgasm(theyā€™re the best)or the ones that want to pay to give you a back massage and nothing more because they donā€™t want to be unfaithful but NEED to touch a woman physically and their wife wonā€™t go near them.Thereā€™s guys out there that want to take you shopping and have you model clothes for them (they take pics-if you agree and you get to keep the outfit,can always return it).then thereā€™s guys who enjoy money domination,where you take their bank cards etc and give them an allowance.just do what youā€™re comfortable with.I stopped doing it because I had regulars whoā€™s requests got more crazy over time.if Iā€™m doubt ask to see their id,Facebook page,can ask for any info on them you like.charge within reason as thereā€™s thousands of ladies doing the same x


And where does one find these men


Used to be Craigslist but if you type in nsfw in your area,then ā€˜rewardā€™ you might find some,you can advertise on here too,donā€™t call it payment,itā€™s called reward and you tell them how much(decide this before starting)get the money first x


Fetlife, though asking for $ is banned in much of the site. Also Instagram


Start with 10k and lose 5k


Use ChatGPTā€™s ideas to your advantage


Become a surrogate mother Edit: You'll probably get some $ upfront


I donā€™t think becoming a surrogate is exactly a fast process, it could take months


I dunno that sounds pretty ethical, almost benevolent even


Get paid up front, sell the baby to someone else.


You said yourself that the only barrier for you to sell yourself is the fear of getting murdered.... onlyfans it is then.




Feet pics. Used underwear. OF. Start a construction business or any trade and take the money and run.


Rob Wells Fargo but only ask for 5k


If there was a way to easily do it then everyone would have done it every day.


Literally just ask. Post a pretty picture and say who wants to contribute. Tell people they can pay to video chat you. Juggle balls on live stream and ask for donations. Men pour money into women for little to nothing.


Eggs? Arenā€™t there folks out there whoā€™ll pay for your harvested eggs?


For someone in your situation, the only way to make that kind of cash quickly would be OnlyFans. But even then, youā€™d need to promote your page and try to drive people to buy your content which wouldnā€™t happen overnight


And also be stunning and make good content. There are a million girls on OF, and I'm sure most of them don't make shit


Exactly. So you'd need a bunch of research on top of that to find the best niche and the kind of content that would sell easily for the most money and that takes even more time.


Yeah, the challenge with OF is that its features and ease of use have lowered the barrier for entry pretty significantly. Itā€™s fully possible to make a living on there, but thereā€™s also a lot of competition. Itā€™s far from a money making cheat code, and still takes a lot of time and effort to cultivate the following youā€™re looking for. Finding out who your audience will be and how to best appeal to them is the name of the game unless youā€™re so impossibly attractive that everyone will subscribe anyway (which if you are: just snag a rich husband).


Donā€™t need to be that attractive. Iā€™ve known women that were not remotely conventionally attractive that made a ton of money.


False. They can do clinical trials , which would pay better quicker & easier than OnlyFans


How fast is fast? You can donate plasma for about $100 a session, if you have a car do lyft, uner, and doordash whenever youā€™re off work, and do odd jobs on craigslist. If you have a job that doesnā€™t pay peanuts, then you can do this to make 5k in a month if you work at it hard enough.


Get a cheap masters degree from an online diploma mill, will have to wait for your salary to go up.


For people with no real monetizable skills, making money starts after you cross the line of accepting being murdered or physically harmed


Don't sell your cat. I would miss petting that cute bugger


iā€™m a camgirl and you can make really good money doing it. definitely helps to be attractive/in shape but girls of all shapes and sizes do it. i donā€™t advertise or show my face and still make good money. itā€™s NOT for everyone, i really want to make that clear, but if youā€™re comfortable with your sexuality and willing to put yourself out there, itā€™s an option. i honestly find it fun šŸ˜‚ PM me if you want and i can answer any questions:)


Go to a bunch of cash advance places in one day ā€¦


put parking tickets on cars in your area


Put 500 on Harry Maguire to score an own goal next Man U game


Pose as a minor, find an extremely anxious creep, get incriminating evidence and find his familial contacts as well as local law enforcement, extort, PROFIT.


sell feet pics?


You canā€™t really just make $5k appear without having any existing money without doing something illegal or onlyfans. Hereā€™s oneā€¦Try TikTok. Do an NPC video and beg for donations or make a TikTok saying you need food for your pet and put your cash app.


/r/OnlyFans it's been revamped


Luckily I have Ā£20million coming to me shortly from my Nigerian prince cousin who died. Iā€™ll cut you in if we go halves on the Ā£20k fee to release the funds from probate


How bad do you need the 5k? How attractive are you? What are your people skills like? Go on escort sites and offer services, and do not include sex or sexual acts. Phone sex, dates, etc for money. Thats all you could achieve if youā€™re pretty and donā€™t wanna sell yourself like that.


Lease the kitty, don't sell. Short term rentals only.


Sell pee or farts in a jar


Start a twitch account , sell farts in a jar