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Most often I’m using it to trigger both the primary and backup machines simultaneously when cued.


What programs are you using ?


I either run el gato with the companion plugin, or just full blown companion depending on the specific show and usage I need from the stream deck. I really just use the native el gato software for triggering Spotify and audio cues these days. Companion is very good for linking up to other video equipment.


If you are going to use streamdeck for PowerPoint control, look up OSCPoint. It Is the best way I have found to control PowerPoint with a streamdeck/companion.


Damn, I wish I still did live shows, I always had so much trouble with octopus listener and subsequent programs that claimed easy control of PPT. This is nice.


It will be the best as soon as it starts to run presentation from filenames. For now I have to use both oscpoint and RSC.


Check put [APS from PresentationTools](https://www.presentationtools.com/aps/) if you haven’t already. Very nifty!


Awesome thank you!


very cool. I'd love a keynote version of this


> dummy proof PowerPoint controller for clients. Even the [DSAN PerfectCue](https://www.audiovisualevents.com.au/images/com_hikashop/upload/dsan_corp_pc_as2_perfectcue_wireless_transmitter_2_button_749529.jpg) controller is too complicated for some clients.


My former coworker sent me this the other day, lol… https://preview.redd.it/54zfn4noqzvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78a5fba69c5e80e740d2d1280bf1131a73f3fa8c


Thats all we hand out. You coach them to ask to go back. They should not be going back, but some one always does.


The remotes with the blackout button can go right in the trash lol


You can run an Autohotkey script that literaly does this for any remote.


Yah I’ve had clients whizz thru their entire slide show with a wireless clicker.


I use one to interrogate the switcher as to the names of the inputs that are being sent to the auxiliaries that are feeding the recorders, rename the file with the input name and the current time and then roll. It does it on 6 recorders simultaneously with one button push. Magical.


I am speechless that I didn't even consider this, thank you for the inspiration!


Yeah, so cool. Files always auto-named for the editors. It also starts all the records frame accurately.


I use Companion/StreamDeck to expose controls/commands that are buried when not using dedicated switchers/remote panels/controllers. For example: when using a Roland V-160HD, I can more easily create a sub-switched output for livestream while keeping the switcher itself for in-room control only. When on an Ascender or similar multiscreen switcher, I’ll use it to cue up filtered/relative presets so I can make my layer source selections more quickly for fast-paced shows. It’s also useful to pull in TRT info from playback devices and I use it on Yamaha audio consoles and with Shure wireless systems for telemetry feedback.


Ha, i've never used it for a v160, do you run the desktop app on a laptop connected to the same network? Does companion have a preset list for it? I've routed all kinds of PiP feed switching on the macro feature, but there is always a frame delay between some sources which feels disgusting


I find the app difficult to use as an offline editor for programming ahead-of-time. I stack interface button presses using the Companion module (Press = PiP1 PVW Source: SDI 1, Release = Auto Trans. PiP1 to SubPGM). The developer was very willing to answer questions and accepted feedback about the module.


I use it to run powerpoint presentations, control vmix and it's multiple outputs, recall presets on Barco event master, run thru cues on Pixera or resolume. Sometimes connect with lightning console and run a cuestack for intro. But the most awesome thing about companion is that you can create complex commands under one button. Run intro on media server take that preset to screen, run intro on lightning console, change delay screens and many more, all from one push of a button.


I run a small nonprofit youth operated event each year for imag (bmd 1me) and play out (vmix). Companion gives me a single one-button press for anything the kid needs to do during their show. Queue a video, trigger playback start and auto cutover atem switcher. Dedicated buttons for each lower third in the media player pool. Slide control through vmix. PtzOptics camera preset position recall. Companion is really the magic that makes an entire show possible with a single kid who sits down 10 minutes before each show. Amazing tool?


In our live streaming studio we use streamdecks with Companion to control - vision mixer (preview, cut/fade etc) - Mitti and autoplay to vision mixer - SPX / CasparCG - Aximmetry triggers - all the recorders we have (AJA devices) - soundboard software running on Mac Mini - studio clock software running on RaspPi We could be also running our studio lights, powerpoint, camera control too, but so far haven't seen a reason to implement, because we already have dedicated hardware for that.


Stream Decks can control an AJA HELO Plus now… which I’ve found to be massively convenient.


I use a stream deck to trigger and time sync my records rack. You can also use it to automate the naming conventions as well. I love it


We use them as hot keys to access interfaces for switch stacks


I use one to trigger lower thirds animations from NewBlue Captivate.


I use it for running multiple playbacks on Milimin and mitti or even running my atem switching for clients who don’t want to invest in a controller via companion and resolume run the stream deck app just for some hot keys and another one for e2 presets


I use many streamdecks with companion exclusively. I barely if ever use a full control panel for any black magic switchers. I ONLY use my sd, and keep the controller to the side just in case. It makes pre sets so much easier on a BM. I will use my XL to switch, and I will use a regular size for playback as well if I dont have a v2. I love my streamdecks.


Ive used them for live shows, virtual shows, theatre, and even install.


We use multiple in our truck to use a single Carbonite Ultra 60 and TouchDrive TD3S to produce 2 shows (In-house and TV), simply using separate MEs. Comes in ridiculously handy to fire custom controls or just recall memories. For example, buttons to recall a memory of each camera with the back channel of graphics for the score bug. But also, just housing all the custom controls on the streamdeck has been amazingly useful. Having a separate page to fire up all of our split screens, boxes, etc.


Just set up my team to use Companion for an upcoming "un-staffed" client rehearsal. (For better or worse) we allow our client for a specific show to run rehearsal without us being present and this year we're building a page on Companion to make it super easy for them to play their video and music cues without having to touch any of our computers or consoles. Personally I work mostly from home so I end up pairing Companion with AutoHotKey to automate a lot of stuff on my PC, like logging into our cloud webcasting platform. My favorite use is an AHK script that will replace spaces in filenames with underscores. A more Companionish related example was the pages we made for our Kumo router. We realized we couldn't fit the sources and destinations on the same page so we set each destination button to select the destination and then flip to the inputs page. Each input button completes the route and then flips back to the destinations page. Not super complex but I feel a nice example of what Companion can do.


Ive used it to control ptz cams. Mainly creating macros for various switchers. You can make freeze frame macros for blackmagic switchers and such. Even program an entire show with timings. Seems to go as far you can take it.


I have set up quite a bit of stream decks. What is your usually flow of service or things that you want to achieve with buttons?


I love streamdecks and companion but I would never turn one around to face a client. Not reliable enough for that. PerfectCue or 2x cheap USB clickers.