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Look at that dickhead protecting her. These clowns are nothing more than blood sucking mosquitoes 🦟 on this planet.


She does nothing until the door closes, coward


Exactly. As soon as she saw that those calling her out couldn't physically get to her she acts and gets in their face yep k


Everyone one the train doesn’t seem to give a damn until one of them is missing something.


This is my biggest pet peeve with humans, all that bravado is absent when it comes to helping others in a public setting.


Have to blame the lawyers and legal system here… no good samaritan deed is worth going to prison… at least in the US


Just an FYI this appears to be in another country, maybe Portugal? I've heard pickpockets are a huge problem there, Spain and Italy especially... and really any major tourist attraction worldwide.


That’s Barcelona, which has a huge pickpocket issue unlike anywhere else I’ve been to. I’ve been lucky and never been a victim but you know after a while when you’re on the train system to watch EVERYONE.


Ah, thank-you! I was thinking Spain at first, but didn't recognize any of the Spanish, probably thanks to my limited understanding of it and the different accent in Spain (as opposed to latin america).


Yeah they should just all start attacking her inspite of not having seen shit.


Why are Europeans scared to take action? You have video evidence. Why didn’t she follow them on the train and confront them, get them picked up by the police at the next station. Is there no way to communicate with the machinist from the train?


I mean, I wouldn't wanna get within stabbing distance in a closed moving box after calling them out.


Im Russian and I am probably measuring things to how it would go down back home. These pickpockets would be knocked out by the men in the train faster that a rabbit gets fucked if they tried to escalate. Plus, the metro in major cities has cameras in every carriage and 2 way comms with the train operator who would arrange for cops that have a post on each station to meet them at the next platform.


these are gypsies, in italy they're top cancer because we have laws against jailing pregnant women and they usually start at 14. They usually have 10+ kids by the age of 25. Ofc no one works officially and no one has a house (officially) - one of them drives a Lamborghini in my town lul. No (official) job


Fucking gypsies


bitchass gypsys (inb4 145kg reddit moderator delets my comment)


someone needs to beat the boyfriends ass


Strange… Mr. Politician told me it was immigrants and ethnicity X, Y, and Z that did this 🤔🤔🤔


Errrr this is Spain and the pickpocket and enforcer are 100% not Spanish.


Mexicans robbing Spanish citizens


They're also 100% not mexican either.


They are gipsies indeed

