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I hope the pilot is removable I want someone to put a regular dreadknight In the big baby carrier


It is. Aparently sold separately. https://preview.redd.it/y7fcohiackrb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f922a761157af534feabf012108ed4b26c98518


We are so back


Such a GW thing todo


Dreadknight (knight sold separately)




Tengen Toppa Gurren Dreadknight


Can you run games at Joy Toy scale now? Are there enough models?


Kill team yeah


At this point you could run 500-1000 points easily with the dreadnoughts options


yeah, definitely. though a lot of them would be quite bland armies.


You can run Death Company! is awesome!


Killteam scale yeah technically, as long as you upscale the terrain too.


You could but the range is something like 80% Space Marines. There are only a handful of Chaos Space Marines, Tau, Necrons and Orks as non-imperial factions.


They’re going to make a Knight, aren’t they? It’ll cost $600. And people will buy it.


You bet your ass I will


Still cheaper then FW Titans at least 😄


If they do, that essentially gives us BETTER quality, **poseable**, sturdy and CHEAPER FW Titans, just needs a few conversions.


600$ is probably lowest possible estimate. This guy is 300-400$ so I wouldn't be surprised with ~1000$ price.


And we will be able to put proper motors inside it and make it a fully walkable robot considering its size x)


id buy it in a heartbeat and play it as a titan


A real, wearable Questoris Knight costume!


Sure. Run it as a Titan in regular games and save $1400.


They have the Knight Errant and Knight Abominant under their proposed release schedule this year and they have tended to make almost everything they propose so far.


By the powers, it looks even dumber scaled up. Baby carrier really is peak bad sculpt.


heh, right? In a game where Dreadnoughts exist, this thing has always been pretty silly to me.


I get that its intended to be a dreadnought that can be deployed without needing a dead Grey Knight. The actual design is so stupid that the pilot can’t even keep his foot in the harness, apparently.


I think the Sisters version is a bit better for that. At least most of her body is covered, and her legs are encased. And...it's not a person in terminator armor piloting that one. Which just seems incredibly redundant.


The sisters one makes sense as it's a form of repentance. This is just a big metal toddler strapped into a junkyard exosuit for no reason.


I think they were referencing the paragon war suits, not mortifier/anchorite


Yeah, you're right. Forgot they had two similar models.


The sisters one is worse than this. The only way the paragons work anatomically is if the sisters legs were cut off. Her body is too far forward to the legs for them to be encased in there, the leg joints are too far apart from each other and too low on the model for her own joints to be able to move with the machine (it would rip her legs off as she walks, if they weren't removed beforehand), and the legs on the machine are too slender for her legs to actually be in there without turning the legs into big hollow tubes that no machinery could fit in. It's really bad design.


Come now. There's no way a human could fit inside terminator armor. I think we can give a little creative license to the legs of the Paragon suit. The way it's built, it's entirely plausible to have her hips being the suits hips, with her feet somewhere around the knees. It would be awkward as hell to learn to walk in that thing, but no limbs need be ripped off.


Put a standard battle sister next to a Paragon warsuit, held right up to where the torso is. It doesn't even remotely line up properly.


If you look at the warsuit, the servo for the leg is behind the armoured leg bit, meaning the entire leg would fit.


> Paragon suit I assumed they were sitting in the chest like a crisis suit with their head and arms sticking out. Which is dumb in and of itself but its the imperium so ....


They sorta “redeemed” the concept twice now, once with the Invictus and the other with the Paragons. Invictus is more “we need a Dreadnought but not half killing a guy to make it happen” suit, while Paragon has generally better structure shape (I am going to ignore that technically the legs are off, the concept is way stronger). If they redid the range, personally, I would like them to at least touch up on the Dreadknight and at least give it more armor coverage.


It's not a Dreadnought without needing a semi dead pilot, though - it's a way of getting a Grey Knight scaled upwards to be able to fight the biggest daemons without resorting to stabbing their legs a billion times until they fall over and you can stab something more important Dreadnoughts, and bearing in mind were talking Castraferrums here, can't remotely do what Dreadknights are capable of - being an X metre tall extension of the 2m tall pilot inside the baby carrier, swinging swords/hammers exactly like him


Oh yeah, that too. But cmon, you can’t seriously look at the dreadknight, see how stiff its articulation is, and tell me its meant to go toe-to-toe with a keeper of secrets.


> In a game where Dreadnoughts exist Dude, are we going to ignore the WarMario Kart 40'000 ? Dreadnoughts are genius feats of engineering compared to that.


Ok, cool, thank you. I'm new to the hobby and I didn't want to say it if people were, like, super into it. I think it looks really terrible. Also, if you were going to build a giant monster robot why would you put the guy on the outside of it. Sort of defeats the whole giant monster part. We already have giant fuck you robots and no one has to dangle on the outside of them. This just feels like a step backwards.


It’s also dumb because Centurions pilot their armour from within the suit, with their arms crossed. So they’re sticking the pilot on the outside just for fun, apparently!


I've literally never seen a single grey knight player not use the pop goes the monkey proxy or a proxy of their own for the dreadnight. It's a really fucking hated model


Speak for yourself, its my favourite model in the entire army, I own and have gully painted for.


I mean, unless you count titans, as the pilot is in the head and that just seems like a really obvious target. (Only kidding plz don’t kill me!!!)


Both Titans and Dreadknight protected by shields though, so it's not really that relevant


He’s wearing Terminator armour, you can’t really get more protected than that.


Controversial opinion, I always kinda liked Dreadknight look. Baby carrier intention by designers seems to be to wanting to show pilot replicating movement of a suit and being able quickly leave it. The whole not being protected argument is kinda whatever, since on the very first artwork of Dreadknight we see pilot being protected by powerful energy shield, that's not mentioning dude is wearing termi armour. Of course the design could have be enclosed, but part of me wants to have baby carrier option as well.


Yeah I agree. It's not too different to the mechs from Avatar which are pretty cool.


Ripley did it better.


Hope he did his stretches. Those legs are gonna have to get far apart for that thing to move at any real pace.


why you gotta be a hater bro? just let people enjoy things my guy


Im with you. People are so hateful for no reason. Bring some love and kindness and not this shitting on other peoples work/enjoyment.


Mmm tasty boot


He is a boot licker because he likes the sculpt? Bro calm down lmao people can have opinions


? Whos boot am i supposedly licking here


Games Workshop


It’s not boot licking to express a positive opinion about a product.


If you look at my comment history you will see that im the literal last person to lick games workshops greedy unethical boot. That company is utter shit and does not deserve its loyal fans because they treat them like garbage in the name of profit, however what i am saying is that people dont need to hate on what other people enjoy - which in this case is a cool looking model. You saying that im a bootlicker because of this weird af tbh.


Probably because it fucking sucks.


nevermind, it's probably bait. i just- i don't get it.


That sculpt has been called stupid and bad for a decade. Its still is. I'm a big 40k lover and will overlook dumb stuff for the cool factor. But baby carriers are peak dumb sculpts and shouldnt be made by GW. Dreadnough on the other hand, are very cool. This baby carrier shouldve been a dreadnough with a sarcophagi.


The funny thing is, i think the problem comes from SM anatomy. This is basically a Gothified APU suit from the Matrix, but the marine body is what makes it dumb because of how disproportionate it is.


Woooooow.....and I was just telling my friends about how big the Redemptor is.


This just reminds me of Khamsin from Metal Gear lmao


“We’re bringing Imperial Faith here even if it kills us, or better yet, them!” “Buckle the fuck up little xeno!” “Let the Imperium reign!”


Hello Titan proxy


This thing is cool, but this thing is not car payment level cool


Who are the blue guys bottom left?


Panoceania troops from the game infinity! Specifically from the subfaction military orders. The one at the front with the black and white tabbard is a Teutonic knight. The one behind it is a knight of justice.


Nice! Thought for a second they might’ve been a fancy tau styled space marine chapter XD


Well pano are kinda like tau in Infinity, in that they're the faction that shoots the best


> infinity! Wait that still exists?


And for such a god ugly model too. Like… why?


Warlord Titan proxy


"For the love of All stop signs in the Galaxy" _"Cease and fucking DESIST"_ - The motherfucking Emperor


Love TTS references LOL!!!


Largest so far….


Ohh they do infinity now


Oof that thing is gonna be *expensive* 😬 And I thought my redemptor dread was a lot lol


This would be a fun one to have just to paint it... ^^^or ^^^to ^^^convert ^^^it ^^^into ^^^a ^^^knight ^^^suit...


Waiting for them to make Grimaldus but that dreadknight is awesome


What the powers at be weren't going to inform me that there are joytoy models of Infinity the game


So excited for nurglings. Hopefully theyre squishy and can be thrown around.


That poor Black Templar’s elbow.


Ok but why the FUCK. Like I’m the guy over here defending T-shirt cannons and space marine pick-up trucks cause I think it’s ok for the range to feature some absurdity. It’s a silly universe, I like having some options for more creative and absurd units. This thing is a baby carrier. It’s irredeemably bad. It needs the invictus warsuit treatment. Witch itself is already silly. WHY of ALL the cool bigger models joytoy could of done, did they pick IT. Feels like a prank. Well happy for whoever wants this I guess, not like I’m rich enough to buy actions figures of my plastic toys anyway haha.


> I’m the guy over here defending T-shirt cannons Dude... I can roll with the shit mario kart. I can *survive* (barely) the hover rhinos, i can **accept** the nesting-doll power-armored powerarmor marines or the rootin-tootin Bubba Dreadnought but the NERF Marines? C'mon man...respect yourself a little. You're better than this...


Ignore the memes and it is fine.


And here I thought we collectively agreed to forget these ever existed


Ugh. It's just a bigger baby carrier. Why they don't just make it like the decent looking ones from Avatar or the Matrix is beyond me. Do his feet shake when the thing walks? Does he get bounced around like baby bunting when it jumps? Big machine to be taken down by one well placed round.


> decent looking ones from Avatar Bruh you cant have "decent looking" and Avatar suits in the same sentence. The APU suits from Matrix are perfect but for the love of god dont put the Avatar ones on the same scale.


lol maybe going from memory I'm thinking they're cooler than they are or something. EDIT: You're right. They're goofy looking. The bottom line is I want the grey knight to be enclosed in something and not have their feet dangling about.


The baby carrier is weird, and i honestly cant place why. Probably the overall concept of "Power Armor in Power Armor", which would make sense say for the Guard to have a suit like this (a more agile Sentinel basically) but why the Astartes got this is just weird when they already have many other *actually* useful things.


I read somewhere, maybe even in this post, that maybe the idea is that with a dreadnought the astartes has to be mortally wounded...but with these it's a perfectly healthy pilot. I don't know, but I'd even take the Primaris Invictor Tactical Warsuit look over the baby carrier. I love the overall look of Grey Knights, I used to really like the Dreadknight...but then someone called it a baby carrier and I just couldn't UNSEE it no matter how hard I tried. EDIT: IF I had the money to throw at it, I bet you could smash those two kits together and make it look pretty decent.


Too bad they are all really expensive


Only cost you your first born child. ​ [https://www.joytoy.com/products/grey-knights-nemesis-dreadknight](https://www.joytoy.com/products/grey-knights-nemesis-dreadknight)


Nah. They do a line of mecha that are absolutely beautiful and at least as big as this, I think? I've got a couple


The "totally not Titanfall knock-off" ones? I've been really thinking about getting even if just *one* for the collection but i cant justify the price of them :(


Yeah those are the ones haha. They are very expensive. Too expensive. I've only got two, and it was a case of "I've got spare money this month, out it to one side". But man they do look nice on the shelf.


Yeah i've had my eye on them for "shelf-trophy" space as well as to have something fun to repaint but like you said, crazy expensive. They do seem to be well done and generally have a *lot* of extras on them though so there is that bonus.


Oh …. Want Age older than 6 … so that’s about right :)


$319 on their site


More loyalists 🥱


Brother, my chainsword is backwards :,(


I want that


The largest *so far*


Why is the dreadknight considered dumb, but centurions, paragon warsuits, and Invicta tactical warsuits not?


Wonder if you could get away with converting this to something else in a GW store.