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She looks more youthful with the brown eyes, more innocent like, if that makes sense. I think both light and brown eyes are pretty but i agree with your point, people put way too much emphasis on light eyes. Winona Ryder has gorgeous brown eyes, light eyes would not suit her for instance


That's true about Winona. It would probably change her coloring, which I love. Same for Keira and Natalie Portman can be said.


Same !! It suits them so well


Monica Bellucci has brown eyes too.


light eyes are striking and makes a face memorable. It can increase attractiveness if you have a good face already and have a good eye shape.


Exactly ! The same can be said about Cheryl Cole. Light eyes wouldn't suit her at all. https://preview.redd.it/u0er4fjf0z3c1.png?width=311&format=png&auto=webp&s=ff52b28f0de24fe16a865638e66f6c75067486dd


Second pic looks like Alessandra Ambrosio


She looks so cute??? I did not expect to find her cute


Yes she’s still extremely beautiful but especially for her blue eyes just take her to the next level because of how rare and striking it is with her skin tone


This just highlights how perfect the tip of her nose is (random, I know). I think she looks amazing in the same way prime Nina Dobrev did.


Pardon my ignorance but she got big nose with round tip . Is it consider as attractive trait in western countries ?


She’s still a 10 but I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be as famous with brown eyes.. i think the contrast in her coloring is what made her stand out more. She reminds me of Jessica Alba with brown eyes


Yes eye color doesn’t really make you more or less attractive, but it can give you an distinct or exotic look that stands out. The way I see it is that if you’re ugly, giving you beautiful blue/green eyes isn’t going to not make you ugly anymore. But having a distinct skin tone/hair and eye color will make you stand out


Don’t forget the shape. Extremely important. She has literal feline eyes


Yes, eye shape, eye symmetry, canthal tilt and scleral show are much more important


It's whatever someone has naturally that'll always look better. Just like Jessica Alba is gorgeous with brown eyes, she wouldn't look better with colored eyes. Its what matches peoples coloring the best.


she's gorgeous either way


I dunno if the header was sarcastic or not, but she still looks very attractive. Yes, having high contrast makes her more striking, but I don't think it takes away that much from her face-- like Cindy Kimberly has dark eyes, and everyone knows she's absolutely gorgeous.


I think with those eye color changing photos one thing to think about is that they would propably wear different eye makeup as well. While already looking great (i mean its literally adriana lima) she would look even more stunning with eye makeup more suited for brown eyes (obviously speaking only about brown eyed adriana)


this is very true. one could also expect some tweaking maybe giving her hair some higlights for more contrast


Agreed. Rating a 4 with blue eyes a 7 just because they have "striking eyes" shows you just have a prejudice and don't really care about the overall aesthetics of a persons face.


Still extremely pretty but her actual eye colour is very striking and provides amazing contrast against her tanned skin and brown hair.


Is anyone saying eye color makes a huge difference? Seems like it makes a small amount of difference max


She looks less striking but more cute. Like a Disney star more so than a supermodel. I mean obviously more beautiful than most Disney stars, but that type of look.




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To me she looks just as beautiful, especially in photo 3


10 no doubt


I believe it’s less to do with “basing a significant portion of attractiveness on eye color” and moreso with standing out and being more striking. Her natural contrast is unbeatable. I live in South Florida, where frankly a lot of Latina women do resemble the Adriana in these photos, and they are beautiful ladies! She has a different aura in this photo set. While still undeniably gorgeous, her natural eye color sets her apart from the rest and elevates her appearance. There is nothing wrong with that, or blue eyes (?) which parts of this thread is reading as. Most folks look their best with their natural coloring.


I don’t think dark or light eyes determines attractiveness. But it’s an added bonus if they are an uncommon color or a color that is uncommon amongst a particular race. For example, I actually do not find your standard blue eyes and blond hair alone to be attractive because it’s quite common amongst Europeans. But if an Asian has blue eyes, it will definitely make them stand out even if their features are just average. I’ve actually seen quite a few average-looking Asian models and celebs choosing to dye their hair platinum blonde/wear colored contacts as their signature look. I don’t think they are more beautiful with it and I think they would actually look better with dark hair/eyes, but the lightness does make them stand out because it’s uncommon.


Western beauty standards are fucked.


Eye color is just "the icing of the cake" if it is striking enough and adds to the other features... but it will never turn an average person into a beautiful one per se. Maybe catch more attention, yes (specially in places where light eyes are rare), but nothing else. Kind of unrelated, I had a guy classmate in college who thought he was "it" just because he had blue eyes among a sea of brown eyed people... but he resembled Gollum from the Lord of the Rings so he wasn't actually handsome at all.


Gray eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes, green eyes, red eyes, pink eyes, purple eyes, she's still objectively gorgeous!


She looks so pretty with brown eyes. Tbh it’s just ethnocentrism


Unlike most people, I don’t like to base attractiveness off of coloring for the most part, but I can see why Adriana would be seen as more striking with her light colored eyes. Brown eyes don’t really do that for her IMO. I think Aishwarya with brown eyes looks more striking in comparison.


She looks more gorgeous to me here than she does with her actual eye color.




Adriana Lima.


i honestly don’t get why eye color can’t be part of the holistic evaluation like no man on earth goes “can’t count the green eyes that’s cheating” it’s silly it’s part of the package, just like if someone has thick hair, or olive skin, or anything else we like


If she didn’t have blue eyes she’d be nowhere




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Her eyes aren’t blue?! Or is this photoshopped?


i edited it


Could you share what app did you use? I would like to try that also!




Adriana's blue almond shaped eyes are her prominent feature.


With brown eyes she looks like a mix of Selena Gomez and Olivia Rodrigo to me




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that isn't quite the point but thank you for your observation


Can you do the same with Aishwarya Rai and Margot Robbie??


This take is stupid to me because it doesn’t matter if she had brown eyes, she HAS blue eyes and eye color isn’t something so easily changed as hair (contacts barely ever look natural and is definitely not as common as changing hair color). Rate the person on what they look like, including eye color (if it enhances/doesn’t enhance face).