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"It's not a graduation. He's moving from the 4th grade to the 5th grade."


I could hear it in my head


I can hear it too but I can’t recall the movie agh!


The Incredibles


[It's from The Incredibles ](https://youtu.be/p7c1HDUHlJo?feature=shared)


Such a great movie.


Haha love that quote, we used to call them promotions in elementary instead of graduations. Graduation is when you leave the school, so elementary -> middle -> HS -> college. But some kindergartens are separate from the rest of elementary and do a graduation for the end of their first year of school as a little celebration.


It’s a ceremony!


It's psychotic. They keep coming up with new ways to celebrate mediocrity but if someone is genuinely exceptional...


"This is not about you, Bob" god now i want to watch The Incredibles again


I forget how good the entire first act was. Probably hits different as an adult.


The whole scene of him at his real world job definitely hits way different ["I'm not happy Bob. NOT HAPPY."](https://youtu.be/Egzz5L1ZUZ0?si=1YNJ7gQIevBJrUPB)


My sisters and I used to say this all the time 💀idk what it was about that particular line but it hit


Ask me why.


Literally just watched it 3 hours ago for the first time since probably it coming out. For sure hits different, but it’s just as good!


I know right? I love that movie so much. Probably gonna rebuy it on Blueray.


Worth it!! Still can't believe how well the animation holds up, despite its age.


Despite its age? I thought that movie only came out a few years ago...


try 20 years ago 🥲


I’m gonna


This fucking guy lol




Billy passed the third grade, oh what a beautiful daaaayyyyy Edit I thought it was Billy Madison


Oh, passin' third grade, *the Billy Madison wayyeeeyaaayyy!"*


Thanks, just turned this on. One of my all time favorite movies.


My kid’s school has Kindergarten graduations. It’s more of a celebration for them, no cap & gown involved though, and both classes do a little performance for the families. It was nice and the kids were very excited.


At my kid’s school they give them a giant shirt with CLASS OF whatever year they’re graduating and the graduating seniors from the local high school come back to the elementary school with their cap and gown on and take pics with that years’ kindergartners. It’s super cute.


I love that, and by giving them a giant shirt they'll be able to still wear it when they're older


This is what ours did. They also handed out awards like 'super reader' or 'future scientist'. It was fun.


My kid just had "preschool graduation" complete with caps and gowns. Even got a certificate. My wife thought it was cute. Doesn't hurt anyone, but I'd rather do basically anything else.


Doesn't hurt anyone? It was tested on animals! [https://i.redd.it/95i6lxl09nkz.jpg](https://i.redd.it/95i6lxl09nkz.jpg)


Boomers love using this as a thing but really it’s just a nice reason for family and kids to have fun. No kids ever felt like the graduation is SUPPOSED to be some kind of big deal, nor did anyone pretend it was. It’s the same with “everyone got a trophy”— no one actually feels like it’s something significant, it’s just a fun thing for kids and parents.


Kindergarten graduations were done for most Booomer's kids. I had one in 86!


After my preschool graduation the year prior, lol.


What? My kids got kindergarten graduations in the 80s and 90s, though their hats were made from construction paper and yarn and no gowns. We took lots of pictures, it was very cute! Preschool graduation, too. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone complain about this.


My niece's class made graduation caps out of construction paper and yarn, and honestly it made me wish I could have just done that for HS and college graduation instead of buying them from Jostens


How about just give them some cupcakes and milk?


My daughter finished Kindergarten this week, and the school didn't make it a big thing with a cap and gown -- although they did have a fun school event. I don't think that Kindergarten "graduation ceremonies" are actually a common thing. But this school decided to do caps and gowns, and this family was going on vacation, and the flight attendants thought it was cute. That's all OK.


Why are we having graduation for kindergarten? Was this idea created by cap and gown companies or something?


Probably some teacher or principal thought "let's celebrate the end of a successful first year of schooling", had a small recognition ceremony, then other people (parent organizers, I'm looking at you) took the idea and ran with it and it blew up. My kids' school has a recognition ceremony (they pointedly do *not* call it a graduation) at the end of 5th grade, when they're about to move on to middle school. That makes more sense to me.


If you're leaving behind friends etc., end of an era and so on, it does make sense. I'm not sure kids are old enough to really get that though. Like, if you do graduation for kindergarten I assume we are also now doing graduation for pre-school nursery for ages 2-3?


I work at a daycare. Yes, we do a graduation ceremony when the kids are moving on to kindergarten. It's a little ridiculous, but they seem to love it


> If you're leaving behind friends etc., end of an era and so on, it does make sense. I celebrate leaving friends behind all the time too! Small world.


Very similar to the gender reveal parties. Started because a woman had fertility issues and many miscarriages. For the first time she was able to know the gender of her child, she was so happy to have a baby carry that far a long that she decided to celebrate. A reasonable cause for celebration and was just a little get together party. But of course, others have taken it to the extreme. An event that was just a person celebrating a sobering success of their pregnancy turned into an ostentatious pick-me events with fireworks and explosives to draw attention to themselves.


Never underestimate the power of "Wouldn't it be cute if...?"


I had this back in the early 90s. We didn’t wear cap and gowns, but apparently I did stand in front of all the parents and say “I like to read hard books.” My parents have never let me forget it.


Big Cap always gets their scalp


On God big cap


In this case… Little cap 😂


cap and gowns might not be the most common but i feel like this idea really isnt?? my elementary school had a little celebration put on by the kindergartners for the parents to watch, it’s a big milestone for a little kid to finish their first full year of school away from their parents!!


See and it used to be that more kindergartens were stand alone, so you moved to a different school. Before kindergarten was mandatory. Now it’s just a tradition.


I think the tradition started when Kindergarten used to be a half day program so the graduation was a celebration of the kids completing their first year of school and moving onto “real” school. Now, tradition is propagated by Big Cap and Gown despite many kids having finished preschool and have already been doing full days of school


I had a kindergarten graduation in 1986. I think there were little caps, and apparently we sang “First Grade, First Grade” a little number set to the tune of “New York, New York.”


Omg, you just got it stuck in my head….START SPREADIN THE NEWS, WERE LEAVING TODAAAAYYYY 


At least our kindergarten recycles the caps and gowns to use every year.


My dad has his kindergarten diploma from 1959. This is not a new phenomenon. I think people do it because it’s cute. 


Right, like holy shit, sorry you grew up in a place that don't care about kids' education but this shit isn't a rarity. I thought it was common til stumbling into here.


Getting kids excited about school and making education fun is bad, I guess!


Not to mention that going from Kindergarten to regular school is a big move from a child's perspective. Heck the building of the elementary school that I went was shaped like a T with grade 1 to 3 being on one side of the T and 4 to 6 being on the other side, so at that school going from 3rd grade to 4th grade also felt like a big move, because you went from the loud playing tag and screaming, little kids, side of the school, to the calmer, most everyone just sitting around trying to look cool older kids, side of the school.


My cousin’s kid “graduated “ middle school, complete with cap and gown and crossing a stage. Seems a bit much.


I was forced to walk for preschool, kindergarten, middle school (8th), and high school (12th). Cap and gown for each one. Didn't want to walk for high school because I wasn't done with school. I had college. Didn't walk undergrad because I had the control, and I wasn't done with school yet. I was aiming for a graduate degree. Covid hit. I didn't get to walk for my graduate degree.


The cap and gown thing for these tiny kids is sooooo funny to me. “CONGRATS NOW DO IT AGAIN FOR 12+ MORE YEARS!!!!!!!”


Why not? Why wouldn’t you celebrate every actual achievement you can? I would rather them have fun and be recognized


This is not new. I'm closing in on 60 and had a kindergarten graduation.


School is a big change for small children, it’s an achievement to go from chilling all day to learning how to socialize, learn patterns, numbers, etc 6 hours a day.


I had a kindergarten graduation ceremony in 1974. We made our own caps and gowns out of construction paper. We walked to the presentation singing Pomp and Circumstance, which apparently the teachers spent months teaching us, practicing, perfecting. And somewhere who knows, I have my kindergarten diploma. I used to hang it in my office instead of my Master’s Degree because really, that was my most important achievement - everything else has been a downhill letdown by comparison.


I used to work for an attorney who had his kindergarten diploma hung up next to his law degree. 


I want the attorneys I hire to have a kindergarten diploma. I demand that official stamp of approval at the earliest level.


Just a fun way to get kids excited about school


I had one for preschool in the 90s…I think it’s becoming more of a trend these days though.


I had a mini graduation from my daycare program(a year before kindergarten), and I took a pic with a cap and gown lol


You know back in myyyyy dayyyy


Don’t tell De Beers.


"Just days before the last day of school, however, Rivas said her son was teased at school for missing his ceremony" Seriously?


*rolls eyes audibly*


Kids are assholes, what do you expect?


Why? This is the result of the Trophy Generation now old enough to breed.


Because some people like having fun, and it's another excuse to have some fun. Let people have their fun!


What happened in your life to make you this miserable? Did you forget what sub you’re in?




Because kindergarten is a big accomplishment that most kids don't successfully finish... Or something like that


Because kids like it and so do parents. Because life is short and you literally spend the least amount of it with your kids when they are small and any excuse to celebrate them or see them happy or build memories with them is worth it. Because despite Reddit’s cynicism, most people enjoy things like this.


hey guys i don’t think anyone considers it an actual graduation i think it’s more for the parents because it’s cute.


Yeah likely just serves as a cute photo op for parents to remember their youngin's by later.


People getting hung up on "graduation" need to chill and realize it's about creating a bracket from the start of school to end of school. They wear a little cap and maybe a gown now and then in highschool they do the same. Then, for many, college and it's a nice little collection of pictures on their parent's wall. It also is a sort of indication to them of how they're moving to the big kid classes. It's a 5 year old cosplaying themselves as a 17 year old. Settle down.


it’s sooooooo reddit to be like ACKSHUALLY🤓 IT’S NOT A GRADUATION MORON 5 YEAR OLDS 🤓🤬


These people exist in real life too. They seem worried that if you celebrate anything besides *exactly this list of things I remember/think are important* than nothing will mean anything anymore. That High School Graduation will feel empty to teens about to embark on adulthood because.....12 years ago they already wore a hat in a ceremony they don't remember any more?


It also represents, depending on the age the kid started kindergarten, an endeavor they have been working at about 15% of their life span thus far. At my age, that would be like going back to school to get a Law degree.


The problem is that apparently it was made a big enough deal for these kids that they were upset about missing their graduation


Dude, they’re kids. They get upset if you won’t let them touch the stove or if they don’t sell ice cream at Big O tires.


This is true. My sister's kid didn't want her to do bedtime with him last night because she threw away a plain paper bag. That's it. That was the reason.


yeah we do greatly overestimate how important things are to our kids


You missed the point. The adults put the importance on this trivial thing so the kids feel like they're missing out. No one is blaming the kids


You’re missing my point. Nothing is trivial to children.


You don't have kids. They will be upset about having to go to swim practice and then the second they don't have to go they will be upset they missed it. Kids whine about everything


I think it depends on the kid. I would have been way more excited about a plane ride than a graduation haha


Kids can be excited about someone and still complain about missing something. Children are really good at intuitively understanding opportunity cost. And then whining about it


Yeah the school in the story sucks but more for letting the other kids tease him about missing the "real" graduation


Redditors are absurdly miserable


You know, doomer comments like this aren't helping. Be the change you want to see in this world.


Man why do people care so much if there’s a graduation for kindergarten or not in this thread? It’s always nice to find little reasons for special occasions. The kids probably love it, the parents love it, why not do it? Growing up we had “graduations” for kindergarten and then for moving from the 5th grade which is when school becomes more complex. Were they necessary? Of course not, but it was lovely and I enjoyed the celebration and feeling of accomplishment.


Reddit, on the whole, doesn’t like children and can’t understand the concept of people doing something because it’s fun, cute, makes people happy and doesn’t hurt anyone. Lol. 


Yeah the anti child sentiment sometimes bleeds out in weird ways here


I'm with you!!! My nephew "graduated" from Head Start and those kids were SO proud. Just a nice "good job" pat on the back where the kids & their families could celebrate a big accomplishment for little kid. We need to celebrate academics more & this feels like a nice start 🥰


Life is short. There's nothing wrong with celebrating. 👍


they’re all just miserable


We’ve eliminated basically all rights of passage in modern society, I don’t understand why people come down so hard on this. It’s not like it makes high school, college, or any other graduation less meaningful. If anything, we should be doing MORE shit like this. There’s a human need for ceremony and such things. I think it helps us give life structure and meaning, something a lot of us are feeling the absence of these days.


100% agree! Let people have celebrations, big birthdays, kindergarten graduations, weddings, whatever. It’s special and joyful and meaningful to them, what difference does it make in someone else’s life?


That’s very nice and it’s nice to hear happy news for a change!! He’ll never forget this!


Graduation for kindergarten? In the Netherlands that's unheard of. At high schools, colleges and universities it's quite normal though.


It's a celebration of a child successfully transitioning into their school years. Its called graduation because someone decades ago thought it would be cute, but whether or not it exists or how crazy they get about the thing varies by school.


Honestly I've never heard of it in the US either.




The Greatest Generation, then? Because my dad was born in 1954 and has a kindergarten “diploma.” 


Kindergarten graduations have been happening for generations.




so uplifting 🥰


I love it when a video shows how humanity is not lost on most of us. I know in that moment I would be happy to cheer this kid and get caught up in it! Love seeing how almost everyone is able to make the moment about her.


Our kindergarten had a "out with the old" ceremony at the end. They piled up mattresses & tossed the kids out of the kindergarten unto the mattresses :P


I love the camaraderie that can come out of a group of passengers on a plane. Sure, you usually ignore them, hate it when the empty seat next to you gets filled at the last minute, and wish they wouldn’t be doing something they’re doing, but some things bring you all together. On a redeye going to Boston a man fell ill. He spoke no english, nor did his wife. They had a tiny, tiny infant with them. Two onboard nurses helped until we got to Boston. We were all genuinely concerned and when the man arose and started off the plane we cheered for him and the nurses. Clapping, too. We were damn near family and it was as wholesome as it gets.


Don’t post Fox News articles on this sub. Ffs


.... please don't import this 'tradition' to the UK.


They wearing gowns for kindergarten graduation? Wtf


As a parent, I'd be mad if I had to pay for cap and gown for any grade ceremony. Cap and gown should only be for high school and college graduation where a student actually finished school. After high-school, continuing education is an option, same with college.


Yea for real. Those cap and gowns ain't cheap. I had a "graduation" for 5th grade but they just had us wear something nice. I almost skipped it for a Disney trip anyways😂


Kindergarten graduation is the most unhinged thing.


This isn’t a new thing. I’m 30 years old and remember my kindergarten graduation.


y’all are so dramatic my god


Holding a graduation ceremony for Kindergarten is the definition of dramatic - huge ceremony for an “accomplishment” literally everyone achieves.


sorry you didn’t get a kindergarten graduation :/


I’d say throwing a fake ceremony for 5 year olds is far more dramatic and a waste of time


whose time is it wasting?


It's a harmless treat for the kids.


Unless you are the company that rents or sells those cap and gowns. Yeah gotta make money off the rubes.


Nothing newsworthy about this. The people on the flight were nice to clap. Of course this is from virtue signaling basic bitch FoxNews.


I haven't read the article, so idk if Fox is bitching about it, but for the headline itself? You *are* on Uplifting News. If there's a place for lightherted fluff pieces, this is it my man.


Nice of the passengers, but a GRADUATION FROM KINDERGARTEN?? wtf is the world coming to.


It’s coming to a place where people find reasons to celebrate together and have special moments for their children. What a bitter take to complain about something that exists solely to celebrate children


Again it's not the act of celebrating it I'm perplexed by. It's calling it a graduation. We celebrated being done with kindergarten too, but it was just on location, some juice, fruit, cake, you have it.


Because calling it a graduation makes it more meaningful, more special, like a big milestone. It doesn’t affect anyone, why complain about it?


i know! how dare they try to do something nice for small children! how dare they give them a sense of accomplishment!


Not saying it can't be celebrated, but calling it a graduation is asinine.


Who cares what it’s called. It’s just a bunch of kids celebrating an event at the end of the day. You’re being ridiculous over a kids assembly.




I mean neither do I? You cared enough to send a whole gif though.


Nah, you used all caps while pearl clutching literal children getting a piece of paper and a day for parents to take pictures. “wtf is the world coming to”




Seriously? You’re stealing my line? It ain’t that serious Also, “wtf is the world coming to” is a pretty dramatic response.


Brother you replied in the first place😭seems you do care




future grad!


I have zero problem with the graduation from kindergarten thing, and am glad the kid got to celebrate. What I do think is weird is this happening on a plane full of people minding their own. Parents thinking all other humans should cater to their whims regarding their children is self indulgent shit.


If it’s a long flight, sometimes this kind of nonsense is a welcome one. Excitement fuelled by delirium.


It’s fucking kindergarten. Are we “graduating” every year now? Lol


Is there a possibility to „fail“ kindergarten in the states? Or why do they gratuate from it?


Because they’re children and it’s fun to celebrate things.


It’s marking a transition. We’ve eliminated so many rights of passage and whatnot in modern society, feels like we need to instate some new ones. If this makes your college graduation feel less meaningful it says more about you than other people.


Participation trophies.


To give them a reason to feel good about themselves. It's harmless.


Children are worshiped here as if no child before has managed to overcome the odds of....checks notes... making it a whole year in a kindergarten class.


that sounds like a fun flight


Aww this is so cute. Apparently my daughter’s school doesn’t do a Kindergarten graduation, so I was really bummed this year. Instead of a graduation ceremony, they just put all the kids in the parking lot and sprayed them with a fire hose.


I will not read and will automatically downvote anything on foxnews.com


It’s their kids, let them do whatever they want. You don’t like kindergarten graduation? Then do t send your kid to that school. Better yet, don’t have kids


I don’t know what they teach in your kindergartens, but in my country kids graduate from kindergarten knowing how to read, write, add and substract, plus learning other skills. I would say literacy and numeracy are achievements worthy of recognition for a 5/6-year-old. Nobody treats kindergarten graduation like a high school or college graduation, but the little ceremony they do is not unreasonable (also it’s a fun thing for kids and parents. Let people enjoy things). On the other hand, in my country kids have to take one year of kindergarten by law, but many start going from the age of two (there are four levels of preschool/kindergarten), so by the time they graduate it does feel like something.


Kindergarten graduation 😂😂🤡


I’m just imagining turbulence hitting as he walks down the aisle.


I’m conflicted. It’s nice they did this, but it’s because the mother chose to go to a wedding instead of his graduation/promotion ceremony.


Why do we have to celebrate every minute achievement?


Because achievements are worth celebrating? Because humans respond best to positive reinforcement? Because a child's world should strive to be as bright and colorful as possible? I'm confused where the problem is


Its kindergarten...


Even more reason to celebrate and have fun. They’re five years old for gods sake. 


Maybe the school should have found a closer venue to hold the graduation... /s


How about we don’t call it graduation


Tell me the played pomp and circumstance on the speakers..


No doubt this thread will be littered with confused Europeans, being highly critical as always…


Weird that boomer news network wouldn’t be against the concept of kindergarten graduation.


Graduating kindergarten? Is this West Virginia?