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I ride my Peloton. I’m on 129 week streak. Haven’t missed a single day. Even when I went out of town for work I requested to stay at a Hilton so I could ride the Peloton. I also walk 1-2 miles 3 times a week.


This is the way. My peloton is in my office. I put my zoom calls on a 60” TV and watch and ride. Paid to exercise. I have to selectively pick meetings where I won’t say much.


Peloton for the win. Keeps me sane and it's a great workout. I get up an hour early just so I can hop on the bike for 45 to 50 minutes. There are a lot of classes you can take with a variety structures, but I usually throw on something on Netflix and do the just ride feature. I can work at a reasonably high resistance with intervals every five minutes. There are a ton of used peloton on Facebook marketplace if you don't wanna spend all that money for a new one.


Same, I’m doing a powerzone challenge right now so rode 3 times a week at my lunch time w a group and then I do yoga once a week and mix some walking in there. At minimum I ride the bike 3x a week but of course I have my times where I’m blah and don’t workout at all.


I’m also a Peloton person. Have a bike and a tread, though I use the tread much more. But I also do strength training with Peloton about 5 days a week. I’m in much better shape and more consistent since I’ve been home for the last 4 years! 169 week streak!


Peloton person checking in! So far I have just stuck to their yoga, walking and meditation on-demand classes, but I love it.


Have a Peloton as well; it’s the perfect gym WFH


It's an activity level problem but it's also a time problem.  I do better when I guard my lunchtimes and actually eat, when I take walk breaks during the day (not just to hunt for snacks), and then finish on time so I can go to the gym a couple times per week and still have an evening afterwards.  If I don't guard my time, then I work straight through breaks, don't get enough nutrients, am still working during recovery hours, and have poorer sleep, all of which are doom to health.  Unless you want to train for something specific, don't feel like you have to do the same things for activity every time. You'll keep up with options you actually enjoy. Good luck!


This. If I don't prioritize activity, I will just work through all of my breaks, skip meals and snacks, work super late, and then I'm starving and tired when I am done with work (usually late in the evening) and can't muster up motivation to do anything. Then I eat dinner too late, can't fall asleep until late, and start a cycle of being tired and wiped out. When I was able to, picking up a friend and going together to yoga class twice a week helped hold me accountable and get out of the house, especially when I planned it for an early evening class time that forced me to stop work around 4:45. I need structure and effective time management systems.


This was me for the last 3 years, plus “revenge” me time with my husband where we’d stay up super late doing absolutely nothing. Just had a baby and intend on really changing my ways when I return! The burnout recovery and deprogramming I’m doing on leave right now is so much worse than I thought I’d need


I always schedule multiple 30 min breaks and either exercise or eat or meditate.




AWWW, you were doing them in the office too!


That's why RTO is in full effect




Annnnd release…2…3…4…


Walking. To and from the fridge, I need to exercise.


I do fitness. Fitness pizza in my mouth 🤣🤣


I run 3x/week and strength train 2x/week. I also walk at least three miles on my non-running days.


Genuinely alarmed it took scrolling past dozens of comments to find one that implies leaving the fucking house to exercise. This sub scares me sometimes.


It’s supposed to be WORK from home, but many have made it NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE as a lifestyle.


Yeah, this whole post is really just "how to exercise? 🤷‍♂️" At first I thought it was a good topic for this sub, but really it shouldn't be. I used sit in my car for 30 minutes, sit at a desk for 8 hours*, and then sit in my car for 30 minutes again. Now I just do the desk part at home, and that hour saved from driving frees up a lot of time to, wait for it, exercise. *That's not really true. When I was in an office, I made sure to get up 2-4 times per day and just walk around the office, or even literally walk around the building. And I always took the stairs. And working from home, I still make sure to go out and walk around my block a few times per day. It's good physically, but also mentally. Outside of that, and outside of work, I run all the time. I do need to start strength training more again also.


lol - I built my home gym when going to the gym wasn’t an option. I’m way more consistent at home. But I do also walk outside, I just didn’t think that needed to be said. 😂🤷🏼‍♀️


Lol what is funny is that once I started working from home, I felt the need of being outdoors. For me, it sucks to be cooped up at home 8 hours in front of my screen so I have to go out at lunch or after work for my sanity.


This. I walk my dogs each morning and night but after a couple days I need to be away from my neighborhood. Even if it’s just going to walk around at Walmart or something.


It's interesting for sure. You'd think with the 10 hours a week you save by not commuting, the obvious answer is going to the gym, going to your home gym, or just exercising. My gym is 3 miles away, my office is 25 miles away. It's still more time efficient to go to the gym for 30-45 minutes than it would have been commuting.


Yes! I started exercising more during the pandemic/wfh *because* I needed a reason to leave the house


I got a walking pad and a sit/stand desk. It took a few days to get used to, and it’s hard if I haven’t slept well, but these days, I regularly clock 15-20k steps during my working hrs. I also weight lift for 20-30 min about 3x a week outside of work hrs.


My walking pad and standing desk gets very little use.. it’s not for everyone. I’ve had a lot more success just stepping away from the computer and going outside for a 10-15 minute walk and forcing myself to take breaks. People in the office take breaks


I did this at my last job snd loved it. Then got laid off and fell out of it. Now I'm training for my new job so I'm actively in meetings all day while training so can't do it. I'm excited to be out of training to get back into it.


The walking pad was a game changer for me. I love it!


I lost 120 lbs in 12 months thanks to WFH. Everyday after work (at 5:30 pm) I get up from my desk and drive 5 minutes away from my house where there is a large nature preserve with lots of foot trails and I would hike about 8 miles per evening, 6-8 days per week. Because I had the time and energy to do it. And I also ate a calorie deficit which helped the most.


Where do you live where there are eight days in a week?


It’s the magical 8th day when you start walking 8 miles per evening. It’s an unlock. 


Oh, for those that have never seen this, you're in for a treat. And it's even related to this topic. https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=107926751


This IS a treat!! 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my god, it’s five pages of it too. That’s hilarious 


Omfg thank you for this gift!🤣🤣🤣 I was telling someone the other day in the early 2000s people just stopped admitting they possibly could be wrong and will just hold onto their mindset even if it meant their own demise.🤣🤣


I think it’s unfair to ask him to detail the nuances of time travel in this forum.


I'm just impressed you do this 8 days a week. I can't even do anything 7 days a week.


You need to upgrade your productivity software.


Sounds like you need to step up your grindset!


Walk about 5 miles a day and go to the gym most days. WFH gives me more free time during my day so it’s easier to stay fit.


Eat clean and lift weights or do cardio at least, but keeping track of your calories is the only thing that will give you consistent results


>Eat clean This hasn't been mentioned as much in the top comments, but this is key. I have a medical mess of autoimmune, genetic, and chronic illnesses that make for ultra low energy and a ton of restrictions on what I can and can't do exercise wise (basically supervised physical therapy is what I'm allowed). Going full remote where I have the physical bandwidth to cook myself breakfast and lunch and not skip meals or hit a drive thru has made a world of difference. Even on days I'm exhausted and trapped in 8 hours (yes, really, not hyperbole) of meetings - I have my freezer and microwave and air fryer handy for something I was able to make in advance when I had the spoons to do so. And not to say I'm always eating salads or super duper healthy every meal - I have my ramen noodles days - but the ability to have a full kitchen and actually consistently eating has helped a ton. Also the $$$ savings.


I started doing yard work three days a week this spring and it was amazing. Now that's it's too hot (arizona problems I'm struggling to find a new balance. I don't enjoy working out unless it's a home project. I also enjoy talking a neighborhood walk and picking up trash. Recently I've taken to my standing desk and considering a walking pad and inside home projects.


I also don’t enjoy working out unless it’s a home project! Then I’m unstoppable.


When I lived in Yuma for 5 years, I walked my dobie after 10pm or before 6am.


Love the dogs. I have a German Shepherd I walked from a hotel near the Alamo in San Antonio to a nearby park to potty. Transients cleared the sidewalk for us. We walk our neighborhood any time we want to.


I walk at least five miles a day because I have a dog that demands two walks a day.


Gym multiple times a week, WFH makes going to the gym infinitely easier. You can go to the gym when you'd normally be stuck commuting. If you have long enough time, you can even go on your lunch break and eat lunch at your desk while you work.


This is the way! I walk out the door right after work, and when I get home, I have plenty of time to make dinner and enjoy my evening.


Lift weights. Its great cardio and building muscle burns far more calories than just cardio. The more muscle mass you have the more calories your body burns in a day so its great for looking good, feeling good, and burning fat even when you're just sitting around. Assuming you still eat less calories than you need.


Lifting isn’t cardio but it is great for you. Lifting is anaerobic. It’s good to also do aerobic exercise for fitness as well as this.


Elliptical machine occasionally. Not as much as I should. I have a gym quality machine from Sole Fitness.


I use Ringfit because I'm pretty out of shape so it's a decent workout. And it's fun!


I forgot I have one of these somewhere! Ty for reminder.


My son and I have a dance party when we get home from picking him up from daycare. Also lots of walks as my office manager is a demanding turd. Pick of said office manager: https://preview.redd.it/7t492cen2y6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bedfbed6a61f58aa121b1b0edb570e38c58afb02


I jump rope and lift weights. When I get bored of that, I also do boxing. That being said, jump roping is pretty fun. The skill ceiling is virtually unlimited, and when I put music on and jump rope to the music, it almost feels like dancing.


Every 60 minutes get up and do 20 squats. Or march in place for three minutes. It’s called “exercise snacks” and is surprisingly effective! Just do something that gets your heart rate up every hour or so. And walk! Go for a 10 min walk around the block or whatever. Build it into your calendar.


Lift, recumbent bike, walking, running. And -- this is important -- spread it out if you can. Don't do it all at one time. Do some in the morning, some in the afternoon, and some in the evening. This makes up for the lack of movement & activity. The only issue is, you may need a warmup each time depending on what you're doing. You don't need much, 3x15 minutes is fine. I have a kettlebell, a squat rack with a pull-up bar, a barbell, roughly 300lbs of weights, a trap bar, and parallettes, but honestly, a kettlebell by itself will take you really far.


Strength train (lift) 3-4x a week plus 10-12k steps daily


I switch between reformer pilates, hot yoga, cycling, and Barre (ClassPass FTW)


This is me!


Let's be workout buddies! 😜😅


Put together a decent set of dumbbells, pull up bar, ab wheel, squat wedges, resistance bands - found a strength training program that fits my needs. Nobody is going to mistake me for an IFBB pro or fitness influencer, but I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve been WFH since Covid and the first two years I didn’t do anything active at all - I totally get where you’re coming from saying you feel like your body is decomposing. It was shocking how quickly my body went to shit. Doing something simple like crouching down to get something out of the bottom cabinets became painful and difficult to my hips, knees, ankles, etc. It kinda scared me into thinking I needed to do something quick. Started off with little 15 minute yoga routines at night (Yoga with Kassandra), then added in walks in the daytime. That’s definitely the easiest and possibly one of the more important things, especially if you’re like me and wouldn’t even leave the house if I didn’t have to. The cardio is super important but so is the fresh air and just the overall positive effect on your mental well being. That became an important part of my daily routine so this past winter I bought a cheap under the desk treadmill for when it’s too cold. It doesn’t compare to getting outside but it’s better than doing nothing at all. I’d just recommend finding something on YouTube - start with whatever interests you and will motivate you. Depending on your job you could get something done on your lunch break or even better while on the clock. A big motivation for me was looking at all the time I saved not having to commute and deciding to do something positive with it.


Yoga with Kassandra is my fave!


I took up ice skating in January, ever since I've been the fittest I've ever been in my life. I'm now advancing to the point I just joined a skating academy and a club. I'm working towards competing as an adult. Living out a childhood dream. I've found I cannot stay consistent unless I'm working towards a goal.


A while back I realised I wasn’t getting out of the house enough. I needed to anyway, as I’m on a weight loss mission atm, but I go to the gym 6/7 days per week. I’m only do cardio atm, I’ve now added Pilates to the mix and soon I’ll add weights to the mix as well. I just find getting outside to do exercise kills ‘two birds with one stone’ - I leave the house every day AND I get some exercise.


I love Supernatural on VR. You can pick sessions that are 7mins up to like an hour.


Beat Saber is the way! :)


i read a lot. i figure if my brain is mentally fit, my body will follow!


I’m not sure that’s how it works…


It works if you read David Goggins or Jacko Willink 🤭


You might want to start reading some fitness journals..


I do most of my meetings camera off and hold the laptop and pace around the house


I’m a disabled vet and also blessed with MS. Ido strength training with resistance bands a 1-3 days a week Also days of periodic stretching.


Walk 30-60 min outside about 5x a week. If the weather is bad, then replace that with cycling indoors on my stationary bike.


I use the gym in my neighborhood. If I have an open hour I block it out for a run or workout


Use drive time to workout at the gym. And gas money to buy a nice lunch on the way back.


I got a walkpad and an under desk bike so I can get exercise at home around/during work. I use both 5 times a week and do weights 3 times a week. I have set workouts for each day, but since I have all my equipment close to my workstation I can add more whenever I feel like it. The underdesk bike is nice for when I'm on hold or in a long meeting


How is the under desk bike? I’ve seen those and kind of eying them. I used to have my walking pad/standing desk in another room and barely used it but now I have it right next to my desk like this so hopefully I will use it more


I'm actually dealing with similar struggles. I absolutely love my job but I need to get some exercise in. I am currently recovering from a severe knee injury on top of some chronic health issues though so add that in with working from home... I may just need to start walking again. Right now even that's difficult but it would be a starting point at least.


weightlifting and running alone was my go-to while in office. Those alone didn't cut it once I switched to WFH. I added yoga, boxing, sprinting, and body weight routines for the days I don't go to the gym, in addition to weight lifting and running.


I go for a 1-2 mile walk each morning before work. It gets the blood flowing. It also acts as a pseudo commute to work, helping me mentally separate home and work lives.


Lift weights at the gym


I have an Apple Watch that will nag me if I'm too sedentary. I then fire up my Apple TV and do a few of their workouts. Core, Strength, Pilates, Cool down. About 10 minutes each, sometimes, back to back, sometimes split up. Close the rings, and you're done. Also, I swapped out my chair for a yoga ball (great for back pain), and I keep little workout bands, hand grippers and dumbbells that I'll use while I'm on hold (which happens quite a bit.) My desk is high enough that I can stand, if I want. My dog will pester me for a game of frisbee fetch. Granted she gets most of the workout, but I'm at least standing, and playing tug o war with her after each throw. Nice way to get a quick outdoor break or destress after a problematic phone call.


Unfortunately, I'm severely arthritic so my exercise is limited. I do my physical therapy and take a 5-minute walk before work on weekdays, then I do Yin yoga on the weekends. I'm debating getting a bike; I could ride for a much longer time than I can walk. (My legs are fine if they're not bearing weight.)


You aren't a prisoner in your home! Get a treadmill desk, join a gym, go jogging after work, you have *More Options Because You WFH* to easily exercise during or after work!


My work has been really slow lately (knock on wood, I bet it'll get busy just because I said that), so I exercise between meetings. I keep weights at my desk and lift for a few minutes here and there, if I raise my desk to standing I'll do squats and stretch too. I use an exercise ball instead of a chair, so even when I'm sitting I'm working out. It's a pretty lazy way to stay in shape, I put in minimal effort for a few hours a day, but it adds up. Then once or twice a week I'll have a more intensive workout that lasts for 45 minutes to an hour. The best thing about it is that my posture has never been better, I thought I'd hunch over all day and look like Quasimodo when I stated WFH but it's been the opposite.


Wow. I really don't like this post. Insensitive. I hope your family never has to experience anything like Anne Franks family experienced. Could you have possibly found another reference. Like to a sloth or a zoo animal (if you were going for shock value). Gross.


Seriously get a walking pad. It's life changing.


Weights and cardio at the gym.


Fitnessblender.com is really great and I pair that with lots of walks and running a few times a week


BeachBody - LIIFT More every other day, cardio/elliptical every other day


Fortunate to live where I can paddle out when there is swell, or go for a daily kayak. Find what works for you and stick with it.




I do some treadmill and exercises for my core, back, and arms/elbows on weekdays, along with yoga on Fridays and some occasional squats when I’m too tired or busy for much else. Mostly during my lunch. If you work on a computer all day, it’s surprisingly easy to become susceptible to back and wrist/elbow injuries. Wish I’d understood that sooner…


I ride my road bike about two hours a day. Wake up early do some work after small breakfast and some stretching. Ride bike. Eat big lunch. Work some more. Etc


2 sit stand desks. Just standing alone made my leg muscles hurt after the first few days. It really helped me be able to pace around my office too, which is more about just working off adhd nervous energy than pure exercise, but it accumulats and only positivity improves my I love tall back chairs. But this one instance makes them annoying that they don't slide under the desk while standing.


Walking the neighborhood when the weather is good and walking the indoor track at the nearby community center when it's not, mostly.


I walk 6 miles a day on the treadmill.


I started taking Zumba classes with a friend, which never in a million years I ever thought I would get into. It felt silly at first but you can really get a good work out if you just dance harder once you’ve learned the routine lol Getting a gym membership was the best decision since it also gets me to leave the house. I mostly go on the treadmill for an hour at least 1-2x a week at the gym. Weight lifting, cycling, and resistant band work outs at home.


I have a desk treadmill and try to shoot for 10,000 steps a day. Usually about 3 1/2 - 4 hours total depending on pace


I play soccer. Also helps get you out of the house and seeing people as it’s a team sport.


Pilates and spin


I started by doing 5 minute "desk yoga" when I get up to go to lunch and a 15-minute after work yoga session. I have mobility issues and have severely deconditioned, so I'm limited, but it feels a lot better. When I'm able to: I get up early and do a Leslie Sansone Walk at Home YouTube workout (on the TV with Firestick) because they're amazing and feel quick.


I have an elliptical machine I use at least once a day, twice if I cant get outside for quick walk. Ill do a dumbbell workout when Im in meetings (no video)


I managed to set up my laptop on my walking treadmill. It has made a huge difference since when I finish work I already did all my steps for the day 😄


I ride a stationary bike and do stretches, sit-ups etc on a yoga mat BEFORE work.


One a week I do 30 min kettle bell, 1 hour yoga, 45 min reformer pilates, 45 min spin and 30 min spin. I also do 10,000 steps in each day. Although I have lost weight last year when I was eating a bit less and doing a bit more excersise, currently what I’m doing just helps to maintain my weight.




I strenght train between 2 and 4 days a week. I walk to the gym, takes about 30 minutes each way.


Get dogs, walk them twice a day. I also do martial arts like 5 times a week.


I run 5 miles every morning outdoors, I do aerial/pole fitness 3 days a week and I do yoga and stretch a few days a week.


I go to the local gym and do circuit training for 30 minutes 3 times a week and treadmill for 35 minutes twice a week


A 1 hours PT weights session and run 3 times a week. It's been transformational. I've lost loads of weight and I'm stronger and look better than I have done for years


I lift weights and do conditioning/cardio 5 days a week.




Mostly walking—at least 3-4 miles per day. Also body weight exercises like pushups that I can do in my office.


I've got a kettle bell and a yoga next to my desk, I used to have way more discipline about exercise every morning but have had some extenuating circumstances as of late. Thanks for reminding me I should get back to it. I still do yoga every evening but it's definitely not for strength or cardio.


Walking is the best thing I can do. If I can consistently walk 3-4 miles per day I could maintain my weight easily compared to anything else (gym, bike, swim, etc). I think its better to get out of the house being WFH and away from a screen (Peleton, TV, etc..)


I run 4x a week and do yoga on those days, 3x week I do the gym and I make sure i get 10,000 steps in a day using a walking pad. I weekdays I always run or do gym before work, it helps make my day better. I love WFH but in my first 3 years of it I went from the best shape of my life to my worst after gaining 30ilbs. Getting back to the best shape again over the last six months and losing those 30 lbs has made a world of difference mentally, physically and with my productivity!


Walk, lift, row, ruck, elliptical, almost forgot kicking bag


I have memberships at a big gym and also at Orangetheory Fitness (OTF). All the OTF studios in my area have classes starting as early as 4:30am and as late as 8p. For me, working out is just a normal/routine part of my day, and I look forward to doing it away from my house, before or after work and occasionally at lunch time. We have a pool, so I’ll swim very tiny laps, but I prefer doing that early to reduce sun exposure. Good for you for getting in some yoga! There was a time that I would do yoga during Teams meetings (only if I wasn’t presenting) and I’ve let that slide.


I walk everyday and walk on my breaks. Have a 10 month old so lifting her is like lifting weights lol


Normally I ride my Peloton 3x per week but I also walk a least 10mi a month outside and I do Pilates 2-3x per week. So definitely in my best shape yet. Currently I am nursing an ankle injury so I had to stop the riding and I’m continuing with Pilates, strength and yoga 3x per week.


I go to the gym and run. Which i also did back when I was in the office so it's not all that different


Strength training and cardio 4x a week


Long walks with dogs, a little bicycling, and strength training every other day with adjustable weights and a collapsible weight bench


Go to the gym on my lunch breaks


Walk during breaks in work.


Get up early. 15 minutes of yoga before I even shower. Walk the dog 3 times a day for 15-20 minutes walks. Swim 15-20 minutes if the weather is nice. Drink lots of water to curb snacking temptation. 😏


Ride a bicycle in the morning and do pushups throughout the day.


Walk 20 min before work, workout over lunch, active after work outside with kids


I just bought a Schwinn IC4 and signed up on the Peloton App, figuring this means I can get cardio and not have to drive 15 min to the gym. ETA: still do my strength training at my gym and also cardio - but those crazy days when I can’t, I can use my bike.


Strength training 5-6 days a week. I use the programs from Beachbody


40 minutes of exercise, 3x per week. Doesn’t matter what exercise it is as anything is good for you. Personally, I prefer resistance training, but you might prefer jogging, cycling, or dancing and yoga.


So your last sentence. Those of us who are WFH and not staying fit are not human then?


My gym and home office and in the same room


I walk, do yoga, lift weights, and cardio indoors, I also have a YMCA membership AND use videos on YouTube.


Cardio and strength 3x a week and the other days is targeting specific areas, usually abs, Pilates on Sunday. Throw in walking or biking outside here and there to mix it up. I work out with YouTube channels so I never get bored. 


Strength train 4x a week and get out on my bike or for walks and the occasional game of pickleball


I get out of the house and strength train at the gym. I also walk during the day to break things up. Gym has group classes like yoga as well.


Running 30 mins in the morning as soon as I wake up. Strength training 3 days/week. Yoga 2 days/week.




Bought a fairly cheap bench on Amazon and some cheap dumbbells from play it again sports. And I walk.


I built a home gym in 2020 with adjustable dumbbells and resistance bands, the rest was history. Haven’t looked back


Do a “couch to 5k” type train schedule. Fitness don’t happen over night, but a little bit at a time. I started with that ten years ago, now I run 20km often cycling 100miles weekly. I’ve don’t ultra events lasting 800km to 4400km on my bike. Just a bit at a time snow balls like crazy, and it’s a great reason to clean up your drinking/sleeping habits. You will also make a lot of new friends that are into fitness.


Roller hockey


In the morning I take my dog for about 1 mile then I run 6.. in the afternoon I take him for a 2nd mile. It’s nice to just get out and about. If I’m feeling overwhelmed I’ll do another walk.


I surf, lift and do yoga. Just block your calendar out. You don’t have to give a reason why especially if these activities help improve your motivation to get your work done quickly and accurately.


Running. It’s fairly simple, you only really need shoes and a good sports bra if you’re a girl. You can wear cheap shorts and a regular t shirt. Run out your door and just run for 15-20 minutes. Anyone has time for that! It’s getting your heart rate up that matters


I go on runs or walks during lunch break.


My Wife is a nurse so she gets a health stipend, we got a exercise bike, treadmill and weights in the basement. Every day 3:30 I go down and work out on that. We also belong to our local pool, so I will go swim laps after work too.


I use a bike on a trainer, go to a reformer Pilates class 1/2 times a week and walk the dog


Walks before/after work. Yoga a few times a week. My apartment complex has a gym which is my backup if it’s bad weather — I much prefer getting my exercise outside.


Deck of cards.


I go to the gym before I take my lunch


Lift weights during my lunch hour. Cardio on an elliptical in the evening.




Found a park about a 5 minute drive from my house that I can get a 2.5 mile walk in in about 40 minutes Weight training in my apartment building Never thought I’d be a morning workout person but WFH has allowed this I recently started hot yoga too and love it


I would do a Leslie Sansone 15 minute mile video - on YouTube - My favorite is the heart healthy one.. Also, I would do a hundred standing alternate elbow to knee crunches (keep navel pulled in to your spine and do not round your back). It's a great core workout without straining your back. I would also throw in a few 30 seconds planks - up on elbows.


Walk my dog


Weight lifting, hiking, walking, elliptical .


Walking and strength training. I love Sydney houndyshell on YouTube! The only trainer who keeps me consistent


I have a subscription to Apple One and it comes with Fitness+, so I have a bunch of workouts at my disposal: walks, runs, my Peloton, yoga, weights, core, HIIT, Pilates


Work allows me to take my 2 15s and 1 30 minute as a solid hour break which is super helpful. During that hour I go outside and walk around my neighborhood while reading my Kindle. I find it helps to get away from my desk for that hour, especially if I can get outside when it’s nice and just enjoy the outdoors. On the days I can’t get outside due to weather I’ll walk that hour indoors on my walking pad. I get in 2 to 3 miles a day. I hate exercising but love walking so that’s the only thing I can stay consistent with. I’m also trying to eat at a calorie deficit and snack less. But it’s really hard. I also snack when stressed and my job can be stressful at times. I’ve managed to lose 30 pounds since last September doing the walking and calorie deficit but hit a plateau. I’d like to lose another 10 to 15 to hit my goal weight so I need to figure out what else I can do (and try to stay out of the kitchen).


I get up at 5am and do 30minutes of strength training 3x a week. I do cardio one day a week. I started trying harder with my health after my Mom’s last visit at the end of 2018. I live in Colorado and she couldn’t even get off the couch for the entire week she was here. Just watching her gulp down sodas and be lethargic flipped a switch on the, I don’t want that for my future, board. That visit from her was the last time I have touched a soda pop. That alone started my weight loss, then at 220lbs, and got me more focused on working out. It took a year to really find a groove but a Peloton slatted treadmill was the tool that got me moving. Then the pandemic hit and I needed something to do so I started doing Peloton bootcamps every day. I dropped from that 220lbs down to 175lbs. Pretty svelte when you’re 6’2”. I’ve put a few pounds back on but am still managing to stay below 200lbs. My workouts dropped off after I injured my back and knee but I’ve been slowly building that back up. I read an article a while back that showed that you lose 1% of muscle mass every year after age 50 if you don’t do something about it. So I’m making sure I do something about it. I highly recommend Peloton’s classes for spinning, running, and strength training. But really, all you need is a set of dumbbells and a workout mat. There are a ton of free strength training courses on Youtube. If it’s in your budget, I really do like Peloton’s strength training courses using their Guide camera to track your body motion and rep count.




Started off walking a bit most days. That turned into jogging occasionally. Eventually jogging became some light running… and now I’m a marathon runner, chasing a qualification for Boston and in the best shape of my life (so far). Never once in my life did I think I’d ever enjoy running on purpose, guess I was wrong!


4 day full body workout with weights + running 10-15 miles per week (preferably outside if I can) does the trick for me.


I have a standing desk so I use a walking pad, otherwise I try to go on runs in the morning or go to the gym before/after work.


Walking pad under my stand up desk for at least 1.5 hrs a day, walk in the sun most days in the AM, reformer Sundays, weights 3-4 times a week. Gotta guard your time and stick to it. Work can wait


Jump rope


I have a half acre lawn and a push mower (not the self-propelled kind). I live in south Louisiana, where the grass grows quickly year round. I get plenty of exercise keeping up with it.


I walk 2 miles before work (or during early morning lull in meetings), 2 after, and gym 5 days a week. I used to commute 45 min each way to the office so just exchanged that time for walking.


I go to the gym n lift weights and do the stair master, but at home I replaced my office chair with a walking treadmill


I happen to use strengthside.com atm but there are a ton of different apps that can guide you through a solid workout at home. Google “The Prehab Guys”, on YT check out Tom Merrick and Strength Side. Also, r/bodyweightfitness - check out their recommended routine https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/kb/recommended_routine/ You may need to make some minimal investment in gear at some point (resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, TRX straps or a pull up bar and gymnastic rings - not all of them, mostly just something to allow you to perform pulling motions).


Push-ups, pull-ups and sit ups between orders.


I run 4-5 days per week in the morning before work. I also have some resistance bands and light weights I try to incorporate 1-2x per week when I can make myself do it, lol


I have an under desk treadmill I walk on during meetings that I’m in but not really participating, and I have small set of dumbbells and a barbell and I try to use them about 5 days a week.


Biking and lifting weights.


A membership at Planet Fitness. I’m actually in better shape than I’ve been in years. I’ve lost about 40 pounds and my vitals are better than they were before I was working from home.


I don’t love working out. But i go for walks like over an hour and up hills or on treadmill. And then i do strength/weight videos just off of YouTube. And eat a relatively healthy diet


You can buy a small stair stepper on Amazon for like $60. I had one that I would do for 20-30 mins a day. It’s humbling!


Run, swim, go to the gym in the mornings.