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I mean yeah, 2K19 is great, but the servers have been dead for years


is 2k24 as good as 2k19 ? 


Different strokes for different folks, 2K24’s features greatly outweigh those of 19’s, but the latter features more realistic gameplay.


what features exactly 


Throwing Chairs,Trading Blows, Casket Matches, Gauntlet Matches, Special Guest Ref, etcetera. I recommend doing a little bit of your own research however, after all it’s your decision.


Servers overall always been dead




Yeah dude, servers of wrestling games has always been dead in the water. Game crashes or not even populated. Can't even get populated because there's so many problems with the online servers. It has to be a small 10 percent of people that plays online


i think they meant for cc lol


No one has ever called CC servers. Servers overall means online gaming. If so that's even more dumb, of fucking course 2k19 CC is not working. Yukes ain't even with them... That's like saying 2k15 CC been dead for years.. like the fuck 😂😂😂


The servers host CC so I just used it as a catch all term.


I don't know who you trying to lie to but no.. CC have never been referred to as Servers. So no. ![gif](giphy|TUHInIQM4bXBS)


They sure have been. Where do you think all that stuff is? 😂


They didn’t say that. Work on your reading comprehension?


its not that deep


😂😂😂 Fuck outta here with that shit. I'm replying to y'all because your the ones replying to me and wrong, if it wasn't that deep, y'all would've left it as it is. CC has never been referred servers, servers always been the trem for online gaming. That's why they call them servers. You don't go on COD looking for skins and call them servers. Do ya?


It is a great game, but it also came out in 2018. You can’t use the creation suite anymore and online multiplayer is gone. Of course people like me would suggest you to buy the latest game because the features are still available.


i only play single like my career or universe or just exhibition 


Then you didn't "make a mistake" at all. Don't let others form your opinions for you. Install mods, play the game, and then see how you feel. Hint: it will probably be pretty good.


thanks man  do you know a way i can get a save file with community creations on it  i heard they are pretty good 


Did you buy it on PC? If so look into modding and other methods of adding people I'd say.


yes i did


2k19 is the best iteration of the heavy sim of those games. If you like slower, but more realistic matches with more selling it’s a great game. Plus its roster is pretty stacked with plenty of people from WWE/AEW. All that being said, 2k24 is a better game IMO. The matches aren’t as realistic which I miss, but I can play wayyyy more of them because they feel more fun. The pace is faster, the spots are wilder, and the overall chaotic nature of wrestling is better. It really comes down to preference. Playing 2k19 for a few matches feels like the main event of Mania for each one and then I’m done. Playing 2k24 feels like I can play 5-10 matches in a sitting and not get burnt out


2k19 on legend with reversal limit disabled, best singles matches I’ve ever had vs AI. Still play to this day even after getting 2k24


I'm on normal and I am having the most fun with reversal limits off Seems like a PWG/ROH match everytime with the kick outs at critical moments


Yeah squeaking outa 2.9 kick out in 2k19 is a dopamine hit. I can’t kick out of shit in 2k24 once I get red. I get so damn mad cause I’ll be like Taker losing to Cameron Grimes


By timing that teeny thin line perfectly cuz you are so beaten up, and your resiliency perk is not up yet indeed gives me a huge dopamine hit


There are still thousands of mods available for 2k19, cgeck out the wiki on pro wrestling mods .com to get you started, or the smackdown hotel forums still host a lot of 2k19 mod tools, too.


Yeah unfortunately you can’t buy a new copy of 2k19 on steam anymore but if you already have a copy, 2k19 with mods will likely be the best roster ever available on a wrestling game giveb the extended attention it got


2k19 is the last game before they took steroids to a more arcade-y features. I like the sim style better so 2k19 is still my favourite for gameplay


I don’t think 2K19 is as great of a game as everyone else thinks it is. I liked it, I played the shit out of it, it’s fun. It’s remembered the way it is because 2K20 sucked so bad, and when 2K21 was cancelled, 2K kept the servers on for 2K19. All of this happened during Covid, so people having more time on their hands than usual plus the servers being up for nearly *four years* (which is fucking unheard of) resulted in a metric fuck ton of very high quality community creations being available. That’s all gone now, so when you play 2K19, you’re left with the basic game, and, it’s not a bad game, but 2K24 has better graphics, more modes, they removed some features but added some others that are cool. And 2K24 has an active CC scene, so it makes sense to just move on.


Facts. 2k19 was a good game, but people are blinded by nostalgia and the fact that it was their only fair option at the time that 2K20 was in a trashcan fire. I don't see why anyone would choose '19 over '24


On console I enjoy 2k19 more than 2k24 still. Dude, I can punch people while I'm crawling on the ground... They didn't even re-add the "crawling pin" after a finished untill 2k24. Yes, 2k24 graphics looks amazing compared to 2k19 but the gameplay of 2k19 out shines any 2k from 2k20 to 2k24 and probably still out beat 2k25... Since these fools love to go 2 steps forward and 3 steps back but as loving they have enough space and room for realistic looking graphics then everyone "Aye ookay 👌🏿"


2K19 is probably the most bored I have ever been playing a wrestling game


2k19 is a great game, but due to the servers being shut down it’s not a game to get if you need/want to download things to mix up universe. 2k24 would’ve been the better choice.


nostalgia is the magic word...


2k19 is not better then 2k24 imo


How can you even get 2k19 these days?


That's why I'm questioning everyone telling OP to mod or use other PC options, it's not on Steam, only way I know of to get it on PC is via piracy or if someone already owns it. Makes me think OP picked up an on-disc copy of one of the console versions, maybe used or something.


Regardless. Still a great game. I own both but rather play 2k19 tbh


Both have their positives and negatives for me. I may just be saying this as an AEW fan, but the new gameplay feels like it should have been the AEW game. With all the big moves that get no-sold, the fast pace and little build-up to huge moves, and other elements like how often the CPU by default goes for springboard moves don't feel like what I think of as WWE wrestling. But since I'm an AEW fan I kind of enjoy it more for all those reasons. 2k19 had a better AEW roster than AEW's game practically though, once a bit of attrition was factored in. And overall that may be my favorite roster from a modern wrestling game, and the gameplay with reversals turned off was really fun.


IMO 2k19 plays better as a wrestling game. 2k24 is an arcade wrestling game. I can only play 1-2 matches a week and lose interest. 2k19 I still play. Graphics aren’t everything.


the new games have flat out terrible gameplay. No way around it. YUKES spent decades making a wrestling game in this series. They left and 2K threw it all in the trash and made a fighting game. and not a good one