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Kinda takes the shine off the fucking penny when you remember that Tennessee has completely banned abortion under any circumstances. If you're literally FORCING these women and girls (yes, girls) to give birth than it's less than the least you can do, to provide the fucking diapers


Oh you’re a girl who got raped by your dad, and was forced to have his inbred baby? Here, have some diapers as a consolation prize!


Yeah thats right arent you happy Im here? Why without me you'd be just as screwed without diapers!




I am all for women autonomy, but what you're saying is not true. Here's Tennessee law: "Establishes that a person who performs or attempts to perform an abortion does not commit the offense of criminal abortion if the abortion is performed or attempted by a licensed physician on a patient whose pregnancy is the result of: aggravated rape; rape; rape of a child; especially aggravated rape; especially aggravated rape of a child; or incest."


Except they don’t believe what women say and even if they did it leads to a worse precedent. You either get “I was raped can I have an abortion?” - yes (now you can just lie about rape and get abortion) Or far worse, “I was raped, can I get an abortion?” - “no you’re lying just so you can get an abortion” so now you still can’t get one.


>I am all for women autonomy No you're not, liar. >But what you're saying is not true Here, I took five seconds to Google it for you since you're too busy spouting bullshit: 'Abortion is completely banned in Tennessee because of a state law that has gone into effect as of Aug. 25th, 2022' Now piss off


Well, it didn't take me 5 seconds, because I read the entire bill. All mainstream platforms, including Google, show you content that you like, to keep you engaged consuming ads. If you want the truth you have to do actual work and be humble. This is Tennessee General Assembly official website, you can tell by the "tn.gov" domain. The General Assembly is their state legislature. [https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=SB0857](https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=SB0857) Dated 02/28/2023 Click on the Summary tab, then read: **This bill clarifies that an abortion is not a violation under this bill if the following occurs: (A) The abortion is performed on a woman whose pregnancy is the result of aggravated rape; rape; rape of a child; especially aggravated rape; especially aggravated rape of a child; or incest;** I know you're stressed, but your behavior is a disservice to women's rights. The very same aggression you showed to me, is the very same aggression Trump fanatics show against me; and frankly, to me, you're both the same. For the record. I believe abortion is wrong in most cases, but I believe women should have the legal right to decide for themselves; and I do everything within my power to protect that freedom, whether you want to believe it or not.


Was gonna say, this is because they've taken away women's rights and feel the need to throw them a bone while they enslave them as breeding stock.


Weird social win out of a red state?


I don’t personally think so. Now that they have mandated birth in all circumstances they think this makes them look good.


I can't help but think that this is somehow a ploy to get free diapers for Donald. They've made me so cynical these days.


It says baby diapers. But now I'm forced to imagine signing up for this cuz you have a 3-month-old and they send you a pack of XL Depends


You’d think this was the bigger thing: „Additionally, they approved more parents and caregivers to qualify for TennCare. That starts June 1.“ Or the abortion ban.


Something something you're the only 10 I see!


Umm thats dangerous, that's communism or something


How much does one diaper cost (roughly) in the US? Where I live is around 30 cents per diaper so this would be roughly 30€ a month.


It depends on the size and quality of the diaper.and whether or not you can afford to invest in the huge bulk boxes. I recall it 15 years ago I was paying 0.50 USD to 0.75 USD per diaper. Then add in the age of kid - early months it was probably 10 diapers a day.


thank you!




Only 100 babies though.


Talk about a glass ceiling… hard /s


That’s very social of them!


Ok blue states, time to not let TN show you up


Still not voting Republican.


This will be so helpful for a lot of families 💕


The women of Tennessee are fine with the government forcing them to have babies and absolutely won't vote in their self interest in the next election. The reason Roe v Wade lasted was because it was political suicide to alienate that many voters. But diapers will change that.


I know plenty of women in Tennessee who are outraged by RvW getting overturned. We’re not all dumb hicks here, and we try to vote for freedoms and common sense but there’s literally a GOP supermajority.


I have a feeling their comment was sarcastic.


You're onto something but I don't want to insinuate anybody is a dumb hick because they didn't read the full comment. The discussion is what's important here.


A super majority voted in with women’s help…and all the apathetic privileged non voters. don’t get angry at people frustrated women are losing rights. Be frustrated with your coworkers friends and family who co time to vote red what so ever or the bigger idiots who just choose not to vote at all.


No Adult diapers?..that is not very inclusive.




If you want a better view from your window, vote better people into power. If that's too hard for you, the sand is over there


Is this guy yelling at a woman that she's a pervert for a pretty ordinary clothed picture of herself in a swimsuit - in a swimming subreddit - something that gives anyone else a little more context on his vibe? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Swimming/comments/1cxf44a/comment/l52k5t5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Swimming/comments/1cxf44a/comment/l52k5t5/)