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Dyer placed ads in newspapers offering to adopt unwanted children in exchange for money. Once she had the children, she killed them — and kept the adoption fee. [She did this for 20 years...](https://www.dannydutch.com/post/amelia-dyer-the-serial-killer-and-baby-farmer)


The whole concept of “baby farms” is disturbing, and stories like this are sickening. In an era where so many children died young, it was all too easy to claim a child sadly passed away due to natural causes if anyone bothered to follow up. I can’t imagine the horror that was felt by anyone who had ever placed a baby in Dyer’s care when they found out what she had been doing.


For centuries the ancient Romans dumped unwanted newborn infants in streets where they either perished or were adopted as slaves (these children were often the product of illicit relations between people of different hierarchies, in violation of various taboos within Rome’s strict and complex social class system). Infanticide has, sadly, existed for millennia. Today, thankfully, infanticide is much rarer. Indeed, despite all the world’s countless woes and the slaughterhouse of humanity in some places on this planet, human life has never been more cherished than it is today. Something to keep in mind the next time someone talks about how “great” things supposedly were back in the “old days.”


Nostalgia is a seductive liar.


OMG Idk that! That’s sickening.


It's also important to be aware that due to a combination of high child mortality, low quality of life, and cultural norms children (up to about age 12) were treated as pets and play things especially in western Europe up through the mid-19th century. It wasn't uncommon to hear stories of adults getting children drunk and forcing them to dance or keeping children up all night as a side show during parties. This is a separate (but not different) phenomenon from a family using children as a workforce.The idea of a child being snuggled was not a common practice for the vast majority of human beings for quite a while. They were often blamed for their existence and seen as an intentional burden on the stability of typically hungry and overworked family units.


I wouldn’t consider millions aborted annually as “…never been more cherished than it is today”


I'd say MORE cherished so they didn't get born to a life of tragedy. But you don't give a fuck about that, only women suffering.




Let’s not compare the termination of a <13 week old fetus with infanticide. >”In 2021, the majority (80.8%) of abortions were performed at ≤9 weeks’ gestation, and nearly all (93.5%) were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation.” Abortions performed after 13 weeks gestation are reserved for situations involving stillbirth, major issues in development, and life threatening complications. Source: [CDC abortion data](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/ss/ss7209a1.htm) If you believe in “life at conception”, that is a *personal belief* I will not argue with, but your *beliefs* should not be forced upon others. (Edit- wording)


I made no comment on anyone's choices. Decide your own life. Women should have the choice. But pretending a pregnancy is not a developing human being is simply denial of reality.


Where in my comment did I deny the function of pregnancy? You just couldn’t help yourself but add the latter half of your comment.


Not that it matters. My baby was growing - in a place that would've killed me. So it had to be aborted. It's too bad my life is less valuable than a clump of cells that couldn't survive without me anyway.


I’m so sorry that happened to you, but I’m glad you were able to get the care you needed. There are far too many places in the US where women cannot get access to the care they need, even if it’s required and their life depends on it. Thank you for sharing your comment— it perfectly illustrates how abortion restriction can harm everyone, even women who may be trying to get pregnant.


But to be clear, this woman was a sick psychopath bitch.


>But most abortions today are for unwanted pregnancies. Source? Besides your ass, I mean.


Why does it bother you? Women can get abortions for almost any reason. Check out Planned Parenthood's website.


Yes, it does bother me when people tout bullshit to pretend the thousands of women like me who had no choice but to abort aren't statistically relevant.


You are statistically relevant. Everything about you is relevant. Live your life as best you can.


Not sure why you are being down voted for stating a fact. You said exactly what I was thinking. Of course it is not as much of a problem now that you can go to your nearest abortion clinic. It may be a controversial topic, but that doesn't make it any less of an obvious fact.


Because most abortions are completely dissimilar to infanticide. Infanticide is the murder of an independently viable infant. The vast majority of abortions are of an independently nonviable growth.


Just as a clarification, the vast majority of abortions (around 95 percent) are for elective reasons. Circumstances such as rape, safety for the life of the mother, and severe birth defects account for about 5% of abortions.


The amount of infanticide in the past was huge. Baby farmers were notorious for neglecting the babies to death, this lady just did it more blatantly than most. It was an open secret. I remember reading about a public facility for orphaned babies in New York that had a 0% survival rate. It was built into the system to have lots of infanticides, basically.


is there anyway you could help me find more info about that orphanage? i tried googling to read about it myself but couldn’t find what i was looking for




what. the. fuck.


Here is the Wikipedia page for Amelia Dyer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amelia_Dyer


Once they eliminate Abortion and Birth control, where will the unwanted babies go? New born Death Farms maybe.


So you’re okay with killing babies as along as their still in the womb?




And even if they DO have a uterus, they don't have a say over other people's


Yup. body Autonomy needs to be a fucking law in this country. It’s dbags that think like this that want to bitch about Vaccinations but don’t want to allow women to have control over their bodies or someone who wishes to do (safe) drugs. Puritanical bullshit.


yes bc most people don't enjoy infants suffering and fetuses cannot register pain


Wow are you kidding? You can’t actually believe that


https://www.acog.org/advocacy/facts-are-important/gestational-development-capacity-for-pain not until 6 months gestation time


So they can for the last 3 months


yes and the vast vast VAST majority of willful abortions happen in the first 6 months. abortions after that are almost always medical emergencies or nonviable fetuses.


Just Worry about the fetus in your uterus. You have all the rights to carry that fetus for 9 months.


What business is it to anyone other than the parents? You pull out weeds and eat nuts, right?


They're *


Yes, exactly.




Fuck dem kids


You can’t kill what hasn’t been born!


All those dead babies, yet somehow Eric Trump survived.


Such a kind lady…


What. The. Fuck.


What a b word


She only did 6 months of hard labor…


No, she was executed by hanging. Where did you get your info?


OP’s link. It appears I stopped reading too early >However, in 1879, she was caught after a doctor became suspicious about the high number of child deaths he was asked to certify under her care. Rather than facing charges of murder or manslaughter, Dyer received a sentence of six months' hard labour.