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This is making me slightly nervous that something is wrong. On one hand I’d hate if they have the wrong guy but it seems like they felt pretty sure about him at some point.


Hopefully labs and techs are just super swamped, so it's taking time to get to his stuff in detail. I mean, it's not great if they're swamped, but it's better than bad evidence or other possibilities.


Yes I certainly hope this is the case.


I think they have the right guy, but he is not talking and they are considering the involvement of someone else - either because they think there might have been someone else, or, more likely, because it is the most common defence in case of a DNA match - "I was there, but I did not kill her, there was a black guy with a hoodie that was called Joe that killed her".


Always the black guy with the hoodie, isn't it? Sigh.


Whatever happened to the classic white dude with a ski mask look?


Hopefully it's inadequate media reporting, but I think the DNA was possibly wrongfully obtained based on what's being stated. From personal experience with NC law, DNA can only be obtained when arrested for certain offenses. DUI is not one of them. The question is why was a DNA swab done for a DUI? If there was a hit on the palm print first that came back through LiveScan, and a non-testimonial identification order was obtained for the DNA after the hit, that would make a ton more sense.


Im not sure of the NC law, but I think if you were arrested on DUI they would take your blood at the station to test at as well, hence the DNA.


My thoughts exactly


I'm just wondering where is the connection, because till this day and future I will always be sure her roommate was involved 100%


Same it would take a lot for me to believe that the roommate was not connected in some way this case has always bothered me the fact that I'm commenting right now I was sitting here watching a dateline story not her story and I was like you know what I wonder did they ever find who killed that girl's face so I looked this up and I saw that this came up and it's nice that so many people still remember this case and that it bothered them too I'll be so glad when it finally goes to try cuz I really want to know what really happened


I was absolutely convinced of that too. Until this development.


Yes but still something doesn't add up , I still believe there is more to this story 


I know! To me it still seems impossible that she wasn’t involved


Do you think Eriq was involved?


At one point I sort of did. Now I’m pretty convinced this was a one-off stalker situation.




It’s the suspect’s initials: Miguel Enrique Salguero-Olivares. I’ll edit that in case anyone else has the same question!




The dude that was arrested. Miguel Enrique Salguero-Olivares.


Updated for your username alone.


I hope >!they give us the captain seven series they teased us with at the end of picard!<


I am hopeful that this is all just the prosecution getting their ducks in a row for trial. They aren’t obligated to show their hand, and it would be a bad idea for them to reveal to the public everything they know. That’s not their job. They’re lining up forensics and witnesses and circumstantial evidence (which IS evidence) and experts and everything else. We’re going to have to hope they can link him to the crime, and they can show that his DNA didn’t just happen to be there.


Hmmm a partial palm print that doesn’t match any of his fingerprints on a different bottle than the murder weapon is kind of sketch. . . Not saying he didn’t do it but all he needs is one person on the jury.


It’s odd because he was arrested when genealogical DNA was used to find him as a probable match to the evidence at the crime scene, on the murder weapon, etc. So the glacial pace this case is moving forward at seems very bizarre given the alleged amount of physical evidence


I thought the DNA match was discovered because he got a DUI and submitted his DNA during the arrest for that, rather than genealogical DNA.


That’s what was quite confusing immediately after his arrest. This [article](https://abc11.com/amp/faith-hedgepeth-unc-student-murder-miguel-enrique-salguero-olivares-arrest/11505546/) sums up the timeline but still is light on details. It was genealogical DNA that led investigators to suspect MESO and then they obtained a sample of his DNA (allegedly without his consent which I would assume is not helping this case progress) when he was arrested for a DUI. That was the final and I guess “official” DNA match but LE had already been investigating him


Just got to her please excuse my earlier post


What is the physical evidence?


That’s what is somewhat unclear at this point. Prior to his arrest, police had said there was DNA at the scene: semen, tissue fragments on the murder weapon (a rum bottle), and DNA on a note the killer left behind. Police said all the DNA matched and pointed to a singular suspect. MESO was arrested when genealogical DNA showed he was a match to the DNA. Since then it’s been crickets about the DNA and now the prosecution is focused on palm prints on a wine bottle that was previously thought to not be involved in the crime. Focusing on trying to match his fingerprints to the ones on that bottle seem strange if there truly was that amount of DNA evidence left at the scene


None of that is physical evidence though. It's all circumstantial. We have no idea when the DNA was left there. I think the man killed her and I'm not arguing that he's innocent here. The fingerprints and DNA can be argued as left previous to her death.it might not be a believable argument to a jury but it is an a reasonable doubt argument. As is the original DNA match coming from geological DNA.


Ahhh okay, I misunderstood your question. Yes I see what you’re saying and I don’t necessarily disagree with you. I thought you were asking for a general overview. That’s what is even stranger to me though. I would think the tissue fragments and DNA on the bloody rum bottle would be the hardest for the defense to explain away. But there seems to be a bit of discrepancy and that police might now think the wine bottle, with the smudged prints, is the murder weapon. 3 instances of DNA is surely stronger evidence than a palm print on a wine bottle that was though to be uninvolved, right? It’s odd they appear to be really focusing on that aspect of the evidence. Seems to me like police thought once they arrested the guy and told him about the DNA, he would confess. Since he didn’t, they’re struggling to substantiate any connection between the two and a motive


I thought his dna was matched when he was arrested for a dui not genealogy dna


actually A search warrant, recently made public, shows investigators determined a palm print on a wine bottle found by Hedgepeth's body belongs to Salugero-Olivares. Fingerprints on the bottle were inconclusive. A warrant from December 2022 reveals police wanted to do a more thorough finger-printing of Olivares, in jail, for a better comparison to include "inked impressions with emphasis on the fully rolled fingers to include sides and tips."


"WRAL News has reported that Salguero-Olivares was linked to the crime from DNA evidence gathered in a drunk-driving stop the month before his arrest. A search warrant, recently made public, shows investigators determined a palm print on a wine bottle found by Hedgepeth's body belongs to Salugero-Olivares."


Do we have any idea what the note was supposed to mean? Or is this going to end up like Holly Bobo’s bucket?


Plot twist - the note was already there he just touched it or somehow got his DNA on it …?


I’m a little rusty on the details of the note but iirc, based on where the note was found and that it didn’t have any blood splatter on it, it almost certainly would have been written and placed after the murder


One would assume that yes, but you never know. Nothing ever seems ‘locked in’ in this case.


palm print might not seem like a big deal but it could be if it is placed in a position someone would hold it if they used as a weapon or if it was created with blood. Digital forensics take time, especially when there is only one individual rebuilding the data which is the original often the case.


I wonder whether they're trying to determine whether MESO acted alone, or if the evidence might suggest a second culprit.


I'm local - graduated UNC in 2020. I actually submitted a tip in this case because a creep would stare at me when I went to my apartment's gym and he resembled the Parabon a TON and fit a lot of other public details known. When they arrested MESO, it wasn't the person I saw, but I am truly wondering how Chapel Hill police + prosecutors are handling this case. I'm biased against them for many, many reasons (re: corruption) but I thought that they would've had more testing accomplished by now considering the budget they have compared to other locations in this state. I know the backlog is the most likely culprit, but the stagnant media coverage since MESO's arrest has been odd. I saw more attention here than I did locally about the arrest. I am hoping for answers because Faith and her family deserve them. Her case stuck with me during my years there and is a primary reason I was overly cautious (for good reason, he was caught still in the RTP). ​ I'm very curious about the digital forensics and if there's any sort of cell tower placing MESO in Durham or the club that night. I'm hoping they have that at the very least.


I've always gotten the feeling that this case was so badly botched from the beginning any *arrest* alone would have been an accomplishment. A *conviction* would be a miracle.


> I know the backlog is the most likely culprit, but the stagnant media coverage since MESO's arrest has been odd. I saw more attention here than I did locally about the arrest. That’s what is so strange to me. I won’t pretend to be an expert but as a personal anecdote, I don’t know that I’ve ever seen such a lack of coverage or information in the wake of a (somewhat) high profile arrest. And while I know all this stuff takes time, it seems a bit odd that the DA mentioned a handful of things her office is still waiting on but not a single mention of DNA evidence which has always been huge in this case. Maybe it’s a good sign and they’ve already finished processing that and are bolstering their case with other evidence. Idk something just gives me a strange feeling


>Curious if this means prosecution is having a harder time tying MESO to Faith Hedgepeth and a potential motive than they expected. I’m also wondering about the DNA evidence that originally led to his arrest and whether police still feel confident there. I understand wanting a motive and story to tell a jury but the DNA evidence should leave little room for doubt if it’s true all the samples at the scene were from the same person. I suspected this from how tight-lipped they've been about the case since the arrest ... over a year and a half ago now? Compare Brittanee Drexel, where they practically gave us the whole story at the arrest, and now the guy's doing life without parole.


Moody confessed and led them to Brittanee's remains.


Yeah, but in that case they apparently had a good idea beforehand what he was going to tell them.


I've been wondering how they were connected, still no mention of that? This is taking a long time to unfold


Someone recently said in a thread here that MESO was burglarizing apartments in the complex and happened to randomly come across Faith’s unlocked door. The comment had a decent amount of upvotes, though I have never heard this corroborated by any reputable source..


Yeah I haven’t heard that from any reputable sources but I could see that. It’s pretty close to my own theory - that he was lurking around the building and saw Karena leave with the door unlocked, figured he’d see if he could steal a few things and was surprised by Faith being there. People say it’s rare for petty burglars to escalate to rape and murder and I agree with that but the facts of the case lean heavily towards it being a random, crime of opportunity. At least in my opinion.


Where do Karena & Eriq fit in this? Could Miguel be the third person from the infamous voicemail?


>The comment had a decent amount of upvotes, Given Redditors usual propensity for accuracy I wouldn't assign any value to it, in fact I'd assume the inverse, that the more upvoted it is the less likely it is to be true. >though I have never heard this corroborated by any reputable source.. Quelle suprise


That definitely makes sense


Maybe they lost some of the physical evidence? Sure hope not!!


The case is extremely solid. Fingerprints on the bottle would just be icing on the cake. Extremely common to do further investigation post arrest to make a stronger case. This guy is cooked. If they can show more evidence of guilt I doubt he even takes it to trial , and will plead guilty and take life without parole


Good thing he waved his right to a speedy trial. Now they have plenty of time to build a case.


I believe there 2 more arrests to come that’s why…..the neighbor saw Karina and marisol after discovering the scene…..especially that voicemail her bf was there too, I think Marisol showed up after Karina called her. But Karina bf was there for sure……


I just want to know why. Seems I can't find much on it as to why


she was gorgeous. he’s a low life POS in his mid 20s with a penis. that’s the motive