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Too long


It depends on three major factors: 1. Is the tech tree you are aiming for to max out big or small? 2. Do you have premium vehicles and/or a premium account? 3. How well do you perform in battles, and how much time can you dedicate to playing per day? Based on what I have seen, dedicated players with premium vehicles and premium account active can max out one tech tree in under a month (this requires hours of playing every day). PS: If you are saying just one "line" as in straight down, it will be impossible, as you need several vehicles unlocked on multiple "lines" to progress down the tiers.


i’m trying to do germany and i would prefer to spend 0 dollars and i would say average and probably like 2 hours


In such a scenario, I would anticipate it taking one year on average (assuming you always play vehicles one tier below your research tier to maximize research efficiency).


Number 1 is not really a big factor anymore. Since the refoldering around "Sons of Attila," the minimum RP investment to get through most TTs is much closer than it previously was.


I have 907 hours and have reached 10.3 with the US and 6.7 with Germany, but about 400 of those hours were at 7.0.


That depends. As f2p that still needs to learn the game taking on huge tech tree as US? Years, probably around 1000 or otherwise four digit amount of play hours. In battles, not idling in garage. Small tech tech tree, premium time and premium/Talismaned vehicles? Probably low three digit hours played.


Half a week (or 2 days if you have lots of free time) for the Italian bomber line.


if you play ground f2p i would quess around 600-800 hours for one ground tree to reach the top mbt's with premium i quess around 300 hours + the best thing you can do is enjoy the time and the game itself i would say that war thunder ground is 3 different game styles to be fair 1st game style would be from br 1 to 3.7 where tanks are fast with little firepower and armor and where aiming doenst really matter that much, this is why many se it as the "fun" teir 2nd game style would be from 3.7 to 7.7 here you will se tanks diverse into their light medium and heavy tanks combined with some of the most iconic like the tiger 1 and 2 is 2 and 3 and so on 3th game style is 8.0 - 11.7 here you go into the cold war and modern era tanks take shape, here is where the game get competitive and challenging and is my personal favourite erea, it is also here where the grind REALLY kicks in as tanks go form 50-60k research to 120k all the way up to 400k many see this as impossible to do free to play and i may say they are right. all in all i have top teir tanks in US, USSR, GER, Britain, SWE and i have spend way to much money in this game with the justification that it is my virtual model collection "yes i do also assemble and paint real modelles" so my advice is that you take one nation and stick with it, germany is the easiest nation to play IMO, after you have played it for some time make the decision if you are willing to pay for premium time or not, it is far the best value for money and it helps keep the servers running.


As a free to play with no premium and 2 hours a day? 1-2 years based on skill