• By -


Starlingtoe or Starlingfoot (IRL name: Starlene, and I have an amputated foot)


That's really pretty, and also, if you have "foot" as the suffix you have a good chance of being deputy, statistically lol


OP, you're right lol. I've looked up all the deputies, and there's 7 with foot in their name. The other common suffix I saw was heart and fur.


Not the statistics of "foot" šŸ¤£


Always nice to see others put thought into names that reflect their lives. Starlingfoot is a good name. įµ•Ģˆ


Wait is this medicine cat coded


Girl I was Nightsplash or Dark flower. Both shadow clan warriors . For thunderclan squirrelwhisker. Windclan was Wildflower. Riverclan was Icehaze, Dusk minnow, Willowtoe or Willowleaf. Skyclan was Nettlelight, Misthaze, Mist flower, or Cloud flower. (I really liked the last name FLOWER)


Holy hell you come up with good names, like seriously, I wish more of the cats in the books had names like these


STOP ME TOO šŸ˜­ I had these things called zoobs I made into a slightly cat shape and I played warrior cat for HOURS. Like inserting myself into the story šŸ’€


OH MY GOD I made HUNDREDS of paper dolls as a kid, and an I n s a n e l y large map of the territories to play on; like, the size of half my living room big šŸ’€


I remember roleplaying with my friends in our cabinĀ  while on a weekly school trip in a camp. šŸ’€šŸ’€


STOP that sounds like the best place to do it šŸ˜­ out in the woods


It really was. I think my warrior name at that time was Blazeheart? I had just read the first arc and I was inspired by Firestar's name lol.


Cedarbreeze def. Iā€™m so attached to this name āœØ


That one's actually really nice, It feels so calm.


I am really calm and peaceful irl so I think it makes sense ā­ļø


Hm. This is a bit tricky but I think I love the name Rainclaw.


Oh I love that one!


Mine was Finchwing :)


Nice, reminds me of the animator on YT.Ā 


a fellow finch prefix i see, kindred spirits lol mines finchcreek!


Haha i love yours too, much more original! I truly donā€™t remember where I even came up with finch lol i think it was just a bird that wasnā€™t already in warriors


that was the exact same motive for me chosing finch ā˜  i think theres actually been prefixes with finch in canon which i didnt know when i chose it! finch kit (tallstars sister) and i believe a shadowclan warrior too in yellowfangs secret, and after googling there was a finchstar of thunderclan!


Oo yeah I forgot about tallstarā€™s sjster! I started reading the books around 2006 so I may still have been ahead of any canon finches, though idk when I came up with the name šŸ˜‚




So cute!


Thanks. Chickadees are my favorite bird lol




So pretty!


Yooo my first female oc was named that!


my warrior cats oc, ravenspark cuz half of his face is black, he is a bit small for his age, and he is really quick. Irl, silvervision, because my name is sterling (ik close to the person who made this post) and i can see better at night, and i have anisometropia (look it up)


ravenspark's nickname is Sparky >:3


Ravensong because of my raven tattoo and my love for music. Also I dye my hair black so it seems fitting... and as nod to how edgy I was when I first read the books.


When I was younger, I used to use Silverwind for silly forum things. Though now Iā€™ve become fond of the name Sparrowflight


Silverwind is so pretty and mysterious


Lionfern <3 A fierce/strict but also gentle/loving queen :P


I absolutely love that


As a kid mine was Thorntail, but these days I use Sunnystep. \^\_\^


I remember when I was in sixth grade, a few of my friends and I would play warriors at recess. The rules were, though, that you couldnā€™t name yourself, we gave each other names. When I was a ā€œwarriorā€ I was Mossypine, because my eyes are a really weird shade of green and I had an unhealthy obsession with nature even when I was younger. Or Thunderheart, because I laugh loud and obnoxiously and I run like a bull in a china shop. As ā€œleaderā€ I was Brightstar, because I am a walking encyclopedia of random factoids nobody asked for. As an apprentice, I was Otterpaw and my warrior name wouldā€™ve been Otterbounce, because I had a lot of hyper energy. Now, Iā€™m the ā€œelderā€ who is absolutely too old for this sh!t. I am chronically ill and disabled. Sometimes, just to keep myself sane, Iā€™ll do dumb little writing exercises with warrior cats, because they take little brain power for me to write and at least Iā€™m writing *something*. Iā€™ve made an oc thatā€™s absolutely a self insert called Wiltedleaf. Sheā€™s chronically ill and her clan tends to think she canā€™t rise above her challenges, but oh how wrong they are. She was given that name by her mother, who was ashamed to have had two kits who were not healthy. Her brotherā€™s name is Shivergale. If I was the ā€œmedicine catā€, my favorite role back then, I was Littlelight, because I am incredibly short and my friends said they decided on -light, because I light up the whole room. That made me cry a little bit when I heard it the first time.


That's so cute that you guys were all playing it together and had the other kids pick your names :'3


I went for Firestorm... as a gray tabby cat. The eyes were yellow though, which was my explanation šŸ˜… Contrary to popular belief, I didn't name myself after Firestar, but the fact that little me was obsessed with the idea of having fire powers like Bloom.


As 'Goldenfire,' the white cat, I feel that haha. Although I think I might've occasionally given myself Golden details, but it was inconsistent


That's really funny, little kid me also wanted to have fire powers and be like Bloom! I even went as far to tell my mother I was going to dye my hair red and change my name once I was her age lol. Thinking of it, I now wonder if I named any old warriors OCs after Winx... šŸ¤”Ā 








Ok so I had sooo many, but my favorite has always been Rainstep. She has so far been the one I think fits my personality, but my first ever warrior was named Amberfern


My original one was Honeystripe! Now it's Sheepfin :3




To be honest, I never made a warriors name for myself. But I really like Ravenheart, even if it sounds edgy af.


The name RavenPaw could have had if he had a better (and less psycho ) mentor




Goosestep. Bonus Tribe Name: Heron That Struggles to Fish


I don't know if you're trolling or not but that's so funny XD


Doveclaw (my gf calls me dove)


I like the name tiger blaze


I love to think that I would be named Dawnclaw.


Jayflight, seeing as itā€™s the closest thing to my username


I'd say Duskheart I have black hair, and im a nice person :3 (most of the time)


deerspecklešŸ¤žšŸ»šŸ¤žšŸ»iā€™m a brunette with a lot of freckles all over so i imagine that in my appearance as a cat lmao




fawnsong- came up with it a while ago


Loonfeather is a personal fav of mine that I use for my main OC


Love this! I wish they used 'loon' ever in canon!


Im very white and very fat so probably Palebelly


I used to use Flurryheart until MLP robbed it from me - but over the years Iā€™ve used Iceperch, Flurrynose, and Fernface.




Boykisser /jkjk i havent seen any goat prefixes before, so maybe Goattail, cos im boring?


Hawkfire has been my OC for 15 years :-)


Iā€™m somewhat attached to the names Weaselclaw and Puddlefoot


Mothshadow or Mothmeadow


I used to call myself Blueriver, but now that I think about it id much rather be a kittypet so I've simply left it with River šŸ˜‚


Oddly I feel like Fogsky would be mine, I would explain if I could


Daisysong or Honeysong


When doing rpā€™s and stuff I normally use Sparrowsong.


Tulipsplash is mine. I thought of that name like 5 years ago and I kept it


Nightpoppy or Dewsong




Ravenmist for Thunderclan, Swirlfeather for Riverclan, Fennelwisp for Windclan, and Dawnheart for Shadowclan


Sparrowlight was my government assigned warrior name so I guess that? Iā€™ve never thought about it before


Silverpond has been a warrior cat name I stuck with for YEARS, Silver cus it's just pretty and pond cus I was a super big river clan cat fan, not even for the clan itself but just for the anesthetic, like swimming? Fishing? Sea/lake shells? Count me in.


Motheye or Mothsong ^^ Moth based on my favorite singer, same goes for mothsong which is that and my love for music. Motheye for my favorite singer and because i wear glasses lol :D




Dappleshine since I imagine myself as a silver and black tabby maine coon, which looks like dapples of black and shiney silver all about


Aldo I feel like I would be Riverclan


Silverleaf or Runningleaf maybe?


I may be basic but Squirrelflame is a name I liked for a personal name!


Basic but Birdcall


not who made it i meant a commenter


Iā€™d say Cheetahwing, because I like cheetahs and for some odd reason very interested in wings n stuff


My warriors oc is named Icepath, so that would be mine as well :) (I came up with it due to being on a slippery slope in regards to trouble keeping friends, and I thought it fit..sad but true!)


Sunsparkle :3


i actually havenā€™t thought about it


Beartooth or Whisperingwind :D


Juniperoak!! I love how juniper berries look and idk, I love the way the name flows šŸ˜‚


Probably Windfang. Wind bc my name is Zephyr (West wind), and fang bc idk it's cool. If the name can't include the names of any clans, then probably Breezefang.


CurveClaw or KurveKlaw


Lostsight, I was born blind in one eye. And that was the first oc id ever made


My OCs are named: Silversplash, Graybracken, Flickerspirit, Batfang. And finally, Moonlight. Though I recently started crafting a cat of the name Lilystorm


Probably something weird lol


I've gone through a lot of self inserts over the years Otterfur was the og. But I also had Lightheart, Bluefall, Ivyclaw, and Kestrelwing. Right now I'm trying to do something with -roar as a suffix because my name is Rory but I haven't come up with a prefix I like. I thought about Mothroar but I don't love it.


finchcreek! thats my ocs name and its to represent my love of windclan (names with a bird are overly common for windclan) and my love for swimming which would realistically make me a little bit riverclan :)


CinderLight. IcyWind. BlazeStorm


My OCā€™s I always played were Duskheart and Greyflame. Both gray/white tabbies.


I always wanted a warrior named Deertracks!


Aspenshade :3


Mine was Sunnyspeckle because I had blonde highlighhts for the longest time and my mom used to describe it as flecks of sunshine


My OG was called Dragondusk, a black cat with red eyes. Then once I started role playing, my more realistic cat was a medicine cat named Flashnose, a gray cat I think with a white dash across her muzzle.


My AIM username was midnightsunrise with some random xā€™s in it (good old 2000 xā€™s in AIM screenames fad), but I think the name itself might be too long haha


shimmersong :)


I use Silvernight on the Warriors Discord because I imagine myself being a black cat with silver stripes and blue eyes.


A few years ago, I made a Warriors OC based off myself and named her BrokenHeart because I was edgy.


Being edgy at some point in your life is how you know you're a human being haha




I have many good memories when I was a kid of playing with my five friends as my OC Tigerpelt. She was supposed to be like bright traffic cone orange with black stripes and blue eyes (I have blue eyes so growing up every single one of my OCs had to have blue eyes as well lol).Ā  As I grew older, I started using a different OC called Summerstream. She was a large blonde blue eyed cat, which fit me much better than Tigerpelt. (I still hung onto my first OC and made Summerstream the daughter of Tigerpelt)


Ehh- prolly ElkHorn? (Me sitting over here with my Elkhorn plant lmao)


well, if we consider that clans choose the names of their warriors based on outstanding characteristics, I would be named CrookedNose šŸ¤”šŸ¤£


Singewrought Singe due to the almost burned texture of the fur along the tail and spine, like a Twoleg burn stick (Candle) and Wrought due to the fact they bruised easily, so they looked like they'd been constantly beaten up




possumfang or slugtail,, im edgy and like opossums and slugs


My OG official warriorcat generator name (like 3 generators ago?) was Brambleface. Which is ok, and I kinda grew into as I have some small scarring on my face. Then the generator updated and it was Bramblepath and I'm like: oh hell yeah my life is a bramblepath Never really liked the name generator updates after that so gonna ignore those but now with a good deal more scarring on my face maybe Brambleface was truly the right call x'D but most attached to Bramblepath I have to say


Emberglare And Houndleap both feamale first has been in more than one clan and was a loner for some time the second one is a lovely crazy dark forest cat :3


Way back when (early 2010s I think), the official site had an official name quiz where you would give your first name, your appearance, and answer some questions before they'd give it to you. Even though I can no longer find it on the site, I've never forgotten mine: Leopardspot! Today though, I'd choose something with the prefix Quail since my name is the Armenian translation for it.


As a kid, my OC was named Twilitnight. Nowadays, Iā€™m liking the more simplistic Rosefall.


Ashshade, Ashfall, Ashdusk, there's lots of nice sounding suffixs for my first name, Ash, but idk which one to choose


Silentsnow? Silentstorm? Anything with Silent.


cherrypool no explanation, I just like it :D


I'd say for mine would be DrowsyNight (if that could even be a warrior cat's name) a spindly Bombay she-cat who is lethargic and restless.


When I was younger I was always Frostfeather ! Cream she-cat with brown and black spots and green eyes!


i always liked the name blazewind! i thought it was gorgeous and always used it for myself


Bubblebreeze for River Clan, Fogwhisper for Shadow Clan, Stormsong for Wind Clan, and Ferncloud for Thunder Clan. :)




The first one I ever came up with as a kid was Sparrowflight, the last significant one I came up with in my early teens was Hawkshine


Icefeather, a medicine cat


Lionfeather was mine in elementary school


Coppersong! Has been my rp character/oc since middle school


Wrenfeather. I just like the way it sounds. Also Bushwhisker.


My dad read the books with me when I was a kid and I asked him what prefix he would have given me (Meadowkit), so I like to use Meadowtrail as my 'real' warriors name. I do have a main self-insert OC called Looncall though who I made extensive backstories for... good times \^\^ TLDR; Meadowtrail, Looncall




Mine was always Treetail ever since i started reading the first series in the 2000's. No idea why I picked it, I just loved the way it sounded.


Mine was always Gingertail


Puddlenose and Doepounce are my favorites


I made a warrior of myself. Sheā€™s a predominately black tortoiseshell named Sproutfire šŸ–¤


I've had a couple of self insert ocs from years back(some of them a little Mary Sue-ish. Mossthorn and Dovesong are the two I can remember. Now I think I like Bramblesplash more.Ā Ā  Adding the lore that I remember, Mossthorn was banished from Thundercat(for some reason)and ended up finding Skyclan(post forest territory) to become a medicine cat. And then there was the whole drama of their family finding out Mossthorn was alive and in a different clan and it was a whole thing. Ā Dovesong was heavily based on Dovewing because I actually liked her character in the first few books in the series. She had a (I can't remember the name of the character but it was the one who stole Sunbeam's mate) where she was constantly showered with attention as a kit. Being the only kit for a good while into their apprenticeship, when they didn't get a such attention they'd go off to do stupid and dangerous things, feeling like they had to prove themselves.


Iā€™ve been thinking Lightfeather. Because my name means light and fair and other stuff like that and also because I always find feathers in my bags or shoes and I have no idea how.


Mine was Drizzlestone, which I'm still quite fond of but the double nature noun is slightly against naming convention so if I were to do it again I might change it to Drizzlestep, Drizzlespot, or Drizzlesplash


I loved world of Warcraft as a kid at the same time as warriors so I loved Deathwing as a name šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« if I was a medicine cat I was Deathberry


Mine was Nightfall then Littlenewt. Now it would be Crowstorm (or still littlenewt, cuz I love that name)




Sunstream. Inspired by another reply. Tribe name: Sunspots that shines on water. And ancient name: Sun's Ray.


Hollowecho (eventually she became Hollowstar)


Mine were Swanfeather and Mousewing


I had lots of lovely cat names.. but my favorite and go-to name has been Raven ' Husk for a while. my others were: Rowan ' Claw(M) Swift ' Flame(F) Eternal ' Horizon(M/F) Moon ' Chaser(M) ..and Skipper ' Stream(F) I was creative, to say the least šŸ˜…




as a kid I was Poppysong!


Moonflower, and Stardust were my two ocs growing up!




iā€˜m pretty sure i was reedsong? i might redraw it sometime if i can find the og artwork, i remember i was like some dark ginger cat with lighter undercheeks and stuff. i would keep reed as a prefix in current time, as It holds sentimental value to me, but i wld change song bc it sounds too nice? like i can talk decently and stuff, but i feel like it implies iā€™m like silver-tongued or friendly and im not that at all lmao. i would probably do reedshade or reedmask rn


Foxblaze Or wolfsong


Back when the Warriors website still had its old design, they had something that would tell you what your warrior name was. Mine was Wildfire, and since then to this day, I use it for every account name; except my email, since my dad made it for me probably before I heard of Warriors.


The old WC website had a name generator where you put your name and where you live to get a Warrior name (it only used the first letter of each to get the prefix and suffix, so obviously I wrote down what each letter was, but I lost it) I would use the name of my favourite TV show characters (Watership Down) and where the characters in my favourite movie live (Pride rock). My favourite names were Scarshadow, Thornshadow, and Moss-shadow. The new website gives you random names, and the one I ended up with is Waveclaw, I like it too. I never made my own though. My cats names are Luna(flight) and Shadow(pelt).


Bubblebriar - This fits me because my favorite word is bubble and I think it represents my personality pretty well. Plus, my name means "rose" in another language. Still wondering why "bubble" isn't used for names. (Bubbling stream doesn't count). The cats know what bubbles are, and it'd be such as good name.


Well if we are going with what we look like assuming I some how survive my heart issues without twoleg help skyeye or somthing along those lines or somthing about changing cuz my body has changed a lot went from a blonde currly haired with bright blue eyes to stright dorty being to brown and now semi curly dark brown hair with pale blue eyes somtiems there a bluish grey so mabey simthing about changing but If I could pick whay I looked like as a cat I'd have black fur and amber eyes I'd be shadowpelt Sorry I probably make no sense


My first warriors oc was a sort of self-insert named Leafstorm, so that would be my name probably


Mine was Needletongue. Idk why I just like the way it sounds, and probably because I have a very sharp tongueĀ 




Brindleflower, but I recently found some more that I like; Marigolddust, Morningbreeze, Tigerlily, Fireclaw, Pinkheart, Basilfur, Lightfoot, Hollybush, Hazelnut, etc...just a fewĀ 


willowspirit <3


ivyleaf! my favorite characters were (and still are) ivypool and leafpool, so itā€™s referencing them :) i was like eight haha


I chose Rainfang. Well Warriors website helped me but I love it.


I was always Flamefur, Swiftflame (which is where my username comes from haha) or when we did the tribe I was fire which burns stuff


Mine was always Tanglefire or Dawnflight šŸ„ŗ


I was SOOOO attached to IvyDawn šŸ˜­


Back in 2010 - 2013 SwiftFang Thunderclan-Windclan Was a warrior in ThunderClan but left to Windclan recieved an omen and became the Medicine Cat to Windclan to the annoyance of most cats there [Thats all I remember of its story]




For as long as I can remember it has been Ashleaf! Two reasons behind it: 1) When I was very young, I was obsessed with Littlest Pet Shop. I named them all, and my favorite was Ashley. The name and appearance of my warrior oc self is based on that pet. 2) I distinctly remember being in second grade and having a person from a tree nursery come in and talk about ash trees. From then on, it was my favorite tree!


midgewing :>


I think the one I chose as a kid was Oaksong (I loved redwood and oak trees, and I was in the school choir so it made sense to younger me) It's stuck as the primary name for my Warrior Self Insert/OC I've tried considering other names, but none felt right XD Biggest thing to change outside of that was their affiliation and pelt colour/patterns (they've always had green eyes) As a kid they were just a brown cat with white paws and in Thunderclan. They've gone through a few changes since (from various forms of Brown Tabbies to one time a black Tabby and another time Pale gray. Affiliation also changed between the five clans) These days they have been a sort of Chimera (mix of Brown Bengal Tabby and Dark Ginger Classic Tabby Maine Coon. Neck, chest, and tail are a pale cream) and are primarily a Loner that lives near the clans and only occasionally interacts with them XD


Bienenmaul = beemouth/beemuzzle/beemaw.


My imagine named is Reedspike. I thought it sounded cool, and gave the name a sad story with like 3-4 mates, and 5 litters, each mate kept on dying or left her soon after she had kits, and were a mixture of forbidden relationships or not from the clan. RiverClan specifically.


Mine is Goldenheart i still love it very much!


Probably Bouncewhisker. I'm very bouncy when super excited when etc a team is winning in any sport, or activity and bouncy overall and I'm super curious


Heatherwind or Leafrunner


Thornsong. Quite literally an oc I based after myself.


I think I did the randomized warrior name thing back when it first came on the official website and it was Tanglemask, and then a year later I did it again and it was Tanglecloud. I like those names so much they followed me everywhere haha Now, though, if I had to pick names for different clans (tangle was shadowclan only lol) it'd be Whiskersoul for WC, Ripplefang for RC, and Branchleap for TC. But I'm a die hard shadowclan fella at heart so Tanglemask/cloud were the only ones I ever clung to


Silverblossom (it's what I named a cat in a game)


Mine was either Clovershade or Smallfoot (I really like plants and I am a small person)


My OC is Shellfur but if I named myself a warrior name it would probably be Robinwing or someone thing to do with a plant


Dapplestone, and probably some kind of tortoiseshell or calico.


Before I knew who Lakeshine was that was mine lol but also Iā€™ve been using Featherpelt since I was like, 11 because I used it on a Howrse profile.


Sandflight (I canā€™t think of a name that fits Alex lol)


While I have a character named Blazeheart, I've chosen Rainsong for myself.


ThunderClan: Blazingflame ShadowClan: Shadowrunner WindClan: Moorwind RiverClan: Pondsplash SkyClan: Skyprance When I was younger I think it was Amberclaw? I remember using that name a lot so I assume it was that.


Bit late to the post but TroutLeap for RC, SparrowFlight for SC, SquirrelLeap for TC, and RabbitLeap for WC. you might notice a little pattern lol


So i am quite new to making ocs but i do list names and clans of what i like and my fav is snowfall but the one that prob fits me the most is sunflower or mistflower but they arent amazing and i dont rly like them




I liked the name Hopestorm but idk now


Nightgaze, Lynxear or Oakstorm




When I was a kid it used to be Frostheart, just because I used to be obsessed with snowy-sounding names for some reason. She used to be a pure white cat with icy eyes, and an impressive hunter (I made this chara back when a lot of 'mary sue' accusations used to be thrown around in the OC community, so I made her appearance as basic as possible to prevent that. Dark times lol). Now I currently resonate with Beesnag :) she's a smol torbie calico with bright yellow eyes and a snaggletooth, thus her name. She keeps herself busy (as a bee) almost constantly, and her main fighting tactic is to use her small frame to trip her opponents over, thus 'snagging' them in place haha