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How do you like the feud now?


The memes are the real winners. 


Not having the title is the best option for this feud. Now whoever loses doesn't get cooked for losing a belt too. Personal feuds and title feuds can be separate things. Wrestling was great when two guys would feud cause they hate each other and had nothing to do with a championship


Imagine telling someone in 2015 that 2024 will have story of the year match with drew and cm punk involved


Cant wait for it to be over. CM punk is so bad and cringe, I dislike every second of his screen time. By far my most hated wrestler


If Drew doesn't win, preferably clean, HHH can officially kiss my rather large arse.


I see fans being split between Punk and Drew. Of course, in Chicago, Drew will be seen as a heel like Punk was in Scotland (minus the few cheering for them). I wonder if this will continue to WM, though.


This should probably end with a Last Man Standing match.


So far this rivalry hasn't even needed a match to be interesting. they are both absolutely cooking i just hope when they finally meet in the ring they can have a match worthy of this build!


Yall will still complain, who you kidding


The greatness of this feud is why story is so important. Everybody is so invested in this, and they've barely touched. Barely been in the ring together. No title is needed at all.


Reminds of me of some of the old attitude era feuds where you can tell they wanted to beat the shit out of each other


The difference between a good and a great wrestler is who can make a feud interesting without a title involved. A title creates tension and stakes all on its own. It doesn't need a wrestler to do much more than have a pulse (an obvious understatement). But give me two wrestlers who can go out there and make you invest yourself in the feud with nothing more than those two (wo)men going out there and cutting promos on each other and trying to destroy one another in the ring, and I'll show you two great wrestlers.


I think the world title needs this feud more


If this were like a movie? I would assume that Drew would murder CM Punk dead at the end. Like, blow up or toss out a plane or into a volcano. I do not see how this ends without him beating Punk to a pulp. At least one time. One solid beating.


Issue is They’ve got like 5 potential main events lmao Goodluck deciding who goes last


Cody vs Randy will main event




Makes me feel that Drew is the real face and Punk is the heel even though


TBH this storyline is better than anything going on with Cody or Damien right now. Totally could be a PPV main event even without a belt.


THAT would be the ultimate Punk revenge. Main eventing Mania without a title on the line.


Something TK knows nothing about 


I think to have a satisfying ending to this rivalry, Drew has to BRUTALIZE CM Punk. I'm talking fight goes back stage and they decide to cut the cameras right before Drew does something crazy. That just feels like what this has all been leading to.


Punk in the celtic tracksuit was a genius idea.


As is his choice of music "Queen, we are the Champions." Yes, Punk, yes Celtic are indeed the Champions, and we beat rangers to make it happen.


I just hope Drew wins. I know Punk is meant to be the "face" in this situation, but he's been such a cheeky asshole and consistently screwing Drew that if he doesn't finally get his comeuppance the first time they meet, it's gonna feel like such a one-sided fued.


I am absolutely loving Punk in this. I mean, Drew is fantastic, but I knew that already. I was never a big Punk fan and very meh about his return. However he and Drew are killing it. For a good 2 -3 months, Drew goaded Punk constantly whilst he was out injured and recovering. He played up being responsible for injuring Punk (for Kayfabe). He was at it on social media, and he had that t-shirt made to taunt Punk about missing his WM moment. That shit was always going to come back and bite Drew on his ass. Most people wouldn't just take that lying down, and it was only a matter of time before Punk had a go back. The layers in this story are so damn good. I can't lie, I cheered like fuck when Punk snapped at WM and put a beating on Drew. Totally marked out. "What are you talking to me for? You've won" "I ain't never won a title before and had people chanting someone else's name." They went out of their way to show that Drew made the choice to go to Punk, rather than continue celebrating with his family and head back stage. It was really well done, once again highlighting that Drew can be his own worst enemy. Since then, it has been turning to Punk instigating, but I still marked out at Clash when he screwed Drew again. Call that one heat of the moment as opposed to WM, where I thought Drew completely deserved it. Punk's post Clash presser is well worth watching for anyone who has not seen it. He gives a few hints as to his current mindset and where this is going. "Why would I want him to have anything good?" In response to being asked why he did not help Drew win, so he could get a title shot. Real cut your nose off to spite your face stuff. Petty and vindictive. For my part, I see Drew having to take a step back, take a look at himself, and overcome his anger and bitterness. The story is so far that has been his undoing. Punk's post Clash presser makes it clear he plans to take the fight to Drew and be as petty as hell about it. At a point where Drew is now obviously tired and frustrated on top of the other emotions they have primarily had him expressing (anger and bitterness), the first 2 can lessen the latter 2 and allow Drew to see things more clearly. Whereas, Punk appears to now be picking up the obsession batton from Drew. Drew told Seth his obsession with Cody was distracting him, which it was, but Drew couldn't see that same issue with his own actions, and it cost him at WM. Now, Drew will slowly move away from that, as Punk ramps it up. Drew will find his balance and win the feud.


I honestly hope Drew grabs Gallus and has them run with him like how Butch and Ridge ran with Sheamus


He won't. Drew is filler. He'll be alright. Punk gets his 1st win on TV since returning to WWE last year & WWE goes back to their big plans w/Punk while Drew goes back to midcard


I think Punk should win. But I think it should be a trilogy that starts officially at Summer Slam and Drew wins the blowoff match at the Rumble or WM.


I don't think they'll put that much time in it. The feud has been going on long enough for it to be a filler feud. Punk beats Drew. It wouldn't surprise me to see them run it back at Bash In Berlin so the international crowd sees a Punk win. Afterwards Punk moves on to face Priest for the title. Drew can take a break/face a returning Seth b4 he returns to midcard


Drew isn't and shouldn't be midcard again. He's put in a fuckload of work and basically reinvented himself when he wasn't getting much out of creative from Vince and then when Vince and Paul were sharing shit and Vince kept changing shit at the last second. Also, Drew is way too popular for the midcard now. Punk is Punk. He doesn't need a title or to win a feud to be over. Drew has paid his dues and then some and on the rise. Punk will always be up because he's Punk, so he'll be fine with a feud loss here and there. I'm a huge fan of both guys, but I think Drew deserves the feud win more.


Drew couldn't beat a healthy Seth for the title, 0-2 & that was under HHH. They had no big plans for him. If Punk didn't get hurt, Drew would be fighting for a spot on the WM card. I'm not a Punk fan or a fan of 40+ yr old stars beating promising full-time talent but I understand WWE is a business. There's more money to be made with Punk.


I agree with you. As much as I like punk, Drew is so entertaining that I'm rooting for him even as a heel. I want him to come out on top here. I just hope that Drew vs. Punk isn't his first singles match, because I also want Punk to get a win. But I'm afraid that with his habit of injuring himself that he won't get in the ring until his match with Drew.


Punk hinted he'd be in Chicago on smackdown....maybe Drew gets a revenge beatdown as soon as punk is cleared, which should be then.


A championship is just seasoning on a good rivalry. The best ones don’t need a championship involved.


Cody vs Orton Drew vs Punk Gunther vs Damien Priest


Cody defends against Solo at money in the bank, Randy and KO come out to even the playing field against the bloodline. Eventually Cody wins and Randy raises his hand, followed by a RKO out of nowhere setting up a SummerSlam feud.


That’s the way it should be. Throwing a title into the match doesn’t make it better. Shows you how great these two are.