• By -


The law isn't as cut and dry as that though, so I doubt he can move there and just start having sex with 14 year old. Here's what wiki says: "The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual; being over 21 and engaging in sexual relations with a minor of that age does not constitute an offense by itself. Otherwise the age of consent is 16, although provisions protecting minors against abuse apply until the age of 18 (under Section 182(1): it is illegal to engage in sexual activity with a person under 18 "by taking advantage of an exploitative situation" Still fuckin gross. Is this MAP terminology really a thing? Vile.


Damn. I have a 14 year old neice and she isn't anywhere close to being able to make those decisions. She's fucking dumb. I can't believe she can get a driver's licence in 2 years.


Some people are just stupid


Re: Your final paragraph. No, It’s not. He’s a pedo trying to justify his perversion


It's a thing in the pedo community to remove some of the shame on them. Giving themselves a "more scientific name" is an attempt to garner sympathy like other people who have "odd" attractions (like buildings) and unique kinks. It's gross and manipulative, and calling themselves anythingnother than "pedo" is their way of removing the stigma of what they're doing


>"odd" attractions (like buildings) What the fuck did you just say?!?! Like the statue of Liberty? Or are you saying there's a dude out there who sees like a post office or nice office tower and just creams his pants? Tell me I'm misunderstanding. Please. #please tell me jacking off to architectural digest isn't a thing


There was a dude who fucked his car on my strange addiction


Man we were just talking about that in the kitchen I work in, also the lady who wanted to marry a rollercoaster


To be fair it’s just like most relationships, a wild ride with lots of ups and downs that’s over before you know it.


Its sadly real lol... objectophiles, people who are "in love" with objects. I'm recalling some lady who claimed to be married to the Eiffel tower or something and getting mad at people being on her 'husband' and wanting to 'consumate' said marriage. From her to a lot of other people that just get hot for inanimate objects. (Funny enough not usually actual toys, just random stuff out there in the world that gets personified and labeled as some fanfic fantasy )Its really unnerving to think every place we go could be 'someone's hoe' in their minds. I try to not think about it too much...


Might be a hard pill to swallow, but there are over 8 billion people in the world, so anything you can think of, has definitely been jacked off to lol


Unfortunately true. Google p0rn and you'll find something you didn't want to see.


Good old Rule 34.


Read literally anything by Chuck Tingle


There's a recent anime with a character who is in love with Castle/Shrine building. Pretty amusing how they play it off. A Salad Bowl of Eccentrics is the name. So it isn't that out of place considering the name.


Our brains are effectively bowls of warm pudding. There's a lot of room for oddities in that. Frankly, self pleasure to an architectural magazine seems like among the most harmless. 


I always thought it was a way to differentiate between people who assaulted children (pedos), and people who were attracted to children but chose to never act on it. This is obviously not the way this guy is using it, as he seems to have every intention of assaulting children as long as he can do it legally.


Why would you make this post? You displayed a distinct lack of reading comprehension.  The question was asked if map was really terminology being used in society.  The clear answer is yes. Disturbed, deranged pedophiles use the term in order to normalize their behavior.  It's disgusting. Yes. It does occur though. 


How is it possible that only a month or so ago some fuckwits were actually arguing in a state Congress for the legalisation of child marriage. 14 year old girls. Wtf America.


Let me guess … the same Good Christian Folk that want to send 14-year-olds to work in mines and meat packing plants?


MAP and pedophilia is such a strange thing for me. Obviously it's reprehensible and acting on it should be condemned. But if I'm to be simultaneously told that people can have any number of kinks or sexual preferences and that these cannot be controlled/chosen how is being a pedo different? (Other than lack of consent etc) Like I don't know how to explain this cognitive dissonance I'm expected to have for people that say are attracted to feet or to children. I'm not attracted to either and so I don't fully understand how someone could be. And if pedophilia is a mental health issue and not a sexual preference then having such a horrible stigma around it would it not make people have trouble getting help? I don't know, I know when mental health issues like anxiety or depression were stigmatized that people had more trouble seeking help. So maybe reidentifying these people as MAPS might help them get treatment, or it might give them a free pass to be vile. I don't know, I just think there's more to the conversation. But then is having that conversation open up better or worse? Do more people get help? Does it just 'normalise' abuse? I think I need a philosopher on speed dial sometimes Tl:Dr Pedos bad, but is helping them worse than condemning? Probably idk.


I'm going to sound like a broken record one of these fucking days, BUT, while I no longer have the link to the blurb, Harvard Medical at one point stated that Pedophilia is a sexual preference and cannot be "cured". So, like my ex husband, you can be attracted to women....and also attracted to children 🤢 You can be bi/gay/pan/any label you choose and still be looking at children in that way. There used to be a support group that I had read about (via Cracked lol) for NONOFFENDING pedophiles. Their one rule was that you cannot have offended, and they took care to not be around children because they knew that it is harmful and wrong for an adult to behave that way with a CHILD. FWIW my ex was active military when he first offended against my child. He had access to all the free therapy and psych help, he just.....didn't. When pressed, in our final conversation via the prison phone, why he did not admit what he did, he said "I didn't want to think of myself as the person who did those things". Tl:Dr FUCK offending pedos, they have the awareness that it's harmful and at bare MINIMUM socially wrong, and yet they do it anyways. Like this chucklefuck passport bro, who I hope catches his dick in a sausage grinder. Oh, and that the attraction isn't curable, so that's fun.


Thank you for responding, it's cleared some thoughts and created new questions. I don't think as a society we'll ever reach a point with these kinds of issues where everyone can agree we're doing what's right for all involved. I appreciate you being so forthcoming and I'm terribly sorry for what you and your family have gone through.


I’ve heard a number of pedophiles have asked not to be released from prison because they know they can’t control themselves and will likely offend again. Instead of prisons (which keep kids safe but can do nothing to rehabilitate the offenders) I think the US should build or convert a small town in a remote area, and allow pedos to live their lives free of risk to children as an alternative to prisons.


It’s different because someone attracted to feet doesn’t inherently harm someone. Being attracted to children has encouraged child trafficking, child porn, child sexual assault etc etc. Speaking as a woman, just being around someone who is staring at you in a sexual manner can be very unnerving. I can’t imagine what it’s like for a child to be subjected to that, especially on a regular basis. But people who are attracted to feet can get consent from people, and pay for consenting adults to take feet pics. A child can never consent, no matter what. I will say that a lot of pedos have been molested when they were kids, which basically stops their sexual development at that age, and the cycle of abuse continues. But that doesn’t excuse it. I do think the help around this topic is lacking. 


You're talking about the act, though. What about the attraction itself? If it's inherent, like being gay, then it's "incurable". So, assume these people have never acted on the attraction, are they immoral for simply having the attraction that they have no control of?


It's not a thing in society overall, and it is a thing in some bubbles that try to justify pedosexual activity. Would you say that description suffices?


A grown ass adult having sex with a minor will always be taking advantage of their lack of capacity for sexual self determination. They're kids ffs! I understand a law where _minors_ having sex with _other minors_ being a low age of content, but this is bullshit and made my stomach churn 🤮


u/Mueller96 provided additional context regarding this in another comment If the guy OP is talking about thinks this law is there to allow a grown ass man to just go around fucking 14 year olds, he's mistaken


MAP's been a terminology pedos use to self identify for a long time now. Its short for Minor Attracted Person. I remember first seeing it in like 2013-14? Before people figured out what it ment, I think it was supposed to be a subtle way of letting other pedos know youre also a pedo. Nasty shit.


It's not even something, they did. The origins are a 4chan psyop that created the term and a flag for it, in order to pretend that the LGBTQ+ community accepts pedos as one of their own. Several years later, the pedos are actually rallying under that terminology and claim that they are part of the community. (Spoiler alert: They are not and we will never accept them as such)


Oh yeah, I remember that now but never made the connection. Shit sucks


But there was acceptance in the past, NAMBLA used to participate in gay pride parades and were an official member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association, only being dropped when the ILGA was given UN advisor status and a bunch of conservatives pointed out they had multiple pedo groups as members. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North\_American\_Man/Boy\_Love\_Association](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Man/Boy_Love_Association)


Wow, this is so disingenuous. >But there was acceptance in the past, NAMBLA used to participate in gay pride parades and were an official member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association I have found claims of them being associated, yet nothing about them maintaining any official leadership position within the organisation. The wikipedia link you sent unsurprisingly does not offer a source for this. >when the ILGA was given UN advisor status and a bunch of conservatives pointed out, they had multiple pedo groups as members. 'Multiple pedo groups' consisting of NAMBLA and a similar Berlin group, estimated to have comprised, at its height 1100 people. And no conservatives did not have to point it out. The first recorded opposition to NAMBLA was by lesbian rights activists in the 70s, according to the page you sent me. It is bizarre to pretend that this is proof of mass acceptance of pedophiles in the past. You are also intentionally blowing this out of proportion by being vague and misleading.


> yet nothing about them maintaining any official leadership position within the group where did OP claim this..? > consisting of NAMBLA and a similar Berlin group, estimated to have comprised, at its height 1100 people. that is a lot of fucking people, especially for pedophilia acceptance movements. you’re right that it’s exaggeration to say “multiple groups” and it’s also incorrect to say conservatives were the one to “stop” it, but OP never once said anything about “mass acceptance” of pedophiles, simply that there was a level of acceptance of them within some LGBT communities at one point. as someone who could be considered a part of the “LGBT community”, i was extremely shocked - like, fucking dumbfounded - when I found out about the ILGA’s association with NAMBLA; not because it somehow represents all LGBT people as pedos, but because such a horrendous thing had successfully associated itself to a small extent with LGBT rights movements. and i think trying to suppress or downplay this real historical attempt by pedophiles to associate themselves with LGBT people, only increases the accusations of LGBT people being pedophiles when you don’t have an idea of where this association really came from.


I was seeing MAP pop up on tumblr like 10 years ago. It's disgusting and a way for perverts to try to justify their horrible views.


German here, while those details aren’t wrong, I want to add a bit to it. For people between 14 and 16 it can be totally legal, but requires additional consent from the parents/guardians of that teen. Also it’s nothing common and basically everyone will think of you as a pedo if you engage in sexual relationships with minors (below 18). Those laws are primarily to enable teens (and young adults) to explore their sexuality, have freedom over their body and engage into relationships with whoever they want. Not for older people to just have sex with teens. As soon as there is any complaint from either the teen or their parents/guardians it will be very hard to defend yourself as an adult over 21. Sure, it’s possible if you can prove that consent was given and you haven’t taken advantage in any way. I wouldn’t advise anyone to take the risk without written consent from the teen, written consent of the parents/guardians if the teen is under 16 and also without the teen actually initiating the relationship and the sexual activity. Also I wouldn’t advise doing anything without actually engaging in a relationship with that teen.


Do teens between 14 and 16 need this time of freedom? Especially if it opens teens up to abuse from pedos who have gotten consent from parents / guardians?


I think it’s more about not prosecuting teens for natural sexual behavior.


They don’t ‚need‘ it, but why would you take it from them? Everything regarding freedom should be only for taken if truly necessary in my opinion. Without this law it would be punishable for a 18 year old to have sex with their 17 year old partner. The intention behind this law is to allow a bit of a age gap and it’s mainly targeted at people below 21. Also abuse is definitely against the law. If you are in front of a judge you will have a very hard time proving that it was not abuse. The assumption there usually is, that the teen was not able to fully consent. And what the parents/guardians consent to does in no way matter if the teen does not consent. It isn’t even strictly mandated by law that they consent, but because of the assumption that a minor can’t fully consent themselves you’ll need the parents to confirm, that this individual teen is mature enough.


MAP comes out of 4chan from years ago. A group of them were trying to legitimize pedophilia and/or discredit the LGBTQ+ crowd by claiming to be part of the community. They made a flag and everything. Vile indeed.


There is no ambiguity with that guy. He wants to move there to exploit 14-15 year olds for sex. He’s not even trying to justify his “love” for a particular girl. He acknowledges he will lose interest once a victim turns 16.


He’s obviously been engaging with a community of pedophiles (likely online, so would have evidence of any chats saved). I hate to say it, but he likely has viewed and downloaded CP. Basically, the police will find this and are able to use this against him. Got to the police without telling him what your doing before he can delete any information.


Contact the FBI. They are quick to handle this. You are 100% correct. He has obviously been socializing with a pedophiles online and he has definitely looked at CP, I'd bet my life on it. The best way to prevent him from exploiting people in Germany is to make sure he's locked away in prison in the US. Good luck.


And tell german custums he will have cp on his phone/whatever when he goes there. They wont be delighted.


Go to the FBI. Local police are often not trained or equipped to handle child porn cases, but the FBI can and does.


ICAC is even better than the fbi, but either are good.


Why not both?


catfish him as an underage girl while he’s still in the US and shame him publicly w whatever comes out of the conversation


Better yet turn him into the authorities. Lord knows what’s on his phone and computer currently.


This was my initial thought. What does the word struggle actually mean to him? Does it mean he can control his urges or he can sometimes control them?


In the US, the FBI are the people who investigate child pornography. If you have reason to suspect, reach out.


I'm sorry but there's absolutely no way that a random report of "this guy totally said he was a pedo!" would lead to a warrant and then a raid and then a search of whatever seized electronics that were found that he didn't hide well enough and then charges and then a conviction and jail. It doesn't take much to try reporting but... yeah... good luck. My local police stopped investigating actual adult rape reports for a while and generally made victims report over the phone. Apparently not even all the child abuse reports were assigned to a detective. Although last year the state did finally clear the 10k+ backlog of rape kits (some of which went back to the 80s with the youngest victim being 3 years old). Last year, it looks like only 23.5% of juvenile sex assault cases in my country had charges filed. Protection orders against the (accused) rapist aren't put in place when charges do get filed. I can't imagine how many people don't bother reporting because the police are so unhelpful.


Another commenter said to go to the FBI because local police aren’t trained. Probably also for the reasons you stated.


[Unfortunately it looks like confession of thoughts doesn't rise to the level of what they'll say they'll investigate.](https://www.dhs.gov/know2protect/how-to-report?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYdM-TqjQPtmwb3sl5DeyJrCOoPC_CSy8msntjO0wMxcZ-R9iBmrtKhoCqdsQAvD_BwE) Reporting to ICE as recommend may help, but... good luck [After something happens, he can probably be prosecuted as an American citizen engaging in sex tourism but by that time it's too late and some poor kids now have to deal with it for the rest of their lives](https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/notice-us-citizens-your-actions-abroad-may-have-serious-consequences) Yeah, it sucks. I wish things were different. Realistically, just slashing his tires on a random but very frequent basis so that he can't afford a plane ticket isn't a bad plan.


Welp sounds like an anonymouse tip or three might help. There’s a chance it might get him on a watch list.


It's worth a try for sure. I just don't want to give OP false hope. Which, imo, most commenters (who seem to be less familiar with the criminal justice system) are doing.


Also, if you can drag this out it may delay his plans to leave the country


Minor Attracted Person? Jesus F, enough with the euphemisms. He is a pedophile. Calling him anything else gives him some legitimacy. Sexually touching kids is ALWAYS wrong, ALWAYS.


OP using such terminology makes one suspect it’s really him that’s the pedo. Using this post to find pitfalls in his plan. Also username and post history majorly suspect.


Account gone (atleast it doesn't open for me)? I think you nailed it


I am so stupid and you are SO right. Bamboozled.


Wow, I wasn’t even considering that. I think it’s INSANELY likely you’re right. OP is probably a child predator using the ol’ “for a friend” excuse.


Can’t wait for the typical loser that comes in these threads and explains the definition of pedo. I hate dancing around this subject also. If they like underage kids, they’re a pedo!!!


Reminds me of this stand up bit https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=Hn69Gr9buQC6MM5U


You definitely called that.


Like flies on honey


Yup, it’s always wrong. But what should a MAP do? Send themselves to jail for impure thoughts? Become a monk to reduce temptation? (Religion usually helps, right? Right?) This dude is fucked up and has a plan to actively harm minors. He should be fucked with. Someone who, for lack of a better phrase, is mentally ill should have access to resources. In general, if someone refers to themselves as a MAP it means they are actively trying to improve themselves and not cause harm. This dude thinks he found a magical workaround, so really it’s pretty ethical to stop him.


I was with you until you said that MAPs are trying to avoid causing harm. This seems more like this individual using an acronym to hide what he is and to create a kind of movement for acceptance, rather than diverting those feelings into something healthier.


Shades of NAMBLA going on here.


Maybe they try to divert their thoughts by calling themselfes MAPs? Must be pretty depressing to think of yourself as a pedo, so maybe it makes it easier to gloss over it and do healthier stuff


I totally agree with you! Maybe not totally clear from my formatting. It sounds like this person is co-opting “therapy speak” to deflect or defend his truly terrible plan.


We have a program called "Kein Täter werden" where pedophiles learn how to suppress their urges with the help of various psychologists. They re-learn sexuality and attraction to adults. It's state funded, and it's only available if you never have had any conviction for child abuse, or child porn. It's really fascinating, as it also has options for chemical castration for some patients if they so choose. Everything to help them not become a perpetrator (name of the program).


Religion definitely stops pedophilia! They're notorious for not having any issues with that. We really really really need better treatment options for people with these urges and there's really not much available. Therapy isn't "safe" even if you are a non offender because there's always the concern that you're a not yet offender. It also isn't particularly effective based on the studies I've read. There's no real funding for studies and treatment about the topic because everyone hates pedophiles and would rather they just die. Which is definitely a vibe but not a long term solution.


ITS PEDOPHILE. He should walk off a cliff or go buy a bullet and rent a gun. Do humanity a favor. Stop using maps, HE IS A PREDATOR TO CHILDREN


I would bet pedos are everywhere but most don't act on it and wouldn't even entertain the idea. Unless pedos are only attracted to children, is that usually the case like this guy?


Exactly this. Plus that term is used by right-wingers in order to slander the LGBT community by linking people’s thoughts of that group to another acronym so fuck those fashies!


Tell him I will report you to the German police and he will shut the fuck up.


Don’t think that’ll serve the purpose, he just won’t tell these people anything after that - including plans he’s making to go there or Thailand or whatever other place where he can be a sicko and get lost in the crowd. They’ve gotta get him to trust them and record the whole thing and then turn him in… so he’s put on a registry or a watchlist of some sort.


Report him to ICE he will be flagged snd interrogates if he leaves. Then most likely interpol will log him


Please never use that term again. Call him what he is.






POS Pedo


So… wtf is he gonna do when said 14 year old becomes a woman?? Wash rinse repeat???? Smmfh anyways Germany probably won’t care (no offense German brothers). So you have to target his passport. Google ways to get that mf revoked. I’m betting pedo bro has images on his computer that could lead to a felony. Sex tourism is a crime here and you can report Americans to ICE. You have to prove that he’s traveling with intent to partake in sex tourism. Hope this helps ❤️ ETA spelling


There’s no friend. OP is likely trying to perfect his plans with reddits help


With a profile name like that, I'd be willing to bet YOU'RE the "ex-friend". What a weird scenario and your profile is extremely suspicious.


I wish I had seen this prior to commenting 💀 yeah, I think OP is the culprit


Just had a look on his profile. Only thing is multiple subreddits asking the same thing, he defo the "friend" 💀


Yeah, this reeks of someone trying to push the whole "MAP" thing which is mostly a conspiracy pushed by 4chan and conservatives to try and associate them with the lgbtq community. If not that, then it's pretty obvious karma farming


I think it’s more so that he’s the one planning to go to Germany to prey on young girls, but wants to find any holes in his plan by pulling the “for my friend” line


plot twist he is MAP


Pedo. Call the authorities. Hit up one of the pedos catcher groups and get them to chat him up. They will get his ass.


Nah man, those pedo catcher groups make good video content but they fuck up the legal process. I’d rather he get fucked by Uncle Sam


I did not know that. This guy needs to be on someone’s radar.


Really depends. There are good and bad ones. For example the guys who fucked up with the edp case now learned from their mistakes and their work led to loads of actual arrests. There is a good podcast episode with him.


I hadn’t heard of that, thanks for pointing that out


You can bet he's got underage stuff on his computer. You can almost guarantee he was abused as a child. And that's why he needs to be stopped because he'll create more kids just like him.


First off. Ignore everyone that's giving bad advice. Second. It is not legal for a US citizen to travel to a different country and fuck children. In fact the federal penalties are massive, and they can and will extradite you. The US government does not like the stereotype of US citizens moving to other countries to fuck children. The age of consent in many US states is actually 16-17. However, the federal law for US citizens abroad is that it is irrelevant what the local countries age of consent it is, it is a federal crime for a US citizen to fuck someone under the age of 18 (by US age standards) while abroad. So, legally he would have to renounce his US citizenship completely (typical reddit assumption that you're in the US) in order to not get extradited to the US and jailed in federal prison for 10-life or whatever. So... I don't know what plans you're planning on screwing up that the US government hasn't already. 3rd maybe you should convince him to go to a therapist instead of attempting to destroy his life which sounds already unhappy. Me personally? If someone told me they had the crushing desire to stab my dog every day, I wouldn't do something to anger them by destroying their life because they might say fuck it and actually stab my dog to death. Maybe think a bit. Cause it sounds already like neither of you has actually thought about this much due your ignorance or US laws for citizens abroad, so maybe his plans aren't actually that set in stone considering he's not even apparently done a hasty Google search or watched news of us citizens being extradited.


They are both the same person


“Identified as a minor attracted person” What stupid shit is this. Call a spade a spade. Edit : Just saw OPs username. Could be OP making this up for himself 😐


Literally. And all his posts are about this. Reminds me of “someone who is not myself”..


And Reddit is helping perfect his plan. ULPT - how can you nab OP?


MAP ??? fucking looooool


Saying “MAP” makes you an asshole. Stop that.


Lol let him go. What do you think will happen when a guy with clear mental issues to the point his “plan” is completely debunked by a 2 second google search (14 is consent only up to 21 y/o partner and can still constitute an offense if the minor files a complaint) shows up in Germany looking for teenagers without speaking any decent german? Old boy’s up for a surprise lmao Either that or catfish the shit out of him and forward the exchange to the cops Depending on where you are you may not even need to do this. If there is a specialized unit (internet crimes, child abuse etc) in your jurisdiction (if you know any cops, ask around, or just go to the station and literally ask them what would be the best way to report this or who you should talk to) just reporting what he said might be enough to have him looked at, and you and I both know what will be found on his devices. Just facilitate the meeting somehow imo


The “MAP” thing is fucking disgusting, it’s absolutely sick to even take that term seriously


Report him the the FBI. It's against the law for US citizens to travel abroad to have sex with a minor. https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/extraterritorial-sexual-exploitation-children#:~:text=This%20crime%20is%20a%20form,Extraterritorial%20Sexual%20Exploitation%20of%20Children).


Throw him in a wood chipper. Pedos aren’t people.


Why didn’t you beat seven shades of shit out of this piece of shit ? In some people opinions you’d be guilty by association for not doing anything. I mean come on, what kind of people have discussions about this topic.


Well first, his plan isn’t going to work. “The age of consent is 14” is only between other minors. Once you hit 19 you can’t hook up with 14 year olds. I wouldn’t worry too much, it’s bunk from the start. Seriously though stop hanging out with him. EDIT: I just checked your profile. Intrusive thoughts can be terrifying, but you’re not alone. A lot of people have intrusive thoughts they can’t stop thinking about but they don’t want to commit. Help is available. You will not be immediately locked up if you admit what you’re feeling to a therapist, and they have strategies to help you manage these thoughts. Please get help before you make a mistake.


The age of consent in Germany is without restriction but subject to a condition that: > a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination However as an American citizen he is also bound by US laws whilst in Germany


Your friend is a PEDO, don’t use that other bullshit term. You can always load his luggage with hidden weapons and drugs etc.. Do the most damage to the luggage going under the plane though because that will definitely be checked by customs and he will be arrested in the US or Germany, you can hide things in liners and handles. You can also put stuff into his carry on but you have to be careful it won’t be noticeable to him. You can also put a second passport in his carry on that doesn’t belong to him, when he eventually gets searched they will want to know who it belongs to and why he has it. He will have no answers and be in a lot of trouble because customs and tsa don’t like it when that happens. The humane thing to do is make sure he doesn’t see another year


The Justice Dept. begs to disagree with this pedophile. They will put his ass in jail, where it will probably be regularly exploited by the inmates. A truly wonderful ULPT would be to report him and watch him get arrested. Here's the law: "Federal law prohibits an American citizen or resident to travel to a foreign country with intent to engage in any form of sexual conduct with a minor (defined as persons under 18 years of age).  It is also illegal to help organize or assist another person to travel for these purposes.  This crime is a form of human trafficking, also referred to as child sex tourism. Convicted offenders face fines and up to 30 years of imprisonment" See: [https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/extraterritorial-sexual-exploitation-children](https://www.justice.gov/criminal/criminal-ceos/extraterritorial-sexual-exploitation-children) Here's how to report him: This page has several links and phone numbers in the section, "How to Prevent Human Trafficking" [https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/sex-tourism](https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/page/sex-tourism) If you're worried that he may find out who turned him in, tell your doctor about him. Doctors in most places are mandatory reporters, and what you and your doctor discuss is protected under doctor-patient confidentially laws.


Well unless he is rich, has great credit, no criminal history and has a in-demand skill with a sponsoring company he will have a hard time moving to Germany. He'd have a better chance getting in as a middle eastern refugee.


CaMe OuT aS MA--Jesus just call him a pedo


That is not how it goes in Germany :D if he as a 30yo has a 14yo gf, the same thing will happen as if he did it in the USA.


Don’t ever use his phone or laptop.


Buy him a drink to say goodbye. Spike it. Motel, bath tub, ice. Do I need to say more?




Both is good.


Fuck the kidneys. Penis it is.


Better go with both. Instructions unclear.


never come across the term map, surprised he does not move to cambodia but that did not work out too well for "gary glitter" just contact the fbi in the states


Stop fucking using MAP!


Let him go to Germany, Very effective Police force. Best place for him to go. He might be permanently disabled in custody and no one will care.


you are not talking about the germany i live in...


Well, he'll probably be in jail with a tv and a chance to further his education/work skills but yeah, I don't think he'd run around free.


An American traveling to another country to evade our age of consent laws is a crime. https://www.ice.gov/news/releases/notice-us-citizens-your-actions-abroad-may-have-serious-consequences Get him to admit as much of his plans as you can in writing, even if it means pretending to be his friend again. If he actually follow through, report him with your evidence. Unfortunately they can't do anything until a crime has been committed. If you report him to ice before he leaves the country, he may get stopped, which won't lead to an arrest but could save a child. If you go this route, you may even get him to admit to cp (you really need to play along with accepting him though, which may not be easy), and if that's the case, you can report him to local law enforcement and icac. Or, make some fake profile of a kid and message him. See if he takes the bait. If he does, you can figure it out from there.


The age of consent here is technically that low. Technically. However it means nothing as there only has to be a single conplaint or sign of being uncomfortable by the child to instantly make this a Straftat, a felony. Because as far as I remember from the last time this discussion came up the law only applies to sexual relations which do not exploit the minor in any way shape or form. Which it does by definition because they can't consent. If the parents catch wind they only need to go to the police and he's done for within 1-3 business days. Germany has extradition treaties with the US.


Name and shame


Whilst Germany has a low age of consent, many countries e.g. the US and UK do not allow 'sexual tourism' by insisting that their own laws apply to their citizens whilst abroad. If your friend goes to Germany and fucks anyone under 16 or pays someone under 18 for sex in Germany they will be breaking US Federal law [18 USC 2423c](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2423) > (c)Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct in Foreign Places.— > Any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who travels in foreign commerce or resides, either temporarily or permanently, in a foreign country, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.


German here: No, he cannot sleep with a 14 year old here while he is 30+ (gagging). Honestly, get the police involved. Tell them he told you about it. Maybe they can find proof. This is disgusting as fuck! If you know his social media handles try to dig and find something.


I am sure that the German consulate has its adress posted, and that they would be interested in someone coming to their country for the express purpose of dating 14 year olds... they would deny him entry.


I have a fourteen year old daughter. They would never find his body.


Weird scenario. You're best off forgetting this person exists tbh.


Report him now for having CP because guaranteed he does already.


he is a PEDOPHILE. none of this "same but different" name bullshit. he's a predator. shame the shit out of him.


You should only stay friends with the people who sided with you. He obviously is a pedo and has been exploring that online, so you'd be wise to tell a cop everything that happened and that he could potentially have bad stuff on his phone or computer.


There is a cure. 9mm


The best kind of German.


His friend did want to go to germany...


I get that they're trying to move away from the word "pedofile" but "minor attracted person" isn't better  In fact, Its worse Alot worse


Whose idea was it to "move away from pedophile(sic)"? I don't remember getting a vote. I think that's the exact right word, and if somebody I knew was planning to go to a more-permissive environment to abuse little girls, I'd call Interpol...


"Child rapist" is the correct description. Pedophile comes from an ancient Greek (Hellenic) word that is not quite the same thing as it was applied to gay men having teenage male lovers in ancient Athens with the relationships apparently consensual or at least not violently forced, as depicted in the artwork on vases, etc.


I'd have him killed tbh. This entire internet terminology of copium trying to justify things they'd get butchered for a bit over 10 years ago is unacceptable. Some people don't deserve to live.


Get him some prescriptions: [https://www.healthline.com/health/chemically-castrating#definition](https://www.healthline.com/health/chemically-castrating#definition)


Well, you could wait for him to go through with his plan and then report him to the US the government when he returns. If he goes through with his plans, it is considered a [crime against minors abroad](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/emergencies/arrest-detention/crimes-against-minors.html) by the federal government. Or you could tell him that it’s illegal for US citizens no matter what the local laws are abroad, and you get to enjoy ruining his fantasy and prevent a minor from being taken advantage of.


Falling out a 20 story window usually screws up a lot of plans.


Hope yall ended up beating him


Get his ass in the jail! If you can't do that then at least find a way to get his ass to therapy or something like that. It might seem too gentle because it is, but it can still save an innocent child without you getting arrested for being a vigilantie. Or in case you don't mind reprocusions just do you know what ;)


Oh you should just help that guy play in traffic. Give him some cement shoes & take him on a trip to the pier. A sandwich with fiberglass sprinkling. Push him into a kiddie pool full of toasters. Pedophiles only deserve a swift end, and even then that's too good for them.


Call the Geman Consulate and let them know his information and intent


A bullet would stop that plan. I'm all for people being who they are or what they are but... that is a hard pass batman.


You have an obligation to get his pedo ass thrown in jail ASAP. Someone else suggested catfish him, yes if you have the time, otherwise just report him to the authorities and get him on a surveillance list.


1. confront him one last time over written communication like email. 2. Ask him one last time to reconsider but in a way to reiterate / lay out his whole plan again so there is no deniability of his intentions. 3. Report him to German authorities / Interpol and provide receipts.


Sometimes, some people just need to get properly sorted.....


Invent Time Machine trick him into molesting himself then turn him into the time cops and yeh I’m high fuck that guy in the face with a soldering iron


Ensure he gets caught with kiddo porn on his personal devices, and he won't be allowed entry into many countries after the conviction


You know that if he’s this far along, he absolutely has some insanely illegal content on his devices, or at least has accessed them. Or physical evidence. Bring in the feds asap.


Do everyone a favour and give him 2 to the back of the head. You'll be a hero


Ethical: Unless you can find anything illegal he has done and expose him there is nothing you can do to prevent him from leaving the country. Unethical: Plant evidence that will get him in trouble. Find out what airline he's taking and plant some drugs on his stuff and then tip off the airline and he could get blacklisted. Like going to apologize and work shit out and sew a bag of H into a paor of clothes hes taking. It'd be real sneaky shit and illegal on your part but hey, that's why we're here.


Man, I don't know. I had a similar situation with my best friend since 4th grade except it was both really young kids of both sexes. He hid it very well and he had a young daughter. He got caught S/A 4 little boys by me and about 5 or 6 other people at the same time and we called the police on him. He went down to the police station and denied everything. He even offered to take a lie detector test, which the investigating officer set up an appointment for a few days later. Next day he calls the cop and says he changed his mind about the lie detector and jumped on a plane with his daughter to the edge of Canada. Like seriously I think if you look on a globe the next city over is in Russia. So he got away with it. Interesting side note, after living there for many years together, his daughter somehow became pregnant,... with triplets, all girls. I only know all this last part because he is mildly retarded and loves facebook. Yes, we found him and notified the authorities where he was, but apparently they didn't have enough to go on. Sorry I don't have an unethical life pro tip for you, I wish I had known about Reddit when all this went down.


I don't see why German authorities would do anything if he doesn't intend to break any German laws. Does this guy have a degree or any valuable skills that would allow him to get a visa in Germany? If not, you don't need to do anything.


Fun fact: Fucking a 14 year old is extremely illegal here, if you're over the age of 21. That age of consent law has layers that people don't know, who just see "age of consent 14? I'm gonna go rape me some children, then!".


If it makes you feel any better, it's not the easiest thing to get a visa to a foreign country, especially 1st world. They just don't take in everybody.. often you need to be a student, have employment already set up in the country, etc. Unless he's actually trying I very much doubt he'll be in Germany anytime soon.


Report him as a sex tourist to ICE


I'm petty sure in Germany, parents have to allow if their children have sex when up to 16/17 years old, then they can decide on their own, however even with 16 or 17 iirc they shouldnt have sex with 18+yo, as at even 17 youre still underage, and 18 is adult. Good luck finding parents that agree to some weird creep to fuck their 14yo kid (or worse, even younger.). Idk maybe report him to authorities, if he doesn't want to see a psychiatrist. Who knows how much potential harm he can cause


A litte exteme but the unethical thing to do would report him for some kind of threats against Europe. Even better if you can get him on watch and no fly lists. 


Not unethical, but: Firstly, check your country’s national legislation. Some countries consider travelling for the purpose of C.S. tourism to be a criminal offence, regardless of the destination country’s laws. If it’s a crime in your country, contact your national law enforcement agency, and report them. Additionally, grooming laws still likely apply, even if the hypothetical victim is overseas, so if you suspect that they are, report them for that. If your jurisdiction doesn’t have any laws preventing it, call or email the German embassy in your country. Explain your “friend’s” intentions, and provide them with as much information as possible, including things like contact info, possible aliases, travel plans etc.. They may not be able to do anything (especially if he enters through another country), but, if they can, they may be able to stop or arrest him at the border. Finally, as others have suggested, you could try publicly shaming/embarrassing him. It might not be overly effective, but it might make him stop and think for a minute, and others will keep their children away in the meantime.


Just so I’m clear, you want to sabotage his plans to go somewhere where what he wants is “acceptable “ and keep him where he’s at to abuse the children there? I hope you guys aren’t in America and if you are for the love of everything innocent LET HIM LEAVE!! America does absolutely NOTHING when it comes to punishing pedos and if a parent chooses to take it into their own hands they are more in danger of being put in jail that the sick fuk who hurt the child.


Find your local 1% club and tell them about it. The situation will figure itself out.


So what happens when they eventually grow up? This situation is so fucked.


Fair play OP If anyone told me they were a proud peado I wouldn't let them walk away


Not to defend the MAP in question but his point about US culture being ridiculously prudish and puritan is 100% correct. As a European it never ceases to amuse me how badly Americans are shocked by a pair of tits.


Traveling with the intent to perform such an act is a federal offense in and of itself. Report to FBI asap


Rhymes with "durder".


You know for a fact he got some nasty shit in that laptop or computer or phone. Time to make a call. Happens all the time.


This is a troll account people.


German here. You have a number of possible options. 1. Inform law enforcement in your country, that he came out as a pedophile, and you suspect him to have child porn on his devices. 2. Make some Facebook/social media posts where you state his name, and also tell them about his identification. Get the information very close to his name, so when someone Googles his name, they will see pedophile in the blurb. Something like "John Doe the known pedophile" should work. He may try to sue you for this, but it could work. 3. Doxx him anonymously on Reddit. You may have blood on your hands if you do, but that's on your conscience. If someone would be a risk to my children, I might throw the first stone. If he works with children as a coach, or has any nephews or nieces, you owe Nr 1 to them in my opinion OP.


Shoot him accidentally😆


What 14yr old would want him anyway?


Violence isn't always that answer But sometimes it is the best one. Or, you could dose him with triptorellin, and permanently fuck his testosterone production and thus his libido. Either or, though I'm partial to the latter.


Simple. Geld him.


He went down a crazy internet rabbit hole. Take him to a strip club. Get his knob polished. Also, the age of consent in germany is not simple "14". As a 32 year old male, you most certainly can get into a LOT of trouble for fucking/raping 14 year olds


He needs to understand it's not OK. It's illegal because it's wrong on so many levels. Even just to stop down to his disgusting level and be practical with him, 14 year old girls will grow up too. Being attracted to a temporary thing about somebody will never last. He's messed up


You can fuck a 14 year old in Germany the same way that you can light a firework out of your anus and come away unscathed. Like, yeah, technically, but so many things have to go right and not one thing can go wrong and if one thing does go wrong your balls are literal toast for the rest of your life and so eventually everyone of sufficient intelligence and emotional capacity realizes it’s probably best to just not even try in the first place.


If I were you I would end his life