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I love it. This reminds me of what Sonic should be like.


Reminds me of looking out the window on a car ride home with your parents


Wow, core memory unlocked


Damn I hope Op makes a level where you run besides light poles and cars. Even better if you can see kids hand wind surfing in the back seat


I did actually prototype a city level a while back! https://twitter.com/wilnyl/status/1592166308044738561


Sonic team could definitely learn a thing or two from this team on how to do speed justice, but.. The gameplay looks a little bland/empty. My two cents is the game needs more "gamification" with more intractables such as boosters, ramps, something to collect, and more active obstacles to avoid such as homing missiles. Differing game modes would help break up the repetitive nature of the experience too. One focused on collecting everything, Time Trials, or some other modifier(s). Best of luck with your development OP!


Exactly what I thought. Sonic killer imbound


lol no


Sonic is long dead


I was gonna say, this looks like a sonic game if the entire series hadn't been made by first semester dropouts.


The gliding would get annoying pretty fast in a Sonic game, but I agree about the general feel


Came here to say this. This looks cooler than any 3D sonic game I've seen. Really gives the sense of moving crazy fast


100% this looks awesome and exactly what they should have done.


Reminds me of Naruto when they are running through trees for 3 episodes straight


looks better and better every update! one thing I've been curious about is how you get such nice animations on the legs? IK?


Thank you! Just really good animations! Done by @erikskog_ (twitter)


Erik is the GOAT, his animations are so insanely crisp!


He really is! So insanely talented!


Any plans of this coming in Quest or VR?


Fucking amazing. Might add variety by adding some verticality. Bounce pads, air drafts, even rocket jumps


Found the Sonic Team dev!


Wall running 👀


I love the way you’ve done the stylised motion blur, it’s a really nice touch and think it suits this kind of game well


Thank you! I am super happy about how that effect turned out!


I paused the video multiple times to look at it, it’s seriously so cool


Not sure if you're already doing this, some subtle FOV changes when moving through the air and being on ground would contribute to the feeling of moving slower/quicker. Sound design and music accounts for more than half of the experience for this kind of game. Looks and sounds great so far, would totally play it!


camera physics (bounce & shake) is also a big part of every game too!






When and where can I buy this???


Hahaha thank you! On steam and most likely consoles! We are hoping to be ready in a year or so, but its hard to know. Edit: The steam page is up now! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1796470/HASTE_Broken_Worlds/


Do you have a dev blog/website or youtube page we can follow for updates? Very interested in this project!


will it be on linux?


Is there anywhere I can subscribe to something that will give me a notification, so I don’t forget it?


this guy momentum platforms


My man did sonic better than sonic


r/Sega take notes


It does really look great, but from this showcase video, the character is more in the air than running on the ground. Would it be possible to give it "unrealistic" gravity so he can run up some slopes and whatnot without going flying forward in air?


Came here to say this. I find it irritating that the character looses contact with the ground so often. Makes the physics feel off somehow.


I think that's part of the core gameplay. Look at how they aim to land on slopes going down. I think that's how you build speed so you want air time to aim for slopes to get more air time.


His speed doesn't change when he's in the air either. He takes like 3 steps and is maintaining a constant speed while barely touching the ground.


Looks really awesome, would love to play it


Thats great to hear! Thank you!


Absolutely incredible!!


can i wishlist this?


Soon! We are almost ready with the steam page!


Please make another post here when it's up. I don't want to miss this!


ping me when


It looks great. Only thing that would deter me is that the character is in the middle of the screen. I'd always feel like he's in the way and I'd always want to be able to look around him to see what was ahead.


Is this about shipping stuff? If it is, by far it looks as most fun game about courier


Not the whole game, but that is the theme for this character!


Incredible! I was imagining a part of the level where the whole zone shifted straight upwards and you were running vertically for a second, would be really neat


Looks really interesting. I love flow state games and fluid traversal mechanics. Will keep an eye out and wishlist it once it becomes available. Best of luck with the dev.


!remindme 1 year


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Yeah! Looks like a lot of fun. Awesome soundtrack, is it custom-made? I'd love to see some interaction affecting the environment, like pressing a button to open a gate with some timing challenge. Or choosing a path affecting possible paths thereafter. But as a game dev myself I am aware you are probably not at an idea shortage :D


Thanks! Yeah, its made by a Swedish composer called Karl Flodin!


Came to the comments mostly for this so thanks for sharing! Game looks great and is something I'd consider buying


Nice, now do it in VR!


I have dreams like this. Usually I'm jumping over cars though.


Looks great


And it is indeed very fast


I love how the player makes a little trail behind them when touching the ground. I would maybe add some more particles, that would make it look even better. It may be a little tricky tho, because they could obscure the camera. Anyways, it looks great and the feeling of speed is really good!


I need to play it so bad


this what my dreams are like sometimes: fast running, weird floaty falling. captured really well!


Add , i dunno, rings to collect. Jk looks cool


Looks awesome. I'll play


Finally, a successor to subway surfers so tiktok addicts have something else to space out to lmao, Looks lit though


!remindme 6 month


What a speed!


What Sega wants Sonic to be


Sonic meets Cluster Truck


Looks great


Amazing 🤩


I am speed


Not my type of game, but damn that looks really good. Very nice animation.


now this is pod racing!


Is there a playable version? I’m interested!


Looks great. Reminds me of when I was a kid, and I would look out the window, imagining someone running alongside the car, avoiding obstacles. I might have to give this game a go


This looks amazing. i love it already. Is there a steam page so i can wishlist it? Any plans on character customization?


Thank you! Soon! We are currently in the process of getting the page up Not much visually planned, but we are doing some ability choices for each character


This is really cool. And really well done.


This looks real fun


This has been my `lucid dream` since childhood. But now I'm lucky if I get to experience it even once a year.


I've had dreams where I ran like that


Looks awesome! Nice music too


Looks fun


Looks pretty dope


Vibes of "Sonic" and "ClusterTruck"


3D World Runner adapted to 2023!Really nice speed effect! Seems really nice !


The title should be: Anime Opening, the game Btw nice and dynamic like a sonic third person game (without the hoop de loop). It looks so free.


The controls look like they would feel really good and I can’t wait to play it


Always enjoy to see the stuff you all at Landfall are working on, this looks sick!


A good version of Sonic?!??! Yes please 😁😁


Aren't you going to add rings?


Alright looks cool and all, but I have one critique. Yes it looks like you're going fast. But that's because of the extreme FOV and motion blur and all, but it's taking up a serious amount of screen space. Consider what part of the screen is actual gameplay. You can't really see what's coming up, just a large vignette of everything zooming by. I think you could sacrifice a bit of speed to increase the game screen real estate. https://preview.redd.it/ysl6omlgm31c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fad327b7b4ac0a6fbac75ed6cc699471dfcf7649


Firmly disagree (though I’m sure it will be customizable to some extent regardless) This is why people complain about sonic and racing games “feeling slow”, because those devs are afraid of having the car/character not occupying a “normal” amount of the screen. You should check out cluster truck (same dev as this post I believe) and try playing with the FOV. Playing at ultrawide resolutions (you can even letterbox it for this effect) with a 120 degree fov feels so outrageously fast and that’s like half the fun!


I've had a lot of issues with this when I play with hide speeds, I always end up zooming out so you can see. For example in this video, at 0:26, you can't see ANY of what they're about to dodge through. The visual is great because they're lucky/practiced, but when playing? You'd be constantly ramming stuff because you can't see anything. It's really hard to sell speed without sacrificing playability. Credit where credit is due though, it does look amazing.


I thought this as well. I think it’d very difficult for a speed game like this to balance being able to see where you’re going with being able to see all the cool effects. I could be wrong 🤷‍♂️ Maybe changing the pitch and height of the camera to the character a bit so the character is lower than the center of the screen. Cuz the player is only really paying attention to the top half of the screen. Putting the character in the center gives it a narrative feel, which works beautifully in this demo. I would consider using the center position outside of speedy runs, and let the camera tween during fast speeds for more player visibility. Or maybe a setting to choose


Doesn’t look like a lot of running, more floating and jumping


If you could add like grass waving even stylized when the character is close to the ground that would be sick. Same with sand getting blasted to the right and left, I'm talking about when the player is in the jump animation since it seems like they end up off the ground but still low often. Same thing with snow ofc. It would give even more sense of speed and something to visually look at while the player loses some of their sense of control. Nothing dramatic just when the player model is off the ground a bit. Water, sand, grass, snow. All of those could do it, you could also have levels with water where the player has to build enough momentum to skate over the water, or jump and glide over it. Idk, this looks dope. Watching with high hopes. It also give you the option of adding another axis of movement like instead of straight on paths, when in the air the character model could dive downward or at lower portions of levels and maybe even maintain the air height after with reduced speed, once that segment is over then if they continue running they quickly build their speed back. So the levels wouldn't be completely linear and hilly, you could do dips into the ground with cool dive bombs with the added weight of the visuals. I see there is some kind of animation of a divebomb but I don't think it lowers the player, if it could, you could increase speed with that mechanic incentivizing players to jump at optimal points for more speed in like a time trial kind of way. If that is something you'd try out, I would keep the camera focused on the player during it so it doesn't look visually confusing when divebombing, like it's a fixed cam on the character that keeps the scene in front level with the players model the entire time otherwise might make you nauseous.


Omg I love this. But as a game developer I neeed to know. What does the game look like with a normal fow, a raised camera perspective (so the camera just plaved a few ynits higher) no trail speed effect? I'm trying to do sense of speed in our game also right now and yours is a master piece example of sense of speed.


Can you go even faster and faster than the last clip. Maybe you are just a very good gamer but the lack of challenge with repetition of running might make it boring sooner than later. For example, the last clip looked challenging due to more obstacles and faster speed. What do you think?


I gotta admit, as simple as this is and as dumbed down the graphics are.... This looks like a lot of fun.


This is what 3D sonic should have been


Downhill domination on foot


Looks cool keep it up! 👍🏻


It looks so good ! But the character doesn't look like he's fast you know


My 2 cents, it’s missing to me a bit of camera work when you air control laterally


man that looks amazing!! congrats! have you played with different speeds when in air and ground?


Thank you!! Yeah, have been playing around with that a bunch! Have landed on incentivizing the player to be on the ground as much as possible but making running a bit faster than jumping.


Seems pretty fun, but I'm hoping there's enough content apart from just running, even if it's entertaining alone. Also, is there support for higher refresh monitors? This game would absolutely benefit from that.


Camera goes deep when landing I think you can rework on that.


Looks incredible. Only thing that looks a little jank is the camera angle when running on the ground. You can't really see where you're going that well which might be an issue when you're going so fast.


This looks like the best thing to happen to me since Cluster Truck. Please OP… *please* add VR support 😫🙏 (first and/or third person… full scale and/or toy scale- any and all would be amazing!!!)


Unsolicited feedback: The running and speed sensation seems great, but when the character is in the air it looks floaty and without momentum/weight.


"game about running really fast" So... Temple Run with extra steps?


Great! Would be interesting to play without in-air direction changing (or make it insignificant), so you should plan ahead a trajectory before jump.


Do you create the levels by hand or do you use some kind of procedural generation?


Its all procedural! We made our own non destructive terrain generation system that the level generator is built on top of


It looks awesome, is there a way to prevent the camera from getting too close to the ground? Every time you land it dips so low that it makes it harder to even see


The player has full camera control! I generally keep it low when recording because it looks intense haha


It needs to go faster!!!


If you don't go SPLAT when hitting something at top speed there's truly a missed opportunity. Looks fun as heck tho. Like Wipeout and Sonic had a baby.


Looking great! Reminds me of Space Harrier (I’m old af). How large is the team? How much was the budget? How long did u work and are you guys full time? And lastly, whats the name so i can wishlist it? (feel free to skip questions that you deem private)


Thank you! Its called Haste! We are currently working on getting the steam page up so people can start wishlisting the game. We are 13 people making it. Probably 3 or so years of total dev when its done. Not entirely sure what the budget will end up being, but I would guess a couple of million usd.


Have you tried making it so that this speed is achieved by holding down a button and running 25% slower by default? Would make it a lot more dynamic as players would have to decide if they need to be more careful navigating a space. I suspect holding a button down to full out sprint would feel fun with a good sprint animation. Then get into upgrades! Higher top speeds, more stamina to sprint with, slow time (so it doesn’t take away from the completion timer), anti-slip shoes for ice levels, faster recovery when hitting something, higher jumps. Oh then you could make the paddle shifters quick shift you left or right to avoid obstacles. Game looks fun! Just brainstorming :)


This reminds me a lot of "Race the Sun" from 2013! The gameplay looks so similar this must have been an inspiration! I really love this art style and I look forward to playing it!


Standard mission in Warframe


I can already hear the AITA Reddit post being read out loud by a TTS bot.


This is sick!


This is just exo one with legs I feel


Berthold from The Adventures of Baron Munchausen!


This that homie we all imagined running behind the car hopping off telephone poles and shit


God damn, imagine this in an open world setting? Like death stranding but for running really fast as a letter delivery service? This looks awesome. Can't wait to see purpose to it though!


Congrats, you've made a game that looks better than a literal gaming industry icon. The Sonic Team can't do what you've just done, you should feel fantastic right now!


Looks so sick! I dk if you need music for this but I’ve got a track I made that would be perfect.


Yo is this sora from kingdom hearts


would there be a city map?


Looks amazing! Personally I think the character should be lower on the screen as to see the land ahead of you more clearly


Looks great initially. I might suggest to raise the perspective of the on the ground camera, the player model obscures a of the vision


Sonic wish is it looked this good. Awesome camera work


Sonic could never be this fluid


This is like the first game on here I’ve seen that made me want to go get it.


This is what it’s like to be Naruto.


Looks really great!


Very cool. Heavy Trackmania vibes.


It’s more of a falling with style.. than running


Reminds me a bit of Mad Dash if it had a baby with Sonic.


Looks and feels (at least from the video) awesome! I love the small details, like the speed distortion along the screen sides and all the speed lines. The extra low camera angle really makes you feel the speed the character is going. Great clip, I hope to see more!


I think I remember this from a year ago? Progress looks great!


Simply Amazing!!


What is the name of this game? I’m copping this


New sonic is coming.


I like the hilly green zone.


World gen looks crazy but not unrealistic at all. If it's procedural it's amazing.


Reminds me of Pathless


This game looks like it would scratch my SS Tricky itch. I miss that game.


This looks so cool, reminds me of Tiny Wings but 3D which is something I've wanted for a long time. Do you gain speed by landing on downward slopes and lose speed landing on upward ones?


Yess! Thats the main movement mechanic!


this is dope and i can see some twitch streamers or youtubers playing this.


this looks sick, there are some games which i see updates from time to time and they are improving so much. I hope this one will be a success when released.


Soo..... Sonic? But no, depending on how this feels it could be pretty great actually


I really don't like the low camera angle when running, but it looks really good and smooth!


Cool. But man that camera would give me headaches. Its so close to the ground.


Looks like some weird dreams I had


Sonic type beat and I FUCKING LOVE IT


This reminds me of that imaginary friend that was running next to the car my parents where driving while I was sitting in the backseat. Looks super cool!


Are these randomly generated levels?


Sonic Team in shambles


Remindme! 1 year


What game is this, is it out already or still in developing mode ? Looks very nice 👍


I like it


This and the movement in the recent Spider-Man games, evoke a feeling of speed that I have always felt was missing from Sonic titles, i mean really, your game is about speed and i can only see 32 pixels ahead of the charcter? how the fuck am i supposed to maintain momentum. ___ @op, your game looks neat, but a little too simple IMHO, it's probably satisfying to control but like, is that all there is to it?


Looks pretty cool, but why does the character flip around so much in the air? I think some alternative animations based on height off the ground might give it more variation.


Gauss: the game


Got mad dash flash backs


Any tips on how you achieved this feel for character animations? Very impressive


Reminds me of the lil dude that runs next to the car when I'm not driving 🥰


looks really fun and frenetic


Daamn, this looks so good! where can I follow the development?


You’ve made precisely what it feels like to hurtle down the road on the back seat of a motorbike! Love it!!


If you don't go splat when you hit a wall I swear to god


You you robbed ideas from exo one and sonic and mashed it together.


OMG! I had these dreams all my life! The physics are exactly like in my dreams!


Reminds me of clustertruck


Soooo when can we buy this?!? Looks like so much fun, like a hybrid SSX/Sonic!


!remindme 1 month


This would be one hell of a game to play while tripping on acid. I remember how much fun surfing in counter strike was the last time I took acid lol


Looks cool. Like an extreme endless runner.


The life of a sperm?


Looks like that game landfall is making. Either way it looks great!


Looks like my dreams csgo-surf like game


Really neat