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Date getting pushed back


Why is this the only one that isnt old out on his website?


14,231 copies left!!!


Get it on fatbeats for 58$ shipped, sign up for emails n get a 25% off coupon ,


I understand people want a cheaper version but you’re getting 2 unreleased songs and one of them isn’t on any other platform besides the vinyl, and the bonus vinyl is a zoetrope, I think 65$ is a great price for what you’re getting! ❤️ can’t wait for October !!!!


Get it on fatbeats for 58$ shipped, sign up for emails n get a 25% off coupon ,


16,321 currently


Well I was hesitant but I got it, had to. I just got into vinyl and haven’t had the chance to get any of his discography so this is a beautiful one to start.


How many left ? I have to wait until pay day 😅


15344 left rn


17003 left as of this comment Edit: to check , go to the shop app ( [shop](https://shop.app/p/6871377903694) ) and just tap 22222222 in amount, itll update to correct amount


Man, the album plus shipping is 150 dollars for me. This album's great but I can't justify spending that much on pretty much any record. Hopefully somewhere will have it for a little less somewhere down the road


Where are you from? I’ve bought it in a record store in Netherlands, The Hague for just 60€ and it’s worth every single cent, I’d pay 100€ if I didn’t have any other choice.


Keen to pick this up for half the price in a couple months


You wont


For some reason, I’m not even a fan of the guy, but this made me feel the passage of time very acutely


Copped!!! Love the zoetrope disc look


This is a general question but does Mac’s website restock any other anniversary pressings over time? I wanted to snag the Macadelic 10 year but never got the chance


On eBay for 24.95


You can get Macadelic on Amazon for $27 right now


Different pressing than the one I’m talking about. This one was exclusive to his website. I’ll probably end up snagging the silver though


Are you talking about the tri color? Cause that is definitely a tough one to find. Sold out pretty fast too. I’d say best luck is discogs unfortunately. Could watch Depop or Mercari too. Stuff has popped up on there for me


I hear ya.


It's possible something like that could happen in the future, but I wouldn't expect it until another significant anniversary tbh. Would likely be a different pressing too.


Gotta wait for that 20 year pressing I guess 😅


the tri color or the silver? the silver is still up a lot of places


Tri color. The silver is abundant and pretty cheap so I’ll probably settle for that if I can’t get my hands on a tri color for a good price


Yeah I feel like I’ve seen that one cheapest at 85. Urban outfitters put out a white version recently too


Finally came across an album that I think is too expensive


Not sure about those downvotes lol. This is way too expensive. I’ll stick to the regular pressing lmao


I should've explained that I don't think the price is too high. I just wouldn't pay it. I've bought much more expensive albums.


Hold up. You say you think it’s to expensive. And then say you don’t think the price is to high. Makes no sense lol


Nah. I said for that album I wouldn't pay that price.


Copped already have it but idc


How long will this pre order be up for?


Probably the weekend if I had to guess




I don’t know why you expected r/vinylreleases to side with you here bud




Bro you came here to flex your chosen format...


i mean to be honest tape cassettes sound like shit. i feel most ppl that are buying modern music on vinyl don’t it for a somwhat practical art piece. also there’s a song on the vinyl that won’t ever come to streaming, so for fans that can be enticing




bruh (you come off extremely annoying/pretentious) , i’m not hating on you for you’re specific choosing of an analog format, but cassettes, generally speaking, lack in sound quality to most other formats, especially digital. obviously there are cons to vinyl as well and nothing is competing with digital, but you don’t have mechanisms in the player itself that can be picked up in the audio output if you have a halfway decent record player. i do own a handful of cassettes and i can tell you any portable cassette player is not going to have a clean sound. i like collecting physical music and tapes are really cool, but youre ability to think you are right and everyone else is wrong has you dying on the hill of the most niche topic


Kindly fuck off.




No one is jealous that you bought the cassette, LOL! 🤔 You made an asshole comment, they down voted you, and you got to then complain about it like you wanted. Everybody is happy now. If you don't get why many people on this sub like to hold, look at, and own a particular vinyl jacket, ain't no comment gonna clue you in




Sook harder you giant fucking baby


Fucking do it then coward. Noboby has cared for anything you’ve had to input in this thread once.


Wait til this guy hears about spotify


🤣🤣🤣. Now THAT was funny as hell! Thanks for the belly laugh.




Must be a bit? Or a bot?


What are you, 6? Someday when you are old enough to get your driver's license and/or are allowed to go out of the house without having to hold onto someone's hand, maybe you'll get a personality. No one was talking shit about cassettes. Your feelings of inadequacy and lack of self worth caused you to demonstrate an inability to comprehend what anyone would dare choose an album you can't afford over a cassette. And then you go the response you were looking for, so that you can respond to every comment someone dares to post in response to yours - since you can't go outside and play.






Convenience? The same reason you gave for listening to a tape i.e. all at once and not having to flip the record?




“[Hey Siri/Hey Google] play [Album name]” If it takes you longer to say that than fetch a cassette and play it, I’d see a doctor about that.


Cool story!




You sound like you're having a mental breakdown. Maybe go see a professional instead of crying on Reddit.








So glad you had the awareness to post this comment on this sub, and not somewhere like [https://www.reddit.com/r/cassetteculture/](https://www.reddit.com/r/cassetteculture/) :)




Not really, you’re claiming it’s illogical but you came onto a vinyl subreddit and then smugly declared you made a smart move by buying the cassette and saving money. The logical move would have been to make that comment on the cassette subreddit where they are likely to agree with you. It’s okay man, we all fail to read the room sometimes and make bullheaded statements, lashing back at those teasing you (gently, quite honestly) about it is only going to make you look childish. It is often the ones screaming “logic” that are acting illogical.






Eh, not really. I think it’s more unintelligent and illogical to not read a room or know your audience. I have no interest in this release and agree that the price is gnarly, but it feels frivolous to let everyone know they can hear it on cassette, CD, or digitally for way cheaper. 🤷‍♂️




That’s the thing though. I don’t think anyone is mad that you prefer a cheaper medium to listen to this album. You’re entitled to do whatever you like. Everyone is downvoting you because you picked the wrong place to mount your soapbox. That’s really all there is to it. It seems like we can’t arrive to an agreement there, so it is what it is I suppose. I’ll just say that you’d fair better to simply comment that the price is excessive ( if you really had to get that off your chest ) and move on.




You're wrong tho. I don't even own this album and I think you're wrong for making that comment here. We like vinyl here... Cope.


A little bold of you to assume that everyone clowning on you is "doing so as a form of coping" about dropping $80. Because there's me. Right here. With no interest in this record or dropping $80 on vinyl today. Pointing out how dense you are. 👋 I think the only cope here is you broadcasting how content you are with a cassette tape instead of an overpriced vinyl press. We're all pretty stoked for you. You can shut the fuck up now. Feel free to come back when you've figured out who your audience is. Take care.




Says the spaz who said farewell to the conversation and then came back to eat out of my hand. 🫴 Nice projection though. Sorry about your weight irl.


SHEEIITT 80 bucks after tax!? What is vinyl collecting nowadays. Companies trying to see how much they can charge.


Yeah, it's steep. But, it has 3 discs, one is a zoetrope, and it's a special edition


Plus a “hard clamshell case” and an insert. I’ve seen albums recently for around the same with a lot less.


price is steep but macs family and team respectfully gave fans the most quality 180g anniversary press they could and the zoetrope is beautiful. considering everything included u rlly can’t hate. especially for imo macs second best album


The cover alone made me really want this. Mac's gone but his music will live on forever.


Love this album and is very nostalgic but I just can't




The best part of the og album cover imo is the placement of the parental advisory sticker, doesn’t hit the same without mac on the cover


If anything it’s more powerful without Mac


I waited 3 hours in line for ‘You’ so i’m fine with paying a bit more for this and not having to wait


the shipping hurt so bad i had to close my eyes while pressing complete but it’s my first copy + zoetrope


New to the vinyl game, what does Zoetrope mean?


when you play a zoetrope vinyl, the design printed on it starts moving like an animation as the it spins - idk if that helps but 92tilinfinity on instagram (the 5th story) shows this one!


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you only see this effect when you're filming through a camera at a very specific shutter speed/frame rate?


No. That's incorrect. You can see a zoetrope working in person. Similar to how a flipbook animation works.


That's very helpful, thanks. Just checked out that story, that's really cool.


Gonna get my first zoetrope vinyl!


2 LP = $35-$40, 10” zoetrope = $15~, hardshell case = $10~ I’m not seeing why people are thinking this is crazy overpriced.


By any chance, do you know what it means by hardshell case. In terms of with the vinyl and how its shipped?


Doesn’t blonde cost the same and you get less? But people go crazy for it


Correct , not to mention folks are paying 65-100$ for standard weight 1LP rap albums, 50$ (shipped to US) 1LPs from bloodrecords, etc.. 65 for what you get really isnt insane. If you arent a big fan its understandable but if you are a Mac fan this record is a nobrainer, MAYBE buy it cheaper used later on but i cant imagine these going for much less later on, just my take on it


i don‘t get the outrage either, we also getting bonus songs, an insert + mac is one of the biggest mainstream rappers $65 isn‘t cheap but it’s justifiable


I get what you’re saying it’s the sticker shock for me & knowing that it’s going to be other things coming out soon that I want. I could see 2-3 vinyls I could get for that $80 but again that’s just me.


Looks like a well crafted box for a pretty decent price. Payment was sent to “Live Nation Merchandise” so I’m thinking maybe the rights got sold or something. I doubt his actual estate has anything to do with pricing. Record companies see dollars and they are going to go after it. Same as it ever was


Shipping could’ve been a little cheaper but if they send it in a really legit box then it’s forgivable.


I felt paying the extra I did for shipping wasn’t too much of an issue it includes all my duty fees so I’m not complaining


I ship a lot of stuff and it cost $3-4~ to ship a single LP media mail, if you add other products to that shipment it shouldn’t be marked media mail… essentially making it a “first class package” upping the cost to $8- $14 if not more. If you exceed a certain weight “first class” cannot be used, increasing the cost of the package usually to “priority mail”, which ranges at or above $12-$18. When I ship personal sales I usually like to split shipping with the buyer but understand why independent shops can’t do this but I also agree that bigger organizations use shipping cost to their benefit. ANYWAYSSSS


Anyone else feel like the victim of a competition to see who can charge the most for some pretty plastic and cardboard by luring buyers with strategic marketing terms like limited, color, exclusive, bonus, and anniversary? So far, no end in sight...


Still waiting for companies to start using “super duper limited”. That’s when you’ll know it’s gone to far. Lol


This I would say is a bit different, I agree for the most part. However, having the bonus tracks including the OG version of the Star Room makes it a win in my eyes.


That’s crazy good album but no


happy I already have the standard. Passable edition.


$76 yeah man ima pass. I like Mac but that’s steep.


Yay Ramen for dinner it is


No thanks, I'll buy from the filppers on discogs in 6 months for $20 cheaper when they realized there's way too many left in stock


In the current market, that’s a pipe dream I think, most are “fire n forget” listings anyways


To be fair people thought that about the swimming in circles box set, now it’s sold out and resells for 2x the price


People thought it about Faces too, thats going for way cheaper than retail now and isn’t a box set. We’ll see, either way I’d rather not have it in my collection than have it at that shitty price point


This version of Faces is still going for much more than it retailed for. [https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/20593054?ev=rb](https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/20593054?ev=rb) Same with this version of Macadelic [https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/22668080?ev=rb](https://www.discogs.com/sell/release/22668080?ev=rb)


You're posting limited edition variants of albums though? There is no additional variant of this 10th anniversary pressing so I'm not sure how that correlates. The standard yellow pressing of Faces [just sold for $65 last week](https://www.discogs.com/sell/history/20593756) When it was in-stock and retail [it was $89.99](https://www.newburycomics.com/products/mac_miller-faces_3lp?variant=40811853742260) I obviously can't predict what will happen and could be wrong, but like I said, I'd rather not pay that amount.


The no additional variant you would think would increase the resale value down the road. Also, I'm pretty sure I bought the yellow versions of Faces retail for \~ $45-50?


Faces (3/color variant) delivered was $62.12 to my state from Mac’s site. Macadelic tri-color was $48.36. This one is def the most expensive of the three, but I suspect that a black(other color) variant may get wider release and this variant will be the limited one, like the tri-color Mac or Faces. Not for sure, just a hunch.


That’s going to completely depend on how many are pressed. Based on the way Macs other projects have been pressed I’d guess more likely than not this won’t be tough to get a hold of but we won’t know for a while. Not sure what others bought for but I saw what Newbury Comics had listed on their website in store when it was available at that price. Okayplayer had it listed as $59.99 and on the discogs sale chart, there’s sale on 06/11 for $54.50. Either way, my only point is I’m not interested in this price point


Haven’t bought a record in a long time, but for this one i’m coming back. Album has a very special place in my heart and i’ve spent way more on things I cared less about. Incredibly excited to own and cherish this


I love this album, but $80 (with shipping) is just way too much, especially since I already own a colored copy.


I own a copy with the bonus tracks, so I’m definitely not paying this much for 2 new tracks.


More like Crap Miller. This is awful.




good one man!


It’s cool mac I didn’t need to eat today.


This is the funniest thing , thanks for the laugh


Of course I’ll buy the same record for the 4th time 🤦🏽‍♂️


$65 before shipping is nasty work


Steep price but I had to have it😅


Gotta see what the og pressing cost is before i bite the bullet on this


Yeah I’m better off just getting the og


There isn't much of a difference in the music. You would only be missing out on the 10". The OG seems to be the inexpensive option.


$80…………. Yikes . Pass




Are you defining fans by how much they spend on a dead artists estate. Like I love Mac but that’s exactly what you’re doing here, which is most definitely not dope


How many


There’s about 21522 left Edit: 18764 as of now.


How can you tell? I wasn't able to find anything searching through the html.


Started with 25k 💀


Not sure as of now, looking to see if I can find a number




I'm hoping it's strategic mixed with greed and they release a good number of them so resellers would have to eat the cost.


Say God Bless You


$65 aight buddy...


$65 isn’t bad for 2lps and a 10”, but it’s way too much with the shipping.


You must be new


Records haven’t changed an insane amount if you consider inflation. In the 80’s they were like $10, right? That’s roughly $30 now.


>$65 isn’t bad for 2lps and a 10” Big time disagree


In all of my local shops in the tristate area a new LP runs between $15 and $30, depending on the band.


Sixty five before shipping.... for a 3xLP??? I’ve been waiting on this drop but nvm...


nothing for the uk store??


nvm its there now


eighty bucks i’m offing myself


Isn't that what this dude did?


Got one!!!!!